2,094 research outputs found

    A nonlocal approximation of the Gaussian perimeter: Gamma convergence and Isoperimetric properties

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    We study a non local approximation of the Gaussian perimeter, proving the Gamma convergence to the local one. Surprisingly, in contrast with the local setting, the halfspace turns out to be a volume constrained stationary point if and only if the boundary hyperplane passes through the origin. In particular, this implies that Ehrhard symmetrization can in general increase the considered non local Gaussian perimeter

    Crystal structure of the clathrate form of syndiotactic poly(p-methylstyrene) containing o-dichlorobenzene

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    The crystal structure of the clathrate form of syndiotactic poly(p-methylstyrene) (s-PPMS) containing o-dichlorobenzene (o-DCB) is presented. The structure is characterized by polymer chains in s(2/1)2 helical conformation and o-dichlorobenzene molecules packed in a monoclinic unit cell with axes a = 23.4 Å, b = 11.8 Å, c = 7.7 Å, and γ = 115°, according to the space group P21/a. The calculated crystalline density is 1.07 g/cm3 for two polymer chains (eight monomer units) and two o-DCB molecules included in the unit cell. The o-DCB molecules occupy cavities delimited by the phenyl rings of two enantiomorphic polymer chains. A disorder in the positioning of the o-DCB molecules inside the cavity is present. A comparison with the crystal structure of the clathrate form of s-PPMS containing tetrahydrofuran is presented. Remarkable differences were found, confirming the previous hypothesis that two different types of crystal structures (α and β class) are presented by the clathrate forms of s-PPMS depending on the guest molecule

    An innovative approach for the synthesis of dual modality peptide imaging probes based on the native chemical ligation approach

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    The synthesis of a dual peptide-based imaging probe consists of two steps performed in aqueous solution under mild conditions

    Post-transcriptional regulation of the yeast high affinity iron transport system.

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae transcriptionally regulates the expression of the plasma membrane high affinity iron transport system in response to iron need. This transport system is comprised of the products of the FET3 and FTR1 genes. We show that Fet3p and Ftr1p are post-translationally regulated by iron. Incubation of cells in high iron leads to the internalization and degradation of both Fet3p and Ftr1p. Yeast strains defective in endocytosis (Deltaend4) show a reduced iron-induced loss of Fet3p-Ftr1p. In cells with a deletion in the vacuolar protease PEP4, high iron medium leads to the accumulation of Fet3p and Ftr1p in the vacuole. Iron-induced degradation of Fet3p-Ftr1p is significantly reduced in strains containing a deletion of a gene, VTA1, which is involved in multivesicular body (MVB) sorting in yeast. Sorting through the MVB can involve ubiquitination. We demonstrate that Ftr1p is ubiquitinated, whereas Fet3p is not ubiquitinated. Iron-induced internalization and degradation of Fet3p-Ftr1p occurs in a mutant strain of the E3 ubiquitin ligase RSP5 (rsp5-1), suggesting that Rsp5p is not required. Internalization of Fet3p-Ftr1p is specific for iron and requires both an active Fet3p and Ftr1p, indicating that it is the transport of iron through the iron permease Ftr1p that is responsible for the internalization and degradation of the Fet3p-Ftr1p complex

    Il corpo che si narra: il teatro kamishibai come “buona pratica” educativa

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    Drama is a very educational (Cambi et al., 2010; Capobianco, Vittoria, 2012), cathartic (Artaud, 1982, 1996; Cambria, 2007) and inclusive (González Rojas, Sandoval Poveda, 2021; Hartwig, 2021) self-training scenario. Through the drama experience, our body narrates itself, expresses emotions and articulates gestures as well as signs of our own feelings. It also conjugates our knowledge of the outer world with our knowledge of the inner world. Therefore, when the special needs student narrates himself/herself, he/she rewrites himself/herself by selecting contents, emotions and thoughts in deep reflection, which enables him/her to re-read and re-think his/her life experience and, consequently, givc “new body to his/her experience” (Mortari, 2007). In these respects, particular attention must be drawn to the relationship between life quality and self-narrating approach (Gaspari, 2018; Schön, 2006; 1993), as it entails the concurrence of multiple factors and elements connected to inclusivity. This theoretical framework hosts the Kamishibai theatre (Aldama Jiménez, 2005a, 2005b; Cid Lucas, 2009; 2006; Proli, 2019) as an educational approache whereby the special needs person wishes to re-build and re-elaborate his/her personal life route and existential condition in order to direct himself/herself towards the future. The use of an educational approach that is scenographically forged on the kamishibai theatre model entails the students' creative and emotional involvement as a key factor of the learning process, inasmuch as it valorizes artistic bodily expressions in each and every one of them.  Il teatro si configura come uno scenario fortemente educativo, auto formativo (Cambi et al., 2010; Capobianco, Vittoria, 2012), catartico (Artaud, 1982, 1996; Cambria, 2007), inclusivo (González Rojas, Sandoval Poveda, 2021; Hartwig, 2021). Attraverso l’esperienza teatrale, il corpo si racconta, esprimendo le emozioni e scandendo i gesti, nonché i segni del proprio sentire, coniugando, altresì, la conoscenza del mondo esterno ed interno. Di conseguenza, quando la persona con disabilità si narra, si riscrive selezionando i contenuti, le emozioni, i pensieri in un’azione di profonda riflessione che permette di rileggere e ripensare il vissuto, dando “nuovo corpo all’esperienza” (Mortari, 2007). In questo senso, l’attenzione va rivolta al rapporto che esiste tra qualità della vita e approccio narrativo-autobiografico (Gaspari, 2018; Schön, 2006; 1993), nel quale concorrono molteplici fattori ed elementi che investono il processo di inclusione. In questo frame work teorico si colloca la proposta educativa del Kamishibai (Aldama Jiménez, 2005a, 2005b; Cid Lucas, 2009; 2006; Proli, 2019) attraverso cui la persona con disabilità intende ricostruire e rielaborare il personale percorso di vita, la propria condizione esistenziale, per indirizzare sé stessa nella proiezione verso il futuro.  L’uso di una didattica spettacolarizzata sul modello teatrale del kamishibai prende in considerazione il coinvolgimento creativo ed emozionale degli studenti come elemento cardine del processo di apprendimento, valorizzando in ciascuno, l’espressione artistica e quindi corporea

    Adult human biliary tree stem cells differentiate to β-pancreatic islet cells by treatment with a recombinant human Pdx1 peptide

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    Generation of β-pancreatic cells represents a major goal in research. The aim of this study was to explore a protein-based strategy to induce differentiation of human biliary tree stem cells (hBTSCs) towards β-pancreatic cells. A plasmid containing the sequence of the human pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1) has been expressed in E. coli. Epithelial-Cell-Adhesion-Molecule positive hBTSCs or mature human hepatocyte cell line, HepG2, were grown in medium to which Pdx1 peptide was added. Differentiation toward pancreatic islet cells were evaluated by the expression of the β-cell transcription factors, Pdx1 and musculoapo-neurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog A, and of the pancreatic hormones, insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, investigated by real time polymerase chain reaction, western blot, light microscopy and immunofluorescence. C-peptide secretion in response to high glucose was also measured. Results indicated how purified Pdx1 protein corresponding to the primary structure of the human Pdx1 by mass spectroscopy was efficiently produced in bacteria, and transduced into hBTSCs. Pdx1 exposure triggered the expression of both intermediate and mature stage β-cell differentiation markers only in hBTSCs but not in HepG2 cell line. Furthermore, hBTSCs exposed to Pdx1 showed up-regulation of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin genes and formation of 3-dimensional islet-like structures intensely positive for insulin and glucagon. Finally, Pdx1-induced islet-like structures exhibited glucose-regulated C-peptide secretion. In conclusion, the human Pdx1 is highly effective in triggering hBTSC differentiation toward functional β-pancreatic cells

    Rheological Characterisation of Dairy Emulsions For Cold Foam Applications

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    Dairy foams are complex aerated materials where the liquid matrix is an emulsion made by oil droplets dispersed in a water system. An innovative application of these systems leads to an interesting product derived from instant whipped creams that are stored and consumed at low temperatures (typically between −4 and −18°C) like an ice cream. This novel product requires a specific texture due to the particular conditions related to its consumption. In the present work, the effects of some relevant ingredients (emulsifiers, sugars, and fats) on rheological properties and freezing temperature of dairy emulsions were investigated. Samples were prepared on lab scale and it was found that structure extension is affected strongly by stabilizers (carrageenan and guar gum) and in a lower measure by fat content. As far as freezing point is concerned a significant effect only of sugars (type and amount) and fats was measured. A formulation having interesting properties for low temperature applications was obtained an..

    Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Asbestiform Todorokite, Birnessite, and Ranciéite, and Their host Mn-Rich Deposits from Serra D'Aiello (Southern Italy)

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    Manganese ores, especially the oxyhydroxides in their different forms, are the dominant Mn-bearing minerals that occur in marine and terrestrial environments, where they are typically found as poorly crystalline and intermixed phases. Mn oxyhydroxides have a huge range of industrial applications and are able to exert a strong control on the mobility of trace metals. This paper reports the results of a detailed study on the Mn oxyhydroxides occurring in the manganiferous deposit outcropping in the Messinian sediments from Serra D'Aiello (Southern Italy). Nine Mn samples were characterized in detail using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG), transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectrometry (TEM/EDS), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The results indicated that the Mn deposit included the oxyhydroxide mineral species birnessite, todorokite, and rancièite. The size, morphology, and chemical composition of Mn oxyhydroxide samples were investigated in order to define their impact on the environment and human health. Todorokite displayed asbestiform shapes and could disperse fibers of breathable size in the air. Furthermore, since in-depth characterization of minerals within Mn deposits may be the first step toward understanding the genetic processes of manganese deposits, hypotheses about the genesis of the Mn oxyhydroxide deposits were discussed

    Can Computed Tomography Colonography Replace Optical Colonoscopy in Detecting Colorectal Lesions?: State of the Art

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    : Colorectal cancer is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Optical colonoscopy (OC) is widely accepted as the reference standard for the screening of colorectal polyps and cancers, and computed tomography colonography (CTC) is a valid alternative to OC. The purpose of this review was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of OC and CTC for colorectal lesions. A literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library, and 18 articles were included. CTC has emerged in recent years as a potential screening examination with high accuracy for the detection of colorectal lesions. However, the clinical application of CTC as a screening technique is limited because it is highly dependent on the size of the lesions and has poor performance in detecting individual lesions <5 mm or flat lesions, which, although rarely, can have a malignant potential