24 research outputs found

    Influência da rega subsuperficial e gota-a-gota na utilização da água , qualidade e produção em pereira (Pyrus communis L.) Rocha. Estudo preliminar

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaWith the aim of comparing the physiologic response, the quality of the fruits and water productivity of a pear orchard irrigated by two different irrigation systems, a field trial was conducted on a 4 year old „Rocha‟ / Sydo pear orchard, irrigated by surface drip and subsurface drip irrigation, during the year 2009/2010. There are no differences in the flower bloom and fruit setting, sugar content and acidity of the fruits between the two irrigation systems, but the surface drip irrigation produced a larger percentage of fruits > 70 mm than subsurface drip irrigation. The subsurface system had lower soil water evaporation (124.8 mm and 148.4 mm for the subsurface system and surface drip, respectively) and increased water productivity (3.82 Kg.m3 for subsurface and 3.09 Kg.m3 for surface drip). For the same amount of water supplied, the subsurface irrigation had a 23.3% higher yield than surface drip, resulting also in a higher dry matter production by water used by the trees. The average cultural coefficient (Kc) of the orchard in the period 8 April to 31 August was 0.96

    Determinação rápida de parâmetros analíticos através da Espetrometria de Infravermelho Próximo por Transformada de Fourier (FT-NIR)

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação rápida de parâmetros físico-químicos dos óleos vegetais e azeite. A técnica abordada foi a espetroscopia de infravermelho próximo (NIR), para a obtenção de espetros na gama dos 4000-12500 cm1, onde se detetam as transições de vibrações moleculares. Em primeiro lugar foram testados os modelos referentes aos óleos de soja crú, girassol crú e girassol refinado para a obtenção dos resultados estatísticos (RMSEP, R2 e RPD). Conforme o resultado, concluiu-se que o modelo do ácido gordo C18:3 do girassol crú apresentava problemas em relação á sua capacidade preditiva. Será importante a contínua otimização dos modelos em termos de gama e precisão. Posteriormente realizou-se a validação do método interno, FT-NIR, avaliando a sua exatidão por comparação com os métodos de referência. Aplicou-se o teste estatístico, teste t das diferenças (amostras emparelhadas), avaliando a proximidade dos resultados entre os dois métodos. Foram validados os parâmetros dos óleos e azeite virgem extra, acidez, índice de peróxidos, absorvâncias no UV, ácidos gordos e esteróis, de acordo com o critério de aceitação do teste texp ≤ ttab. Procedeu-se também ao estudo da precisão do método através da repetibilidade calculando o limite de repetibilidade (r) e o coeficiente de variação (CVr). Tal como previsto o método apresentou um valor de r ≤ 5%. Por último, iniciou-se o estudo de misturas dos óleos de soja e girassol e do azeite virgem extra para testar a sensibilidade do equipamento FT-NIR. Foram estabelecidos critérios que irão permitir uma mais rápida tomada de decisão na análise de amostras de controlo.This work aimed to develop and validate a protocol to analyse faster the physicochemical parameters of vegetable oils and olive oil. The FT-NIR technology were used to obtain a 4000-12500 cm1 spectra range, allowing the detection of the molecular vibrations and transitions. First, we tested reference models for crude soy oil and crude and refined sunflower oil to obtain the statistic results (RMSEP, R2 e RPD). We concluded that the C18:3 fatty acid model of crude sunflower oil showed problems regarding their predictive ability. It will be important to keep optimizing the gamma and precision of the models. Afterward, the validation of internal method was performed, FT-NIR, assessing their accuracy through the comparison with the reference methods. The difference t test was applied (paired samples), allowing the proximity of the results between both methods. The oils and extra virgin olive oil parameters were validated, such as acidity, peroxide index, UV absorbance and fatty acid and sterols, according with texp ≤ ttab acceptance test. The method precision was also performed evaluating the repeatability limit (r) and variance coefficient (CVr). As expected, the method showed r ≤ 5% as a result. Lastly, we started to study the mixture between soy oil, sunflower oil and extra virgin olive oil, to test the FT-NIR sensitivity. Criteria have been stablished to allow a faster and more efficient decision-making in the analysis of control samples

    Turismo desportivo na cidade de Elvas

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    Nos dias de hoje o Turismo Desportivo surge-nos como o diálogo entre dois sectores de importância acrescida na sociedade: o Desporto e o Turismo. Quando estas duas áreas se cruzam cria-se um novo segmento: o Turismo Desportivo - e é com ele que quer o desporto quer o turismo conseguem alargar a sua esfera de acção. Nesta dissertação procurou-se dar a conhecer a realidade turístico-desportiva na cidade de Elvas. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo sobre o conceito de Turismo Desportivo e realizadas entrevistas para posteriormente ser possível fomentar propostas para a dinamização da cidade através do Turismo Desportivo. Tendo a cidade de Elvas um potencial muito elevado mas com gravíssimas lacunas no que concerne à sua dinamização e projecção defende-se que, o turismo desportivo permite uma melhor organização da oferta turística pela resposta a diversas motivações podendo transformar-se num produto turístico consistente e duradouro; ABSTRACT: Today the Sports Tourism emerges as a dialogue between two areas of growing importance in society: Sport and Tourism. When these two areas intersect themselves, they create a new segment: the Sports Tourism – and it is with it that either sport or tourism can extend its sphere of action. In this dissertation it has been required to make known the reality of the Sports Tourism in Elvas. So it has been made a study about the concept of Sports Tourism and done some interviews in order to be possible to encourage some proposals to revitalize the city through the Sports Tourism. Elvas has a very high potential but with serious gaps concerning to its revitalization and projection and it is said that sports tourism allows a better organization of the tourism offer by the response to different motivations becoming in a tourist product consistent and lasting

    Practical guidelines for peer support programmes for mental health problems

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    Introduction: This study aims to determine the guiding principles for the implementation of peer support programmes in Portugal. Materials and methods: The study was divided in two phases. In the first phase a systematic review of 112 papers indexed in ISI and EBSCO databases (2001---2012) was conducted. In the second phase clinicians, researchers, and people with psychiatric disabilities were invited to take part in a two-round online survey based on the Delphi process to rate the importance of statements generated from the systematic review. Data were analysed with NVIVO 9 and SPSS 19. Results: During the Delphi round 72 experts were contacted, 44 participated in the second round. A consensus was achieved on major statements, with 84% of the sentences obtaining a consensus and eight key recommendations covering goals of peer support, selection of peer supporters, training and accreditation, role of mental health professionals, role of peer sup-porters, access to peer supporters, looking after peer supporters, and programme evaluation were based on these statements. Conclusions: Use of peer support for mental heath problems is still underexplored and sur-rounded by some controversy and ambiguity. However, its organisation and proper monitoring appears to enhance the quality of life and social inclusion of people with mental illness. This highlights the importance of conducting studies that increase our knowledge of these pro-grammes and determining guidelines for their implementation. This national consensus may be used as a starting point for the design and implementation of peer support programmes in mental health organisations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suporte interpares na doença mental

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    Background Peer support is a mutual aid system based on the belief that someone who faced/overcome adversity can provide support, encouragement and guidance to those who experience similar situations. Objective To conduct a systematic review that describes this concept and characterizes peer supporters, its practice and efficacy. Method Research on ISI Web of Science, EBSCO Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection and Medline databases (from 2001 to December 2013) was conducted using as keywords “mental illness”, “mental health”, “psychiatric disability”, “mental health services”, combined with “peer support”, “mutual support”, “self-help groups”, “consumers as providers”, “peer-run services”, “peer-run programs” and “social support”. Results We found 1,566 articles and the application of both the exclusion (studies with children, teenagers and elderly people; disease in comorbidity; peer support associated to physical illnesses or family members/caregivers) and the inclusion criteria (full text scientific papers, peer support or similar groups directed for schizophrenia, depression, bipolar or psychotic disorders) lead to 165 documents, where 22 were excluded due to repetition and 31 to incomplete text. We analyzed 112 documents, identifying as main peer support categories: characterization, peer supporter, practices and efficacy. Discussion Despite an increasing interest about this topic, there is no consensus, suggesting realizing more studies.Contexto O suporte interpares é um sistema de ajuda mútua baseado na crença de que alguém que enfrentou/superou adversidades pode oferecer apoio, encorajamento e orientação a outros que enfrentam situações similares. Objetivo Realizar uma revisão sistemática que caracterize o suporte interpares como prática, analise a sua eficácia e caracterize os pares prestadores de suporte interpares. Método Pesquisa nas bases de dados ISI Web of Science, EBSCO Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection e Medline (2001 a dezembro de 2013), utilizando as palavras-chave “mental illness”, “mental health”, “psychiatric disability”, “mental health services”, combinadas com “peer support”, “mutual support”, “self-help groups”, “consumers as providers”, “peer-run services”, “peer-run programs” e “social support”. Resultados Encontraram-se 1.566 artigos e foram aplicados os critérios de exclusão (artigos com crianças, adolescentes e idosos; doença mental em comorbidade; suporte interpares em doenças físicas ou familiares/cuidadores) e de inclusão (revistas científicas com texto integral disponível; suporte interpares ou grupos similares dirigidos a esquizofrenia, depressão, transtorno bipolar e outras perturbações psicóticas), resultando em 165 documentos. Excluíram-se 22 por repetição e 31 por texto incompleto, resultando em 112, os quais se identificaram como principais categorias do suporte interpares: caracterização, prestador de suporte, práticas e eficácia. Conclusão Existe interesse crescente pelo tema, embora alguns domínios não sejam consensuais, sugerindo necessidade de mais estudos

    ‘Temporary Plasticiser’: A Novel Solution to Fabricate 3D Printed Patient-Centred Cardiovascular ‘Polypill’ Architectures

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    Hypertension and dyslipidaemia are modifiable risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and often require a complex therapeutic regimen. The administration of several medicines is commonly associated with poor levels of adherence among patients, to which World Health Organisation (WHO) proposed a fixed-dose combination unit (polypill) as a strategy to improve adherence. In this work, we demonstrate the fabrication of patient-specific polypills for the treatment of CVDs by fused deposition modelling (FDM) 3D printing and introduce a novel solution to meet critical quality attributes. The construction of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)-based polypills containing four model drugs (lisinopril dihydrate, indapamide, rosuvastatin calcium and amlodipine besylate) was revealed for the first time. The impact of tablet architecture was explored using multi-layered and unimatrix structures. The novel approach of using distilled water as a ‘temporary co-plasticiser’ is reported and was found to significantly lower the extruding (90°C) and 3D printing (150°C) temperatures from 170°C and 210°C respectively, with consequent reduction in thermal stress to the chemicals. XRD indicated that lisinopril dihydrate and amlodipine besylate maintained their crystalline form while indapamide and rosuvastatin calcium were essentially amorphous in the PVA tablets. From the multilayer polypills, the release profile of each drug was dependent on its position in the multilayer. In addition to the multilayer architecture offering a higher flexibility in dose titration and a more adaptive solution to meet the expectations of patient-centred therapy, we identify that it also allows orchestrating the release of drugs of different physicochemical characteristics. Adopting such an approach opens up a pathway towards low-cost multidrug delivery systems such as tablets, stents or implants for wider range of globally approved actives

    Temperature and Solvent Facilitated Extrusion Based 3D Printing for Pharmaceuticals.

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    On demand manufacturing of patient-specific oral doses provides significant advantages to patients and healthcare staff. Several 3D printing (3DP) technologies have been proposed as a potential digital alternative to conventional manufacturing of oral tablets. For additive manufacturing approach to be successful for on-demand preparation, a facile process with minimal preparation steps and training requirements is needed. A novel hybrid approach to the 3D printing process is demonstrated here based on combined both a solvent and heating to facilitate extrusion. The system employed a moderate elevated temperature range (65-100 C), a brief drying period, and a simple set-up. In this approach, a compact material cylinder is used as a pharmaceutical ink to be extruded in a temperature-controlled metal syringe. The process proved compatible with hygroscopic polymers [Poly(vinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)] and a number of pharmaceutical fillers (lactose, sorbitol and D-mannitol). The fabricated tablets demonstrated compendial acceptable weight and content uniformity as well as mechanical resistance. In vitro drug release of theophylline from 3D printed tablets was dependant on the nature of the polymer and its molecular weight. This reported approach offers significant advantages compared to other 3DP technologies: simplification of pre-product, the use of a moderate temperature range, a minimal drying period, and avoiding the use of mechanically complicated machinery. In the future, we envisage the use of this low-cost and facile approach to fabricate small batches of bespoke tablets. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    Conhecimento e promoção do aleitamento materno pelos alunos de Enfermagem

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    Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em EnfermagemA amamentação é uma condição inerente ao ser humano como um ser que pertence à classe dos mamíferos, pelo que têm estado sempre presente ao longo da sua evolução. Acompanhando esta evolução, a amamentação, ao longo dos tempos e culturas, tem assumido importância diferente. Neste trabalho, pretende-se obter o conhecimento que os alunos de Enfermagem da Universidade Fernando Pessoa têm acerca do Aleitamento Materno e a importância que estes atribuem à sua promoção. No surgimento de uma problemática, é necessário traçar objectivos que nos orientem na investigação e que nos levam a obter respostas sobre esta mesma problemática. Assim os objectivos deste são: Determinar o conhecimento dos alunos de Enfermagem sobre as vantagens e propriedades do Aleitamento Materno; Determinar a importância atribuída pelos alunos ao Aleitamento Materno e a sua promoção; O tipo de investigação para este estudo foi o método quantitativo, descritivo simples e o instrumento de colheita de dados utilizado foi o questionário aplicado a uma amostra de alunos a frequentar o 2º ano de licenciatura em Enfermagem. Foi escolhida esta população devido a estes ainda não terem frequentado o ensino clínico de Enfermagem Materna e Enfermagem de Intervenção Familiar e Comunitária, e assim damos resposta aos objectivos, tendo em conta que os resultados não serão influenciados pelas experiências destes ensinos clínicos

    Espaço multissensorial infantil: um projeto em cocriação

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    A envolvente do marketing infantil é extremamente complexa e a comunicação com crianças muito restritiva. Conhecer como as crianças escolhem as suas marcas e produtos, de forma saudável, com base em experiências positivas, é fundamental para a sustentabilidade das marcas e canais de distribuição. Este projeto tem como objetivo criar um espaço multissensorial para crianças numa superfície comercial, onde possam escolher conscientemente os seus produtos, com base em informação e experiências adequadas à sua idade. Para desenvolver o projeto foi utilizado o modelo de cocriação de Payne, Storbacka e Frow (2008). Os dados foram recolhidos junto de especialistas, pais e crianças, através de entrevistas e reuniões de grupo. Após a análise de conteúdo, foi possível materializar o projeto e propor uma maquete do espaço e verificar a sua viabilidade.Kids & teens marketing context is extremely complex and communication with this target very restrictive. Understand how children choose their brands and products, on a healthy way and based in positive experiences, is key for brands and distribution channels sustainability. This project aims to create a multi-sensory space for children, in a shopping center, where they may choose consciously their brands and products, based on information and experiences appropriate to their age. To develop the project was applied Payne, Storbacka and Frow (2008) co-creation model. Data was collected from experts, parents and children, through interviews and focus group. By applying a content analysis was possible to materialize the project, propose a multi sensorial space and verify its viability