25 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of GPX2 protein expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Western blot analysis of GPX2 protein in tumour, PN and DN tissues from other 4 patients with ESCC. Obviously, GPX2 protein was overexpressed in tumor tissues compared with PN and DN tissues. M: protein marker; TM: tumour;I: ESCCI; II: ESCCII; III: ESCCIII. (TIF 1324 kb

    The two-dimensional graphs of Y-STR frequencies.

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    <p>This map accounts for 76.88% of the original genetic variation. The three EC high-risk populations and Manchu form 2 clusters; the three Northern Han (labeled 10–12) and five Southern Han populations (labeled 5–9) form another group. The remaining populations are scattered. 1, Chaoshan EC high-risk population; 2, Fujian EC high-risk population; 3, Henan Taihang Mountain EC high-risk population; 4, Fujian Han; 5, Anhui Han; 6, Yunnan Han; 7, Henan Han; 8, Zhejiang Han; 9, Guangzhou Han; 10, Dongbei Han; 11, Beijing Han; 12, Tianjing Han; 13, Tibetan; 14, Uygur; 15, Krigiz; 16, Manchu; 17, Shui; 18, Naxi; 19, Zhuang. 4–9 refer to Southern Hans, 10–12 to Northern Hans, 13–17 to Northern minority nationalities, 18–19 to Southern minority nationalities.</p

    Geographic distribution of the three studied EC high-risk populations.

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    <p>Arrows show the north-to-south migrations of Han inhabitants from north-central China according to historical records. CSP, Chaoshan EC high-risk population; FJP, Fujian EC high-risk population; HTMP, Henan Taihang Mountain EC high-risk population.</p

    Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphism (Y-SNP) haplogroup frequencies of the 3 EC high-risk populations (%).

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    <p>Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphism (Y-SNP) haplogroup frequencies of the 3 EC high-risk populations (%).</p

    Y-chromosome haplogroup frequency distribution in the 3 EC high-risk populations, 20 Chinese Hans and 4 minority nationalities.

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    #<p>Data provided by the State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering and Center for Anthropological Studies, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University.</p><p>*Data of the three study EC high-risk population; a from reference 17; b from reference 18; c from reference 16; d from reference 1; e from reference 19.</p

    A neighbor-joining tree of Chinese populations based on Y-STR data.

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    <p>This unrooted tree was constructed by use of genetic distances between populations. Shows that the EC high-risk Chaoshan is extremely close to the EC high-risk FJP and that the 2 are clustered with the EC high-risk HTMP. Hunan, Tianjing, Dongbei, and Henan Hans are grouped in the upper part of the tree.</p

    Dendrogram based on Y-SNP data.

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    <p>Shows the affinity between the three EC high-risk populations. Most Chinese Hans are grouped into a large cluster in the upper part of the dendrogram.</p

    The two-dimensional maps of Y-SNP frequencies.

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    <p>In the principal-component plot, the smaller the distance between populations, the closer their relationship. In general 23 populations are divided into 4 clusters: the three EC high-risk populations, two Northern Han populations (labeled 5 and 6) and Hakka population, two Southern Han populations (labeled 22 and 23) and the rest of the Northern Han and Southern Han cluster, respectively. 1, Chaoshan EC high-risk population; 2, Fujian EC high-risk population; 3, Henan Taihang Mountain EC high-risk population; 4, Hebei Han; 5, Liaoning Han; 6, Xinjiang Han; 7, Shangdong Han; 8, Gansu Han; 9, Shanxi Han; 10, Neimeng Han; 11, Henan Han; 12, Hakka Han; 13, Hunan Han; 14, Hubei Han; 15, Guangzhou Han; 16, Zhejiang Han; 17, Jiangxi Han; 18, Shanghai Han; 19, Anhui Han; 20, Jiangsu Han; 21, Yunnan Han; 22, Guangxi Han; 23, Sichuan Han. 4–11 refer to Northern Han and 12–23 to Southern Han.</p

    Principal component dot plot of Y-chromosome haplogroups.

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    <p>Chaoshan, Henan Taihang Mountain and Fujian EC high-risk populations are clustered together and located among Sino-Tibetan populations, which suggests a close genetic relationship among them.</p