42,145 research outputs found

    Algebraic approach to the Hulthen potential

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    In this paper the energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions are calculated for Hulthen potential. Then we obtain the ladder operators and show that these operators satisfy SU(2) commutation relation.Comment: 8 Pages, 1 Tabl

    The Arches cluster revisited: I. Data presentation and stellar census

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    Context. Located within the central region of the Galaxy, the Arches cluster appears to be one of the youngest, densest and most massive stellar aggregates within the Milky Way. As such it has the potential to be a uniquely instructive laboratory for the study of star formation in extreme environments and the physics of very massive stars. Aims. To realise this possibility, the fundamental physical properties of both cluster and constituent stars need to be robustly determined; tasks we attempt here. Methods. In order to accomplish these goals we provide and analyse new multi-epoch near-IR spectroscopic data obtained with the VLT/SINFONI and photometry from the HST/WFC3. We are able to stack multiple epochs of spectroscopy for individual stars in order to obtain the deepest view of the cluster members ever obtained. Results. We present spectral classifications for 88 cluster members, all of which are WNLh or O stars: a factor of three increase over previous studies. We find no further examples of Wolf-Rayet stars within the cluster; importantly no H-free examples were identified. The smooth and continuous progression in spectral morphologies from O super-/hypergiants through to the WNLh cohort implies a direct evolutionary connection. We identify candidate giant and main sequence O stars spectroscopically for the first time. No products of binary evolution may be unambiguously identified despite the presence of massive binaries within the Arches. Conclusions. Notwithstanding difficulties imposed by the highly uncertain (differential) reddening to the Arches, we infer a main sequence/luminosity class V turn-off mass of ∼ 30 − 38M⊙ via the distribution of spectral types. Analysis of the eclipsing binary F2 suggests current masses of ∼ 80M⊙ and ∼ 60M⊙ for the WNLh and O hypergiant cohorts, respectively; we conclude that all classified stars have masses > 20M⊙. An age of ∼ 2.0 − 3.3Myr is suggested by the turn-off between ∼O4-5 V; constraints imposed by the supergiant population and the lack of H-free WRs are consistent with this estimate. While the absence of highly evolved WC stars strongly argues against the prior occurrence of SNe within the Arches, the derived age does accommodate such events for exceptionally massive stars. Further progress will require quantitative analysis of multiple individual cluster members in addition to further spectroscopic observations to better constrain the binary and main sequence populations; nevertheless it is abundantly clear that the Arches offers an unprecedented insight into the formation, evolution and death of the most massive stars Nature allows to form


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    Estimated Indonesian backyard and commercial broiler output supply and input demands from normalized quadratic function satisfy all theoretical properties (homogeneity, reciprocity, adding-up, symmetry, curvature). Elasticities have correct signs and are significant. Very inelastic supply explains strong border protection and casts doubt on long-term sustainability of import substitution policy.Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,

    A physiologically inspired model for solving the cocktail party problem.

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    At a cocktail party, we can broadly monitor the entire acoustic scene to detect important cues (e.g., our names being called, or the fire alarm going off), or selectively listen to a target sound source (e.g., a conversation partner). It has recently been observed that individual neurons in the avian field L (analog to the mammalian auditory cortex) can display broad spatial tuning to single targets and selective tuning to a target embedded in spatially distributed sound mixtures. Here, we describe a model inspired by these experimental observations and apply it to process mixtures of human speech sentences. This processing is realized in the neural spiking domain. It converts binaural acoustic inputs into cortical spike trains using a multi-stage model composed of a cochlear filter-bank, a midbrain spatial-localization network, and a cortical network. The output spike trains of the cortical network are then converted back into an acoustic waveform, using a stimulus reconstruction technique. The intelligibility of the reconstructed output is quantified using an objective measure of speech intelligibility. We apply the algorithm to single and multi-talker speech to demonstrate that the physiologically inspired algorithm is able to achieve intelligible reconstruction of an "attended" target sentence embedded in two other non-attended masker sentences. The algorithm is also robust to masker level and displays performance trends comparable to humans. The ideas from this work may help improve the performance of hearing assistive devices (e.g., hearing aids and cochlear implants), speech-recognition technology, and computational algorithms for processing natural scenes cluttered with spatially distributed acoustic objects.R01 DC000100 - NIDCD NIH HHSPublished versio

    Household Welfare Cost of the Indonesian Macroeconomic Crisis

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    A theoretically consistent incomplete demand system is estimated to quantify the cost of the 1997 microeconomic crisis. Welfare cost per person was 128,whichtranslatesto128, which translates to 26.12 billion total cost. This amount is equivalent to agriculture's GDP contribution, and sufficient to pay for Indonesia's total annual government budget.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Contribution of Scalar Loops to the Three-Photon Decay of the Z

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    I corrected 3 mistakes from the first version: that were an omitted Feynman integration in the function f^3_{ij}, a factor of 2 in front of log f^3_{ij} in eq.2 and an overall factor of 2 in Fig.1 c). The final result is changed drastically. Doing an expansion in the Higgs mass I show that the matrix element is identically 0 in the order (MZ/MH)^2, which is due to gauge invariance. Left with an amplitude of the order (MZ/MH)^4 the final result is that the scalar contribution to this decay rate is several orders of magnitude smaller than those of the W boson and fermions.Comment: 6 pages, plain Tex, 1 figure available under request via fax or mail, OCIP/C-93-5, UQAM-PHE-93/0


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    The economic efficiency of Indonesian rice farmers was lower and more variable during than before the macroeconomic crisis. Specifically, larger declines in technical efficiency were not offset by smaller improvements in allocative efficiency. Farm ownership, larger farm size, and higher education were associated with higher levels of efficiency.Farm Management,

    Phase equilibrium in two orbital model under magnetic field

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    The phase equilibrium in manganites under magnetic field is studied using a two orbital model, based on the equivalent chemical potential principle for the competitive phases. We focus on the magnetic field induced melting process of CE phase in half-doped manganites. It is predicted that the homogenous CE phase begins to decompose into coexisting ferromagnetic phase and CE phase once the magnetic field exceeds the threshold field. In a more quantitative way, the volume fractions of the two competitive phases in the phase separation regime are evaluated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure