9 research outputs found

    Declaração de Cartagena da óptica da presidência de FELANPE

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    De acuerdo con la Real Academia Española (RAE), Declaración es la acción y efecto de declarar, manifestación o explicación de lo que los otros dudan o ignoran, manifestación del ánimo o la intención. Con fecha 3 de mayo del 2019, los 16 países que integran la Federación Latinoamericana de Terapia Nutricional, Nutrición Clínica y Metabolismo (FELANPE) en la ciudad de Cartagena, Colombia, alzaron su voz, proclamaron al mundo y registraron su real compromiso de reconocer el cuidado nutricional como un Derecho Humano independiente del nivel de atención en salud, en acción contra las diversas clases de malnutrición y en particular la que está asociada a la enfermedad, convencidos de que una adecuada Terapia Nutricional puede corregir la malnutrición, mejorar el pronóstico de la enfermedad, la calidad de vida, disminuir las comorbilidades, la mortalidad y los costos en salud

    La Declaración Internacional de Cancún sobre el derecho a la nutrición en los hospitales: una década después

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    On the 20th of May 2008 within the XI Congress of the Latin American Federation of Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional Therapy and Metabolism (FELANPE) in Cancun, Mexico, the presidents and associations of Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy of Latin America and the Caribbean, subscribed “The Declarationof Cancun on the human right to receive timely and optimal nutritional therapy.”FELANPE has maintained this resolution over the years, highlighting the importance that a patient receives nutritional and food care which help him to overcome the disease, preserving his or her quality of life, and that is why it has supported widespread knowledge on this field with the objective beingthat healthcare professionals are duly trained in the prevention and treatment of patient mal nutrition.To accomplish this goal it is fundamental to implement a Unified Nutritional Hospital Protocol in Latin American hospitals, which includes evaluation and nutritional diagnosis of the patient on admission, food care services, required nutritional support and the role of the nutritional support team.It is important to also include the Clinical Nutrition course in the medical, nursing, chemistry and pharmaceutical schools, so as to raise awareness to future professionals on the importance of nutritional diagnosis and treatment, because you can´t treat what is not diagnosed.El 20 de mayo de 2008 dentro del marco del XI Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Nutrición Clínica, Terapia Nutricional y Metabolismo (FELANPE) en Cancún- México, los presidentes de sociedades y asociaciones de Nutrición Clínica y Terapia Nutricional de América latina y el Caribe suscribieron“La Declaración de Cancún por el derecho humano a recibir una terapia nutricional oportuna y óptima”.FELANPE ha sostenido esta resolución a lo largo de los años, destacando la importancia de que un paciente reciba cuidados alimentarios y nutricionales que lo ayuden a superar la enfermedad conservando su calidad de vida, para lo cual ha apoyado la difusión del conocimiento en este campo con la finalidad de quelos profesionales de la salud estén debidamente capacitados en la prevención y el tratamiento de la desnutrición de los pacientes.Para lograr este cometido es fundamental que se implemente un Protocolo Unificado de Atención Nutricional Hospitalaria en los Hospitales de América Latina en el cual se encuentren consignados la evaluación y el diagnóstico nutricional del paciente al ingreso hospitalario, la prestación de los cuidados alimentarios,la administración del soporte nutricional requerido, y el rol del equipo de soporte nutricional.Es importante además que se incluya la materia de Nutrición Clínica en las Facultades de Medicina, Enfermería, Química y Farmacia, a fin de concientizar a los futuros profesionales sobre la importancia del diagnóstico y tratamiento nutricional, pues no se puede tratar lo que no se diagnostica

    Declaração Internacional sobre o Direito ao Cuidado Nutricional e a Luta contra a Desnutrição

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      Faced with the need to promote the right to nutritional care, to fight against malnutrition and to advance in education and research in clinical nutrition, all the FELANPE’s societies signed on May 3 during an extraordinary assembly in the city of Cartagena, the International Declaration on the Right to Nutritional Care and the fight against Malnutrition, “Declaration of Cartagena”. The Declaration provides a coherent framework of thirteen principles which can serve as a guide for societies, schools and associations affiliated to FELANPE in the development of action plans. In addition, it will serve as an instrument to promote, through governments, the formulation of policies and legislation in the field of clinical nutrition. We believe that the general framework of principles proposed by the Declaration can contribute to raise awareness about the magnitude of this problem and to forge cooperation networks among Latin-American countries. Although this Declaration does not have a binding legal effect, it has undeniable moral force and can provide practical guidance to States. We will then be contributing to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which aim to put an end to all forms of malnutrition by 2030.Frente a la necesidad de promover el derecho al cuidado nutricional, de luchar contra la malnutrición y de avanzar en temas de educación e investigación en nutrición clínica, las sociedades que constituyen la FELANPE firmaron la Declaración Internacional sobre el Derecho al Cuidado Nutricional y la lucha contra la Malnutrición, “Declaración de Cartagena”, en la asamblea extraordinaria que tuvo lugar el 3 de mayo del presente año en la ciudad de Cartagena. La Declaración proporciona un marco coherente de trece principios los cuales podrán servir de guía a las sociedades, los colegios y las asociaciones afiliadas a la FELANPE en el desarrollo de los planes de acción. Además, servirá como un instrumento para que promuevan, a través de los gobiernos, la formulación de políticas y legislaciones en el campo de la nutrición clínica. Consideramos que el marco general de principios propuesto por la Declaración puede contribuir a crear conciencia acerca de la magnitud de este problema y a forjar redes de cooperación entre los países de la región. Aunque esta Declaración no tiene un efecto jurídico vinculante (obligatorio), tiene una fuerza moral innegable y puede proporcionar orientación práctica a los Estados. Estaremos entonces contribuyendo a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas que buscan, para 2030, poner fin a todas las formas de malnutrición.  Confrontados com a necessidade de promover o direito à assistência nutricional, para combater a desnutrição e favorecer o progresso na educação e na pesquisa em nutrição clínica, todas as companhias membros da FELANPE em data do 3 de maio 2019 numa reunião extraordinária, na cidade de Cartagena, reconhecem e suscrivem à Declaração Internacional sobre o Direito à Nutrição e o combate à desnutrição, “Declaração de Cartagena”. A Declaração fornece uma estrutura coerente de treze princípios que podem servir como um guia para sociedades, escolas e associações afiliadas à FELANPE no desenvolvimento de planos de ação. Além disso, servirá como instrumento para promover, através dos governos, a formulação de políticas e legislação no campo da nutrição clínica. Acreditamos que a estrutura geral de princípios proposta pela Declaração pode contribuir para aumentar a conscientização sobre a magnitude desse problema e forjar redes de cooperação entre os países da região. Embora esta Declaração não tenha um efeito legal vinculante, tem força moral inegável e pode fornecer orientação prática aos Estados. Vamos então contribuir para alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas que visam, até 2030, pôr fim a todas as formas de desnutrição

    Intravenous glutamine does not modify leucocyte count but shortens duration of mucositis after bone marrow transplant

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    Rationale: Intravenous administration of Glutamine dipeptides (Gln) has been proposed as treatment of oral mucositis following a bone marrow transplant (BMT). Objective: To establish the effects of intravenous Gln supplementation upon the severity of oral mucositis after BMT. Study design: Retrospective, analytical. Study serie: Records from 25 patients (Males: 56.0%; BMT cause: Leukemia: 64.0%) who developed oral mucositis (Grades III – IV: 48.0%) after BMT (Autologous: 44.0%) at the "Juan Tanca Marengo" Hospital (Guayaquil, Ecuador) between 2009 – 2017. Glutamine source: Dipeptiven©®: 13 grams of Gln suspended in 100 milliliters of a 20% solution of the alanine-glutamine dipeptide (Fresenius-Kabi©®, Germany). Materials and Methods: Gln-treated patients received 3(4.0% of the treatment leg), 5 (20.0%); 6 (12.0%); 7 (48.0%); or 10 (16.0%) doses of the dipeptide until resolution of the symptoms. Impact of Gln was estimated from changes observed in the severity and duration of mucositis, white blood cell counts, and body weight regarding 25 non-Gln treated patients (Males: 68.0%; Leukemias: 32.0%; Autologous graft: 68.0%; Grade III – IV mucositis: 48.0%). Results: Intravenously-administered Gln shortened duration of oral mucositis: Gln-Treated: 12.5 ± 5.1 days vs. Non-Gln Treated: 21.3 ± 17.8 days (p < 0.05). Also, intravenous Gln marginally ameliorated loss of body weight: Gln-Treated -4.5 ± 5.5% vs. Non-Gln Treated: -7.5 ± 5.7% (p = 0.07). Conclusions: Intravenous Gln administration shortens duration of oral mucositis following BMT. Gln effect might be translated to a lesser weight loss in patients with oral mucositis

    Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity for Successful Aging: An Update for Nutritionists and Endocrinologists

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    The constant advancement in the medical field has allowed for the diagnosis and treatment of several health conditions. It has also contributed to increasing the average human lifespan, which is considered an outstanding achievement in history. Nevertheless, the impact of this in an ever-increasing aged population with chronic diseases and, most of the time, with limited and poor quality of life was not considered. Thus, it is imperative to establish strategies to age successfully. In order to do have a better understanding of this crucial issue, this review will analyze the endocrine changes in the elderly. It will present common conditions found in this population, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress. Additionally, we will explain aging-related metabolic and physical performance decline related to hormone changes and lifestyle modifications. We will propose the Mediterranean diet and some specific guidelines about physical activity as part of the plan to have an active and successful aging process

    Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity for Successful Aging: An Update for Nutritionists and Endocrinologists

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    The constant advancement in the medical field has allowed for the diagnosis and treatment of several health conditions. It has also contributed to increasing the average human lifespan, which is considered an outstanding achievement in history. Nevertheless, the impact of this in an ever-increasing aged population with chronic diseases and, most of the time, with limited and poor quality of life was not considered. Thus, it is imperative to establish strategies to age successfully. In order to do have a better understanding of this crucial issue, this review will analyze the endocrine changes in the elderly. It will present common conditions found in this population, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress. Additionally, we will explain aging-related metabolic and physical performance decline related to hormone changes and lifestyle modifications. We will propose the Mediterranean diet and some specific guidelines about physical activity as part of the plan to have an active and successful aging process

    Cartagena declaration. The international declaration on the right to nutritional care and the fight against malnutrition

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    investigación en nutrición clínica, las sociedades que constituyen la FELANPE firmaron la Declaración Internacional sobre el Derecho al Cuidado Nutricional y la Lucha contra la Malnutrición, “Declaración de Cartagena”, el 3 de mayo del presente año en la ciudad de Cartagena, en el marco del 33º Congreso de la Asociación Colombiana de Nutrición Clínica. La Declaración proporciona un marco coherente de 13 principios, los cuales podrán servir de guía a las sociedades afiliadas a la FELANPE en el desarrollo de los planes de acción. Además, servirá como un instrumento para que promuevan, a través de los gobiernos, la formulación de políticas y legislaciones en el campo de la nutrición clínica. Consideramos que el marco general de principios propuesto por la Declaración puede contribuir a crear conciencia acerca de la magnitud de este problema y a forjar redes de cooperación entre los países de la región. Aunque esta Declaración no tiene un efecto jurídico vinculante (obligatorio), tiene una fuerza moral innegable y puede proporcionar orientación práctica a los estados. Un plan de implementación permitirá desarrollar la caja de herramientas necesaria para transformar los principios en acciones.The need to promote the right to nutritional care, to fight against malnutrition and to advance in education and research in clinical nutrition has led all the FELANPE’s societies to sign on May 3rd, during the 33rd Congress of the Colombian Clinical Nutrition Association (ACNC) in the city of Cartagena, the International Declaration on the Right to Nutritional Care and the Fight against Malnutrition, “Declaration of Cartagena”. The Declaration provides a coherent framework of 13 principles which can serve as a guide for societies, schools and associations affiliated to FELANPE in the development of action plans. In addition, it will serve as an instrument to promote, through governments, the formulation of policies and legislation in the field of clinical nutrition. We believe that the general framework of principles proposed by the Declaration can contribute to raise awareness about the magnitude of this problem and to promote cooperation networks among Latin-American countries. Although this Declaration does not have a binding legal effect, it has an undeniable moral strength and it can provide practical guidance to States. An implementation program will allow developing a toolkit to transform principles into actions

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: part two

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    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: part two

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