445 research outputs found

    Evolutionary history of the fish genus Astyanax Baird & Girard (1854) (Actinopterygii, Characidae) in Mesoamerica reveals multiple morphological homoplasies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mesoamerica is one of the world's most complex biogeographical regions, mostly due to its complex geological history. This complexity has led to interesting biogeographical processes that have resulted in the current diversity and distribution of fauna in the region. The fish genus <it>Astyanax </it>represents a useful model to assess biogeographical hypotheses due to it being one of the most diverse and widely distributed freshwater fish species in the New World. We used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to evaluate phylogenetic relationships within the genus in Mesoamerica, and to develop historical biogeographical hypotheses to explain its current distribution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of the entire mitochondrial cytochrome <it>b </it>(<it>Cytb</it>) gene in 208 individuals from 147 localities and of a subset of individuals for three mitochondrial genes (<it>Cytb</it>, 16 S, and <it>COI</it>) and a single nuclear gene (<it>RAG1</it>) yielded similar topologies, recovering six major groups with significant phylogeographic structure. Populations from North America and Upper Central America formed a monophyletic group, while Middle Central America showed evidence of rapid radiation with incompletely resolved relationships. Lower Central America lineages showed a fragmented structure, with geographically restricted taxa showing high levels of molecular divergence. All <it>Bramocharax </it>samples grouped with their sympatric <it>Astyanax </it>lineages (in some cases even with allopatric <it>Astyanax </it>populations), with less than 1% divergence between them. These results suggest a homoplasic nature to the trophic specializations associated with <it>Bramocharax </it>ecomorphs, which seem to have arisen independently in different <it>Astyanax </it>lineages. We observed higher taxonomic diversity compared to previous phylogenetic studies of the <it>Astyanax </it>genus. Colonization of Mesoamerica by <it>Astyanax </it>before the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama (3.3 Mya) explains the deep level of divergence detected in Lower Central America. The colonization of Upper Mesoamerica apparently occurred by two independent routes, with lineage turnover over a large part of the region.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results support multiple, independent origins of morphological traits in <it>Astyanax</it>, whereby the morphotype associated with <it>Bramocharax </it>represents a recurrent trophic adaptation. Molecular clock estimates indicate that <it>Astyanax </it>was present in Mesoamerica during the Miocene (~8 Mya), which implies the existence of an incipient land-bridge connecting South America and Central America before the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama (~3.3 Mya).</p

    Exploratory analysis of a measurement scale of an information security management system

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    This research shows the analysis of multiple factors that inhibit the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The research data were collected from 143 respondents from two universities in northeastern Mexico, in faculties of engineering in related areas. In this study, the Information Security Management System Measurement Instrument (IM-ISMS) was validated. A scale of 24 items was obtained, divided into four factors: organizational policies and regulations, privacy, integrity and authenticity. The results of this study agree with the results found by [10] in which they pre-sent a model that complies with ISO/IEC 27002:2013 controls and security and privacy criteria to improve the ISMS. [48], Mentioned that the implementation of controls based on ISO standards can meet the requirements for cybersecurity best practices.A scale of 24 items was obtained, divided into four factors: organizational policies and regulations, privacy, integrity and authenticity. This version of the instrument meets the criteria established for its validity (KMO, Bartlett's test of sphericity). An extraction was performed by the minimum residuals method, an oblique rotation was performed by the promax method, when performing the rotation 17 of the 24 items were grouped in the corresponding factor. The final reliability of the scale was calculated by the Omega coefficient, in all the dimensions the coefficients were greater than .70, therefore the re-liability of the instrument is good

    Sociability between invasive guppies and native topminnows

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    This investigation was funded by the European Research Council though a grant (project BioTIME 250189) awarded to AEM and the Concejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Michoacán through a grant awarded to MCC.The role of interspecific social interactions during species invasions may be more decisive than previously thought. Research has revealed that invasive fish improve their foraging success by shoaling with native Mexican species, and potentially increase the chances of invasion success. However, do native individuals tend to associate with invaders as well? We tested the hypothesis that the twoline skiffia (Neotoca bilineata) and the Lerma livebearer (Poeciliopsis infans), both native endemic Mexican topminnows, will associate with guppies, a notorious invasive species present in Mexico. Our investigation shows that guppies, twoline skiffias and Lerma livebearers have a mutual tendency to associate with each other. Although there is a marked tendency to shoal with heterospecifics in this system, shoaling partners do not necessarily benefit equally from the association. Further research on invasive-native social interactions is needed to promote our understanding of potential facilitation by natives.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of the genus Algansea Girard (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) of central Mexico inferred from molecular data

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    42 pages, 2 additional files, 6 figures, 1 table.[Background] The genus Algansea is one of the most representative freshwater fish groups in central Mexico due to its wide geographic distribution and unusual level of endemicity. Despite the small number of species, this genus has had an unsettled taxonomic history due to high levels of intraspecific morphological variation. Moreover, several phylogenetic hypotheses among congeners have been proposed but have had the following shortcomings: the use of homoplasious morphological characters, the use of character codification and polarisation methods that lacked objectivity, and incomplete taxonomic sampling. In this study, a phylogenetic analysis among species of Algansea is presented. This analysis is based upon two molecular markers, the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and the first intron of the ribosomal protein S7 gene.[Results] Bayesian analysis based on a combined matrix (cytochrome b and first intron S7) showed that Algansea is a monophyletic group and that Agosia chrysogaster is the sister group. Divergence times dated the origin of the genus around 16.6 MYA, with subsequent cladogenetic events occurring between 6.4 and 2.8 MYA. When mapped onto the molecular phylogenetic hypothesis, the character states of three morphological characters did not support previous hypotheses on the evolution of morphological traits in the genus Algansea, whereas the character states of the remaining six characters partially corroborated those hypotheses.[Conclusions] Monophyly of the genus Algansea was corroborated in this study. Tree topology shows the genus consists of three main lineages: Central-Eastern, Western, and Southern clades. However, the relationships among these clades remained unresolved. Congruence found between the available geological and climatic history and the divergence times made it possible to infer the biogeographical history of Algansea, which suggested that vicariance events were responsible for the evolutionary history of the genus. Interestingly, this pattern was shared with other members of the freshwater fish fauna of central Mexico. In addition, molecular data also show that some morphological traits alleged to represent synapomorphies in previous studies were actually homoplasies. Others traits were corroborated as synapomorphies, particularly in those species of a subgroup corresponding with the Central-Eastern clade within Algansea; this corroboration is interpreted as a result of evolutionary adaptations.This study was partially funded by grants from CGL2006-12325/BOS, the program PAPIIT-UNAM-IN209608, and CONACYT (grant number 83043) to GPPDL. RPR thank the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología for the scholarship.Peer reviewe


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    Evaluar la sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica de la Proteína C Reactiva, la Velocidad de Sedimentación Globular y la Eosinopenia como marcadores para detección de un proceso infeccioso en pacientes que ingresan al Servicio de Medicina Interna

    La psicomotricidad en el desarrollo de capacidades comunicativas en los alumnos del 2do grado de primaria I.E. Nº 21550 “Nuestra Señora de la Merced”- Huaral

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar el efecto que existe entre la variable Psicomotricidad y la variable Capacidades Comunicativas, con la finalidad de dar a conocer los efectos que tendrá las actividades psicomotrices en el desarrollo de capacidades comunicativas en los estudiantes del segundo grado de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 21550 “Nuestra Señora de la Merced”- Huaral. La Metodología utilizada es de tipo aplicativo, aplicativo por qué propone un plan de acción para decidir o intervenir eficazmente en la resolución de un problema a través de todo un proceso de actividades psicomotrices para desarrollar las capacidades comunicativas en los alumnos del segundo grado, comprobándose que la primera variable ejerce una influencia positiva sobre la segunda. El diseño de estudio es Cuasi-Experimental de dos grupos aleatorizados con un Pre-Test y un Post-Test para ambos grupos, con una Población y Muestra de dieciocho alumnos por grupo, a quienes se les aplica una prueba de entrada y una prueba de salida que fueron los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de los datos de los cuales fueron codificadas y procesadas en programas de cálculo estadístico, obteniendo los resultados esperados; de acuerdo al análisis de los resultados se demuestra que la psicomotricidad influye en forma significativa en el desarrollo de las capacidades comunicativas en los alumnos del segundo grado de educación primaria, validándose así la hipótesis planteada

    Disfunción familiar como factor asociado a desnutrición crónica en niños menores de 5 años en un centro de salud de Lima – Perú, 2012

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEl documento digital no refiere asesorDemuestra la asociación entre disfunción familiar y desnutrición crónica en niños menores de 5 años. Estudio cuantitativo, diseño analítico transversal con una muestra de 92 niños menores de 5 años, usuarios del C.S. Surquillo (Lima) en 2012. Los datos recogidos fueron: edad, talla, peso de los niños para índices talla/edad, peso/talla, peso/edad (v. dependiente). Además funcionalidad familiar, institucionalidad del parto, grado de instrucción y ocupación de la madre (v. independientes). Cálculos realizados con nivel de confianza 95% y valor alfa 0,05.Como resultados se obtuvo el 53,3% de niños y 46,7% de niñas. Parto no institucional: 4 (4,3%); 63% de las madres trabajaban y la mayoría tenía instrucción secundaria (65,22%). Funcionalidad familiar: Buena: 9,8%, disfunción leve: 55,4%, disfunción moderada: 27,2% y disfunción severa: 7,6%. La muestra se estratificó según puntuaciones Z, obteniendo que 9,8% estaba en riesgo de talla baja y 22,8% con sobrepeso. La funcionalidad familiar estuvo asociada con los índices T/E, P/T y P/E, realizándose Chi cuadrado y simulación de Monte Carlo para variables categóricas y las pruebas de correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal para variables cuantitativas. También mostró asociación el grado de instrucción materno con los índices T/E y P/E. Institucionalidad del parto y ocupación de la madre no mostraron asociación con el estado nutricional. La funcionalidad familiar y el grado de instrucción materno estuvieron asociados al estado nutricional de los niños de la muestra. Es conveniente realizar estudios de corte poblacional y con muestreo aleatorio para evaluar la disfunción familiar y su asociación con desnutrición crónica. La difusión de los resultados permitirá promover estrategias para mejorar el abordaje de las familias, fortaleciendo las redes de apoyo. El apgar familiar podría ser utilizado como método de tamizaje en los establecimientos de salud.Trabajo académic

    Variación del biomarcador lactato en sangre en caninos con neuropatías de Pereira

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    Existe evidencia en medicina crítica humana que los pacientes con enfermedades neurológicas graves muestran elevaciones significativas del lactato en sangre, lo cual es sugestivo de un trastorno hipóxico en el metabolismo del tejido nervioso, por tanto, esto conlleva a una disfunción sistémica general condicionando la sobrevida del paciente. En Colombia no existe literatura de referencia que permita identificar la intensidad de una enfermedad neurológica en caninos en base al biomarcador lactato medido en sangre. El sistema nervioso central requiere un consumo del 60% más de oxigeno que otras células del cuerpo. Los procesos hipóxicos generan un incremento de los niveles del lactato a causa del metabolismo anaeróbico, siendo esto perjudicial para la actividad metabólica celular normal. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las variaciones del biomarcador lactato en sangre dependiendo de la severidad del cuadro neurológico de los pacientes, para esto se utilizaron 26 perros con neuropatías pertenecientes a la ciudad de Pereira, a los cuales se les evaluaron diferentes variables tales como niveles de lactato, edad, peso, tiempo de llenado capilar, estatus hídrico, sintomatología, diagnostico y tratamiento. Al encontrarse tanta disparidad de datos no hubo una diferencia significativa con respecto al nivel del lactato en sangre y la neuropatía presentada por los pacientes

    Evolutionary history of the endangered fish Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (Bean, 1898) (Cyprinodontiformes: Goodeidae) using a sequential approach to phylogeography based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tectonic, volcanic and climatic events that produce changes in hydrographic systems are the main causes of diversification and speciation of freshwater fishes. Elucidate the evolutionary history of freshwater fishes permits to infer theories on the biotic and geological evolution of a region, which can further be applied to understand processes of population divergence, speciation and for conservation purposes. The freshwater ecosystems in Central Mexico are characterized by their genesis dynamism, destruction, and compartmentalization induced by intense geologic activity and climatic changes since the early Miocene. The endangered goodeid <it>Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis </it>is widely distributed across Central México, thus making it a good model for phylogeographic analyses in this area.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We addressed the phylogeography, evolutionary history and genetic structure of populations of <it>Z. quitzeoensis </it>through a sequential approach, based on both microsatellite and mitochondrial cytochrome <it>b </it>sequences. Most haplotypes were private to particular locations. All the populations analysed showed a remarkable number of haplotypes. The level of gene diversity within populations was <inline-formula><m:math name="1471-2148-8-161-i1" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><m:semantics><m:mover accent="true"><m:mi>H</m:mi><m:mo>¯</m:mo></m:mover><m:annotation encoding="MathType-MTEF"> MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfKttLearuWrP9MDH5MBPbIqV92AaeXatLxBI9gBaebbnrfifHhDYfgasaacPC6xNi=xH8viVGI8Gi=hEeeu0xXdbba9frFj0xb9qqpG0dXdb9aspeI8k8fiI+fsY=rqGqVepae9pg0db9vqaiVgFr0xfr=xfr=xc9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaaeqabiWaaaGcbaGafmisaGKbaebaaaa@2D06@</m:annotation></m:semantics></m:math></inline-formula><sub><it>d </it></sub>= 0.987 (0.714 – 1.00). However, in general the nucleotide diversity was low, π = 0.0173 (0.0015 – 0.0049). Significant genetic structure was found among populations at the mitochondrial and nuclear level (Φ<sub>ST </sub>= 0.836 and <it>F</it><sub><it>ST </it></sub>= 0.262, respectively). We distinguished two well-defined mitochondrial lineages that were separated <it>ca</it>. 3.3 million years ago (Mya). The time since expansion was <it>ca</it>. 1.5 × 10<sup>6 </sup>years ago for Lineage I and <it>ca</it>. 860,000 years ago for Lineage II. Also, genetic patterns of differentiation, between and within lineages, are described at different historical timescales.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our mtDNA data indicates that the evolution of the different genetic groups is more related to ancient geological and climatic events (Middle Pliocene, <it>ca</it>. 3.3 Mya) than to the current hydrographic configuration of the basins. In general, mitochondrial and nuclear data supported the same relationships between populations, with the exception of some reduced populations in highly polluted basins (Lower Lerma River), where the effects of genetic drift are suggested by the different analyses at the nuclear and mitochondrial level. Further, our findings are of special interest for the conservation of this endangered species.</p

    Estructura de la comunidad de peces en cuatro estuarios del Pacífico mexicano central

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    ResumenSe analizó la estructura de la comunidad de peces y se determinaron algunos parámetros fisicoquímicos durante 4 colectas nocturnas en la desembocadura de los estuarios de barra de Nexpa, Teolán, Mexcalhuacán y barra de Pichi, Michoacán, México. Se capturaron un total de 2 014 individuos con un peso de 10 393.42g, pertenecientes a 31 especies y 20 familias. Barra de Nexpa registró la mayor riqueza con S=21 y el mayor porcentaje de especies raras con 22.6%. La especies con mayor abundancia fueron Agonostomus montícola y Mugil curema, mientras que Dormitator latifrons y Lutjanus novemfasciatus registraron la mayor biomasa. La salinidad, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto y transparencia mostraron diferencias significativas por temporadas, influidas por la variación estacional de la precipitación. La composición y especies dominantes fueron distintas en cada sitio y en cada temporada, mientras que la abundancia, biomasa y riqueza no mostraron variación significativa. La comunidad de peces estuvo compuesta por especies marinas y dulceacuícolas que utilizan los estuarios como zonas de crianza, especies marinas que se integran al estuario de manera ocasional y especies estuarinas que forman parte de estos ecosistemas durante la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida.AbstractCommunity structure of estuarine fish fauna were analyzed in estuaries of Barra de Nexpa, Teolán, Mexcalhuacán and Barra de Pichi, Michoacán, Mexico for four night collections at the mouth of every estuary. Also, some physicochemical parameters were determined. Were captured a total of 2 014 individuals with a weight of 10 393.42g, belonging to 31 species and 20 families. Barra de Nexpa recorded the highest richness (S=21) and the highest percentage of rare species (22.6%). The most abundant species were Agonostomus montícola and Mugil curema while Lutjanus novemfasciatus and Dormitator latifrons recorded the highest biomass. Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and transparency, showed significant seasonal differences influenced by seasonal variation in precipitation. The composition and dominant species were different at each site and in each season while the abundance, biomass and richness showed no significant variation. The fish community was composed of marine and freshwater species that use estuaries as nursery areas, marine species that are incorporated into the estuaries occasionally and estuarine species that are part of these ecosystems for most of its life cycle