75 research outputs found

    Preliminary Study:Learning the Impact of Simulation Time on Reentry Location and Morphology Induced by Personalized Cardiac Modeling

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    Personalized cardiac modeling is widely used for studying the mechanisms of cardiac arrythmias. Due to the high demanding of computational resource of modeling, the arrhythmias induced in the models are usually simulated for just a few seconds. In clinic, it is common that arrhythmias last for more than several minutes and the morphologies of reentries are not always stable, so it is not clear that whether the simulation of arrythmias for just a few seconds is long enough to match the arrhythmias detected in patients. This study aimed to observe how long simulation of the induced arrhythmias in the personalized cardiac models is sufficient to match the arrhythmias detected in patients. A total of 5 contrast enhanced MRI datasets of patient hearts with myocardial infarction were used in this study. Then, a classification method based on Gaussian mixture model was used to detect the infarct tissue. For each reentry, 3 s and 10 s were simulated. The characteristics of each reentry simulated for different duration were studied. Reentries were induced in all 5 ventricular models and sustained reentries were induced at 39 stimulation sites in the model. By analyzing the simulation results, we found that 41% of the sustained reentries in the 3 s simulation group terminated in the longer simulation groups (10 s). The second finding in our simulation was that only 23.1% of the sustained reentries in the 3 s simulation did not change location and morphology in the extended 10 s simulation. The third finding was that 35.9% reentries were stable in the 3 s simulation and should be extended for the simulation time. The fourth finding was that the simulation results in 10 s simulation matched better with the clinical measurements than the 3 s simulation. It was shown that 10 s simulation was sufficient to make simulation results stable. The findings of this study not only improve the simulation accuracy, but also reduce the unnecessary simulation time to achieve the optimal use of computer resources to improve the simulation efficiency and shorten the simulation time to meet the time node requirements of clinical operation on patients

    The Precambrian Khondalite Belt in the Daqingshan area, North China Craton: evidence for multiple metamorphic events in the Palaeoproterozoic era

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    High-grade pelitic metasedimentary rocks (khondalites) are widely distributed in the northwestern part of the North China Craton and were named the ‘Khondalite Belt’. Prior to the application of zircon geochronology, a stratigraphic division of the supracrustal rocks into several groups was established using interpretative field geology. We report here SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages and Hf-isotope data on metamorphosed sedimentary and magmatic rocks at Daqingshan, a typical area of the Khondalite Belt. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The early Precambrian supracrustal rocks belong to three sequences: a 2.56–2.51 Ga supracrustal unit (the previous Sanggan ‘group’), a 2.51–2.45 Ga supracrustal unit (a portion of the previous upper Wulashan ‘group’) and a 2.0–1.95 Ga supracrustal unit (including the previous lower Wulashan ‘group’, a portion of original upper Wulashan ‘group’ and the original Meidaizhao ‘group’) the units thus do not represent a true stratigraphy; (2) Strong tectono-thermal events occurred during the late Neoarchaean to late Palaeoproterozoic, with four episodes recognized: 2.6–2.5, 2.45–2.37, 2.3–2.0 and 1.95–1.85 Ga, with the latest event being consistent with the assembly of the Palaeoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia; (3) During the late Neoarchaean to late Palaeoproterozoic (2.55–2.5, 2.37 and 2.06 Ga) juvenile, mantle-derived material was added to the crust

    Genome dynamics and diversity of Shigella species, the etiologic agents of bacillary dysentery

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    The Shigella bacteria cause bacillary dysentery, which remains a significant threat to public health. The genus status and species classification appear no longer valid, as compelling evidence indicates that Shigella, as well as enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, are derived from multiple origins of E.coli and form a single pathovar. Nevertheless, Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 causes deadly epidemics but Shigella boydii is restricted to the Indian subcontinent, while Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei are prevalent in developing and developed countries respectively. To begin to explain these distinctive epidemiological and pathological features at the genome level, we have carried out comparative genomics on four representative strains. Each of the Shigella genomes includes a virulence plasmid that encodes conserved primary virulence determinants. The Shigella chromosomes share most of their genes with that of E.coli K12 strain MG1655, but each has over 200 pseudogenes, 300∼700 copies of insertion sequence (IS) elements, and numerous deletions, insertions, translocations and inversions. There is extensive diversity of putative virulence genes, mostly acquired via bacteriophage-mediated lateral gene transfer. Hence, via convergent evolution involving gain and loss of functions, through bacteriophage-mediated gene acquisition, IS-mediated DNA rearrangements and formation of pseudogenes, the Shigella spp. became highly specific human pathogens with variable epidemiological and pathological features

    Long-term functional maintenance of primary human hepatocytes in vitro

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    The maintenance of terminally differentiated cells, especially hepatocytes, in vitro has proven challenging. Here we demonstrated the long-term in vitro maintenance of primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) by modulating cell signaling pathways with a combination of five chemicals (5C). 5C-cultured PHHs showed global gene expression profiles and hepatocyte-specific functions resembling those of freshly isolated counterparts. Furthermore, these cells efficiently recapitulated the entire course of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection over 4 weeks with the production of infectious viral particles and formation of HBV covalently closed circular DNA. Our study demonstrates that, with a chemical approach, functional maintenance of PHHs supports long-term HBV infection in vitro, providing an efficient platform for investigating HBV cell biology and antiviral drug screening.</p

    Seizing the window of opportunity to mitigate the impact of climate change on the health of Chinese residents

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    The health threats posed by climate change in China are increasing rapidly. Each province faces different health risks. Without a timely and adequate response, climate change will impact lives and livelihoods at an accelerated rate and even prevent the achievement of the Healthy and Beautiful China initiatives. The 2021 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is the first annual update of China’s Report of the Lancet Countdown. It comprehensively assesses the impact of climate change on the health of Chinese households and the measures China has taken. Invited by the Lancet committee, Tsinghua University led the writing of the report and cooperated with 25 relevant institutions in and outside of China. The report includes 25 indicators within five major areas (climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; economics and finance; and public and political engagement) and a policy brief. This 2021 China policy brief contains the most urgent and relevant indicators focusing on provincial data: The increasing health risks of climate change in China; mixed progress in responding to climate change. In 2020, the heatwave exposures per person in China increased by 4.51 d compared with the 1986–2005 average, resulting in an estimated 92% increase in heatwave-related deaths. The resulting economic cost of the estimated 14500 heatwave-related deaths in 2020 is US$176 million. Increased temperatures also caused a potential 31.5 billion h in lost work time in 2020, which is equivalent to 1.3% of the work hours of the total national workforce, with resulting economic losses estimated at 1.4% of China’s annual gross domestic product. For adaptation efforts, there has been steady progress in local adaptation planning and assessment in 2020, urban green space growth in 2020, and health emergency management in 2019. 12 of 30 provinces reported that they have completed, or were developing, provincial health adaptation plans. Urban green space, which is an important heat adaptation measure, has increased in 18 of 31 provinces in the past decade, and the capacity of China’s health emergency management increased in almost all provinces from 2018 to 2019. As a result of China’s persistent efforts to clean its energy structure and control air pollution, the premature deaths due to exposure to ambient particulate matter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) and the resulting costs continue to decline. However, 98% of China’s cities still have annual average PM2.5 concentrations that are more than the WHO guideline standard of 10 μg/m3. It provides policymakers and the public with up-to-date information on China’s response to climate change and improvements in health outcomes and makes the following policy recommendations. (1) Promote systematic thinking in the related departments and strengthen multi-departmental cooperation. Sectors related to climate and development in China should incorporate health perspectives into their policymaking and actions, demonstrating WHO’s and President Xi Jinping’s so-called health-in-all-policies principle. (2) Include clear goals and timelines for climate-related health impact assessments and health adaptation plans at both the national and the regional levels in the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for 2035. (3) Strengthen China’s climate mitigation actions and ensure that health is included in China’s pathway to carbon neutrality. By promoting investments in zero-carbon technologies and reducing fossil fuel subsidies, the current rebounding trend in carbon emissions will be reversed and lead to a healthy, low-carbon future. (4) Increase awareness of the linkages between climate change and health at all levels. Health professionals, the academic community, and traditional and new media should raise the awareness of the public and policymakers on the important linkages between climate change and health.</p

    A moving vehicles extraction method in Satellite Videos

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    With the continuous innovation of optical remote sensing technology and the increasing demand for spatial information, satellite videos, which can provide higher spatial and temporal resolution, have been paid a lot of attention. And moving vehicles extraction in satellite videos is one of the most important tasks. By analyzing the shortcomings of current satellite video moving vehicles extraction algorithms, and combining with the characteristics of satellite videos and moving vehicles, this paper proposes an algorithm to extract moving vehicles in satellite videos, that some vehicles are firstly separated from the background by using image extreme points and mean differences, and then the moving vehicles are extracted by joint detection of inter-frame vehicles motion. At the same time, based on the extracted moving vehicles, we also propose a method that can extract road masks by using only three frames. Finally, we use Jilin-1 satellite video data to prove the proposed methods in the experiment. And also this paper has compared the propose methods with another two algorithms, where the results show that the proposed methods greatly improve the accuracy and quality of moving vehicles detection in satellite videos

    A moving vehicles extraction method in Satellite Videos

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    With the continuous innovation of optical remote sensing technology and the increasing demand for spatial information, satellite videos, which can provide higher spatial and temporal resolution, have been paid a lot of attention. And moving vehicles extraction in satellite videos is one of the most important tasks. By analyzing the shortcomings of current satellite video moving vehicles extraction algorithms, and combining with the characteristics of satellite videos and moving vehicles, this paper proposes an algorithm to extract moving vehicles in satellite videos, that some vehicles are firstly separated from the background by using image extreme points and mean differences, and then the moving vehicles are extracted by joint detection of inter-frame vehicles motion. At the same time, based on the extracted moving vehicles, we also propose a method that can extract road masks by using only three frames. Finally, we use Jilin-1 satellite video data to prove the proposed methods in the experiment. And also this paper has compared the propose methods with another two algorithms, where the results show that the proposed methods greatly improve the accuracy and quality of moving vehicles detection in satellite videos

    Parallel temporal feature selection based on improved attention mechanism for dynamic gesture recognition

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    Abstract Dynamic gesture recognition has become a new type of interaction to meet the needs of daily interaction. It is the most natural, easy to operate, and intuitive, so it has a wide range of applications. The accuracy of gesture recognition depends on the ability to accurately learn the short-term and long-term spatiotemporal features of gestures. Our work is different from improving the performance of a single type of network with convnets-based models and recurrent neural network-based models or serial stacking of two heterogeneous networks, we proposed a fusion architecture that can simultaneously learn short-term and long-term spatiotemporal features of gestures, which combined convnets-based models and recurrent neural network-based models in parallel. At each stage of feature learning, the short-term and long-term spatiotemporal features of gestures are captured simultaneously, and the contribution of two heterogeneous networks to the classification results in spatial and channel axes that can be learned automatically by using the attention mechanism. The sequence and pooling operation of the channel attention module and spatial attention module are compared through experiments. And the proportion of short-term and long-term features of gestures on channel and spatial axes in each stage of feature learning is quantitatively analyzed, and the final model is determined according to the experimental results. The module can be used for end-to-end learning and the proposed method was validated on the EgoGesture, SKIG, and IsoGD datasets and got very competitive performance

    Pupil Localization Algorithm Based on Improved U-Net Network

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    Accurately localizing the pupil is an essential requirement of some new human–computer interaction methods. In the past, a lot of work has been done to solve the pupil localization problem based on the appearance characteristics of the eye, but these methods are often specific to the scenario. In this paper, we propose an improved U-net network to solve the pupil location problem. This network uses the attention mechanism to automatically select the contribution of coded and uncoded features in the model during the skip connection stage of the U-net network in the channel and spatial axis. It can make full use of the two features of the model in the decoding stage, which is beneficial for improving the performance of the model. By comparing the sequential channel attention module and spatial attention module, average pooling and maximum pooling operations, and different attention mechanisms, the model was finally determined and validated on two public data sets, which proves the validity of the proposed model
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