136 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of chylous abdominal effusions: what is the triglyceride threshold value?

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    IntroductionChylous abdominal effusions are serious complications that can be triggered by various aetiologies. The biochemical diagnosis of chyle leakage in ascites or in peritoneal fluid capsules relies on the detection of chylomicrons. Assaying the fluid’s concentration of triglycerides is still the first-line tool. Given that only one comparative study has sought to quantify the value of the triglyceride assay for diagnosing chylous ascites in humans, our objective was to provide practical triglyceride thresholds. Materials and methodsWe conducted a 9-year, retrospective, single-centre study of adult patients and compared a triglyceride assay with lipoprotein gel electrophoresis for the analysis of 90 non-recurring abdominal effusions (ascites and abdominal collections) of which 65 were chylous. ResultsA triglyceride threshold of 0.4 mmol/L was associated with a sensitivity > 95%, and a threshold of 2.4 mmol/L was associated with a specificity > 95%. According to Youden index, the best threshold was 0.65 mmol/L with a sensitivity of 88 (77-95)%, a specificity of 72 (51-88)%, and, in our series, a positive predictive value of 89 (79-95)% and a negative predictive value of 69 (48-86)%. ConclusionsIn our series, cut-off of 0.4 mmol/L could be used for ruling-out diagnosis of chylous effusions, while cut-off of 2.4 mmol/L could be used for reasonably confirming diagnosis

    An Accurate Definition of the Status of Inactive Hepatitis B Virus Carrier by a Combination of Biomarkers (FibroTest-ActiTest) and Viral Load

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    BACKGROUND: The combination of transaminases (ALT), biopsy, HBeAg and viral load have classically defined the inactive status of carriers of chronic hepatitis B. The use of FibroTest (FT) and ActiTest (AT), biomarkers of fibrosis and necroinflammatory activity, has been previously validated as alternatives to biopsy. We compared the 4-year prognostic value of combining FT-AT and viral load for a better definition of the inactive carrier status. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 1,300 consecutive CHB patients who had been prospectively followed since 2001 were pre-included. The main endpoint was the absence of liver-related complications, transplantation or death. We used the manufacturers' definitions of normal FT (< = 0.27), normal AT (< = 0.29) and 3 standard classes for viral load. The adjustment factors were age, sex, HBeAg, ethnic origin, alcohol consumption, HIV-Delta-HCV co-infections and treatment. RESULTS: 1,074 patients with baseline FT-AT and viral load were included: 41 years old, 47% African, 27% Asian, 26% Caucasian. At 4 years follow-up, 50 complications occurred (survival without complications 93.4%), 36 deaths occurred (survival 95.0%), including 27 related to HBV (survival 96.1%). The prognostic value of FT was higher than those of viral load or ALT when compared using area under the ROC curves [0.89 (95%CI 0.84-0.93) vs 0.64 (0.55-0.71) vs 0.53 (0.46-0.60) all P<0.001], survival curves and multivariate Cox model [regression coefficient 5.2 (3.5-6.9; P<0.001) vs 0.53 (0.15-0.92; P = 0.007) vs -0.001 (-0.003-0.000;P = 0.052)] respectively. A new definition of inactive carriers was proposed with an algorithm combining "zero" scores for FT-AT (F0 and A0) and viral load classes. This new algorithm provides a 100% negative predictive value for the prediction of liver related complications or death. Among the 275 patients with the classic definition of inactive carrier, 62 (23%) had fibrosis presumed with FT, and 3 died or had complications at 4 year. CONCLUSION: In patients with chronic hepatitis B, a combination of FibroTest-ActiTest and viral load testing accurately defined the prognosis and the inactive carrier status

    Resveratrol and Cardiovascular Diseases

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    The increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) has stimulated research for substances that could improve cardiovascular health. Among them, resveratrol (RES), a polyphenolic compound notably present in grapes and red wine, has been involved in the “French paradox”. RES is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and for its ability to upregulate endothelial NO synthase (eNOS). RES was able to scavenge ‱OH/O2‱− and peroxyl radicals, which can limit the lipid peroxidation processes. Moreover, in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) under glucose-induced oxidative stress, RES restored the activity of dimethylargininedimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), an enzyme that degrades an endogenous inhibitor of eNOS named asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). Thus, RES could improve ‱NO availability and decrease the endothelial dysfunction observed in diabetes. Preclinical studies have made it possible to identify molecular targets (SIRT-1, AMPK, Nrf2, NFÎșB
); however, there are limited human clinical trials, and difficulties in the interpretation of results arise from the use of high-dose RES supplements in research studies, whereas low RES concentrations are present in red wine. The discussions on potential beneficial effects of RES in CVDs (atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure) should compare the results of preclinical studies with those of clinical trials

    Thérapeutiques anti-oxydantes et anti-AGE : bilans et perspectives

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    Les patients diabĂ©tiques prĂ©sentent un Ă©tat de stress oxydant, c’est-Ă -dire de dĂ©sĂ©quilibre entre espĂšces rĂ©actives de l’oxygĂšne et dĂ©fenses anti-oxydantes, au profit des premiĂšres. Ce stress oxydant, qui s’accompagne de la formation de produits de glycation avancĂ©e (AGE), est impliquĂ© dans la survenue de complications diabĂ©tiques. Il peut donc ĂȘtre particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressant de proposer chez ces patients des molĂ©cules anti-oxydantes et/ou anti-AGE, en tant que thĂ©rapeutique complĂ©mentaire.Les anti-oxydants peuvent ĂȘtre des molĂ©cules classiques telles que vitamine E, acide lipoĂŻque ou N-acĂ©tylcystĂ©ine. Ainsi, un traitement par la vitamine E peut amĂ©liorer l’action de l’insuline et l’équilibre glycĂ©mique, comme le montre l’abaissement de la glycĂ©mie et des valeurs d’hĂ©moglobine glyquĂ©e et de fructosamine. En outre, cette supplĂ©mentation diminue la peroxydation lipidique au niveau plasmatique ainsi que l’oxydabilitĂ© des lipoprotĂ©ines de basse densitĂ© (LDL), phĂ©nomĂšne impliquĂ© dans le processus d’athĂ©- rogĂ©nĂšse. Ce type de supplĂ©mentation permet aussi de lutter contre les complications du type rĂ©tinopathie.Une deuxiĂšme catĂ©gorie de molĂ©cules concerne celles susceptibles de s’opposer aux effets des produits de glycation avancĂ©s (AGE). Elles peuvent agir :

    Coenzyme Q10 (prĂ©sentation et intĂ©rĂȘts en pathologie)

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    HyperthyroĂŻdie sous amodiarone

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude de propriétés antioxydantes et cytoprotectrices du resvératrol et d'analogues structuraux

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    La production inappropriĂ©e d espĂšces radicalaires et/ou la diminution des dĂ©fenses anti-oxydantes sont Ă  l origine du stress oxydant, impliquĂ© dans la physiopathologie de maladies chroniques telles que le diabĂšte sucrĂ© et les maladies cardiovasculaires. Le resvĂ©ratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbĂšne) est un antioxydant d origine naturelle, possĂ©dant des propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-tumorale, anti-aggrĂ©gant plaquettaire, anti-inflammatoire et neuroprotectrice. L objectif de notre recherche a Ă©tĂ© d Ă©valuer les propriĂ©tĂ©s antioxydantes et cytoprotectrices d analogues structuraux du resvĂ©ratrol, le resvĂ©ratrol Ă©tant considĂ©rĂ© comme molĂ©cule de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Dans un premier temps, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques du resvĂ©ratrol qui existe sous deux formes stĂ©rĂ©oisomĂ©riques trans- et cis-. Le trans-resvĂ©ratrol dissous en milieu aqueux par sonication puis exposĂ© Ă  la lumiĂšre solaire, se transforme en isomĂšre cis-. Nous avons participĂ© Ă  la mise au point d une technique de dĂ©termination du rapport trans-/cis- resvĂ©ratrol par une mĂ©thode spectrophotomĂ©trique simple. Dans un second temps, nous avons Ă©valuĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-oxydantes in vitro de trois dĂ©rivĂ©s du stilbĂšne, analogues structuraux du resvĂ©ratrol : le PDM2 (1,3-dichloro-5-[(1E)-2-(4-chlorophĂ©nyl) Ă©thĂ©nyl]-benzĂšne), le PDM11 ((E)-5-[2-(4-chlorophĂ©nyl) Ă©thĂ©nyl]-1,3-dimethoxyphĂ©nyl-Ă©thĂšne) et le picĂ©atannol (trans-3,5,3 ,4 -tetrahydroxystilbĂšne). Des micelles d acide linolĂ©ique (10-2 M) renfermant les molĂ©cules Ă  tester ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  l action de radicaux hydroxyles gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par radiolyse gamma de l eau en milieu aĂ©rĂ©. Les marqueurs de peroxydation lipidique Ă©tudiĂ©s aprĂšs irradiation des micelles ont Ă©tĂ© les diĂšnes conjuguĂ©s (mesure de l absorbance Ă  234 nm) et les hydroperoxydes (CLHP en phase inverse avec dĂ©tection par chimiluminescence).Nos rĂ©sultats montrent une activitĂ© antioxydante in vitro croissante en fonction de la concentration de picĂ©atannol et de resvĂ©ratrol (10-5 Ă  10-4 M). Le picĂ©atannol prĂ©sente, Ă  concentrations Ă©gales, un pouvoir protecteur vis-Ă -vis de la peroxydation lipidique supĂ©rieur Ă  celui du resvĂ©ratrol, probablement en relation avec la prĂ©sence d un groupement hydroxyle supplĂ©mentaire comparativement au resvĂ©ratrol. Le schĂ©ma rĂ©actionnel proposĂ© pour le mĂ©canisme de protection antioxydante du picĂ©atannol et du resvĂ©ratrol serait une compĂ©tition avec l acide gras vis-Ă -vis de la capture des radicaux libres peroxyles LOO de l acide gras, la constante de vitesse de rĂ©action des radicaux LOO Ă©tant supĂ©rieure dans le cas du picĂ©atannol Ă  celle du resvĂ©ratrol : k (LOO + picĂ©atannol) >= 1,4x105 M-1.s-1 et k (LOO + resvĂ©ratrol) >= 0,3x105 M-1.s-1. Aucune protection significative des micelles vis-Ă vis de l attaque radicalaire n a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e avec les dĂ©rivĂ©s PDM2 et PDM11, et l Ă©valuation des propriĂ©tĂ©s antioxydantes de ces deux molĂ©cules a donc Ă©tĂ© interrompue. Dans un troisiĂšme temps et Ă  la lumiĂšre des rĂ©sultats obtenus en milieu acellulaire, nos travaux ont Ă©tĂ© orientĂ©s vers l Ă©valuation biologique de l effet cytoprotecteur de l apport de groupements hydroxyles sur le noyau de base stilbĂšne constitutif du resvĂ©ratrol, en milieu cellulaire aortique. Les dĂ©rivĂ©s tĂ©tra- (picĂ©atannol) et hexa-hydroxylĂ©s du resvĂ©ratrol ont Ă©tĂ© synthĂ©tisĂ©s (collaboration Dr Jaeger, Vienne, Autriche). Les capacitĂ©s cytoprotectrices de ces molĂ©cules, comparĂ©es Ă  celles du resvĂ©ratrol, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es sur le modĂšle cellulaire des cellules endothĂ©liales aortiques bovines (BAEC). Ces cellules ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  un stress oxydant chronique (glucose Ă  forte concentration 25 mM) aprĂšs un prĂ©traitement (ou un co-traitement) par les molĂ©cules d intĂ©rĂȘt (1 Ă  50 M). Un effet anti-apoptotique, liĂ© Ă  une rĂ©duction de la production radicalaire intracellulaire, a Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ© par la mesure des activitĂ©s de la caspase-3 et de la Poly (ADP ribose) PolymĂ©rase (PARP). La modulation de l effet cytoprotecteur des dĂ©rivĂ©s tĂ©tra- (picĂ©atannol) et hexa-hydroxylĂ©s du resvĂ©ratrol est apparue partielle et non corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  l enrichissement de la molĂ©cule de rĂ©fĂ©rence en groupements hydroxyles. L activitĂ© antioxydante in vitro ne paraĂźt pas correspondre Ă  un effet cytoprotecteur dans les conditions de stress oxydant Ă©tudiĂ©es.Oxidative stress is implicated in chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Resveratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) is a natural antioxidant displaying anti-tumor, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Our work aimed to study the antioxidative and cytoprotective properties of resveratrol s structural analogues. We participated in the development of a simple spectrophotometrical technique to determine the trans-/cis- resveratrol ratio. We also studied the in vitro protective effects of three derivatives of resveratrol, i.e., piceatannol(trans-3,5,3_,4_-tetrahydroxystilbene), PDM2 (1,3-dichloro-5-[(1E)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethenyl]-benzene) and PDM11 ((E)-5-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethenyl]-1,3-dimethoxyphenyl-ethene), compared with resveratrol as reference compound, against oxidation of linoleate micelles (10-2 M) initiated by radiolysisgenerated hydroxyl radicals. Lipid peroxidation was monitored by conjugated dienes (differential absorbance at 234 nm), and by hydroperoxides (reverse phase HPLC with chemiluminescence detection). The higher the concentration of resveratrol or piceatannol (from 10-5M to 10-4 M), the stronger the antioxidant ability. Piceatannol, with the presence of an additional hydroxyl group, showed a better antioxidant effect than resveratrol for a given concentration (competition with the fatty acid to scavenge lipid peroxyl radicals LOO ), whereas PDM2 and PDM11, without any hydroxyl group, did not exhibit any significant protective effect. A lower limit for the LOO rate constant has been estimated for piceatannol (>= 1.4.105M-1 s-1) and for resveratrol (>= 0.3.105 M-1 s-1). The cytoprotective effect of two hydroxylated analogues, piceatannol and hexahydroxystilbene (collaboration with Dr. Jaeger, Vienna, Austria) compared with resveratrol, was evaluated by measuring the activities of caspase-3 and Poly (ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP) in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) undergoing high glucose (25 mM) stress conditions and pre-treated or co-treated with the studied analogues (1-10-50 M). Only a partial cytoprotective effect of these molecules seemed to be observed under our experimental conditionsPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF
