18 research outputs found

    Aproximación cienciométrica a la Apnea de Sueño (2006-2010)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Psiquiatría. Fecha de lectura: 28 de enero de 201

    Análisis de la internacionalización de la Revista Española de Documentación Científica: 2010-2015

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    Articles and Reviews (n=197) published in Revista Española de Documentación Científica (REDC) over the six-year period 2010-2015 were analyzed. 25.9% of them are related to metric studies of information, a subject that has characterized the journal since its creation in 1977. The Library and Information Science (LIS) category of the Journal Citation Reports has been analyzed through direct citation analysis techniques and a structure of three major clusters has been found. Within this classification, the REDC fits into the bibliometric-Scientometric cluster The REDC maintains some inbred character, both in the references provided by the journal itself (5% of the total references) and in the self-citations received (39% of all citations), most of them referring to bibliometric studies, which is explained by its high specialization in this field. The standardized impact (INR, Standardized Impact to the Journal) for the different thematic areas published is not related to the productivity of each area, but it is the less represented areas that present the greatest impact. On the other hand, the articles published by foreign institutions with or without Spanish collaboration are 16% of the total, and come mainly from Latin America, specially Cuba and Colombia.Se analizan los 197 artículos publicados en la Revista Española de Documentación Científica (REDC) durante el sexenio 2010-2015. El 25,9% de los mismos se relaciona con estudios métricos de la información e indicadores científicos, temática que ha caracterizado a la revista desde su creación en el año 1977, y por la que forma parte del clúster de Cienciometría y Bibliometría, según la red de citación de revistas de la categoría Library and Information Science (LIS), del Journal Citation Reports, donde ocupa una posición media en el ranking de revistas de su especialidad, oscilando entre el segundo y tercer cuartil. La REDC mantiene un cierto carácter endogámico, tanto en las referencias aportadas por la propia revista (5% del total de referencias), como en las autocitas recibidas (39% de todas las citas), la mayoría de ellas referidas a estudios bibliométricos, lo que se explica por su alta especialización en dicha materia. El impacto normalizado (INR, Impacto Normalizado a la Revista) para las distintas áreas temáticas publicadas no está relacionado con la productividad de cada área, sino que son las áreas menos representadas las que mayor impacto presentan. Por otra parte, los artículos publicados por instituciones extranjeras, tanto en colaboración con España o sin colaboración española, suponen el 16% del total (32 artículos), y proceden principalmente de América Latina, destacando Cuba y Colombia como los más productivos

    Indicators for the analysis of international visibility in Spanish universities

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    En el actual contexto de globalización, la visibilidad internacional se ha convertido en un activo fundamental para las instituciones de educación superior, ya sea para obtener recursos materiales y humanos como para mejorar su prestigio. De ahí el creciente interés, por parte de las universidades, en que sus logros en ciertos campos científicos sean debidamente reconocidos. Utilizando una metodología cienciométrica, en este trabajo, se proponen una serie de herramientas e indicadores para identificar las universidades españolas más visibles internacionalmente y detectar sus fortalezas temáticas. Se han utilizado como fuentes de información la base de datos de publicaciones Web of Science, los Essential Science Indicators de Thomson Reuters y los principales rankings internacionales de universidades. Se obtuvieron indicadores bibliométricos de visibilidad: número de citas por institución y área temática, número de documentos altamente citados (Highly cited papers y Hot cited papers) y posición de las universidades españolas en los rankings internacionales. Para unificar las diferentes clasificaciones temáticas en que cada fuente ofrece la información, se ha realizado una agregación en 4 grandes áreas. Los principales resultados muestran que 44 universidades españolas presentan algún indicador de visibilidad internacional, siendo los más frecuentes los documentos altamente citados. 27 universidades aparecen en los rankings de especialidades y es el ránking QS por temas el que mejor muestra las áreas de especialización. Ciencias Experimentales es el área de mayor especialización y las universidades con más visibilidad en ella son la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, la Universidad de Valencia y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Este estudio muestra que el análisis de visibilidad basado únicamente en el impacto de las publicaciones puede ser muy limitado y que el estudio de la presencia en rankings generales no resulta muy preciso. Es necesario profundizar a nivel de sub-disciplina y así detectar las fortalezas institucionales en cada área específica.In today’s globalising environment, visibility has become a pivotal asset for higher education institutions to obtain material and human resources and enhance their prestige. Hence, their interest in having their achievements in certain fields are duly acknowledged. In this paper, we propose a pool of tools and indicators to identify the most visible Spanish universities into the international scope, and their thematic strengths. Different sources of information were used: web of science, essential science indicators, and international rankings. Scientometrics indicators of visibility were obtained: number of citation by institution and field, highly cited papers, hot cited papers, position of Spanish universities in international rankings. Considering the different thematic classification of sources, an aggregation in 4 areas was maked and relationships between universities and their specialisations were drawn. 44 Spanish universities have some indicator of international visibility; the most frequent are highly cited papers. 27 universities are in the rankings of specialties, most of them present in the QS ranking by subject. Greater specialization is given in Experimental Sciences and universities with more visibility are Autonomus University of Madrid, University of Valencia and Autonomus University of Barcelona. This study shows that the analysis of visibility based solely on the impact of publications or in position, in general ranking of universities can be very limited. It is necessary to reach the level of sub-discipline and thus detect institutional strengths in each specific fiel

    Scientometric Analysis of Research in Energy Efficiency and Citizen Science through Projects and Publications

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    Energy efficiency is part of the commitment to environmental sustainability made by the organizations that promote and finance research and by the researchers that make this field their subject of study. Although there is growing interest in the subject, it is worth asking whether the research has been approached considering citizens’ needs or citizens’ participation. The main objective of this study is to analyse whether energy efficiency research has adopted a citizen science perspective. Using scientometric methods, the SCOPUS and CORDIS databases were consulted and a document search strategy was developed to gather information on publications and projects. The analysis revealed that, out of 265 projects under the Seventh Framework Programme on Energy Efficiency, only seven (3%) were related to citizen science. Although there is a large volume of publications on energy efficiency (over 200,000) and a considerable number of publications on citizen science (>30,000 articles), only 336 documents were identified that deal with both topics. The number of projects and publications on these topics has increased in recent years, with universities being the institutions that have published the most. Content analysis found that the most frequent topics are public perception of the use of renewable energies; citizen participation in measures to address climate change and global warming; and the involvement of different stakeholders in the use and responsible consumption of energy. Finally, information was collected on the impact of these publications on social media and altmetric tools. It was revealed that 33% of the 336 papers have had a presence in different sources, especially Twitter. This is a high figure compared with the dissemination achieved by papers from other disciplines.This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant 741657, SciShops.e

    Analysis of the internationalization of the Revista Española de Documentación Científica: 2010-2015

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    Se analizan los 197 artículos publicados en la Revista Española de Documentación Científica (REDC) durante el sexenio 2010-2015. El 25,9% de los mismos se relaciona con estudios métricos de la información e indicadores científicos, temática que ha caracterizado a la revista desde su creación en el año 1977, y por la que forma parte del clúster de Cienciometría y Bibliometría, según la red de citación de revistas de la categoría Library and Information Science (LIS), del Journal Citation Reports, donde ocupa una posición media en el ranking de revistas de su especialidad, oscilando entre el segundo y tercer cuartil. La REDC mantiene un cierto carácter endogámico, tanto en las referencias aportadas por la propia revista (5% del total de referencias), como en las autocitas recibidas (39% de todas las citas), la mayoría de ellas referidas a estudios bibliométricos, lo que se explica por su alta especialización en dicha materia. El impacto normalizado (INR, Impacto Normalizado a la Revista) para las distintas áreas temáticas publicadas no está relacionado con la productividad de cada área, sino que son las áreas menos representadas las que mayor impacto presentan. Por otra parte, los artículos publicados por instituciones extranjeras, tanto en colaboración con España o sin colaboración española, suponen el 16% del total (32 artículos), y proceden principalmente de América Latina, destacando Cuba y Colombia como los más productivos.Articles and Reviews (n=197) published in Revista Española de Documentación Científica (REDC) over the six-year period 2010-2015 were analyzed. 25.9% of them are related to metric studies of information, a subject that has characterized the journal since its creation in 1977. The Library and Information Science (LIS) category of the Journal Citation Reports has been analyzed through direct citation analysis techniques and a structure of three major clusters has been found. Within this classification, the REDC fits into the bibliometric-Scientometric cluster The REDC maintains some inbred character, both in the references provided by the journal itself (5% of the total references) and in the self-citations received (39% of all citations), most of them referring to bibliometric studies, which is explained by its high specialization in this field. The standardized impact (INR, Standardized Impact to the Journal) for the different thematic areas published is not related to the productivity of each area, but it is the less represented areas that present the greatest impact. On the other hand, the articles published by foreign institutions with or without Spanish collaboration are 16% of the total, and come mainly from Latin America, specially Cuba and Colombia

    Tecnologias verdes para um mundo autossustentável: um olhar sobre Brasil e Espanha

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    The paper discusses about green technologies in the scope of the innovation process, based on the analysis of the green patents requested in a global level and, more specifically, on the study of the priority patents Brazil and Spain. Green patents, defined here, as patents that have focus in green technology, that is, adaptive and mitigation technologies of the climate change, which comprehends reduction of carbon emissions and pollution, efficient increase of energy and resources and reduction of the biodiversity loss and the ecosystems. From the methodological point of view, a search strategy was formulated based on the Green Technology Manual Codes tables. The established concept of the green technology by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was used to build the corpus of the 224.673 patent registers extract from Derwent World Patents Index data bases, between 2004 and 2013. The results of the analysis demonstrate the extent of the efforts mobilization, sometimes set up under the aegis of the green economy, which aims to change the traditional production model, not only as an option but as an imperative trend of the world economyO texto discute sobre as tecnologias verdes no âmbito do processo de inovação, com base na análise das patentes verdes solicitadas em nível global e, mais particularmente, no estudo das patentes de prioridade Brasil e Espanha. Patentes verdes aqui entendidas como patentes com foco em tecnologias verdes, ou seja, tecnologias adaptativas e mitigadores das mudanças do clima, o que compreende redução da emissão de carbono e poluição, aumento da eficiência energética e de recursos e a redução da perda de biodiversidade e dos ecossistemas. Do ponto de vista metodológico, formulou-se uma estratégia de busca com base nas tabelas Green Technology Manual Codes. Para a constituição do corpus de 224.673 registros de patentes extraídas da base de dados Derwent World Patents Index – período de cobertura 2004-2013 – o foco foram as tecnologias verdes estabelecidas pela Convenção Marco das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança Climática. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram a amplitude da mobilização de esforços, ora sob a égide da economia verde, no propósito da mudança do modelo de produção tradicional, não como uma opção, mas como uma tendência imperativa da economia mundial

    Propuesta de un mapa para la clasificación de universidades basado en indicadores bibliométricos y altmétricos

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    En los últimos años se ha producido un creciente interés en el ámbito de los rankings de universidades que, por medio de indicadores bibliométricos, buscan clasificar a las universidades. Al mismo tiempo, han surgido en los últimos años un conjunto nuevo de indicadores aún por explorar, su denominación como indicadores altmétricos hace referencia a su capacidad para cuantificar, a través de fuentes de datos alternativas, la influencia que la actividad científica ejerce sobre el mundo académico o sobre la sociedad en general. El presente trabajo pretende aunar ambos conceptos mediante la propuesta de un mapa para la clasificación de las universidades españolas, construido a partir de indicadores bibliométricos tradicionales (utilizados en los rankings), indicadores altmétricos y la presencia de las universidades en los rankings. Al igual que en el caso de los indicadores bibliométricos tradicionales, se ha encontrado que los indicadores altmétricos no se ajustan a una distribución normal, lo cual excluye muchas de las técnicas estadísticas paramétricas. Entre las variables que correlacionan con el número de citas, destacan las menciones en cuentas sociales, en posts, en Twitter y el número de lectores, todas ellas con un grado de correlación igual o superior a 0,9. Además, se aportan evidencias de la relación que se produce entre el número de lectores y los indicadores bibliométricos tradicionales y queda patente la diferenciación entre este tipo de variables y aquellas que recogen la influencia de la investigación científica a un nivel más social, a través de las redes sociales. Finalmente, el análisis de correspondencias demuestra que es posible clasificar a las universidades por medio de una combinación de indicadores tradicionales y altmétricos, conformando un mapa de instituciones en función del esfuerzo y el éxito alcanzado por las mismas en torno al ámbito académico, social o a los medios de divulgación tradicionales

    Detecting trends in sustainability publications: research development and dynamics in "Green and sustainable science and technology" category

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    Although the sustainability movement began to take shape in the early nineteen seventies, it was not until 1987 with the publication of the Brundtland Report that it acquired institutional recognition. The academic community's engagement with the movement came a few years later in the form of sustainability science, which developed and consolidated in keeping with the dynamics of any new scientific discipline. This review analyses its development based on the papers listed in the web of science (WoS) category 'Green and sustainable science and technology'. The bibliometric methodology used included social network and multivariate analysis focusing on journal, discipline and subject inter-relationships to map and analyse developments in this new field. The main findings identified four clusters of journals with different patterns of development: sustainability, renewable energies, green chemistry and green ecology. Mainstream and emerging subjects were determined on the grounds of co-word analysis.Peer reviewe

    Scientometric Analysis of Research in Energy Efficiency and Citizen Science through Projects and Publications

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Energy efficiency is part of the commitment to environmental sustainability made by the organizations that promote and finance research and by the researchers that make this field their subject of study. Although there is growing interest in the subject, it is worth asking whether the research has been approached considering citizens’ needs or citizens’ participation. The main objective of this study is to analyse whether energy efficiency research has adopted a citizen science perspective. Using scientometric methods, the SCOPUS and CORDIS databases were consulted and a document search strategy was developed to gather information on publications and projects. The analysis revealed that, out of 265 projects under the Seventh Framework Programme on Energy Efficiency, only seven (3%) were related to citizen science. Although there is a large volume of publications on energy efficiency (over 200,000) and a considerable number of publications on citizen science (>30,000 articles), only 336 documents were identified that deal with both topics. The number of projects and publications on these topics has increased in recent years, with universities being the institutions that have published the most. Content analysis found that the most frequent topics are public perception of the use of renewable energies; citizen participation in measures to address climate change and global warming; and the involvement of different stakeholders in the use and responsible consumption of energy. Finally, information was collected on the impact of these publications on social media and altmetric tools. It was revealed that 33% of the 336 papers have had a presence in different sources, especially Twitter. This is a high figure compared with the dissemination achieved by papers from other disciplines.This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant 741657, SciShops.eu. The content of this article does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the article lies entirely with the authorsPeer reviewe