2,101 research outputs found

    On inhibiting runaway in catalytic reactors

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    We consider the problem of heat and mass transfer in porous catalyst pellets. Both the steady and time dependent operating characteristics are studied. Accurate approximate equations are derived from the basic governing equations of motion. A nonlinear stability analysis is employed to account for the observation that under certain conditions reactions on catalyst pellets can pass transiently stably into a region which would correspond to instability in the steady state. One consequence of our analysis is a possible control mechanism which inhibits temperature runaway by extending the stable operating characteristics desirable in modern reactors

    Comparison of SSM/I measurements to numerically-simulated cloud and precipitation during ERICA

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    These investigations focused essentially on the macroscale organization of cloud and precipitation which occurred during the 4th Intensive Observing Period (IOP-4) of the Experiment for Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic (ERICA). This experiment, held off the East Coast of the United States and Canada during the winter of 1989, documented several episodes of rapid cyclonic storm development. Also playing a major role as validation and ground truth in these studies are Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) retrievals of precipitable water, total liquid water and ice, generated by other Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) supported investigations. Model simulations produced to date suggest that, while the large-scale atmospheric dynamics was an essential driving mechanism, the role of condensation was crucial in facilitating the exceptionally rapid spinup of the cyclone and the low surface pressure. A model simulation of the precipitation rate at the time of most rapid storm intensification is shown in the accompanying figure. Heavier precipitation rates in the crescent shaped region are associated with deep convection along the leading edge of a dry intrusion behind the surface low. The majority of precipitation in the stratiform region to the northeast involved the production of ice with deposition from vapor to ice being the dominant process of growth. Some small amount of mixed phase cloudiness was present. Model condensate distributions matched well with SSM/I observations. The accompanying SSM/I imagery which delineates areas of large (greater than several hundred micron effective radius) precipitating ice over the ocean suggests that the model has done well in capturing the essential mechanisms responsible for the horizontal distribution of precipitation

    Communication Development and Its Disorders: A Psycholinguistic Perspective

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    There is a reciprocal relationship between the study of language disorders and research in normal language development. Recent studies in normal acquisition have led to a model of language development that includes not only linguistic achievements, but the development of social and cognitive abilities that lay the basis for the transition from prelinguistic communication to the use of conventional forms. This model has been applied to the study of developmental disorders of language learning. Such a model allows the more puzzling disorders of language development, such as childhood aphasia and primary autism, to be placed in a framework that predicts language disruption when underlying perceptual, cognitive, or social abilities are lacking. Assessment procedures that can be drawn from the model of language disorders are presented. It is argued that the study of these disabilities is important in the building of theoretical models of intact language processing that specify more precisely the contribution of underlying skills to overall functioning. Questions for future research that serve this reciprocal purpose are discussed

    Primary maternal preoccupation revisited: circuits, genes, and the crucial role of early life experience

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    Parental caregiving includes a set of highly conserved set of behaviors and mental states that may reflect both an individual’s genetic endowment and the early experience of being cared for as a child. This review first examines the mental and behavioral elements of early parental caregiving in humans. Second, we consider what is known of the neurobiological substrates of maternal behaviors in mammalian species including some limited human data. Third, we briefly review the evidence that specific genes encode proteins that are crucial for the development of the neural substrates that underlie specific features of maternal behavior. Fourth, we review the literature on the “programming” role of epigenetic factors in shaping subsequent maternal behavior. We conclude that there are critical developmental windows during which the genetically determined microcircuitry of key limbic-hypothalamic-midbrain structures are susceptible to early environmental influences and that these influences powerfully shape an individual’s responsivity to psychosocial stressors and their resiliency or vulnerability to various forms of human psychopathology later in life.South African Psychiatry Review - May 200

    Irritability in Autistic Children Treated with Fenfluramine

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    Letter to the Editor in response to a report by Geller et al. The article presented preliminary results suggesting the possible usefulness of fenfluramine (a substituted phenylethylamine widely used as an appetite suppressant) in the treatment of infantile autism (July 15, 1982, issue). The rationale for the use of this agent rests on its ability to lower peripheral-blood levels of serotonin and on the observation that a substantial minority of autistic persons have elevated peripheral-blood serotonin levels. The report emphasized the preliminary nature of the results in a small sample of three young autistic boys with elevated serotonin levels

    Behavioral Approaches for Infant Pain Relief

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    Infants experience a host of painful medical procedures including heel sticks, venipuncture, and immunizations. Historically, little attention was given to infant pain management due to misconceived myths and beliefs about the experience and long-term effects of pain in infants. Recent data suggest that there are both short- and long-term negative repercussions associated with unmanaged infant pain. In response, a number of non-pharmacological approaches have been developed to provide infants with pain relief associated with medical events. This paper will review these behavioral approaches including positioning, parent training, distraction, sucrose, and skin-to-skin contact. Recommendations for best practices will be provided and future direction for infant pain management will be outlined

    Psychological Approaches to Acute Pediatric Pain Management

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    Children endure numerous acute painful events, most of which occur within the medical arena. For instance, by the time a child reaches the age of 6, the child will have experienced approximately 30 immunization injections (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008). Grounded in the Gate Control Theory (Melzack & Wall, 1965), psychological methods of pain management have focused on anxiety and pain management via behavioral means. In addition, ample research has been devoted to how best to prepare children and their parents for upcoming painful or distress-provoking procedures (e.g., surgery, hospitalization, injection). This paper will review the preparation literature, which details how to inform and arm children and their parents for impending procedures and will highlight the psychological pain management literature which includes distraction, cognitive behavioral therapy, and additional promising interventions

    A digital boxcar integrator for IMS spectra

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    When trying to detect or quantify a signal at or near the limit of detectability, it is invariably embeded in the noise. This statement is true for nearly all detectors of any physical phenomena and the limit of detectability, hopefully, occurs at very low signal-to-noise levels. This is particularly true of IMS (Ion Mobility Spectrometers) spectra due to the low vapor pressure of several chemical compounds of great interest and the small currents associated with the ionic detection process. Gated Integrators and Boxcar Integrators or Averagers are designed to recover fast, repetitive analog signals. In a typical application, a time 'Gate' or 'Window' is generated, characterized by a set delay from a trigger or gate pulse and a certain width. A Gated Integrator amplifies and integrates the signal that is present during the time the gate is open, ignoring noise and interference that may be present at other times. Boxcar Integration refers to the practice of averaging the output of the Gated Integrator over many sweeps of the detector. Since any signal present during the gate will add linearly, while noise will add in a 'random walk' fashion as the square root of the number of sweeps, averaging N sweeps will improve the 'Signal-to-Noise Ratio' by a factor of the square root of N

    A multi-object fiber spectrograph for The Hale Telescope

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    A new faint-object spectrograph has been designed around the capabilities of fiber optics. This instrument, the Norris Spectrograph, is for exclusive use at the Cassegrain focus (f/16) of The Hale Telescope and is optimized for faint galaxy spectroscopy. There are 176 independently positionable fibers that are serially manipulated by a single robotic system. Each of these fibers sees 1.6 arcsec on the sky and the total positionable area is in excess of 300 arcmin^2. Unlike most multiobject spectrographs which utilize fibers that are several tens of meters long, the philosophy of the design of the Norris was quite the antithesis, i.e., to minimize the fiber lengths; hence, it is an entirely self-contained telescope-mounted instrument for the Cassegrain focus. The instrument consists of an integrated xy stage, for the fiber positioning, and an attached optical spectrograph. The design of the spectrograph is basically classical: spherical collimator mirror, standard reflection grating, and a newly designed all-transmissive-optics camera lens. The detector currently used is a thinned, AR-coated 2048 X 2048 Tektronix CCD. Fibers are arranged in two linear opposing banks that can access the 20 arcmin diameter field-of-view (FOV) of the instrument. The accuracy of fiber placement (assuming errorless coordinates) is less than 0.1 arcsec over the entire FOV. Fibers may be placed as close as 16 arcsec. This permits close pairings of fibers for very faint-object spectroscopy. Beam switching between paired fibers, as was done with two-channel spectrographs of yesteryear, will help average out temporal and spatial variations of the light of the night sky. Actual observations performed in this mode of operation indicate that the quality of the sky subtraction improves, as would be expected. The density of paired fibers within the Norris FOV matches the approximate density of faint field galaxies expected to a blue magnitude of 21. Software exists to take object lists (α,δ) and convert them to rectilinear (x,y) values (mm) on the xy stage by gnomonic projection and to assign fibers. This software also corrects for precession of the equinoxes, proper motion if epoch differences exist, and corrects for differential atmospheric refraction. To place a single fiber takes approximately 5 s on the average. A lower limit to the efficiency of the spectrograph plus telescope has been estimated to be 6.8% at 5500 Å. In order to derive the throughput of the instrument, the efficiency of the telescope, estimated to be approximately 56%, must be divided out. This value is consistent with the expectation that the reduction in efficiency from that of a standard CCD spectrograph such as The Hale Telescope's Double Spectrograph will be about a factor of 2. This results from the 60%-70% transmittance of the fibers and other losses. The spectra produced are linear with little distortion. With 10 A spectral resolution, fitting residuals on the order of 100 km s^(-1) are easily obtainable by modeling the dispersion by a third-order polynomial. The resolutions currently available range from 1 to about 20 Å. The spectra have a FWHM in the direction perpendicular to that of the dispersion of about 90 µm, or equivalently about three 27 pixels found in the older Tektronix 2048 CCDs. The interorder spacing of 250 µm is large enough to permit clean spectrum extractions. The instrument has been in use for several years. The scientific programs vary from high resolution (1 Å resolution) spectroscopy of stars in nearby globular clusters to a low spectral resolution (10 Å) survey of faint field galaxies. In this latter survey, with typical 2-hr exposures, absorption-line redshifts as high as z ~ 0.5 have been routinely measured. Several heretofore unknown quasars with redshifts around three have also been discovered serendipitously

    Transient in utero knockout (TIUKO) of C-MYC affects late lung and intestinal development in the mouse

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    BACKGROUND: Developmentally important genes often result in early lethality in knockout animals. Thus, the direct role of genes in late gestation organogenesis cannot be assessed directly. In utero delivery of transgenes was shown previously to result in high efficiency transfer to pulmonary and intestinal epithelial stem cells. Thus, this technology can be used to evaluate late gestation development. RESULTS: In utero gene transfer was used to transfer adenovirus with either an antisense c-myc or a C-MYC ubiquitin targeting protein to knockout out c-myc expression in late gestation lung and intestines. Using either antisense or ubiquitin mediated knockout of C-MYC levels in late gestation resulted in similar effects. Decreased complexity was observed in both intestines and lungs. Stunted growth of villi was evident in the intestines. In the lung, hypoplastic lungs with disrupted aveolarization were observed. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrated that C-MYC was required for cell expansion and complexity in late gestation lung and intestinal development. In addition they demonstrate that transient in utero knockout of proteins may be used to determine the role of developmentally important genes in the lungs and intestines
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