101 research outputs found

    Which World Bank reports are widely read?

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    Knowledge is central to development. The World Bank invests about one-quarter of its budget for country services in knowledge products. Still, there is little research about the demand for these knowledge products and how internal knowledge flows affect their demand. About 49 percent of the World Bank’s policy reports, which are published Economic and Sector Work or Technical Assistance reports, have the stated objective of informing the public debate or influencing the development community. This study uses information on downloads and citations to assesses whether policy reports meet this objective. About 13 percent of policy reports were downloaded at least 250 times while more than 31 percent of policy reports are never downloaded. Almost 87 percent of policy reports were never cited. More expensive, complex, multi-sector, core diagnostics reports on middle-income countries with larger populations tend to be downloaded more frequently. Multi-sector reports also tend to be cited more frequently. Internal knowledge sharing matters as cross support provided by the World Bank’s Research Department consistently increases downloads and citations

    Beyond Keynesianism : global infrastructure investments in times of crisis

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    As the world recovers only slowly from the 2008 financial crisis and Europe is facing a looming debt crisis, concerns have increased that the"new normal"-- a period of high unemployment, low returns on investment, high risks, and low growth -- may become protracted in advanced economies. If growth remains weak, unemployment rates and debt levels will be slow to recede. Consequently, the global recovery may continue to be fragile for years to come. What the world needs now is a growth-lifting strategy. This strategy could take the form of a global infrastructure initiative. Since debt levels are high, governments in the United States and Europe could increase demand and support growth through investments in bottleneck-releasing infrastructure projects that are self-financing. An infrastructure initiative should, however, go beyond the borders of advanced countries and include developing countries. Economic and social returns to infrastructure investments tend to be high in developing countries, which have become increasingly important drivers of global growth. At the same time, infrastructure investments require capital goods, most of which are produced in high-income countries. Scaling up infrastructure investment in developing countries could therefore help generate a virtuous cycle in support of a global recovery.Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Debt Markets,Banks&Banking Reform,Emerging Markets,Access to Finance

    Tensional Responsiveness: Ecosomatic Aliveness and Sensitivity with Human and More-than

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    How we sense and move our bodies shapes how we relate with each other. Current socio-economic practices are reducing generative qualities of relating. Doerte Weig shows how bodily capacities for sensitive tensional responsiveness are relevant to (re)generative cultures, the future of work, lifelong learning, sharing, healing and well-being. She draws together her own experience of living with Baka egalitarian foragers in North-Eastern Gabon, her corporate experience, and her studies on bodying, somatics and our connective tissue-system fascia. Interweaving neurophysiological shifting-sliding with a radically different ecosystemic awareness opens up potentials for bodying beyond current legal and political limits into enchantingly vibrant and ecosomatically alive futures

    Motility and Relational Mobility of the Baka in North-Eastern Gabon

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    This thesis offers a first scientific portrait of the Baka in North-Eastern Gabon, a group of post-foragers living along the River Ivindo, and the way they practice and conceptualise mobility. The inquiry encompasses the long-term historical and the daily or short-term current mobility of this group, elicited through life histories and participant observation. The central premise of this work is that mobility is relational. Relational refers to interaction of movement and fixity, of position and outcome, and to the understanding of mobility as socially produced. The second concept employed is that of motility, the capacity or potential to be mobile. As motility analyses what comes before observable movement, of potential and actualised outcome as mobility or immobility, it takes up the idea of mobility as relational. The Baka living on the Ivindo migrated from Cameroon and Congo into Gabon over the last approximately 60 years. In contrast to established approaches to forest forager mobility, which focus mainly on resource mobility during an annual cycle, this study considers the long-term and larger geographical perspective and shows that the quality of personal relations between Baka and their neighbours is decisive in mobility considerations. Previously these relations were characterised as a structural opposition between two ethnic groups. This analysis demonstrates the heterogeneity of people and their interactions, in the past and the present, to argue, firstly, that relations are more appropriately conceptualised as multilateral, and, secondly, that an inquiry remains incomplete without considering affections and emotions. A principal mobility factor for the Baka is the search for a good life, meaning economic improvement and freedom from violence. This search coincides with a diversification of Baka livelihoods to include subsistence practices as well as working in the gold sites of Gabon. Employing motility shows the aspirations and limitations of Baka personal and group mobility in gold work. Motility is also understood as ‘mobility capital’ and thereby helps document social change, and how gold work is undertaken with reference to Baka egalitarian social organisation to be successful. By including group and individual as well as different temporalities in the analysis, and detailing the impact of social values on mobilities, motility gives depth to the analysis of mobility

    Weibliche Rede - Rhetorik der Weiblichkeit

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    Im Juni 2001, wenige Wochen vor der Tagung, die dieser Band dokumentiert, traten im deutschen Fernsehen zwei Frauen auf, deren Zusammentreffen bereits Wochen zuvor von den Medien intensiv vorbereitet und kommentiert worden war. Auf ein »TV-Duell« der besonderen Art hatte man die ZuschauerInnen eingestimmt, die ihr Interesse denn auch durch hohe Einschaltquoten bekundeten. Was machte die Begegnung von Alice Schwarzer und Verona Feldbusch in einer Talkshow zu einem solchen Medienereignis? Was stand in diesem Duell auf dem Spiel, in dem es offensichtlich nicht um die Entscheidung für oder gegen eine Regierung ging wie etwa in dem ebenfalls traditionell als Duell inszenierten amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampf oder in den nach diesem Vorbild auch in Deutschland erstmals veranstalteten TV-Duellen zwischen Gerhard Schröder und Edmund Stoiber vor der Bundestagswahl 2002

    EBV in Hodgkin Lymphoma

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    Up to 40% of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cases are associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Clonal viral genomes can be found in the HL tumor cells, the Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg cells (HRS). The latent infection results in expression of the viral oncogenes LMP1 and LMP2A which contribute to generate the particular phenotype of the HRS cells. EBV does not only undergo epigenetic changes of its genome during latency, but also induces epigenetic changes in the host genome. The presence of EBV may alter the composition and activity of the immune cells surrounding the HRS cells. EBV favours a Th1 reaction, but this attempt at a cell mediated immune response appears to be ineffective. The presence of EBV in HL is associated with several clinicopathological characteristics: It is more frequent in cases with mixed cellular histology, in males, in children and older adults, and in developing countries, while the young-adult onset HL of nodular sclerosis type in industrialized countries is typically EBV-negative. Countries in the Mediterranean area often show an intermediate epidemiological pattern. Recent studies suggest a genetic predisposition to develop EBV-associated HL. Circulating EBV-DNA may serve as a biomarker to monitor response to therapy, and eventually, EBV will become a target for therapeutic intervention also in HL

    The Role of Immune Modulatory MicroRNAs in Tumors

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    Tumors could evade the control of CD8+ T and/or NK cell-mediated surveillance by distinct immune escape strategies. These include the aberrant expression of HLA class I antigens, coinhibitory or costimulatory molecules, and components of the interferon (IFN) signal transduction pathway. In addition, alterations of the tumor microenvironment could interfere with a proper antitumoral immune response by downregulating or inhibiting the frequency and/or activity of immune effector cells and professional antigen presenting cells. Based on the identification as major mediators of the posttranscriptional silencing of gene expression, microRNAs (miRNAs) have been suggested to play a key role in many biological processes known to be involved in neoplastic transformation. Indeed, miRNA expression is frequently deregulated in many cancer types and could have tumor-suppressive as well as oncogenic potential. This review focused on the characterization of miRNAs, which are involved in the control of the immune surveillance or immune escape of tumors and their use as potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers as well as therapeutic targets. Moreover, miRNAs can have dual activities by affecting the neoplastic and immunogenic phenotype of tumors