358 research outputs found
Semilattices global valuations in the topos approach to quantum mechanics
In the framework of the topos approach to quantum mechanics a kind of global valuation is introduced and studied. It allows us to represent certain features related to the logical consequences of properties about quantum systems when its phase space is endowed with an intuitionistic structureFil: Freytes Solari, Hector Carlos. Università di Cagliari; Italia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: de Ronde, Christian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filosofía "Dr. Alejandro Korn"; Argentina. Center Leo Apostel; Bélgica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Domenech, Graciela. Center Leo Apostel; Bélgica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
La mancomunidad de política hidrológica española : sectores y trayectorias políticas en Internet
En este trabajo nos acercamos a la transformación que la política de aguas española ha sufrido en las últimas décadas. La erosión de una cohesionada comunidad de política hidráulica ha dado paso a una red extendida y plural en la que se debate la política hidrológica contemporánea. En esta última, un nuevo discurso sobre la sostenibilidad (la «Nueva Cultura del Agua») articula a nuevos actores estatales y no estatales en torno a una novedosa «política de asuntos». A partir de la aplicación de estrategias de investigación extraídas de los análisis de controversias públicas en Internet, documentamos este fenómeno. Concretamente, rastreamos la red de la «Nueva Cultura del Agua» en la web, analizamos su estructura y reflexionamos sobre el sentido político de su historia. A partir del estudio realizado, proponemos la emergencia de una mancomunidad de política hidrológica en Internet.This paper deals with the transformation that water policy in Spain has undergone in recent decades. The erosion of a strongly united hydraulic policy community has given way to a widespread and plural network in which modern hydrological policy is under discussion. In this network, a new discourse about sustainability (the «New Water Culture») brings new State and non-governmental actors together in an innovative form of «issue politics». We document this phenomenon by using research strategies drawn from analyses of public issues on the Internet. More precisely, we trace the «New Water Culture» network on the Web, analyse its structure and consider the political meaning of its history. On the basis of the study carried out, we claim that a hydrological policy commonwealth has emerged on the Internet
Patrones de movimiento en futbolistas de élite
Esta tesis doctoral consta de dos partes claramente diferenciadas: una parte teórica y una parte
experimental. En la primera parte se incluye una revisión de la literatura compuesta por varios apartados que
analizan los diferentes contenidos tratados en la tesis. En la segunda parte se incluyen los 3 estudios realizados,
los cuales son presentados en formato de artículo. Todos estos estudios se han llevado a cabo con el objetivo de
conseguir un mayor conocimiento y entendimiento en lo que se refiere al análisis de los diferentes patrones de
movimiento (carrera) ejecutados por los futbolistas de élite en el evento más importante hasta el momento en el
mundo del fútbol. Concretamente en la reciente Copa del Mundo FIFA celebrada en Brasil 2014.
Capítulo 1.
Este capítulo nos proporciona una revisión de la literatura relacionada con los desplazamientos de carrera que se
realizan por parte de los futbolistas en la competición. Detallando las técnicas utilizadas hasta el momento para
dicho análisis así como los estudios más relevantes. Intentando aportar los aspectos más importantes que se
relacionan con nuestro objetivo de análisis.
Capítulo 2.
Este capítulo contiene el primer estudio de la tesis doctoral, donde hemos analizado los patrones de movimiento
realizados por los jugadores en la Copa del Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 contemplando las distintas partes del partido y
la influencia que pueda tener el resultado. Con este estudio se ha pretendido conocer y confirmar las diferencias
existentes ya por otros autores en estudios similares.
Capítulo 3.
Este capítulo contiene el segundo estudio de la tesis doctoral, donde hemos analizado los patrones de movimiento
realizados por los jugadores en la Copa del Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 contemplando las diferencias entre los
puestos específicos y la influencia de la posesión del balón.
Capítulo 4.
Este capítulo contiene el tercer estudio de la tesis doctoral, donde hemos analizado los patrones de movimiento
realizados por los jugadores en la Copa del Mundo FIFA Brasil 2014 pertenecientes a los dos mejores equipos del
campeonato, con el fin de averiguar las diferencias que puedan existir entra la fase de grupos y la fase de
eliminación directa
Equational characterization for two-valued states in orthomodular quantum systems
In this paper we develop an algebraic framework in which several classes of two-valued states over orthomodular lattices may be equationally characterized. The class of two-valued states and the subclass of Jauch–Piron two-valued states are among the classes which we study.Fil: Domenech, Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Freytes Solari, Hector Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderon; ArgentinaFil: de Ronde, Christian. Center Leo Apostel; Bélgica. Vrije Unviversiteit Brussel; Bélgic
Inequality in Education: Evidence for Latin America
This paper provides original empirical evidence on the evolution of education inequality for the Latin American countries over the decades of 1990 and 2000. The analysis covers a wide range of issues on the differences in educational outcomes and opportunities across the population, including inequality in years of education, gaps in school enrolment, wage skill differentials and public social expenditure. The evidence indicates a significant difference between the 1990s and the 2000s in terms of both the assessment of the equity of the education expansion and its impact on the income distribution. In particular, changes in the 2000s seem to have had an equalizing impact on earnings, given the more pro-poor pattern of the education upgrading and a more stable or even increasing relative demand for low-skill labour.Fil: Cruces, Guillermo Antonio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: García Domenech, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Gasparini, Leonardo Carlos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Ciencias Económicas. Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
Teleassistència publica a Espanya : consideracions dels seus efectes en els serveis socials i sanitaris
El artículo analiza un servicio destinado a la asistencia domiciliaria a la gente mayor im¬plementado en España a lo largo de la década de los noventa: la teleasistencia. El objetivo es hacer constar algunos efectos de su oferta pública sobre los servicios sociales y sanitarios, llamando la atención a formuladores de políticas y gestores sobre aspectos clave respecto a la organización de esos servicios en la cartera de prestaciones sociosanitarias. Para perfeccionar el actual modelo de telecuidado e identificar posibles consecuencias no previstas en los sistemas social y sanitario, se sugiere la ampliación del debate público y la adopción de modelos participativos de evaluación de esas tecnologías.L'article analitza un servei destinat a l'assistència domiciliària a la gent gran im-plementat a Espanya al llarg de la dècada dels noranta: la teleassistència. L'objectiu és es-mentar alguns efectes de la seva oferta pública sobre els serveis socials i sanitaris, tot cridant l'atenció a formuladors de polítiques i gestors sobre aspectes clau pel que fa a l'organització d'aquests serveis a la cartera de prestacions sociosanitàries. Per tal de perfeccionar l'actual model de telecura i identificar possibles conseqüències no previstes en els sistemes social i sanitari, se suggereix l'ampliació del debat públic i l'adopció de models participa¬tius d'avaluació d'aquestes tecnologies.The article analyzes the home health assistan¬ce for the elderly implemented in Spain during the 1990s: the virtual home health assistance. The aim is to state its impact on the social and health service public offer, underlining key aspects to policy makers and managers about the organization of those services in social and health benefits. In order to improve the existing virtual home health assistance and being able to identify unexpected impact in the social and health system, we recommend developing public debate and to implement participatory models for the evaluation of those technolo¬gies
Using two-stream theory to capture fluctuations of satellite-perceived TOA SW radiances reflected from clouds over ocean
Shortwave (SW) fluxes estimated from broadband radiometry rely on
empirically gathered and hemispherically resolved fields of outgoing
top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiances. This study aims to provide more
accurate and precise fields of TOA SW radiances reflected from clouds
over ocean by introducing a novel semiphysical model predicting
radiances per narrow sun-observer geometry. This model was
statistically trained using CERES-measured radiances paired with
MODIS-retrieved cloud parameters as well as reanalysis-based
geophysical parameters. By using radiative transfer approximations as
a framework to ingest the above parameters, the new approach incorporates
cloud-top effective radius and above-cloud water vapor in addition to
traditionally used cloud optical depth, cloud fraction, cloud phase,
and surface wind speed. A two-stream cloud albedo – serving to
statistically incorporate cloud optical thickness and cloud-top
effective radius – and Cox–Munk ocean reflectance were used to
describe an albedo over each CERES footprint. Effective-radius-dependent asymmetry parameters were obtained empirically and
separately for each viewing-illumination geometry. A simple equation
of radiative transfer, with this albedo and attenuating above-cloud
water vapor as inputs, was used in its log-linear form to allow for
statistical optimization. We identified the two-stream functional
form that minimized radiance residuals calculated against CERES
observations and outperformed the state-of-the-art approach for most
observer geometries outside the sun-glint and solar zenith angles
between 20 and 70∘, reducing the median SD
of radiance residuals per solar geometry by up to 13.2 % for
liquid clouds, 1.9 % for ice clouds, and 35.8 % for
footprints containing both cloud phases. Geometries affected by
sun glint (constituting between 10 % and 1 % of the
discretized upward hemisphere for solar zenith angles of 20 and
70∘, respectively), however, often showed weaker
performance when handled with the new approach and had increased
residuals by as much as 60 % compared to the state-of-the-art
approach. Overall, uncertainties were reduced for liquid-phase and
mixed-phase footprints by 5.76 % and 10.81 %,
respectively, while uncertainties for ice-phase footprints increased
by 0.34 %. Tested for a variety of scenes, we further
demonstrated the plausibility of scene-wise predicted radiance
fields. This new approach may prove useful when employed in angular
distribution models and may result in improved flux estimates, in
particular dealing with clouds characterized by small or large
droplet/crystal sizes
La teleassistència domiciliària i la persona gran domesticada
Aquest estudi examina com la teleassistència domiciliària topa amb un nou repte: la conciliació, en la pràctica, de dues formes diferents de "bon envelliment": "l'envelliment en el lloc" i "l'envelliment actiu".El aumento de la población mayor de 65 años en los países europeos ha llevado a las autoridades e investigadores a preguntarse insistentemente cómo lograr un "buen envejecimiento". Nuevas tecnologías asistenciales y nuevos discursos sobre el envejecimiento están surgiendo como respuesta. Sin embargo, no solo ofrecen "soluciones"; también están creando retos nuevos. Este estudio examina cómo la teleasistencia domiciliaria lidia con uno de ellos: la conciliación, en la práctica, de dos formas distintas de "buen envejecimiento": el "envejecimiento en el lugar" y el "envejecimiento activo".The increasing amount of people over 65 years in Europe has led authorities and researchers to wonder insistently how to achieve a ‛successful aging'. New assistive technologies and new discourses on aging are emerging in response to this question. The answer does not only ‛solve' the issue of aging populations; they are also creating new challenges of their own. This study examines how home telecare services deal with one of this challenges: the conciliation, in practice, of two different forms of ‛aging well': ‛aging in place' and ‛active aging'
Phosphorylcholine Phosphatase: A Peculiar Enzyme of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa synthesizes phosphorylcholine phosphatase (PchP) when grown on choline, betaine, dimethylglycine or carnitine. In the presence of Mg2+ or Zn2+, PchP catalyzes the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) or phosphorylcholine (Pcho). The regulation of pchP gene expression is under the control of GbdR and NtrC; dimethylglycine is likely the metabolite directly involved in the induction of PchP. Therefore, the regulation of choline metabolism and consequently PchP synthesis may reflect an adaptive response of P. aeruginosa to environmental conditions. Bioinformatic and biochemistry studies shown that PchP contains two sites for alkylammonium compounds (AACs): one in the catalytic site near the metal ion-phosphoester pocket, and another in an inhibitory site responsible for the binding of the alkylammonium moiety. Both sites could be close to each other and interact through the residues 42E, 43E and 82YYY84. Zn2+ is better activator than Mg2+ at pH 5.0 and it is more effective at alleviating the inhibition produced by the entry of Pcho or different AACs in the inhibitory site. We postulate that Zn2+ induces at pH 5.0 a conformational change in the active center that is communicated to the inhibitory site, producing a compact or closed structure. However, at pH 7.4, this effect is not observed because to the hydrolysis of the [Zn2+L2−1L20(H2O)2] complex, which causes a change from octahedral to tetrahedral in the metal coordination geometry. This enzyme is also present in P. fluorescens, P. putida, P. syringae, and other organisms. We have recently crystallized PchP and solved its structure
Effect of width and boundary conditions on meeting maneuvers on two-way separated cycle tracks
Cycle track design guidelines are rarely based on scientific studies. In the case of off-road two-way cycle tracks, a minimum width must facilitate both passing and meeting maneuvers, being meeting maneuvers the most frequent. This study developed a methodology to observe meeting maneuvers using an instrumented bicycle, equipped with video cameras, a GPS tracker, laser rangefinders and speed sensors. This bicycle collected data on six two-way cycle tracks ranging 13-2.15 m width delimitated by different boundary conditions. The meeting maneuvers between the instrumented bicycle and every oncoming bicycle were characterized by the meeting clearance between the two bicycles, the speed of opposing bicycle and the reaction of the opposing rider: change in trajectory, stop pedaling or braking. The results showed that meeting clearance increased with the cycle track width and decreased if the cycle track had lateral obstacles, especially if they were higher than the bicycle handlebar. The speed of opposing bicycle shown the same tendency, although were more disperse. Opposing cyclists performed more reaction maneuvers on narrower cycle tracks and on cycle tracks with lateral obstacles to the handlebar height. Conclusions suggested avoiding cycle tracks narrower than 1.6 m, as they present lower meeting clearances, lower bicycle speeds and frequent reaction maneuvers. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.García García, A.; Agustin Gomez, F.; Llorca Garcia, C.; Angel-Domenech, A. (2015). Effect of width and boundary conditions on meeting maneuvers on two-way separated cycle tracks. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 78:127-137. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2015.02.019S1271377
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