83 research outputs found
Einfluss der individuellen subjektiven Therapieerwartung auf Angst und DepressivitÀt im Verlauf einer allogenen Stammzelltransplanation
Stammzelltransplantationen gelten heute als wirksame und oft einzig kurative Therapieoption bei hĂ€matoonkologischen Erkrankungen. Durch das hohe Nebenwirkungsspektrum und die âaggressiveâ und langwierige Therapie stellt die Stammzelltransplantation fĂŒr den einzelnen Patienten jedoch ein risikoreiches und vor allem körperlich und psychisch belastendes Verfahren dar.
Ziel der ID Step Studie war einerseits die Messung der psychoonkologischen Belastung fĂŒr den Patienten im Verlauf einer Stammzelltransplantation sowie andererseits die Erfassung des Einflusses der subjektiven Therapieerwartung auf Angst und DepressivitĂ€t im Verlauf einer allogenen Stammzelltransplantation
Die statistische Analyse zeigte, dass Angst und DepressivitĂ€t auf einem erhöhten Niveau erlebt wurden. Die Analyse zeigte fĂŒr bis zu 29 % der Patienten klinisch relevante Angst- (Cut off > 8) und bei ĂŒber 40% der Patienten klinisch relevante DepressivitĂ€tswerte (HADS).
Bei der Berechnung des Einflusses der subjektiven Therapiewartungen auf Angst und DepressivitĂ€t konnte ein Zusammenhang zwischen im Vorfeld geĂ€uĂerter ânegativerâ Erwartungen der Patienten (Ausbleiben eines Therapieerfolges; dem Erwarten von Nebenwirkungen, sowie einer eingeschrĂ€nkten aktuellen oder frĂŒheren psychischen Belastbarkeit) und dem Auftreten von erhöhten Angst- und DepressivitĂ€tswerten gefunden werden
Can accurate distance-specific emissions of nitrogen oxide emissions from cars be determined using remote sensing without measuring exhaust flowrate?
Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS) are commonly used to measure absolute (mass per unit distance) emissions of a range of pollutants from road vehicles under real driving conditions. Because measuring large numbers of vehicles with PEMS is impractical, this paper investigates how vehicle emission remote sensing device (RSD) can supplement the use of PEMS. We simulate whether remote sensing measurements can accurately predict a vehicle's real-world distance-specific nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions using RSD without measuring its exhaust flow rate. The approach uses readily available type-approval carbon dioxide (CO2) emission data together with average real-world divergences from studies based on user-reported fuel economy data. We find that at least 30 RS measurements from a given vehicle's journey are needed to reach a mean absolute error of 30% compared to a large reference data set of individual PEMS measurements. With that condition met, it is concluded that estimates agree well with actual NOX emissions from cars and the applied method does not introduce a systematic bias. It is also found that the accuracy of estimates for distance-specific NOX emissions does not significantly improve when more than 300 remote-sensing samples are available, with a mean absolute error converging to 23%. We conclude that this method could be used to screen large car fleets and identify vehicles or group of vehicles that are likely grossly exceeding air pollution standards
Intravenous ibandronate reduces the incidence of skeletal complications in patients with breast cancer and bone metastases
Background: This phase III study compared the efficacy of the new potent bisphosphonate, ibandronate, with placebo as intravenous (i.v.) therapy in metastatic bone disease due to breast cancer. Patients and methods: A total of 466 patients were randomised to receive placebo (n = 158), or 2 mg (n = 154) or 6 mg (n = 154) ibandronate every 3-4 weeks for up to 2 years. The primary efficacy parameter was the number of 12-week periods with new bone complications, expressed as the skeletal morbidity period rate (SMPR). Bone pain, analgesic use and safety were evaluated monthly. Results SMPR was lower in both ibandronate groups compared with the placebo group; the difference was statistically significant for the ibandronate 6 mg group (P = 0.004 versus placebo). Consistent with the SMPR, ibandronate 6 mg significantly reduced the number of new bone events (by 38%) and increased time to first new bone event. Patients on ibandronate 6 mg also experienced decreased bone pain scores and analgesic use. Treatment with ibandronate was well tolerated. Conclusions: These results indicate that 6 mg i.v. ibandronate is effective and safe in the treatment of bone metastases from breast cance
Single-agent gemcitabine versus cisplatin-etoposide: Early results of a randomised phase II study in locally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer
Background This randomised study was designed to determine the response rate, survival and toxicity of single-agent gemcitabine and cisplatin-etoposide in chemo-naĂŻve patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. Patients and methods Gemcitabine 1,000 mg/m2 was given as a 30 min intravenous infusion on days 1, 8, 15 of a 28-day cycle, cisplatin 100 mg/m2 on day 1, and etoposide 100 mg/m2 on days 1 (following cisplatin), 2 and 3. Major eligibility criteria included histologically confirmed non-small-cell lung cancer, measurable disease, Zubrod PS 0-2; no prior chemotherapy, no prior radiation of the measured lesion, and no CNS metastases. Results 146 patients were enrolled, 71 patients on gemcitabine and 75 patients on cisplatin-etoposide. Patient characteristics were well matched across both arms. Sixty-six gemcitabine patients and 72 cisplatin-etoposide patients were evaluable. Partial responses were seen in 12 gemcitabine patients (18.2%; 95% CI: 9.8-30) and 11 cisplatin-etoposide patients (15.3%; 95% CI: 7.9-25.7). Early indications show no statistical differences between the two treatments with respect to time to disease progression or survival. Haematological and laboratory toxicity were moderate and manageable. However, hospitalisation because of neutropenic fever was required for 6 (8%) cisplatin-etoposide patients but not for any gemcitabine patients. Non-haematological toxicity was more pronounced with significant differences in nausea and vomiting (grade 3 and 4: 11% gemcitabine vs. 29% cisplatin-etoposide; despite the allowance for 5-HT3 antiemetics during the first cycle of cisplatin-etoposide), and alopecia (grade 3 and 4: 3% gemcitabine vs. 62% cisplatin-etoposide). Conclusions In this randomised study, single-agent gemcitabine was at least as active but better tolerated than the combination cisplatin-etoposid
Platinbasierte Chemotherapie versus Cetuximab simultan zur Re-Bestrahlung bei rezidivierten Plattenepithelkarzinomen im Kopf-Hals-Bereich : eine retrospektive Analyse
Purpose. Locoregional recurrence remains the main pattern of failure after primary combined modality treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). We compared the efficacy and toxicity of either cisplatin or cetuximab in combination with re-irradiation (ReRT) for recurrent irresectable SCCHN. Various clinicopathological factors were investigated to establish a prognostic score.
Patients and methods. Between 2007-2014, 66 patients with recurrent SCCHN, originating in a previously irradiated area, received concomitant cetuximab (n=33) or cisplatin-based chemotherapy (n=33) and ReRT. Toxicity was evaluated weekly and at every follow-up visit. Physical examination, endoscopy, CT- or MRI-scans were used to evaluate response and disease control.
Results. With a mean follow-up of 18.3 months, the 1-year-overall survival (OS) for Re-RT with cetuximab and cisplatin-based chemotherapy was 44.4% and 45.5% (p=0.352), respectively. Local control rates were 46.4% and 54.2% (p=0.625), freedom from metastases rates 73.6% and 81% (p=0.842) at one year, respectively. Haematological toxicity â„ grade 3 occurred more often in the cisplatin-group (p< 0.001), pain â„ grade 3 was increased in the cetuximab-group (p=0.034). A physiological haemoglobin level and a longer interval between primary RT and ReRT, proved to be significant prognostic factors for OS (multivariate: p=0.003, p=0.002 respectively). The site of the recurrence and the gross target volume did not show a significant impact on OS in multivariate analysis (p=0.160 and p=0.167). A prognostic-score based on these four variables identified significantly different subgroups: 1-year-OS for 0/1/2/3/4 prognostic points: 10%, 38%, 76%, 80% and 100% (p<0.001).
Conclusion. Both cetuximab- and cisplatin-based ReRT of SCCHN-recurrences are feasible and effective treatment options with comparable results concerning tumor control and survival. Acute adverse events may differ slightly. Our prognostic score could help to identify appropriate patients for ReRT and stratify patients within future clinical trials.Ziel. LokoregionĂ€re Rezidive sind der Hauptgrund fĂŒr ein Therapieversagen nach primĂ€rer multimodaler Behandlung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Kopf-Hals-Region (SCCHN). Wir verglichen die EffektivitĂ€t und ToxizitĂ€t von Cisplatin oder Cetuximab simultan zur Re-Bestrahlung (ReRT) bei inoperablen SCCHN-Rezidiven. Ein prognostischer Score sollte auf Grundlage verschiedener klinischer und pathologischer Faktoren etabliert werden.
Patienten und Methoden. 66 Patienten mit in vorbestrahlten Regionen rezidivierten SCCHN wurden von 2007 bis 2014 simultan mit Cetuximab (n=33) oder cisplatin-basierter Chemotherapie (n=33) re-bestrahlt. Die ToxizitÀt wurde wöchentlich sowie bei jedem Nachsorgetermin erfasst. Klinische Untersuchung, Endoskopie, CT- oder MRT-Untersuchungen wurden zur Beurteilung des Therapieansprechens und der Krankheitskontrolle eingesetzt.
Ergebnisse. Nach einer mittleren Nachbeobachtungszeit von 18,3 Monaten betrug das 1-Jahres-Ăberleben (OS) fĂŒr ReRT mit Cetuximab 44,4% und mit cisplatin-basierter Chemotherapie 45,5% (p=0.352). Die lokalen Kontollraten nach einem Jahr waren jeweils 46,4% und 54,2% (p=0.625); die Raten an Metastasenfreiheit 73,6% und 81% (p=0.842). HĂ€matologische ToxizitĂ€t â„ Grad 3 kam in der Cisplatin-Gruppe hĂ€ufiger vor (p<0.001), dagegen trat Schmerz â„ Grad 3 in der Cetuximab-Gruppe hĂ€ufiger auf (p=0.034). Ein physiologischer Hb-Wert und ein lĂ€ngeres Intervall zwischen primĂ€rer RT und ReRT erwiesen sich als signifikante prognostische Faktoren fĂŒr das OS (multivariat: p=0.003 und p=0.002). Die Rezidivlokalisation sowie das GTV zeigten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf das OS in der multivariaten Analyse (p=0.160 und p=0.167). Ein auf Grundlage dieser Variablen konstruierter Prognose-Score (0 bis 4 Punkte) zeigte signifikante Ăberlebensunterschiede: 1-Jahres-OS fĂŒr 0/1/2/3/4 Prognosepunkte: 10%, 38%, 76%, 80% und 100% (p<0.001).
Schlussfolgerung. Sowohl Cetuximab- als auch Cisplatin-basierte ReRT fĂŒr SCCHN-Rezidive sind gut durchfĂŒhrbare und effektive Behandlungsoptionen mit vergleichbaren Ergebnissen bezĂŒglich Tumorkontrolle und Ăberleben. Die akuten Nebenwirkungen könnten gering variieren. Unser Prognose-Score könnte zur Identifizierung der fĂŒr ReRT geeigneten Patienten sowie zur Stratifizierung in kĂŒnftigen klinischen Studien dienen
Getting Green to Work in the Northwest Industrial District
Forest Park and its surrounding watershed experience measurable environmental problems such as urban heat island impacts, increased storm water runoff containing pollutants, fragmentations of habitat connectivity due to their proximities to high-impact land uses, poor air quality, absence of public space, and lack of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Getting Green to Work in the Northwest Industrial District identifies strategies to address environmental issues that affect local human and environmental health in the Northwest Indusrial District, Forest Park and the Willamette River, while benefiting local businesses workers and firms. Getting Green to Work explores voluntary approaches to address local environmental problems with green infrastructure and other place-based remedies. Through engagement with industrial stakeholders and technical advisors we determined where the greatest environmental benefit could be achievable and what opportunities and obstacles exist to implementation. Building on this information, final recommendations outline priorities and strategies for Forest Park Conservancy, City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and their advocates to expand green infrastructure on private and public lands in the Northwest Industrial District.
This project was conducted under the supervision of Sy Adler, Marisa Zapat
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