345 research outputs found

    Comunicación política electoral en la era digital. La campaña electoral de 2015 en la ciudad de México

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    Electoral political communication in the digital age. The 2015 electoral campaign in Mexico City. With the arrival of the era of information society, there is an academic debate on the impact of ICTs in politics. This work explores a discussion of the conceptual and analytical framework for digital political communication in democracy, which is a starting point and then analyzes the use and presence of different political parties and coalitions on digital social networks during the campaign of 2015 in Mexico City and compares the electoral results of the main political groups, to reach conclusions on the results obtained in the framework of the theoretical discussion. Basic elements for the analysis of the digital context in election campaigns and the role of Information Technology and Communication, Internet, specifically digital media and online social networks are provided

    La construcción de la agenda política en la UNAM

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    Bayesian feedback control of a two-atom spin-state in an atom-cavity system

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    We experimentally demonstrate real-time feedback control of the joint spin-state of two neutral Caesium atoms inside a high finesse optical cavity. The quantum states are discriminated by their different cavity transmission levels. A Bayesian update formalism is used to estimate state occupation probabilities as well as transition rates. We stabilize the balanced two-atom mixed state, which is deterministically inaccessible, via feedback control and find very good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations. On average, the feedback loops achieves near optimal conditions by steering the system to the target state marginally exceeding the time to retrieve information about its state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Public transport investment and local regeneration: A comparison of London’s Jubilee Line Extension and the Madrid Metrosur

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    Despite a long-standing tradition within transport studies research, capturing and assessing the long-term impacts of major transport investment projects is still problematic. This is partly due to the relative paucity of empirical data, as well as the considerable research effort involved in undertaking appropriate data collection for detailed longitudinal evaluations. Past studies suggest that economic impacts can vary significantly depending on the type of interventions, the locations and geographical areas served, pre-existing market conditions and other policy and planning factors. However, another issue for evaluation is the extent to which the different studies that are available are comparable in terms of their methodologies, which makes the synthesis of research findings across different case studies extremely difficult. Whilst we are not able to overcome all of these methodological issues in the context of this paper, our main objective is to construct a typology of the ‘success’ factors for securing economic uplift from such projects. The main aim of our research and this paper is to make key gaps in the evidence-base concerning the economic and development impacts of major transport infrastructure impact investments more transparent. This will allow policymakers and other investors to be better informed about the likely success of these investments for the regeneration of local areas under different pre-existing conditions. It also helps to identify where there are current gaps in the knowledge base and or where a lack of adequate data prevents the potential to identify economic uplifts and regeneration outcomes. An important finding of the research is that in the case of the Jubilee Line Extension and the Madrid Metrosur positive economic benefits occurred most frequently around the stations where there were already enforceable land use plans and complementary policies in place to increase urban densities and encourage mixed land uses, alongside restricted car and good walking access to stations

    Precipitation Process in Fe-Ni-Al-based Alloys

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    This chapter covers first the precipitation and coarsening processes in Fe-Ni-Al alloys aged artificially at high temperatures, as well as their effect on the mechanical properties. These results show the precipitation evolution, morphology of precipitates, coarsening kinetics and mechanical properties such as hardness. Additionally, the effect of alloying elements such as copper and chromium is also studied on the precipitation and coarsening processes. The main results of this section are concerning on the coarsening kinetics and its effect on hardness. Besides, the diffusion couple method is employed to study the precipitation and coarsening process in different Fe-Ni-Al alloy compositions, as well as its effect on the hardness. All the above aspects of precipitation and coarsening are also supported with Thermo-Calc calculations


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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)are part of the petroleum contaminantsencountered in the environment. It has beenshown that soils supporting vegetation areeffective in removing and mineralizingthese contaminants; because plant rootshave phytoremediation-related proteinslike enzymatic systems linked to the plantcell wall that contribute to the remediationof contaminated sites. Through their directaction or by union they sequester, transformand transport organic contaminants.The aim of this work was to analyze changes in the expression of the soluble and theionically-bound cell wall root proteins andthe activity of certain enzymes consideredas biochemical markers in plants of Cyperushermaphroditus exposed to phenanthrene, atricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. The effectof phenanthrene on the activity of the rootenzymes guaiacol peroxidases, ascorbateperoxidases, laccases and acid phosphatasesshowed significant differences between theenzymes of the soluble protein fraction andthe contaminant concentration. However,the enzymes of the ionically-bound cellwall fraction showed significant differencesonly among themselves, not with respectto the concentration of contaminant. Theresults showed that the amount of activityof constitutive enzymes and the induction orrepression of protein expression in plants ofC. hermaphroditus exposed to phenanthrene can be important mechanisms of plant reactions to contaminant toxicity or in partiallytransforming them to less toxic productsthat can be easily absorbed by the roots andsequestered in the plants.Los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos(HAP) forman parte de los contaminantesderivados del petróleo que se encuentran enel ambiente y en particular se ha encontrado que los suelos con cubierta vegetal sonconsiderados altamente efectivos para laremoción y mineralización de éstos, ya quelas raíces de las plantas presentan proteínasrelacionadas con la fitorremediación, comoson algunos sistemas enzimáticos asociadosa la pared celular que contribuyen a la remediación de sitios contaminados a travésde la acción directa o por unión, secuestro,transformación y transporte de los contaminantes orgánicos.El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar loscambios en la expresión de proteínas radicales solubles y unidas a la pared celular y laactividad de algunas enzimas consideradascomo marcadores bioquímicos de plantasde Cyperus hermaphroditus expuestas a fenantreno: un HAP tricíclico, con la finalidad de analizar fisiológicamente estossistemas radicales y constituir herramientasútiles para la transformación de contaminantes orgánicos. El efecto del fenantrenoen la actividad de guaiacol peroxidasas,ascorbato peroxidasas, lacasas y fosfatasasácidas radicales de C. hermaphroditus,mostró diferencias significativas entre lasenzimas solubles extraídas y la concentración del contaminante; mientras quelas enzimas unidas iónicamente a la paredcelular, solamente mostraron diferenciassignificativas entre ellas y no con respectoa la concentración del contaminante. Losresultados demostraron que la magnitud dela actividad de las enzimas constitutivas yde la expresión de proteínas en su induccióno represión bajo la presencia de fenantrenoen las plantas de Cyperus hermaphrodituspueden ser componentes importantes delas reacciones de plantas a la toxicidadde los contaminantes, o bien participar en latransformación parcial de éstos a productos menos tóxicos que puedan ser fácilmenteabsorbidos por las raíces y además ser confinados en el interior de la planta

    Comunicación política electoral en la era digital. La campaña electoral de 2015 en la ciudad de México

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    Electoral political communication in the digital age. The 2015 electoral campaign in Mexico City. With the arrival of the era of information society, there is an academic debate on the impact of ICTs in politics. This work explores a discussion of the conceptual and analytical framework for digital political communication in democracy, which is a starting point and then analyzes the use and presence of different political parties and coalitions on digital social networks during the campaign of 2015 in Mexico City and compares the electoral results of the main political groups, to reach conclusions on the results obtained in the framework of the theoretical discussion. Basic elements for the analysis of the digital context in election campaigns and the role of Information Technology and Communication, Internet, specifically digital media and online social networks are provided


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    Twenty-two extracts from nine Mexicanmedicinal plants of eight different familiesused for people neighbor to Huautla SierraBiosphere Reserve (REBIOSH) in differentinfectious diseases were assayed in vitro todetermine their antibacterial activity againstStaphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis; Escherichia coli; Proteus mirabilis;Salmonella typhi and the yeast Candidaalbicans. Most plants showed antibacterialactivity, while two plants showed activityagainst range 0.25 a 4 mg/mL almost onemicroorganism used. The extracts showedminimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)against S. aureus and S. faecalis, representsmicroorganisms Gram-positive were hexanic and acetonic extracts of Bursera copallifera and hexanic extract of B. grandifolia.The ethanol extract of Lippia graveolensshowed a MIC value of 1 mg/mL againstyeast Candida albicans.Se determinó la actividad antimicrobianade veintidós extractos orgánicos de nueveespecies vegetales medicinales de ochodiferentes familias, que son comúnmenteempleadas por los habitantes de las comunidades vecinas a la reserva de la biosferaSierra de Huautla (REBIOSH), Morelos,para tratar diferentes padecimientos infecciosos. Los microorganismos empleadosfueron: Staphylococcus aureus; Streptococcus faecalis; Escherichia coli; Proteusmirabilis; Salmonella typhi y la levaduraCandida albicans. La mayoría de los extractos de las plantas probadas inhibieronel crecimiento microbiano en un rango de0.25 a 4 mg/mL de al menos uno de losmicroorganismos utilizados. Los extractosque mostraron las menores concentracionesmínimas inhibitorias (CMI) frente a losmicroorganismos S. aureus y S. faecalis,representativos de Gram-positivos fueron el extracto hexánico y acetónico de Burseracopallifera y el hexánico de B. grandifolia.El extracto etanólico de Lippia graveolenslogró inhibir a C. albicans con una CMIde 1 mg/mL


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    Knowledge about the metabolic potentialof plants to transform and degrade xenobiotics has been generated by analyzingresponses of in vitro plant cell cultures to contaminants, and these reactions havebeen considered a useful tool to evaluatethe phytotoxicity, metabolic rates and persistence of xenobiotics in plants. The presentstudy evaluated phenanthrene removal bysuspension cell cultures of two species ofFouquieriaceae, Fouquieria splendens andF. fasciculata, focusing on the effect of thepresence of this contaminant on cell viabilityand the activity of an enzymatic system.The results in both cultures showed that there was no damaging effect by phenanthrene,between 40 to 90% of which was removedby the suspension cells. The cell culturesof F. fasciculata have more phenanthreneremoval capacity compared to those of F.splendens at the different lengths of time ofexposure to the contaminant.An inductive effect of hemoperoxidaseactivity was observed simultaneously withphenanthrene removal; therefore, it ispossibly related to transformation of thecontaminant.El conocimiento del potencial metabólicode las plantas para transformar y degradarxenobióticos se ha generado a través delanálisis de la respuesta de cultivos in vitrode células vegetales expuestos ante contaminantes, ya que éstos son considerados unaherramienta útil para evaluar la fitotoxicidad, la tasa metabólica y la persistencia delos xenobióticos en las plantas.El presente estudio contempló la evaluaciónde la remoción de fenantreno en cultivos decélulas en suspensión de dos especies de lafamilia Fouquieriaceae: Fouquieria splendens y Fouquieria fasciculata y el efecto dela presencia de este contaminante a travésde la viabilidad celular y la determinaciónde la actividad de un sistema enzimático.En los cultivos de células en suspensión deambas especies, no se observó un daño por la exposición a fenantreno; la remoción delcontaminante por las células fue de un 40 a90%, siendo mayor la capacidad de remoción de fenantreno en los cultivos celularesde F. fasciculata en comparación con losde F. splendens a los diferentes tiemposa los cuales fueron expuestos estos sistemas, y paralelamente se observó un efectoinductivo sobre la actividad enzimática dehemoperoxidasas que pudieran estar relacionadas con la posible transformación delcontaminante