1,122 research outputs found

    Studies on immunocytochemical localization of inhibin-like material in human prostatic tissue: comparison of its distribution in normal, benign and malignant prostates.

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    A specific antiserum has been generated against inhibin-like material (ILM) of prostatic origin. Using the immunoperoxidase technique, localization of ILM has been examined in a total of 114 prostates including normal (4 specimens), malignant (46) and hyperplastic (55) tissues. ILM positive immunocytochemical reactions were confined to the cytoplasm and not the nucleus of the prostatic acinar cells in the three categories of prostate, whereas the stroma showed negative reactions. The intensity of positive reactions decreased in the following order: Hyperplasia, incidental and moderately differentiated carcinomas, poorly differentiated carcinomas, whereas metaplasia and granulomatous prostatitis gave negative reactions for ILM. Using this experimental protocol, 200 non-prostatic tissue were found to be completely negative, demonstrating the specificity of the test for prostatic epithelium. These findings indicate a potential use of ILM as a marker of prostatic tissue

    Duplex ultrasound imaging alone is sufficient for midterm endovascular aneurysm repair surveillance: A cost analysis study and prospective comparison with computed tomography scan

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    ObjectiveEarly in our experience with endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) we performed both serial computed tomography scans and duplex ultrasound (DU) imaging in our post-EVAR surveillance regimen. Later we conducted a prospective study with DU imaging as the sole surveillance study and determined cost savings and outcome using this strategy.MethodsFrom September 21, 1998, to May 30, 2008, 250 patients underwent EVAR at our hospital. Before July 1, 2004, EVAR patients underwent CT and DU imaging performed every 6 months during the first year and then annually if no problems were identified (group 1). We compared aneurysm sac size, presence of endoleak, and graft patency between the two scanning modalities. After July 1, 2004, patients underwent surveillance using DU imaging as the sole surveillance study unless a problem was detected (group 2). CT and DU imaging charges for each regimen were compared using our 2008 health system pricing and Medicare reimbursements. All DU examinations were performed in our accredited noninvasive vascular laboratory by experienced technologists. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient.ResultsDU and CT scans were equivalent in determining aneurysm sac diameter after EVAR (P < .001). DU and CT were each as likely to falsely suggest an endoleak when none existed and were as likely to miss an endoleak. Using DU imaging alone would have reduced cost of EVAR surveillance by 29% (534,356)ingroup1.Costsavingsof534,356) in group 1. Cost savings of 1595 per patient per year were realized in group 2 by eliminating CT scan surveillance. None of the group 2 patients sustained an adverse event such as rupture, graft migration, or limb occlusion as a result of having DU imaging performed as the sole follow-up modality.ConclusionSurveillance of EVAR patients can be performed accurately, safely, and cost-effectively with DU as the sole imaging study

    The Electromagnetic Counterpart of the Binary Neutron Star Merger LIGO/VIRGO GW170817. V. Rising X-ray Emission from an Off-Axis Jet

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    We report the discovery of rising X-ray emission from the binary neutron star (BNS) merger event GW170817. This is the first detection of X-ray emission from a gravitational-wave source. Observations acquired with the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) at t~2.3 days post merger reveal no significant emission, with L_x<=3.2x10^38 erg/s (isotropic-equivalent). Continued monitoring revealed the presence of an X-ray source that brightened with time, reaching L_x\sim 9x10^39 erg/s at ~15.1 days post merger. We interpret these findings in the context of isotropic and collimated relativistic outflows (both on- and off-axis). We find that the broad-band X-ray to radio observations are consistent with emission from a relativistic jet with kinetic energy E_k~10^49-10^50 erg, viewed off-axis with theta_obs~ 20-40 deg. Our models favor a circumbinary density n~ 0.0001-0.01 cm-3, depending on the value of the microphysical parameter epsilon_B=10^{-4}-10^{-2}. A central-engine origin of the X-ray emission is unlikely. Future X-ray observations at t100t\gtrsim 100 days, when the target will be observable again with the CXO, will provide additional constraints to solve the model degeneracies and test our predictions. Our inferences on theta_obs are testable with gravitational wave information on GW170817 from Advanced LIGO/Virgo on the binary inclination.Comment: 7 Pages, 4 Figures, ApJL, In Press. Keywords: GW170817, LV

    The Electromagnetic Counterpart of the Binary Neutron Star Merger LIGO/VIRGO GW170817. VII. Properties of the Host Galaxy and Constraints on the Merger Timescale

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    We present the properties of NGC 4993, the host galaxy of GW170817, the first gravitational wave (GW) event from the merger of a binary neutron star (BNS) system and the first with an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart. We use both archival photometry and new optical/near-IR imaging and spectroscopy, together with stellar population synthesis models to infer the global properties of the host galaxy. We infer a star formation history peaked at 10\gtrsim 10 Gyr ago, with subsequent exponential decline leading to a low current star formation rate of 0.01 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}, which we convert into a binary merger timescale probability distribution. We find a median merger timescale of 11.21.4+0.711.2^{+0.7}_{-1.4} Gyr, with a 90% confidence range of 6.813.66.8-13.6 Gyr. This in turn indicates an initial binary separation of 4.5\approx 4.5 R_{\odot}, comparable to the inferred values for Galactic BNS systems. We also use new and archival HubbleHubble SpaceSpace TelescopeTelescope images to measure a projected offset of the optical counterpart of 2.12.1 kpc (0.64rer_{e}) from the center of NGC 4993 and to place a limit of Mr7.2M_{r} \gtrsim -7.2 mag on any pre-existing emission, which rules out the brighter half of the globular cluster luminosity function. Finally, the age and offset of the system indicates it experienced a modest natal kick with an upper limit of 200\sim 200 km s1^{-1}. Future GW-EM observations of BNS mergers will enable measurement of their population delay time distribution, which will directly inform their viability as the dominant source of rr-process enrichment in the Universe.Comment: 9 Pages, 3 Figures, 2 Tables, ApJL, In Press. Keywords: GW170817, LV

    Red Blood Cell and Endothelial eNOS Independently Regulate Circulating Nitric Oxide Metabolites and Blood Pressure

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    Background: Current paradigms suggest that nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells (ECs) through endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the vessel wall is the primary regulator of blood flow and blood pressure. However, red blood cells (RBCs) also carry a catalytically active eNOS, but its role is controversial and remains undefined. This study aimed to elucidate the functional significance of RBC eNOS compared with EC eNOS for vascular hemodynamics and nitric oxide metabolism. Methods: We generated tissue-specific loss- and gain-of-function models for eNOS by using cell-specific Cre-induced gene inactivation or reactivation. We created 2 founder lines carrying a floxed eNOS (eNOSflox/flox) for Cre-inducible knockout (KO), and gene construct with an inactivated floxed/inverted exon (eNOSinv/inv) for a Cre-inducible knock-in (KI), which respectively allow targeted deletion or reactivation of eNOS in erythroid cells (RBC eNOS KO or RBC eNOS KI mice) or in ECs (EC eNOS KO or EC eNOS KI mice). Vascular function, hemodynamics, and nitric oxide metabolism were compared ex vivo and in vivo. Results: The EC eNOS KOs exhibited significantly impaired aortic dilatory responses to acetylcholine, loss of flow-mediated dilation, and increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure. RBC eNOS KO mice showed no alterations in acetylcholine-mediated dilation or flow-mediated dilation but were hypertensive. Treatment with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor Nγ-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester further increased blood pressure in RBC eNOS KOs, demonstrating that eNOS in both ECs and RBCs contributes to blood pressure regulation. Although both EC eNOS KOs and RBC eNOS KOs had lower plasma nitrite and nitrate concentrations, the levels of bound NO in RBCs were lower in RBC eNOS KOs than in EC eNOS KOs. Reactivation of eNOS in ECs or RBCs rescues the hypertensive phenotype of the eNOSinv/invmice, whereas the levels of bound NO were restored only in RBC eNOS KI mice. Conclusions: These data reveal that eNOS in ECs and RBCs contribute independently to blood pressure homeostasis

    Optical follow-up of gravitational wave triggers with DECam

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    Gravitational wave (GW) events have several possible progenitors, including black hole mergers, cosmic string cusps, supernovae, neutron star mergers, and black hole–neutron star mergers. A subset of GW events are expected to produce electromagnetic (EM) emission that, once detected, will provide complementary information about their astrophysical context. To that end, the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration has partnered with other teams to send GW candidate alerts so that searches for their EM counterparts can be pursued. One such partner is the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Dark Energy Camera (DECam) Gravitational Waves Program (DES-GW). Situated on the 4m Blanco Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, DECam is an ideal instrument for optical followup observations of GW triggers in the southern sky. The DES-GW program performs subtraction of new search images with respect to preexisting overlapping images to select candidate sources. Due to the short decay timescale of the expected EM counterparts and the need to quickly eliminate survey areas with no counterpart candidates, it is critical to complete the initial analysis of each night's images within 24 hours. The computational challenges in achieving this goal include maintaining robust I/O pipelines during the processing, being able to quickly acquire template images of new sky regions outside of the typical DES observing regions, and being able to rapidly provision additional batch computing resources with little advance notice. We will discuss the search area determination, imaging pipeline, general data transfer strategy, and methods to quickly increase the available amount of batch computing. We will present results from the first season of observations from September 2015 to January 2016 and conclude by presenting improvements planned for the second observing season

    First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data

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    Spinning neutron stars asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis are potential sources of continuous gravitational waves for ground-based interferometric detectors. In the case of known pulsars a fully coherent search, based on matched filtering, which uses the position and rotational parameters obtained from electromagnetic observations, can be carried out. Matched filtering maximizes the signalto- noise (SNR) ratio, but a large sensitivity loss is expected in case of even a very small mismatch between the assumed and the true signal parameters. For this reason, narrow-band analysis methods have been developed, allowing a fully coherent search for gravitational waves from known pulsars over a fraction of a hertz and several spin-down values. In this paper we describe a narrow-band search of 11 pulsars using data from Advanced LIGO’s first observing run. Although we have found several initial outliers, further studies show no significant evidence for the presence of a gravitational wave signal. Finally, we have placed upper limits on the signal strain amplitude lower than the spin-down limit for 5 of the 11 targets over the bands searched; in the case of J1813-1749 the spin-down limit has been beaten for the first time. For an additional 3 targets, the median upper limit across the search bands is below the spin-down limit. This is the most sensitive narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves carried out so far