57 research outputs found

    High Intensity, High Contrast Laser Solid Interactions with Short Pulses.

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    This thesis describes experimental discoveries related to laser-based ion acceleration from thin foils and the production of high brightness x-rays from high order harmonic generation. High power femtosecond lasers are ideally suited for use as tabletop particle accelerators since their short pulse duration enables very high intensities to be generated at high repetition rates from a compact laser. However, if laser pulse energy arrives before the main short pulse, it can interact with the target to cause ablation making high intensity investigations of laser-solid interactions difficult. In the following experiments, the laser pulse-to-pedestal contrast was improved by 15 orders of magnitude out to nanosecond timescales, allowing for excellent control over the interaction of a short pulse with solid density material. A sharply-rising laser pulse with 50 TW of power was focused to a 1.2 micron focal spot, achieving intensities over 10^21 Wcm^−2. Protons accelerated due to sheath acceleration were studied in ultrathin targets. By sculpting the plasma density using shaped ultrafast pulses, control over the proton and ion spectra was also demonstrated. Finite spot effects from circular polarized laser pulses produced efficient acceleration for ultrathin foils, which resulted from the efficient conversion of laser light into high energy electrons. Finally, as the laser pulse drives the critical electron density relativistically, harmonics of the driving laser are produced. Harmonics up to order 60th were observed. It was observed that for a plasma scale length beyond a threshold value, parametric instabilities strongly modulated the harmonic spectra. Numerical simulations were performed to support the physical interpretation.PHDApplied PhysicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95943/1/fjdollar_1.pd

    X-ray phase contrast imaging of biological specimens with tabletop synchrotron radiation

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    Since their discovery in 1896, x-rays have had a profound impact on science, medicine and technology. Here we show that the x-rays from a novel tabletop source of bright coherent synchrotron radiation can be applied to phase contrast imaging of biological specimens, yielding superior image quality and avoiding the need for scarce or expensive conventional sources

    Generation of bright isolated attosecond soft X-ray pulses driven by multicycle midinfrared lasers.

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    [EN]High harmonic generation driven by femtosecond lasers makes it possible to capture the fastest dynamics in molecules and materials. However, to date the shortest subfemtosecond (attosecond, 10-18 s) pulses have been produced only in the extreme UV region of the spectrum below 100 eV, which limits the range of materials and molecular systems that can be explored. Here we experimentally demonstrate a remarkable convergence of physics: when midinfrared lasers are used to drive high harmonic generation, the conditions for optimal bright, soft X-ray generation naturally coincide with the generation of isolated attosecond pulses. The temporal window over which phase matching occurs shrinks rapidly with increasing driving laser wavelength, to the extent that bright isolated attosecond pulses are the norm for 2-μm driving lasers. Harnessing this realization, we experimentally demonstrate the generation of isolated soft X-ray attosecond pulses at photon energies up to 180 eV for the first time, to our knowledge, with a transform limit of 35 attoseconds (as), and a predicted linear chirp of 300 as. Most surprisingly, advanced theory shows that in contrast with as pulse generation in the extreme UV, long-duration, 10-cycle, driving laser pulses are required to generate isolated soft X-ray bursts efficiently, to mitigate group velocity walk-off between the laser and the X-ray fields that otherwise limit the conversion efficiency. Our work demonstrates a clear and straightforward approach for robustly generating bright isolated attosecond pulses of electromagnetic radiation throughout the soft X-ray region of the spectrum

    Observation and control of shock waves in individual nanoplasmas

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    In a novel experiment that images the momentum distribution of individual, isolated 100-nm-scale plasmas, we make the first experimental observation of shock waves in nanoplasmas. We demonstrate that the introduction of a heating pulse prior to the main laser pulse increases the intensity of the shock wave, producing a strong burst of quasi-monochromatic ions with an energy spread of less than 15%. Numerical hydrodynamic calculations confirm the appearance of accelerating shock waves, and provide a mechanism for the generation and control of these shock waves. This observation of distinct shock waves in dense plasmas enables the control, study, and exploitation of nanoscale shock phenomena with tabletop-scale lasers.Comment: 8 pages of manuscript, 9 pages of supplemental information, total 17 page

    Erratum: Non-collinear generation of angularly isolated circularly polarized high harmonics.

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    [EN]In the version of this Article originally published the blue dashed line was mislabelled in the legend in Fig. 3d and the label should have read i Evert. This has now been corrected in the online versions of the Article

    Ultraviolet surprise: Efficient soft x-ray high-harmonic generation in multiply ionized plasmas

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    High-harmonic generation is a universal response of matter to strong femtosecond laser fields, coherently upconverting light to much shorter wavelengths. Optimizing the conversion of laser light into soft x-rays typically demands a trade-off between two competing factors. Because of reduced quantum diffusion of the radiating electron wave function, the emission from each species is highest when a short-wavelength ultraviolet driving laser is used. However, phase matching—the constructive addition of x-ray waves from a large number of atoms—favors longer-wavelength mid-infrared lasers.We identified a regime of high-harmonic generation driven by 40-cycle ultraviolet lasers in waveguides that can generate bright beams in the soft x-ray region of the spectrum, up to photon energies of 280 electron volts. Surprisingly, the high ultraviolet refractive indices of both neutral atoms and ions enabled effective phase matching, even in a multiply ionized plasma.We observed harmonics with very narrow linewidths, while calculations show that the x-rays emerge as nearly time-bandwidth–limited pulse trains of ~100 attoseconds.The experimental work was done at JILA, supported by Army Research Office grant WN11NF-13-1-0259, an NSF PFI AIR award, and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant DE-SC0008803 (M.M.M., T.P., and H.C.K.). Theory was supported by a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007–2013) under REA grant agreement 328334 (C.H.-G.); Junta de Castilla y León (SA116U13, UIC016) and MINECO (FIS2013-44174-P) (C.H.-G. and L.P.); NSF grants PHY-1125844 and PHY-1068706 and AFOSR MURI “Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Ultrafast Light-Matter Coupling associated with Filamentation in Transparent Media” grant FA9550-10-1-0561 (A.J.-B., R.J.L., X.G., A.L.G., M.M.M., and H.C.K.); Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, grant 102-2112-M-007-025-MY3 (M.-C.C.); U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Chemical Sciences, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Sciences Program (A.B.); and DOE Office of Fusion Energy, HED Laboratory Plasmas program, grant AT5015033 (S.B.L., M.F., and J.A.G.). Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC for DOE, National Nuclear Security Administration, under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344, LLNL-JRNL-676693. T.P., D.P., M.M.M., and H.C.K. have filed a patent on “Generation of VUV, EUV, X-ray Light Using VUV-UV-VIS Lasers,” U.S. patent application 61873794 (2013)/US 20150063385 (2015)

    Near- and Extended-Edge X-Ray-Absorption Fine-Structure Spectroscopy Using Ultrafast Coherent High-Order Harmonic Supercontinua

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    Recent advances in high-order harmonic generation have made it possible to use a tabletop-scale setup to produce spatially and temporally coherent beams of light with bandwidth spanning 12 octaves, from the ultraviolet up to x-ray photon energies >1.6  keV. Here we demonstrate the use of this light for x-ray-absorption spectroscopy at the K- and L-absorption edges of solids at photon energies near 1 keV. We also report x-ray-absorption spectroscopy in the water window spectral region (284-543 eV) using a high flux high-order harmonic generation x-ray supercontinuum with 10^{9}  photons/s in 1% bandwidth, 3 orders of magnitude larger than has previously been possible using tabletop sources. Since this x-ray radiation emerges as a single attosecond-to-femtosecond pulse with peak brightness exceeding 10^{26}  photons/s/mrad^{2}/mm^{2}/1% bandwidth, these novel coherent x-ray sources are ideal for probing the fastest molecular and materials processes on femtosecond-to-attosecond time scales and picometer length scales.093002