792 research outputs found

    Critical free energy and Casimir forces in rectangular geometries

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    We study the critical behavior of the free energy and the thermodynamic Casimir force in a Ld1×LL_\parallel^{d-1} \times L block geometry in 2<d<42<d<4 dimensions with aspect ratio ρ=L/L\rho=L/L_\parallel above, at, and below TcT_c on the basis of the O(n)(n) symmetric ϕ4\phi^4 lattice model with periodic boundary conditions (b.c.). We consider a simple-cubic lattice with isotropic short-range interactions. Exact results are derived in the large - nn limit describing the geometric crossover from film (ρ=0\rho =0) over cubic ρ=1\rho=1 to cylindrical (ρ=\rho = \infty) geometries. For n=1n=1, three perturbation approaches are presented that cover both the central finite-size regime near TcT_c for 1/4ρ31/4 \lesssim \rho \lesssim 3 and the region outside the central finite-size regime well above and below TcT_c for arbitrary ρ\rho. At bulk TcT_c of isotropic systems with periodic b.c., we predict the critical Casimir force in the vertical (L)(L) direction to be negative (attractive) for a slab (ρ1\rho 1), and zero for a cube (ρ=1)(\rho=1). We also present extrapolations to the cylinder limit (ρ=\rho=\infty) and to the film limit (ρ=0\rho=0) for n=1n=1 and d=3d=3. Our analytic results for finite-size scaling functions in the minimal renormalization scheme at fixed dimension d=3d=3 agree well with Monte Carlo data for the three-dimensional Ising model by Hasenbusch for ρ=1\rho=1 and by Vasilyev et al. for ρ=1/6\rho=1/6 above, at, and below TcT_c.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    Scaling of thermal conductivity of helium confined in pores

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    We have studied the thermal conductivity of confined superfluids on a bar-like geometry. We use the planar magnet lattice model on a lattice H×H×LH\times H\times L with LHL \gg H. We have applied open boundary conditions on the bar sides (the confined directions of length HH) and periodic along the long direction. We have adopted a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm to efficiently deal with the critical slowing down and in order to solve the dynamical equations of motion we use a discretization technique which introduces errors only O((δt)6)O((\delta t)^6) in the time step δt\delta t. Our results demonstrate the validity of scaling using known values of the critical exponents and we obtained the scaling function of the thermal resistivity. We find that our results for the thermal resistivity scaling function are in very good agreement with the available experimental results for pores using the tempComment: 5 two-column pages, 3 figures, Revtex

    Evaluation of genomic high-throughput sequencing data generated on Illumina HiSeq and Genome Analyzer systems

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The generation and analysis of high-throughput sequencing data are becoming a major component of many studies in molecular biology and medical research. Illumina's Genome Analyzer (GA) and HiSeq instruments are currently the most widely used sequencing devices. Here, we comprehensively evaluate properties of genomic HiSeq and GAIIx data derived from two plant genomes and one virus, with read lengths of 95 to 150 bases. RESULTS: We provide quantifications and evidence for GC bias, error rates, error sequence context, effects of quality filtering, and the reliability of quality values. By combining different filtering criteria we reduced error rates 7-fold at the expense of discarding 12.5% of alignable bases. While overall error rates are low in HiSeq data we observed regions of accumulated wrong base calls. Only 3% of all error positions accounted for 24.7% of all substitution errors. Analyzing the forward and reverse strands separately revealed error rates of up to 18.7%. Insertions and deletions occurred at very low rates on average but increased to up to 2% in homopolymers. A positive correlation between read coverage and GC content was found depending on the GC content range. CONCLUSIONS: The errors and biases we report have implications for the use and the interpretation of Illumina sequencing data. GAIIx and HiSeq data sets show slightly different error profiles. Quality filtering is essential to minimize downstream analysis artifacts. Supporting previous recommendations, the strand-specificity provides a criterion to distinguish sequencing errors from low abundance polymorphisms

    Critical Behavior of O(n)-symmetric Systems With Reversible Mode-coupling Terms: Stability Against Detailed-balance Violation

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    We investigate nonequilibrium critical properties of O(n)O(n)-symmetric models with reversible mode-coupling terms. Specifically, a variant of the model of Sasv\'ari, Schwabl, and Sz\'epfalusy is studied, where violation of detailed balance is incorporated by allowing the order parameter and the dynamically coupled conserved quantities to be governed by heat baths of different temperatures TST_S and TMT_M, respectively. Dynamic perturbation theory and the field-theoretic renormalization group are applied to one-loop order, and yield two new fixed points in addition to the equilibrium ones. The first one corresponds to Θ=TS/TM=\Theta = T_S / T_M = \infty and leads to model A critical behavior for the order parameter and to anomalous noise correlations for the generalized angular momenta; the second one is at Θ=0\Theta = 0 and is characterized by mean-field behavior of the conserved quantities, by a dynamic exponent z=d/2z = d / 2 equal to that of the equilibrium SSS model, and by modified static critical exponents. However, both these new fixed points are unstable, and upon approaching the critical point detailed balance is restored, and the equilibrium static and dynamic critical properties are recovered.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX, 1 figure included as eps-file; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thinning of superfluid films below the critical point

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    Experiments on 4^4He films reveal an attractive Casimir-like force at the bulk λ\lambda-point, and in the superfluid regime. Previous work has explained the magnitude of this force at the λ\lambda transition and deep in the superfluid region but not the substantial attractive force immediately below the λ\lambda-point. Utilizing a simple mean-field calculation renormalized by critical fluctuations we obtain an effective Casimir force that is qualitatively consistent with the scaling function ϑ\vartheta obtained by collapse of experimental data.Comment: 4 page

    Non-universal size dependence of the free energy of confined systems near criticality

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    The singular part of the finite-size free energy density fsf_s of the O(n) symmetric ϕ4\phi^4 field theory in the large-n limit is calculated at finite cutoff for confined geometries of linear size L with periodic boundary conditions in 2 < d < 4 dimensions. We find that a sharp cutoff Λ\Lambda causes a non-universal leading size dependence fsΛd2L2f_s \sim \Lambda^{d-2} L^{-2} near TcT_c which dominates the universal scaling term Ld\sim L^{-d}. This implies a non-universal critical Casimir effect at TcT_c and a leading non-scaling term L2\sim L^{-2} of the finite-size specific heat above TcT_c.Comment: RevTex, 4 page