12 research outputs found

    Cellular retinol binding protein 1 transfection reduces proliferation and AKT-related gene expression in H460 non-small lung cancer cells

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    In recent years, new treatments with novel action mechanisms have been explored for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Retinoids promote cancer cell differentiation and death and their trafficking and action is mediated from specific cytoplasmic and nuclear receptors, respectively. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Cellular retinol binding protein-1 (CRBP-1) transfection in H460 human NSCLC cell line, normally not expressing CRBP-1. H460 cells were transfected by using a vector pTargeT Mammalian expression system carrying the whole sequence of CRBP-1 gene. For proliferation and apoptosis studies, cells were treated with different concentrations ofall-transRetinoic Acid (atRA) and retinol. AKT-related gene expression was analyzed by using western blot and Signosis array and results analysed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) or by t-student test. CRBP-1(+)showed reduced proliferation and viability in basal condition and afteratRA treatment when compared to empty-transfected H460 cells. Reduced proliferation in CRBP-1(+)H460 cells associated to the down-regulation of pAKT/pERK/pEGFR-related genes. In particular, gene array documented the down-regulation of AKT and Stat-3-related genes, including M-Tor, Akt1, Akt2, Akt3, Foxo1, p27, Jun. Restoration of CRBP-1 expression in H460 cells reduced proliferation and viability in both basal condition and afteratRA treatment, likely by down-regulating AKT-related gene level. Further studies are needed to better clarify how those CRBP-1-related intracellular pathways contribute to counteract NSCLC progression in order to suggest a potential tool to improve efficacy of retinoid anti lung cancer adjuvant therapy

    Clinical utility of plasma KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutational analysis with real time PCR in metastatic colorectal cancer patients -The importance of tissue/plasma discordant cases

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    Background: Tumor tissue (T) mutational analysis represents the standard for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC); however, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) detected by liquid biopsy in plasma (PL) can better represent tumor heterogeneity. Methods: mCRC patients undergoing standard first-line chemotherapy with known T-KRAS/NRAS/BRAF status were enrolled in the present prospective study. PL mutations were assessed within 2 weeks before chemotherapy start with real time PCR and correlated with T status and Progression free survival (PFS). Clinical and biochemical variables including also total number of tumor lesions (TNL) and the sum of maximum diameter (SMD) of all lesions were assessed as potential predictors of T/PL discordance. RESULTS: Among 45 enrolled patients, all BRAF mutations were concordant between T and PL and there were 20% of patients RAS discordant: 9% wild type in T and mutated in PL and 11% mutated in T and wild type in PL. T mutations were significantly associated to median PFS (mPFS of 4.5, 8.3 and 22.9 months for T-BRAF mutated, T-RAS mutated, and T-wild type patients, respectively, p for trend 0.00014). PL mutations further refined prognosis: RAS wild type in T and mutated in PL had significantly shorter PFS than concordant RAS wild type in T and PL: mPFS 9.6 vs. 23.3 months, respectively, p = 0.02. Patients RAS mutated in T and wild type in PL had longer PFS than concordant RAS mutated in T and PL: 24.4 vs. 7.8 months, respectively, p = 0.008. At a multivariate cox regression analysis for PFS, PL mutations were independent prognostic factor superior to T analysis (HR 0.13, p = 0.0008). At multivariate logistic regression analysis TNL and SMD were significant predictors of discordant cases. Conclusions: PL mutational analysis allows a better prognostication than T analysis alone and could help in mCRC treatment management

    Placenta growth factor is a survival factor for human malignant mesothelioma cells

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    Il fattore di crescita placentare (PlGF) è un regolatore chiave dell’angiogenesi patologica e la sua espressione è legata alla progressione neoplastica. Per valutare se il PlGF possa avere un ruolo nella crescita e progressione del mesotelioma maligno umano (MM), noi abbiamo analizzato l’espressione del PlGF, del VEGF, dei loro recettori (VEGF-R1 e VEGF-R2) e dei co-recettori (neuropilina-1 e neuropilina-2) in linee cellulari di MM, in prelievi bioptici di mesotelio normale, di mesotelio reattivo/iperplastico e di MM. Le colture cellulari di MM esprimevano, anche se con intensità variabile, sia i fattori che i recettori e i co-recettori ad essi associati. Le analisi mediante immunoistochimica hanno messo in luce che il PlGF veniva up-regolato nel mesotelio reattivo/iperplastico rispetto al mesotelio normale, mentre i MM over-esprimevano sia il PlGF (74%) che il VEGF-R1 (94%). La somministrazione di PlGF esogeno non portava a un guadagno di crescita sulle linee cellulari di MM, però era associato a una transiente attivazione di AKT, suggerendo che il PlGF, segnalando tramite VEGF-R1, è capace di attivare degli effettori a valle che regolano segnali antiapoptotici e di citoprotezione. Al contrario la somministrazione di un anticorpo anti-PlGF portava a una significativa riduzione della sopravvivenza cellulare. In conclusione i nostri dati dimostrano che il PlGF agisce come fattore di sopravvivenza nel MM e potrebbe rappresentare un bersaglio molecolare per nuovi approcci antitumorali.Placenta growth factor (PlGF) is a key regulator of pathological angiogenesis and its overexpression has been linked to neoplastic progression. To assess whether PlGF could have a role in malignant mesothelioma (MM), we analyzed the expression of PlGF, VEGF, and their cognate receptors (VEGF-R1 and VEGF-R2) and coreceptors (neuropilin-1 and neuropilin-2) in MM cell lines as well as in resected MM tissues, hyperplastic/reactive mesothelium and normal mesothelium. MM cell cultures expressed both ligands and the associated receptors to a variable extent and released different amounts of PlGF. As assessed by immunohistochemistry, PlGF expression was switched on in hyperplastic/reactive compared to normal mesothelium. Moreover, 74 and 94% of MM tissues overexpressed PlGF and VEGF-R1, respectively (p<0.05). Administration of recombinant PlGF-2 did not elicit a significant stimulation of MM cell growth, while it was associated with a transient phosphorylation of Akt, suggesting that PlGF-2 could activate downstream effectors of cytoprotective and anti-apototic signals via VEGF-R1 in MM cells. Indeed, the administration of an anti-PlGF antibody was found to cause a significant reduction of MM cell survival. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that, by acting as a survival factor, PlGF can play a role which goes beyond the stimulation of angiogenesis in MM. This evidence could help the rational design of new therapeutic interventions for this aggressive tumor

    Oxidative Stress and New Pathogenetic Mechanisms in Endothelial Dysfunction: Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including heart and pathological circulatory conditions, are the world&rsquo;s leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Endothelial dysfunction involved in CVD pathogenesis is a trigger, or consequence, of oxidative stress and inflammation. Endothelial dysfunction is defined as a diminished production/availability of nitric oxide, with or without an imbalance between endothelium-derived contracting, and relaxing factors associated with a pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic status. Endothelial dysfunction-induced phenotypic changes include up-regulated expression of adhesion molecules and increased chemokine secretion, leukocyte adherence, cell permeability, low-density lipoprotein oxidation, platelet activation, and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration. Inflammation-induced oxidative stress results in an increased accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), mainly derived from mitochondria. Excessive ROS production causes oxidation of macromolecules inducing cell apoptosis mediated by cytochrome-c release. Oxidation of mitochondrial cardiolipin loosens cytochrome-c binding, thus, favoring its cytosolic release and activation of the apoptotic cascade. Oxidative stress increases vascular permeability, promotes leukocyte adhesion, and induces alterations in endothelial signal transduction and redox-regulated transcription factors. Identification of new endothelial dysfunction-related oxidative stress markers represents a research goal for better prevention and therapy of CVD. New-generation therapeutic approaches based on carriers, gene therapy, cardiolipin stabilizer, and enzyme inhibitors have proved useful in clinical practice to counteract endothelial dysfunction. Experimental studies are in continuous development to discover new personalized treatments. Gene regulatory mechanisms, implicated in endothelial dysfunction, represent potential new targets for developing drugs able to prevent and counteract CVD-related endothelial dysfunction. Nevertheless, many challenges remain to overcome before these technologies and personalized therapeutic strategies can be used in CVD management

    Concordance of blood-based and normal tissue-based dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) genotyping

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    In response to the recently published article by Sharma et al, this letter to the editor presents data about the concordance of blood and normal tissue-based evaluation of DPYD genotyping that suggests that pharmacogenetic screening could be contextual to tumor molecular profiling

    Specific miRNA and gene deregulation characterize the increased angiogenic remodeling of thoracic aneurysmatic aortopathy in Marfan syndrome

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    Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a connective tissue disease caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene, leading to alterations in the extracellular matrix microfibril assembly and the early formation of thoracic aorta aneurysms (TAAs). Non-genetic TAAs share many clinico-pathological aspects with MFS and deregulation of some microRNAs (miRNAs) has been demonstrated to be involved in the progression of TAA. In this study, 40 patients undergoing elective ascending aorta surgery were enrolled to compare TAA histomorphological features, miRNA profile and related target genes in order to find specific alterations that may explain the earlier and more severe clinical outcomes in MFS patients. Histomorphological, ultrastructural and in vitro studies were performed in order to compare aortic wall features of MFS and non-MFS TAA. MFS displayed greater glycosaminoglycan accumulation and loss/fragmentation of elastic fibers compared to non-MFS TAA. Immunohistochemistry revealed increased CD133+ angiogenic remodeling, greater MMP-2 expression, inflammation and smooth muscle cell (SMC) turnover in MFS TAA. Cultured SMCs from MFS confirmed higher turnover and α-smooth muscle actin expression compared with non-MFS TAA. Moreover, twenty-five miRNAs, including miR-26a, miR-29, miR-143 and miR-145, were found to be downregulated and only miR-632 was upregulated in MFS TAA in vivo. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that some deregulated miRNAs in MFS TAA are implicated in cell proliferation, extracellular matrix structure/function and TGFβ signaling. Finally, gene analysis showed 28 upregulated and seven downregulated genes in MFS TAA, some of them belonging to the CDH1/APC and CCNA2/TP53 signaling pathways. Specific miRNA and gene deregulation characterized the aortopathy of MFS and this was associated with increased angiogenic remodeling, likely favoring the early and more severe clinical outcomes, compared to non-MFS TAA. Our findings provide new insights concerning the pathogenetic mechanisms of MFS TAA; further investigation is needed to confirm if these newly identified specific deregulated miRNAs may represent potential therapeutic targets to counteract the rapid progression of MFS aortopathy

    Clusterin exerts a cytoprotective and antioxidant effect in human osteoarthritic cartilage

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease characterized by destruction of articular cartilage. OA-induced cartilage degeneration causes inflammation, oxidative stress and the hypertrophic shift of quiescent chondrocytes. Clusterin (CLU) is a ubiquitous glycoprotein implicated in many cellular processes and its upregulation has been recently reported in OA cartilage. However, the specific role of CLU in OA cartilage injury has not been investigated yet. We analyzed CLU expression in human articular cartilage in vivo and in cartilagederived chondrocytes in vitro. CLU knockdown in OA chondrocytes was also performed and its effect on proliferation, hypertrophic phenotype, apoptosis, inflammation and oxidative stress was investigated. CLU expression was upregulated in human OA cartilage and in cultured OA cartilage-derived chondrocytes compared with control group. CLU knockdown reduced cell proliferation and increased hypertrophic phenotype as well as apoptotic death. CLU-silenced OA chondrocytes showed higher MMP13 and COL10A1 as well as greater TNF-alpha, Nox4 and ROS levels. Our results indicate a possible cytoprotective role of CLU in OA chondrocytes promoting cell survival by its anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and counteracting the hypertrophic phenotypic shift. Further studies are needed to deepen the role of CLU in order to identify a new potential therapeutic target for OA

    Loss of CRABP-II Characterizes Human Skin Poorly Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinomas and Favors DMBA/TPA-Induced Carcinogenesis

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    Retinol and its derivatives play an important role in epidermal growth and differentiation and represent chemopreventive agents in nonmelanoma skin cancer. Retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP-II) is a cytoplasmic receptor that critically regulates all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) trafficking. We documented the marked reduced expression of CRABP-II and its promoter methylation in human poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinomas. To investigate the role of CRABP-II in skin carcinogenesis we used skin lesion induction by dimethylbenz[a]anthracene/12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate in CRABP-II-knockout C57BL/6 mice. We observed earlier and more diffuse epidermal dysplasia, greater incidence and severity of tumors, reduced expression of cytokeratin 1/cytokeratin 10 and involucrin, increased proliferation, and impaired ATRA inhibition of tumor promotion compared with wild-type animals. CRABP-II-transfected HaCaT, FaDu, and A431 cells showed expression of differentiation markers, retinoic acid receptor-β/-γ signaling, ATRA sensitivity, and suppression of EGFR/v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT) pathways in a fatty acid binding protein 5/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-β/-δ-independent manner. The opposite was true in keratinocytes isolated from CRABP-II-knockout mice. Finally, CRABP-II accumulation induced ubiquitination-associated reduction of EGFR. Our results showed reduced CRABP-II expression in human poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinomas, and its gene deletion favored experimental skin carcinogenesis and impaired ATRA antitumor efficacy, likely modulating EGFR/AKT pathways and retinoic acid receptor-β/-γ signaling. Therapeutic interventions aimed at restoring CRABP-II-mediated signaling may amplify therapeutic retinoid efficacy in nonmelanoma skin cancer