43 research outputs found

    Spices from Lamiaceae as a source of biologically active compounds

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    Herbs and spices are often added to food not only to improve the taste and smell, but also facilitate digestion and improve human health. Many spices contain high levels of polyphenolic compounds and demonstrate high antioxidant capacity. According to a literature review polyphenolic compounds possess antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, and antifungal properties]. Many spices contain high levels of polyphenolic compounds and demonstrate high antioxidant capacity. Phenolic compounds in herbs and spice plants are closely associated with their antioxidant activity ]. Many of the spice-derived compounds which are potent antioxidants may help protect the human body against oxidative stress and inflammatory diseases. Particularly noteworthy is the Lamiaceae family (Lamiaceae Lindl., Labiatae Juss.). Among that species most commonly used as a food additives are basil (Ocimum basilicum), peppermint (Mentha piperita), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), marjoram (Origanum majorana), oregano (Origanum vulgare), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and sage (Salvia officinalis)

    Drug-induced Photosensitivity

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    Ultraviolet radiation is considered the main environmental physical hazard to the skin. It is responsible for photoaging, sunburns, carcinogenesis, and photodermatoses, including drug-induced photosensitivity. Drug-induced photosensitivity is an abnormal skin reaction either to sunlight or to artificial light. Drugs may be a cause of photoallergic, phototoxic, and photoaggravated dermatitis. There are numerous medications that can be implicated in these types of reactions. Recently, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to be a common cause of photosensitivity. As both systemic and topical medications may promote photosensitive reactions, it is important to take into consideration the potential risk of occurrence such reactions, especially in people chronically exposed to ultraviolet radiation. present the current knowledge on the association between use of certain drugs or vitamins and rosacea. </p

    5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Content in Selected Food Products

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    5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a common component of heat treated, drying or stored for a long time food products. It is an intermediate product formed in the Maillard reaction as a result of thermal dehydration of reducing sugars (1-2). HMF is also formed during caramelisation while degradation of carbohydrates at high temperature (3). HMF is responsible for the sensory properties of food, especially for the pleasant flavor. Although it is relatively safe food component, there are reports regarding toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of HMF, and of 5-sulphoxymethylfurfural especially, an allylic sulfuric acid ester metabolite from HMF (4-6). The content of HMF in the various products vary within a wide range and depends on the food group type as well as the type of processing. In present work, the HMF content in different types of breakfast cereals, cookies and muesli as well as in several types of bakery products commercially available in Poland was determined. In addition, the influence of flavor and taste additives (honey, cocoa, dry fruits) as well as the type of cereals (gluten or gluten-free) on the HMF content in the tested products was examined

    Leczenie liszaja twardzinowego w obrębie narządów płciowych u kobiet – przegląd

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    Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that belongs to a group of autoimmune connective tissue diseases, localized within the skin and mucous membrane of the anogenital area. In the latter location, the focal atrophy of the mucosa is the most visible sign. Lesions may be accompanied by symptoms such as itching, pain, burning. The disease occurs more often in females. The etiology is not fully understood. Genetic, infectious, hormonal factors and autoimmune mechanisms are taken into consideration. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment is important to avoid further complications. This review aims to analyze available literature on the treatment of this disease entity.Liszaj twardzinowy jest przewlekłą chorobą zapalną należącą do grupy autoimmunologicznych chorób tkanki łącznej, lokalizującą się w obrębie skóry, oraz błon śluzowych narządów płciowych. W zakresie tej ostatniej lokalizacji, klinicznie obserwuje się najczęściej występowanie ogniskowego zaniku błony śluzowej. Wykwitom mogą towarzyszyć objawy subiektywne jak świąd, ból, pieczenie. Schorzenie zdecydowanie częściej występuje u płci żeńskiej. Etiologia nie jest do końca poznana. Pod uwagę bierze się rolę czynników genetycznych, autoimmunologicznych, infekcyjnych, hormonalnych. Ważne jest wczesne rozpoznanie choroby i włączenie odpowiedniego leczenia, celem uniknięcia powikłań. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę dostępnego piśmiennictwa dotyczącego leczenia tej jednostki chorobowej

    Effect of restoration of euthyroidism on visfatin concentrations and body composition in women

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    Dysregulation of thyroid function has known impact on body metabolism, however, data regarding metabolic outcome after restoration of thyroid function is limited. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of restoration of euthyroidism on serum visfatin, and its associations with insulin resistance and body composition. This is an observational study with consecutive enrollment. Forty-nine hyperthyroid (median age of 34 years) and 44 hypothyroid women (median age of 46 years) completed the study. Laboratory parameters and body composition analysis were assessed before and after the therapy. In the hyperthyroid group, visfatin concentrations increased (P \u3c 0.0001), while glucose concentrations decreased (P \u3c 0.0001). Total body mass and fat mass in the trunk and limbs significantly increased during the treatment. In the hypothyroid group, significant weight loss resulted from decrease of fat and muscle masses in trunk and limbs. Visfatin serum concentrations positively correlated with total fat mass (r = 0.19, P = 0.01) and insulin concentrations (r = 0.17, P = 0.018). In conclusion, restoration of thyroid function is not associated with beneficial changes in body composition, especially among hyperthyroid females

    Home parenteral nutrition a life-saving therapy in a primary intestinal lymphangiectasia patient affecting the entire GI tract - 3 year follow-up case report

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    Introduction and Importance: Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a rare protein-losing gastroenteropathy of unknown etiology, characterized by impaired lymphatic vessels drainage. The pathological changes in PIL result in usually localized or diffuse dilatation of intestinal lacteals, leading to leakage of lymphatic fluid rich of proteins, lymphocytes, and immunoglobulins into the intestinal lumen. PIL may be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic in moderate forms of the disease. In some patients, though, the outcome may be poor or even life-threatening. This case report demonstrates the severity of protein malnutrition, in some cases, and the extent of GI tract affected, requiring to start PN early and the need for its continuation as home parenteral nutrition (HPN). Case presentation: We present a case of 39-year-old male with Factor V Leiden deficiency, who presented initially with symptoms of malnutrition and anasarca. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological findings pathognomonic for PIL from biopsies of the stomach, small intestine and colon. Clinical discussion: The patient was started on low fat, high protein parenteral nutrition from the beginning of the treatment and required a long-term HPN for 3 years, because trials of tapering off and discontinuation of PN led to worsening of the biochemical results and recurrence of symptoms. Patient gradually improved and stabilized with persistent nutritional support. Conclusions: The presented case report shows the magnitude of nutritional support (HPN) needed for severe PIL patients. HPN offers PIL patients with poor outcome and life-threatening complications a chance to improve and lead a normal life

    Photosensitizers based on porphyrin derivatives as a potential photodynamic agent

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) can be defined as the administration of photosensitizer either systemically, locally, or topically to a patient bearing a lesion (frequently but not always cancer), followed after some time by the illumination of the lesion with visible light (usually long wavelength red light). In the presence of molecular oxygen it leads to the generation of cytotoxic species and consequently to cell death and tissue destruction. The singlet oxygen have high reactivity and short half-life. Due to this, PDT directly affects only those biological substrates that are close to the region where these species are generated, usually within a 20 nanometers radius. Therefore, photosensitizers localization is a primary factor in drug release studies to target tissues because it selectivity promotes localized sensitization. In this study, the photosensitive compounds (G0, G1, G2) based on the rings porphyrin were synthesized and characterized (SEM, ATR-IR, NMR, thermal analysis). These molecules were also incorporated into chitosan films. The two step synthesis towards novel macrocycles were elaborated: alkylation reactions and macrocyclization reactions. The photostability of the obtained photosensitizers using high pressure mercury vapour lamp was examined. In the absorption spectra two characteristic bands for the obtained compound are observed: the Soret band located in the range of 300-400 nm and the Q band within 600-800 nm. The amount of produced singlet oxygen at ambient temperature in aerobic conditions was also determined. The lowest value of singlet oxygen quantum yield revealed G0 and the highest revealed G1. The aggregation study was also performed. This phenomenon is well-known especially for phthalocyanines and porphyrin derivatives. The results of the obtained compounds were compared with the results of the commercially available porphyrins. Bibliography: [1] D.P. Ferreiraa, D.S. Conceiçãoa, R.C. Calhelhac, T. Sousaa, Radu Socoteanub, I.C.F.R. Ferreirac, L.F. Vieira Ferreira, Carbohydrate Polymers 2016, 151, 160-171. [2] G.M. Fioramonti Calixto, J. Bernegossi, L. Marise de Freitas, C. R. Fontana, M. Chorilli, Molecules 2016, 21, 342-360. The project was supported by research grant: National Science Centre 2015/19/N/NZ7/0293

    Oznaczanie wybranych metali toksycznych, związków nieorganicznych i organicznych w żywności

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    Skrypt jest przeznaczony dla studentów Politechniki Łódzkiej, Wydziału Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności oraz innych Wydziałów Politechnik i Uniwersytetów, a także Uczelni Rolniczych. Mogą z niego również korzystać pracownicy laboratoriów badawczych oraz przemysłowych.Skrypt jest przeznaczony dla studentów Politechniki Łódzkiej, Wydziału Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności oraz innych Wydziałów Politechnik i Uniwersytetów, a także Uczelni Rolniczych. Ćwiczenia mają za zadanie zapoznanie studentów z podstawowymi metodami wykrywania wybranych związków, metali oraz ich oznaczania w produktach spożywczych. W skrypcie opisany został proces mineralizacji próbek środowiskowych. W części eksperymentalnej ćwiczenia laboratoryjne są poprzedzone materiałem teoretycznym, który ma za zadanie ułatwić studentom zrozumienie wykonywanego oznaczenia oraz pracę w laboratorium. Końcowy rozdział zawiera zaproponowane przez Autorów pytania kontrolne mające na celu utrwalenie materiału zawartego w skrypcie

    Wybrane dermatozy sromu

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    Abstract Numerous cutaneous lesions are located in the region of the female genital organs, occasionally presenting a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The most common cases include: eczema vulvae, lichen simplex chronius, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus or lichen planus. Clinical presentation of these lesions is not always characteristic for certain dermatoses. Thus, it is important to conduct proper tests, including histopathological or contact allergy examination. Only thorough diagnostics allows to implement correct therapy. This paper shows a detailed description of dermal lesions located in the region of the female genital organs of the allergic and lichenoid origin, together with the literature review on diagnosis and treatment.W okolicach narządów płciowych u kobiet możne wystąpić wiele zmian skórnych, niekiedy trudnych do zdiagnozowania w szczególności stanowiących wyzwanie terapeutyczne. Wśród tych najczęściej obserwowanych znajduje się wyprysk sromu, liszaj prosty przewlekły, liszaj twardzinowy i zanikowy czy liszaj płaski. Obraz kliniczny tych dermatoz nie zawsze jednoznacznie wskazuje na daną dermatozę, dlatego tak ważne jest wykonanie diagnostyki w tym badania histopatologicznego czy testów w odniesieniu do alergii kontaktowej. Dopiero po wnikliwiej ocenie możemy podjąć próbę terapii. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiamy szczegółowy opis dermatoz alergicznych i z grupy liszaja okolic narządów płciowych u kobiet oraz przegląd literatury w odniesieniu do możliwości diagnostyki i leczenia