5,262 research outputs found

    IntNetDB v1.0: an integrated protein-protein interaction network database generated by a probabilistic model

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    BACKGROUND: Although protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks have been explored by various experimental methods, the maps so built are still limited in coverage and accuracy. To further expand the PPI network and to extract more accurate information from existing maps, studies have been carried out to integrate various types of functional relationship data. A frequently updated database of computationally analyzed potential PPIs to provide biological researchers with rapid and easy access to analyze original data as a biological network is still lacking. RESULTS: By applying a probabilistic model, we integrated 27 heterogeneous genomic, proteomic and functional annotation datasets to predict PPI networks in human. In addition to previously studied data types, we show that phenotypic distances and genetic interactions can also be integrated to predict PPIs. We further built an easy-to-use, updatable integrated PPI database, the Integrated Network Database (IntNetDB) online, to provide automatic prediction and visualization of PPI network among genes of interest. The networks can be visualized in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format for zooming in or out. IntNetDB also provides a tool to extract topologically highly connected network neighborhoods from a specific network for further exploration and research. Using the MCODE (Molecular Complex Detections) algorithm, 190 such neighborhoods were detected among all the predicted interactions. The predicted PPIs can also be mapped to worm, fly and mouse interologs. CONCLUSION: IntNetDB includes 180,010 predicted protein-protein interactions among 9,901 human proteins and represents a useful resource for the research community. Our study has increased prediction coverage by five-fold. IntNetDB also provides easy-to-use network visualization and analysis tools that allow biological researchers unfamiliar with computational biology to access and analyze data over the internet. The web interface of IntNetDB is freely accessible at . Visualization requires Mozilla version 1.8 (or higher) or Internet Explorer with installation of SVGviewer

    The Third Law of Quantum Thermodynamics in the Presence of Anomalous Couplings

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    The quantum thermodynamic functions of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a heat bath through velocity-dependent coupling are obtained analytically. It is shown that both the free energy and the entropy decay fast with the temperature in relation to that of the usual coupling from. This implies that the velocity-dependent coupling helps to ensure the third law of thermodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 22 conference

    Detecting Full N-Particle Entanglement in Arbitrarily High-Dimensional Systems with Bell-Type Inequality

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    We derive a set of Bell-type inequalities for arbitrarily high-dimensional systems, based on the assumption of partial separability in the hybrid local-nonlocal hidden variable model. Partially entangled states would not violate the inequalities, and thus upon violation, these Bell-type inequalities are sufficient conditions to detect the full NN-particle entanglement and validity of the hybrid local-nonlocal hidden variable description.Comment: 6 page

    A modular network model of aging

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    Many fundamental questions on aging are still unanswered or are under intense debate. These questions are frequently not addressable by examining a single gene or a single pathway, but can best be addressed at the systems level. Here we examined the modular structure of the protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks during fruitfly and human brain aging. In both networks, there are two modules associated with the cellular proliferation to differentiation temporal switch that display opposite aging-related changes in expression. During fly aging, another couple of modules are associated with the oxidative–reductive metabolic temporal switch. These network modules and their relationships demonstrate (1) that aging is largely associated with a small number, instead of many network modules, (2) that some modular changes might be reversible and (3) that genes connecting different modules through PPIs are more likely to affect aging/longevity, a conclusion that is experimentally validated by Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan analysis. Network simulations further suggest that aging might preferentially attack key regulatory nodes that are important for the network stability, implicating a potential molecular basis for the stochastic nature of aging

    Evaluating diabetes and hypertension disease causality using mouse phenotypes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have found hundreds of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with common diseases. However, it is largely unknown what genes linked with the SNPs actually implicate disease causality. A definitive proof for disease causality can be demonstration of disease-like phenotypes through genetic perturbation of the genes or alleles, which is obviously a daunting task for complex diseases where only mammalian models can be used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we tapped the rich resource of mouse phenotype data and developed a method to quantify the probability that a gene perturbation causes the phenotypes of a disease. Using type II diabetes (T2D) and hypertension (HT) as study cases, we found that the genes, when perturbed, having high probability to cause T2D and HT phenotypes tend to be hubs in the interactome networks and are enriched for signaling pathways regulating metabolism but not metabolic pathways, even though the genes in these metabolic pathways are often the most significantly changed in expression levels in these diseases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Compared to human genetic disease-based predictions, our mouse phenotype based predictors greatly increased the coverage while keeping a similarly high specificity. The disease phenotype probabilities given by our approach can be used to evaluate the likelihood of disease causality of disease-associated genes and genes surrounding disease-associated SNPs.</p

    Regulatory network characterization in development: challenges and opportunities [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Embryonic development and stem cell differentiation, during which coordinated cell fate specification takes place in a spatial and temporal context, serve as a paradigm for studying the orderly assembly of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) and the fundamental mechanism of GRNs in driving lineage determination. However, knowledge of reliable GRN annotation for dynamic development regulation, particularly for unveiling the complex temporal and spatial architecture of tissue stem cells, remains inadequate. With the advent of single-cell RNA sequencing technology, elucidating GRNs in development and stem cell processes poses both new challenges and unprecedented opportunities. This review takes a snapshot of some of this work and its implication in the regulative nature of early mammalian development and specification of the distinct cell types during embryogenesis

    The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction : III. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on mean daily body temperature and torpor use in the C57BL/6 mouse

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    GRANT SUPPORT This work was supported by BBSRC BB009953/1 awarded to JRS and SEM. PK and CD were funded by the Erasmus exchange programme. JRS, SEM, DD, CG, LC, JJDH, YW, DELP, DL and AD are members of the BBSRC China Partnership Award, BB/J020028/1.Peer reviewedPublisher PD