6,193 research outputs found

    Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence I: The early-G star HD 141943 - brightness and magnetic topologies

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    Spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric observations of the pre-main sequence early-G star HD 141943 were obtained at four observing epochs (in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010). The observations were undertaken at the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope using the UCLES echelle spectrograph and the SEMPOL spectropolarimeter visitor instrument. Brightness and surface magnetic field topologies were reconstructed for the star using the technique of least-squares deconvolution to increase the signal-to-noise of the data. The reconstructed brightness maps show that HD 141943 had a weak polar spot and a significant amount of low latitude features, with little change in the latitude distribution of the spots over the 4 years of observations. The surface magnetic field was reconstructed at three of the epochs from a high order (l <= 30) spherical harmonic expansion of the spectropolarimetric observations. The reconstructed magnetic topologies show that in 2007 and 2010 the surface magnetic field was reasonably balanced between poloidal and toroidal components. However we find tentative evidence of a change in the poloidal/toroidal ratio in 2009 with the poloidal component becoming more dominant. At all epochs the radial magnetic field is predominantly non-axisymmetric while the azimuthal field is predominantly axisymmetric with a ring of positive azimuthal field around the pole similar to that seen on other active stars.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Magnetic cycles of the planet-hosting star Tau Bootis: II. a second magnetic polarity reversal

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    In this paper, we present new spectropolarimetric observations of the planet-hosting star Tau Bootis, using ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimeters at Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) and Telescope Bernard Lyot (TBL), respectively. We detected the magnetic field of the star at three epochs in 2008. It is a weak magnetic field of only a few Gauss, oscillating between a predominant toroidal component in January and a dominant poloidal component in June and July. A magnetic polarity reversal was observed relative to the magnetic topology in June 2007. This is the second such reversal observed in two years on this star, suggesting that Tau Boo has a magnetic cycle of about 2 years. This is the first detection of a magnetic cycle for a star other than the Sun. The role of the close-in massive planet in the short activity cycle of the star is questioned. Tau Boo has strong differential rotation, a common trend for stars with shallow convective envelope. At latitude 40 deg., the surface layer of the star rotates in 3.31 d, equal to the orbital period. Synchronization suggests that the tidal effects induced by the planet may be strong enough to force at least the thin convective envelope into corotation. Tau Boo shows variability in the Ca H & K and Halpha throughout the night and on a night to night time scale. We do not detect enhancement in the activity of the star that may be related to the conjunction of the planet. Further data is needed to conclude about the activity enhancement due to the planet.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables Accepted to MNRA

    Magnetic cycles of the planet-hosting star tauBootis

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    We have obtained new spectropolarimetric observations of the planet-hosting star tauBootis, using the ESPaDOnS and NARVAL spectropolarimeters at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and Telescope Bernard-Lyot. With this data set, we are able to confirm the presence of a magnetic field at the surface of tauBoo and map its large-scale structure over the whole star. The overall polarity of the magnetic field has reversed with respect to our previous observation (obtained a year before), strongly suggesting that tauBoo is undergoing magnetic cycles similar to those of the Sun. This is the first time that a global magnetic polarity switch is observed in a star other than the Sun; we speculate that the magnetic cycle period of tauBoo is much shorter than that of the Sun. Our new data also allow us to confirm the presence of differential rotation from the latitudinal shearing that the magnetic structure is undergoing. The differential rotation surface shear that tauBoo experiences is found to be 6 to 10 times larger than that of the Sun. We propose that the short magnetic cycle period is due to the strong level of differential rotation. With a rotation period of 3.0 and 3.9 d at the equator and pole respectively, tauBoo appears as the first planet-hosting star whose rotation (at intermediate latitudes) is synchronised with the orbital motion of its giant planet (period 3.3 d). Assuming that this synchronisation is not coincidental, it suggests that the tidal effects induced by the giant planet can be strong enough to force the thin convective enveloppe (though not the whole star) into corotation and thus to play a role in the activity cycle of tauBoo.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Time-scales of close-in exoplanet radio emission variability

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    We investigate the variability of exoplanetary radio emission using stellar magnetic maps and 3D field extrapolation techniques. We use a sample of hot Jupiter hosting stars, focusing on the HD 179949, HD 189733 and tau Boo systems. Our results indicate two time-scales over which radio emission variability may occur at magnetised hot Jupiters. The first is the synodic period of the star-planet system. The origin of variability on this time-scale is the relative motion between the planet and the interplanetary plasma that is co-rotating with the host star. The second time-scale is the length of the magnetic cycle. Variability on this time-scale is caused by evolution of the stellar field. At these systems, the magnitude of planetary radio emission is anticorrelated with the angular separation between the subplanetary point and the nearest magnetic pole. For the special case of tau Boo b, whose orbital period is tidally locked to the rotation period of its host star, variability only occurs on the time-scale of the magnetic cycle. The lack of radio variability on the synodic period at tau Boo b is not predicted by previous radio emission models, which do not account for the co-rotation of the interplanetary plasma at small distances from the star.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted in MNRA

    Magnetometry of the classical T Tauri star GQ Lup: non-stationary dynamos & spin evolution of young Suns

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    We report here results of spectropolarimetric observations of the classical T Tauri star (cTTS) GQ Lup carried out with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) in the framework of the "Magnetic Protostars and Planets" (MaPP) programme, and obtained at 2 different epochs (2009 July & 2011 June). From these observations, we first infer that GQ Lup has a photospheric temperature of 4,300+-50\^A K and a rotation period of 8.4+-0.3 d; it implies that it is a 1.05+-0.07 Msun star viewed at an inclination of ~30deg, with an age of 2-5 Myr, a radius of 1.7+-0.2 Rsun, and has just started to develop a radiative core. Large Zeeman signatures are clearly detected at all times, both in photospheric lines & in accretion-powered emission lines, probing longitudinal fields of up to 6 kG and hence making GQ Lup the cTTS with the strongest large-scale fields known as of today. Rotational modulation of Zeeman signatures is clearly different between our 2 runs, demonstrating that large-scale fields of cTTSs are evolving with time and are likely produced by non-stationary dynamo processes. Using tomographic imaging, we reconstruct maps of the large-scale field, of the photospheric brightness & of the accretion-powered emission of GQ Lup. We find that the magnetic topology is mostly poloidal & axisymmetric; moreover, the octupolar component of the large-scale field (of strength 2.4 & 1.6 kG in 2009 & 2011) dominates the dipolar component (of strength ~1 kG) by a factor of ~2, consistent with the fact that GQ Lup is no longer fully-convective. GQ Lup also features dominantly poleward magnetospheric accretion at both epochs. The large-scale dipole of GQ Lup is however not strong enough to disrupt the surrounding accretion disc further than about half-way to the corotation radius, suggesting that GQ Lup should rapidly spin up like other similar partly-convective cTTSs (abridged).Comment: MNRAS, in press (17 pages, 10 figures, 1 table

    The relation between stellar magnetic field geometry and chromospheric activity cycles – II The rapid 120-day magnetic cycle of <i>τ</i> Bootis

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    One of the aims of the BCool programme is to search for cycles in other stars and to understand how similar they are to the Sun. In this paper, we aim to monitor the evolution of τ Boo’s large-scale magnetic field using high-cadence observations covering its chromospheric activity maximum. For the first time, we detect a polarity switch that is in phase with τ Boo’s 120-day chromospheric activity maximum and its inferred X-ray activity cycle maximum. This means that τ Boo has a very fast magnetic cycle of only 240 days. At activity maximum τ Boo’s large-scale field geometry is very similar to the Sun at activity maximum: it is complex and there is a weak dipolar component. In contrast, we also see the emergence of a strong toroidal component which has not been observed on the Sun, and a potentially overlapping butterfly pattern where the next cycle begins before the previous one has finished

    The magnetic fields of forming solar-like stars

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    Magnetic fields play a crucial role at all stages of the formation of low mass stars and planetary systems. In the final stages, in particular, they control the kinematics of in-falling gas from circumstellar discs, and the launching and collimation of spectacular outflows. The magnetic coupling with the disc is thought to influence the rotational evolution of the star, while magnetised stellar winds control the braking of more evolved stars and may influence the migration of planets. Magnetic reconnection events trigger energetic flares which irradiate circumstellar discs with high energy particles that influence the disc chemistry and set the initial conditions for planet formation. However, it is only in the past few years that the current generation of optical spectropolarimeters have allowed the magnetic fields of forming solar-like stars to be probed in unprecedented detail. In order to do justice to the recent extensive observational programs new theoretical models are being developed that incorporate magnetic fields with an observed degree of complexity. In this review we draw together disparate results from the classical electromagnetism, molecular physics/chemistry, and the geophysics literature, and demonstrate how they can be adapted to construct models of the large scale magnetospheres of stars and planets. We conclude by examining how the incorporation of multipolar magnetic fields into new theoretical models will drive future progress in the field through the elucidation of several observational conundrums.Comment: 55 pages, review article accepted for publication in Reports on Progress in Physics. Astro-ph version includes additional appendice

    Modeling X-ray emission from stellar coronae

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    By extrapolating from observationally derived surface magnetograms of low-mass stars we construct models of their coronal magnetic fields and compare the 3D field geometry with axial multipoles. AB Dor, which has a radiative core, has a very complex field, whereas V374 Peg, which is completely convective, has a simple dipolar field. We calculate global X-ray emission measures assuming that the plasma trapped along the coronal loops is in hydrostatic equilibrium and compare the differences between assuming isothermal coronae, or by considering a loop temperature profiles. Our preliminary results suggest that the non-isothermal model works well for the complex field of AB Dor, but not for the simple field of V374 Peg.Comment: 4 pages, proceedings of Cool Stars 15, St Andrews, July 2008, to be published in the Conference Proceedings Series of the American Institute of Physic

    On the environment surrounding close-in exoplanets

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    Exoplanets in extremely close-in orbits are immersed in a local interplanetary medium (i.e., the stellar wind) much denser than the local conditions encountered around the solar system planets. The environment surrounding these exoplanets also differs in terms of dynamics (slower stellar winds, but higher Keplerian velocities) and ambient magnetic fields (likely higher for host stars more active than the Sun). Here, we quantitatively investigate the nature of the interplanetary media surrounding the hot Jupiters HD46375b, HD73256b, HD102195b, HD130322b, HD179949b. We simulate the three-dimensional winds of their host stars, in which we directly incorporate their observed surface magnetic fields. With that, we derive mass-loss rates (1.9 to 8.0 ×1013M\times 10^{-13} M_{\odot}/yr) and the wind properties at the position of the hot-Jupiters' orbits (temperature, velocity, magnetic field intensity and pressure). We show that these exoplanets' orbits are super-magnetosonic, indicating that bow shocks are formed surrounding these planets. Assuming planetary magnetic fields similar to Jupiter's, we estimate planetary magnetospheric sizes of 4.1 to 5.6 planetary radii. We also derive the exoplanetary radio emission released in the dissipation of the stellar wind energy. We find radio fluxes ranging from 0.02 to 0.13 mJy, which are challenging to be observed with present-day technology, but could be detectable with future higher sensitivity arrays (e.g., SKA). Radio emission from systems having closer hot-Jupiters, such as from tau Boo b or HD189733b, or from nearby planetary systems orbiting young stars, are likely to have higher radio fluxes, presenting better prospects for detecting exoplanetary radio emission.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Magnetic field, differential rotation and activity of the hot-Jupiter hosting star HD 179949

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    HD 179949 is an F8V star, orbited by a giant planet at ~8 R* every 3.092514 days. The system was reported to undergo episodes of stellar activity enhancement modulated by the orbital period, interpreted as caused by Star-Planet Interactions (SPIs). One possible cause of SPIs is the large-scale magnetic field of the host star in which the close-in giant planet orbits. In this paper we present spectropolarimetric observations of HD 179949 during two observing campaigns (2009 September and 2007 June). We detect a weak large-scale magnetic field of a few Gauss at the surface of the star. The field configuration is mainly poloidal at both observing epochs. The star is found to rotate differentially, with a surface rotation shear of dOmega=0.216\pm0.061 rad/d, corresponding to equatorial and polar rotation periods of 7.62\pm0.07 and 10.3\pm0.8 d respectively. The coronal field estimated by extrapolating the surface maps resembles a dipole tilted at ~70 degrees. We also find that the chromospheric activity of HD 179949 is mainly modulated by the rotation of the star, with two clear maxima per rotation period as expected from a highly tilted magnetosphere. In September 2009, we find that the activity of HD 179949 shows hints of low amplitude fluctuations with a period close to the beat period of the system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Societ