30 research outputs found

    Social mindfulness predicts concern for nature and immigrants across 36 nations

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    Australian Research Council (ARC) [DP200101446]; Philip Leverhulme Prize; Fund for Research on Health - Quebec (FRQS) [268393]; Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies [ANID/FONDAP 15130009]; Fondecyt Program (ANID/Fondecyt) [1201788]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [PID2021-124617OB-I00]; ERC [101018172]; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation fellowship [2021M690681]; JSPS KAKENHI [19KK0063]; Latvian Council of Science [lzp-2018/1-0402]; Polish National Science Center Grant Sonata Bis [UMO-2017/26/E/HS6/00129]; Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research [ANID/FONDAP 15110006]; Australian Research Council [DP200101446] Funding Source: Australian Research Council; European Research Council (ERC) [101018172] Funding Source: European Research Council (ERC)Brock Bastian was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) (grant number DP200101446), Steve Loughnan was supported by the Philip Leverhulme Prize, Catherine Amiot was supported by a Senior Fellowship from the Fund for Research on Health - Quebec (FRQS: no. 268393), Roberto Gonzalez was supported by the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (ANID/FONDAP 15130009), the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (ANID/FONDAP 15110006) and the Fondecyt Program (ANID/Fondecyt 1201788), angel Gomez was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-124617OB-I00) and by the ERC Grant agreement no: 101018172, Zhechen Wang was supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation fellowship (2021M690681), Nobuhiko Goto was supported by the JSPS KAKENHI (grant number 19KK0063), Girts Dimdins was supported by the Latvian Council of Science (grant number lzp-2018/1-0402), and Michal Bilewicz was supported by the Polish National Science Center Grant Sonata Bis (grant number UMO-2017/26/E/HS6/00129).People cooperate every day in ways that range from largescale contributions that mitigate climate change to simple actions such as leaving another individual with choice - known as social mindfulness. It is not yet clear whether and how these complex and more simple forms of cooperation relate. Prior work has found that countries with individuals who made more socially mindful choices were linked to a higher country environmental performance - a proxy for complex cooperation. Here we replicated this initial finding in 41 samples around the world, demonstrating the robustness of the association between social mindfulness and environmental performance, and substantially built on it to show this relationship extended to a wide range of complex cooperative indices, tied closely to many current societal issues. We found that greater social mindfulness expressed by an individual was related to living in countries with more social capital, more community participation and reduced prejudice towards immigrants. Our findings speak to the symbiotic relationship between simple and more complex forms of cooperation in societies.WOS:0009340726000222-s2.0-8514510068336543793Science Citation Index ExpandedarticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETMart2022YÖK - 2022-2

    Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe

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    Humans are social animals, but not everyone will be mindful of others to the same extent. Individual differences have been found, but would social mindfulness also be shaped by one’s location in the world? Expecting cross-national differences to exist, we examined if and how social mindfulness differs across countries. At little to no material cost, social mindfulness typically entails small acts of attention or kindness. Even though fairly common, such low-cost cooperation has received little empirical attention. Measuring social mindfulness across 31 samples from industrialized countries and regions (n = 8,354), we found considerable variation. Among selected country-level variables, greater social mindfulness was most strongly associated with countries’ better general performance on environmental protection. Together, our findings contribute to the literature on prosociality by targeting the kind of everyday cooperation that is more focused on communicating benevolence than on providing material benefits

    Social mindfulness predicts concern for nature and immigrants across 36 nations

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    People cooperate every day in ways that range from largescale contributions that mitigate climate change to simple actions such as leaving another individual with choice – known as social mindfulness. It is not yet clear whether and how these complex and more simple forms of cooperation relate. Prior work has found that countries with individuals who made more socially mindful choices were linked to a higher country environmental performance – a proxy for complex cooperation. Here we replicated this initial finding in 41 samples around the world, demonstrating the robustness of the association between social mindfulness and environmental performance, and substantially built on it to show this relationship extended to a wide range of complex cooperative indices, tied closely to many current societal issues. We found that greater social mindfulness expressed by an individual was related to living in countries with more social capital, more community participation and reduced prejudice towards immigrants. Our findings speak to the symbiotic relationship between simple and more complex forms of cooperation in societies

    Reply to Nielsen et al. social mindfulness is associated with countries’ environmental performance and individual environmental concern

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    Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe

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    Humans are social animals, but not everyone will be mindful of others to the same extent. Individual differences have been found, but would social mindfulness also be shaped by one’s location in the world? Expecting cross-national differences to exist, we examined if and how social mindfulness differs across countries. At little to no material cost, social mindfulness typically entails small acts of attention or kindness. Even though fairly common, such low-cost cooperation has received little empirical attention. Measuring social mindfulness across 31 samples from industrialized countries and regions (n = 8,354), we found considerable variation. Among selected country-level variables, greater social mindfulness was most strongly associated with countries’ better general performance on environmental protection. Together, our findings contribute to the literature on prosociality by targeting the kind of everyday cooperation that is more focused on communicating benevolence than on providing material benefits

    Social mindfulness: Prosocial the active way

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    Niels J. Van Doesum, Reinout E. de Vries, Arjan A. J. Blokland, Jessica M. Hill, David M. Kuhlman, Adam W. Stivers, Joshua M. Tybur & Paul A. M. Van Lange (2019). The Journal of Positive Psychology