684 research outputs found

    The influence of the strength of bone on the deformation of acetabular shells : a laboratory experiment in cadavers

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    Date of Acceptance: 24/08/2014 ©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery. The authors would like to thank N. Taylor (3D Measurement Company) for his work with regard to data acquisition and processing of experimental data. We would also like to thank Dr A. Blain of Newcastle University for performing the statistical analysis The research was supported by the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre. The authors P. Dold, M. Flohr and R. Preuss are employed by Ceramtec GmbH. Martin Bone received a salary from the joint fund. The author or one or more of the authors have received or will receive benefits for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. This article was primary edited by G. Scott and first proof edited by J. Scott.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Stability of a spherical flame ball in a porous medium

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    Gaseous flame balls and their stability to symmetric disturbances are studied numerically and asymptotically, for large activation temperature, within a porous medium that serves only to exchange heat with the gas. Heat losses to a distant ambient environment, affecting only the gas, are taken to be radiative in nature and are represented using two alternative models. One of these treats the heat loss as being constant in the burnt gases and linearizes the radiative law in the unburnt gas (as has been studied elsewhere without the presence of a solid). The other does not distinguish between burnt and unburnt gas and is a continuous dimensionless form of Stefan's law, having a linear part that dominates close to ambient temperatures and a fourth power that dominates at higher temperatures.Numerical results are found to require unusually large activation temperatures in order to approach the asymptotic results. The latter involve two branches of solution, a smaller and a larger flame ball, provided heat losses are not too high. The two radiative heat loss models give completely analogous steady asymptotic solutions, to leading order, that are also unaffected by the presence of the solid which therefore only influences their stability. For moderate values of the dimensionless heat-transfer time between the solid and gas all flame balls are unstable for Lewis numbers greater than unity. At Lewis numbers less than unity, part of the branch of larger flame balls becomes stable, solutions with the continuous radiative law being stable over a narrower range of parameters. In both cases, for moderate heat-transfer times, the stable region is increased by the heat capacity of the solid in a way that amounts, simply, to decreasing an effective Lewis number for determining stability, just as if the heat-transfer time was zero

    A Tverberg type theorem for matroids

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    Let b(M) denote the maximal number of disjoint bases in a matroid M. It is shown that if M is a matroid of rank d+1, then for any continuous map f from the matroidal complex M into the d-dimensional Euclidean space there exist t \geq \sqrt{b(M)}/4 disjoint independent sets \sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_t \in M such that \bigcap_{i=1}^t f(\sigma_i) \neq \emptyset.Comment: This article is due to be published in the collection of papers "A Journey through Discrete Mathematics. A Tribute to Jiri Matousek" edited by Martin Loebl, Jaroslav Nesetril and Robin Thomas, due to be published by Springe

    Kappia lobulata (Apocynaceae, Periplocoideae), a new genus from South Africa

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    Kappia, a new genus from the Fish River Valley in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa is presented. At first described as Raphionacme lobulata Venter and R.L.Verh. [Venter, H.J.T., Verhoeven, R.L. 1988. Raphionacme lobulata (Periplocaceae), a new species from the eastern Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 54, 603–606.] based on a single specimen collected in 1936, recently discovered plants of this species proved it to be a new genus. In habit Kappia resembles Baseonema Schltr. and Rendle, Batesanthus N.E.Br., Mondia Skeels and Stomatostemma N.E.Br. However, as far as floral structure is concerned, Kappia reveals more affinity with Raphionacme Harv. DNA sequence data show Kappia to be distinct from Batesanthus, Mondia and Raphionacme Harv. and weakly supported as a sister to Stomatostemma

    Combustion waves in a model with chain branching reaction and their stability

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    In this paper the travelling wave solutions in the adiabatic model with two-step chain branching reaction mechanism are investigated both numerically and analytically in the limit of equal diffusivity of reactant, radicals and heat. The properties of these solutions and their stability are investigated in detail. The behaviour of combustion waves are demonstrated to have similarities with the properties of nonadiabatic one-step combustion waves in that there is a residual amount of fuel left behind the travelling waves and the solutions can exhibit extinction. The difference between the nonadiabatic one-step and adiabatic two-step models is found in the behaviour of the combustion waves near the extinction condition. It is shown that the flame velocity drops down to zero and a standing combustion wave is formed as the extinction condition is reached. Prospects of further work are also discussed.Comment: pages 32, figures 2

    Shadows and traces in bicategories

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    Traces in symmetric monoidal categories are well-known and have many applications; for instance, their functoriality directly implies the Lefschetz fixed point theorem. However, for some applications, such as generalizations of the Lefschetz theorem, one needs "noncommutative" traces, such as the Hattori-Stallings trace for modules over noncommutative rings. In this paper we study a generalization of the symmetric monoidal trace which applies to noncommutative situations; its context is a bicategory equipped with an extra structure called a "shadow." In particular, we prove its functoriality and 2-functoriality, which are essential to its applications in fixed-point theory. Throughout we make use of an appropriate "cylindrical" type of string diagram, which we justify formally in an appendix.Comment: 46 pages; v2: reorganized and shortened, added proof for cylindrical string diagrams; v3: final version, to appear in JHR

    Rapid Mixing for Lattice Colorings with Fewer Colors

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    We provide an optimally mixing Markov chain for 6-colorings of the square lattice on rectangular regions with free, fixed, or toroidal boundary conditions. This implies that the uniform distribution on the set of such colorings has strong spatial mixing, so that the 6-state Potts antiferromagnet has a finite correlation length and a unique Gibbs measure at zero temperature. Four and five are now the only remaining values of q for which it is not known whether there exists a rapidly mixing Markov chain for q-colorings of the square lattice.Comment: Appeared in Proc. LATIN 2004, to appear in JSTA