687 research outputs found

    The influence of the strength of bone on the deformation of acetabular shells : a laboratory experiment in cadavers

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    Date of Acceptance: 24/08/2014 ©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery. The authors would like to thank N. Taylor (3D Measurement Company) for his work with regard to data acquisition and processing of experimental data. We would also like to thank Dr A. Blain of Newcastle University for performing the statistical analysis The research was supported by the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre. The authors P. Dold, M. Flohr and R. Preuss are employed by Ceramtec GmbH. Martin Bone received a salary from the joint fund. The author or one or more of the authors have received or will receive benefits for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. This article was primary edited by G. Scott and first proof edited by J. Scott.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Boceprevir in combination with HIV protease inhibitors in patients with advanced fibrosis-altered drug-drug interactions?

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    In HIV/HCV co-infected patients improved treatment outcomes have been reported for the HCV protease inhibitors (PIs) boceprevir (BOC) and telaprevir (TVR), reaching SVR rates of up to 70% in pilot trials. Due to complex drug-drug-interactions triple therapy is substantially limited in HIV/HCV-coinfected individuals. Co-administration of BOC with the commonly available HIV PIs has been reported not only to decrease the level of BOC but also to lead to relevant decreases in the respective HIV PI. Here, we report on two patients who received BOC-containing HCV triple therapy in combination with a HIV PI. Patient 1 was on darunavir 800 mg/ritonavir 100 mg once-daily mono-therapy. Using FibroScan a liver stiffness of 34 kPa suggested liver cirrhosis prior to start of HCV triple therapy. At week 5 of HCV triple therapy darunavir trough concentration was measured in the reference range with 3777 ng/ml (reference trough concentration 2400–4600 ng/ml). HCV-RNA became negative at week 10 and HIV-RNA was below detection limit (<40 copies/ml) at all times. Patient 2 was on a simplified FTC qd and fos-amprenavir 700 mg/ritonavir 100 mg bid regimen. Liver disease had also progressed to liver cirrhosis, confirmed in FibroScan, with a liver stiffness of 32 kPa. At week 8 of HCV triple therapy fos-amprenavir trough level was measured in the normal reference range with 1699 ng/ml (reference trough concentration 750–2500 ng/ml). At week 11 HCV-RNA was <12 IU/ml and HIV viral load was below detection limit of <40 copies/ml at all times. Our clinical data suggest that in patients with advanced liver disease possibly drug levels of HIV PIs which are coadministered with BOC may be within the normal range. In order to better understand the true amount of drug interactions between BOC and commonly used HIV PIs in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with more advanced liver fibrosis, urgently more PK studies are required to make HCV triple therapy accessible for a wider number of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients in desperate need of these drugs

    Blow-up in a System of Partial Differential Equations with Conserved First Integral. Part II: Problems with Convection

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    A reaction-diffusion-convection equation with a nonlocal term is studied; the nonlocal operator acts to conserve the spatial integral of the unknown function as time evolves. The equations are parameterised by ”, and for ” = 1 the equation arises as a similarity solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the nonlocal term plays the role of pressure. For ” = 0, the equation is a nonlocal reaction-diffusion problem. The aim of the paper is to determine for which values of the parameter ” blow-up occurs and to study its form. In particular, interest is focused on the three cases ” 1/2, and ” → 1. It is observed that, for any 0 ≀ ” ≀ 1/2, nonuniform global blow-up occurs; if 1/2 < ” < 1, then the blow-up is global and uniform, while for ” = 1 (the Navier-Stokes equations) there are exact solutions with initial data of arbitrarily large L_∞, L_2, and H^1 norms that decay to zero. Furthermore, one of these exact solutions is proved to be nonlinearly stable in L_2 for arbitrarily large supremum norm. An understanding of this transition from blow-up behaviour to decay behaviour is achieved by a combination of analysis, asymptotics, and numerical techniques

    Quartic double solids with ordinary singularities

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    We study the mixed Hodge structure on the third homology group of a threefold which is the double cover of projective three-space ramified over a quartic surface with a double conic. We deal with the Torelli problem for such threefolds.Comment: 14 pages, presented at the Conference Arnol'd 7

    Large pollen loads of a South African asclepiad do not interfere with the foraging behaviour or efficiency of pollinating honey bees

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    The pollen of asclepiads (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) and most orchids (Orchidaceae) are packaged as large aggregations known as pollinaria that are removed as entire units by pollinators. In some instances, individual pollinators may accumulate large loads of these pollinaria. We found that the primary pollinator of Cynanchum ellipticum (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae), the honey bee Apis mellifera, accumulate very large agglomerations of pollinaria on their mouthparts when foraging on this species. We tested whether large pollinarium loads negatively affected the foraging behaviour and foraging efficiency of honey bees by slowing foraging speeds or causing honey bees to visit fewer flowers, and found no evidence to suggest that large pollinarium loads altered foraging behaviour. C. ellipticum displayed consistently high levels of pollination success and pollen transfer efficiency (PTE). This may be a consequence of efficiently loading large numbers of pollinaria onto pollinators even when primary points of attachment on pollinators are already occupied and doing so in a manner that does not impact the foraging behaviour of pollinating insects

    Aperiodic invariant continua for surface homeomorphisms

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    We prove that if a homeomorphism of a closed orientable surface S has no wandering points and leaves invariant a compact, connected set K which contains no periodic points, then either K=S and S is a torus, or KK is the intersection of a decreasing sequence of annuli. A version for non-orientable surfaces is given.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Pollination biology of Bergeranthus multiceps (Aizoaceae) with preliminary observations of repeated flower opening and closure

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    Little is known about pollination of the Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthemaceae). There are sparse reports of generalist pollination in the family by a variety of insects (predominantly bees). Furthermore, most species are self-incompatible in cultivation. In this study, observations were made on two populations of Bergeranthus multiceps (Salm-Dyck) Schwantes growing in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Insects visiting the flowers were collected and examined for pollen. While 79 individual insects (in 24 genera representing 14 families and four orders) were collected visiting the flowers, the majority (43 individuals) were female Allodapula variegata bees (Apidae, subfamily Xylocopinae, tribe Allodapini)collecting pollen. All other bee visitors were also female, suggesting pollen collection as the primary activity at the flowers. The protandrous flowers were found to be self-incompatible, pointing to the importance of bee-mediated xenogamy in this species. The flowers of B. multiceps are bright yellow in the human visual spectrum. In addition, the petals of this species reflect ultraviolet light. In contrast, the yellow anthers absorb UV. Flower opening and closing is common in the Aizoaceae. Interestingly, in B. multiceps flowers open at about 15:30 and remain open for approximately three hours before closing again in the late afternoon. These afternoon flower opening events were found to be closely correlated to ambient temperatures above 23°C, relative humidity lower than 50% and vapour pressure deficit below 1.05 kPa measured from as early as 09:00 on the days when flowers opened

    From double Lie groupoids to local Lie 2-groupoids

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    We apply the bar construction to the nerve of a double Lie groupoid to obtain a local Lie 2-groupoid. As an application, we recover Haefliger's fundamental groupoid from the fundamental double groupoid of a Lie groupoid. In the case of a symplectic double groupoid, we study the induced closed 2-form on the associated local Lie 2-groupoid, which leads us to propose a definition of a symplectic 2-groupoid.Comment: 23 pages, a few minor changes, including a correction to Lemma 6.

    Strong Discontinuities in the Complex Photonic Band Structure of Transmission Metallic Gratings

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    Complex photonic band structures (CPBS) of transmission metallic gratings with rectangular slits are shown to exhibit strong discontinuities that are not evidenced in the usual energetic band structures. These discontinuities are located on Wood's anomalies and reveal unambiguously two different types of resonances, which are identified as horizontal and vertical surface-plasmon resonances. Spectral position and width of peaks in the transmission spectrum can be directly extracted from CPBS for both kinds of resonances.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX version
