9 research outputs found

    Deep splicing plasticity of the human adenovirus type 5 transcriptome as a driver of virus evolution

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    Viral genomes are characterised by having high gene density and complex transcription strategies. One of the most complex is adenovirus which has a double stranded DNA genome and is the archetypal viral system in which splicing was first discovered. Understanding the transcriptional landscape using conventional mRNA cloning or more recent Illumina-based deep sequencing methods offers insight but also has limitations, including the potential for reverse transcription or PCR amplification artefacts and bias. Here we used direct RNA long read length sequencing on an Oxford Nanopore MinION device to gain a quantitative system-wide overview of transcription and splicing as it dynamically changes during a human adenovirus type 5 infection. This global overview revealed an extensive and hitherto unappreciated complexity of alternative splicing and secondary initiating codon usage. Allied to this, analysis of viral polyadenylation patterns over time showed that most viral transcripts tended to shorter polyadenylation lengths as the infection progressed. Moreover, development and use of an ORF-centric bioinformatics pipeline for analysis of sequenced mRNA, provided both a quantitative and deeper qualitative understanding of the genetic potential of this virus. The data strikingly illustrated that across the viral genome adenovirus made multiple distinctly spliced transcripts that coded for the same ORF. Indeed, as many as 11,000 different splicing patterns were recorded across the viral genome over the three time points analysed. This constitutive low level use of alternative splicing patterns and secondary ORFs potentially enables the virus to maximise its coding potential over evolutionary timescales.</jats:p

    Investigation of histone H3 modifications in BAY61-3606 and siRNA treated cells.

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    <p>(A, C and D) Western blotting of HFF cells treated with BAY61-3606. HFF cells were uninfected or infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1, then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Cell lysates were prepared for western blotting at the time points (hours post infection (h.p.i.)) indicated above the figure. Uninfected cells harvested at the time of infection are shown as 0 h.p.i.. (B) Western blotting of HFF cells treated with siRNA. HFF cells were treated with either Crtl or IKKα siRNA. After 72 hours incubation cells infected with 1x10<sup>5</sup> p.f.u. of AD169 and then prepared for western blotting at 72 h.p.i.. The siRNA used is indicated above the figure. In each figure proteins recognized by the antibodies used in each experiment are indicated to the right of each figure. The positions of molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated to the left of each figure.</p

    Investigation of canonical and non-canonical NF-κB signaling.

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    <p>(A) Canonical NF-κB signaling in uninfected HFF cells treated with TNF-α. Lysates of HFF cells prepared for western blotting after pre-treatment with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO and then treated with 10 ng/ml TNF-α for 5 mins. The number of hours pre-treatment (h.pre.t.) with DMSO or BAY61-3606 is indicated above the Fig 4A. Where cells were simultaneously treated with TNF-α and either DMSO or BAY61-3606 is indicated as 0 h.p.t. (B) Canonical NF-κB signaling in uninfected and infected HFF cells. HFF cells were uninfected or infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1, then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Cell lysates were prepared for western blotting at the time points (hours post infection (h.p.i.)) indicated above the figure. Uninfected cells harvested at the time of infection are shown as 0 h.p.i.. (C) Analysis of IκBα degradation at early time points. HFF cells were uninfected (0 h.p.i.) (lane 1), uninfected and treated with 10 ng/ml TNF-α for 5 minutes (lane 2), or infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1, then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO (lanes 6–8 and 3–5, respectively). Cell lysates were prepared for western blotting at the time points (hours post infection (h.p.i.)) indicated above the figure. (D) Analysis of cycloheximide treatment on IκBα degradation. HFF cells were infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1 then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO for 72 hours. At 72 h.p.i. cell lysates were prepared for western blotting after treatment with 100 μg/ml cycloheximide for the time points (hours post treatment (h.po.t.)) indicated above the figure. (E) Non-canonical NF-κB signaling in uninfected and infected HFF cells. HFF cells were uninfected or infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1, then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Cell lysates were prepared for western blotting at the time points (hours post infection (h.p.i.)) indicated above the figure. Uninfected cells harvested at the time of infection are shown as 0 h.p.i.. An equivalent volume of lysate from the EBV infected B cell line HB7 was also analyzed. Where indicated, uninfected cells harvested at the time of infection are shown as 0 h.p.i.. In each figure proteins recognized by the antibodies used in each experiment are indicated to the right of each figure. The positions of molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated to the left of each figure.</p

    Investigation of roles for SYK and GCK in HCMV infected cells.

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    <p>(A and B) Analysis of siRNA treated cells infected with AD169. HFF were treated with the siRNAs indicated in each figure for 72 hours and infected with 1x10<sup>5</sup> plaque forming units (p.f.u.) of HCMV. At 96 h.p.i cell lysates were prepared for western blotting (Fig 2A) and viral supernatants were harvested for virus titration (Fig 2B). In Fig 2B viral titre is expressed as plaque forming units/ml (p.f.u./ml) and the mean and standard deviation of 3 experiments is shown. (C) Analysis of HCMV infected cells treated with inhibitors of GCK. HFF cells were infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1 then treated with 1μM of the drug indicated in the figure or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Viral supernatants were harvested at the indicated time points and viral titre (p.f.u./ml) at each time point was determined. (D and E) Western blotting of lysate from uninfected or infected cell lines. Unless stated otherwise, all lysates are from HFF cells. Where indicated, HFF cells were either uninfected or infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1 then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606, 1μM Maribavir or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Cell lysates were prepared for western blotting at 72 hours post infection. In each panel showing western blotting proteins recognized by the antibodies used in each experiment are indicated to the right of each figure and the positions of molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated to the left of each figure.</p

    Analysis of H3 phosphorylation by IKKα.

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    <p>(A) Analysis of H3S10p in HCMV infected HFF cells treated with BAY61-3606. HFF cells were uninfected or infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1, then treated with either 1μM BAY61-3606 or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Cell lysates were prepared for western blotting at the time points (hours post infection (h.p.i.)) indicated above the figure. Uninfected cells harvested at the time of infection are shown as 0 h.p.i.. Short and a long exposures of the western blot to film to detect H3S10p are shown. (B) Analysis of H3S10p in infected cells treated with siRNA. HFF cells were treated with either Crtl or IKKα siRNA. After 72 hours incubation with siRNA cells were prepared for western blotting (0 h.p.i.) or infected with 1x10<sup>5</sup> p.f.u. of AD169 and then prepared for western blotting at the time points (h.p.i.) indicated above the figure. The siRNA used are also indicated above the figure. In each figure proteins recognized by the antibodies used in each experiment are indicated to the right of each figure. The positions of molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated to the left of each figure. In Fig 5B band intensities are expressed in arbitrary units below certain panels.</p

    Identification of IKKα as a target of BAY61-3606.

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    <p>(A) Inhibition of AD169 replication by BAY compounds. HFF cells were infected with AD169 at an MOI of 1 then treated with 1μM of the drug indicated in the figure or the equivalent volume of DMSO. Viral supernatants were harvested at 96 h.p.i. and viral titre (p.f.u./ml) was determined. (B and C) In vitro kinase assays in the presence of BAY61-3606. The ability of 10 μM BAY61-3606 (Fig 3B) or a range of BAY61-3606 concentrations (Fig 3C) to inhibit the kinase activity of each of the indicated kinase proteins was assayed. Each data point in each figure represents the percentage kinase activity in the presence of drug compared to DMSO treated controls. Each data point shows the mean value of two experiments. (D-G) Analysis of HFF treated with siRNA. HFF cells were treated with either Crtl or IKKα siRNA. After 72 hours incubation with siRNA cell lysates were prepared for western blotting (Fig 3D) or infected with 1x10<sup>5</sup> p.f.u. of HCMV to analyze virus replication by virus titration (Fig 3E). The data in Fig 3E is represented as p.f.u./ml at 96 h.p.i. and shows the mean and standard deviation of 3 experiments. Also, cell lysates from siRNA treated cells infected AD169 were prepared for western blotting 24 h.p.i. (Fig 3F). In Fig 3G, samples from lanes 1 and 5 of Fig 3E were diluted in a 2-fold series (lanes 2–4 and 6–8, respectively). The siRNA used in each case is indicated in each panel. In Fig 3D, 3F and 3G proteins recognized by the antibodies used in each experiment are indicated to the right of each figure and the positions of molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated to the left of each figure. Band intensities are expressed in arbitrary units above or below each panel.</p

    Amplicon and metagenomic analysis of MERS-CoV and the microbiome in patients with severe Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)

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    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a zoonotic infection that emerged in the Middle East in 2012. Symptoms range from mild to severe and include both respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses. The virus is mainly present in camel populations with occasional spill overs into humans. The severity of infection in humans is influenced by numerous factors and similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) underlying health complications can play a major role. Currently, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are co-incident in the Middle East and a rapid way is required of sequencing MERS-CoV to derive genotype information for molecular epidemiology. Additionally, complicating factors in MERS-CoV infections are co-infections that require clinical management. The ability to rapidly characterise these infections would be advantageous. To rapidly sequence MERS-CoV, we developed an amplicon-based approach coupled to Oxford Nanopore long read length sequencing. The advantage of this approach is that insertions and deletions can be identified – which are the major drivers of genotype change in coronaviruses. This and a metagenomic approach were evaluated on clinical samples from patients with MERS. The data illustrated that whole genome or near whole genome information on MERS-CoV could be rapidly obtained. This approach provided data on both consensus genomes and the presence of minor variants including deletion mutants. Whereas, the metagenomic analysis provided information of the background microbiome