457 research outputs found

    Thyroid surgery in geriatric patients: a literature review.

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    BACKGROUND: Thyroid disease is common in the elderly population. The incidence of hypothyroidism and multinodular goitre gradually increases with age. In view of a growth of aging population, we performed a literature review about the feasibility of thyroid surgery in the elderly. METHODS: We conducted a literature search in the PubMed database in September 2012 and all English-language publications on thyroidectomy in geriatric patients since 2002 were retrieved. The potential original articles mainly focusing on thyroidectomy in elderly patients were all identified and full texts were obtained and reviewed for further hand data retrieving. RESULTS: We retrieved five papers based on different primary end-point. Four were retrospective non randomized studies and one was prospective non randomized study. At last 65, 70, 75 and 80 years were used as an age cut-off. All studies evaluate the indications of thyroidectomy in geriatric patients, postoperative morbility and mortality. Only one study specifically assesses the rate of the rehospitalization after thyroidectomy among the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: Thyroid nodules are particularly important in elderly patients, as the incidence of malignancy increases and they are usually more aggressive tumors. An age of at least 70 years is an independent risk factor for complications after general surgery procedures. Thyroid surgery in patients aged 70 years or older is safe and the relatively high rate of thyroid carcinoma and toxic goiter may justify an aggressive approach. A programmed operation with a careful pre-operative evaluation and a risk stratification should make the surgical procedures less hazardous, specially in 80 years old patients with an high ASA score

    Research of non-specific hyperreactivity of upper airways in subjects with gastro-esophageal reflux (G.E.R.): Preliminary reports

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    An association between asthma and gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is well recognized but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. The authors suggest that could exist an association between GER and upper airways hyperreactivity and this association could represents the mechanism underlying the lower esophageal sphincter releasing, that determine the reflux. In fact they suppose that, the noxious injury of acid reflux follows a course that could be: pharynx → larynx → bronchi → 1/3 inferior of the esophagus → reflux. From these presuppositions the authors carried out a study on the possible relationship between GER and non-specific hyperreactivity of upper airways on 14 subjects, divided in 2 groups: 10 subjects with functional GER, 4 subjects suffering from GER caused by hiatus hernia as control group. All patients had a thorough medical history, ENT examination with rigid and flexible endoscope, anterior Rhinomanometry (RRM), skin-test for inhalant and alimentary allergens, RAST, audiometric exam, non-specific nasal provocation test (NSNPT) with histamine, using as control the number of sneezes. From a through analysis of objective examination and from the results of the NSNPT with histamine resulted that all subjects with functional GER were rhinopathics. In all tests both in vivo (Skin-test) and in vitro (RAST) for the most common allergens (pollens-inhalant-mycophites-alimentary) the results were negative. The authors also found an involvement of paranasal sinuses that raised: 91% in the patients with recurrents phlogosis due to non specific nasal hyperreactivity; 40.9% in the allergic subjects (20% in the Graminacee +; 32% in the Parietaria O. +; 76% in the Dermatophagoides Pt. +; others 4%); 100% in the ASA-intollerance subjects. The NSNSPT with histamine showed in the group with functional GER a hyperreactivity with sneezes in 6/10 subjects, and 1/4 subjects of the group with GER with hiatus hernia. The RRM variations showed an unilateral nasal hyperreactivity in 6/10, bilateral in 3/10 subjects of the group with functional GER. In the group with GER with hiatus hernia only 1/4 subject showed reliable unilateral RRM variation. From the analysis of data resulted that subjects with functional GER showed a completely involvement of the upper airways and not only of the pharynx and larynx, caused by non specific hyperreactivity at the NSNPT with histamine, associated with a chronic pathology

    Childhood obesity and skeletal-dental maturity

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the skeletal maturation assessed through cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) and dental age, in normal weight, pre-obese and obese patients, using the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

    Changes in phenolics and fatty acids composition and related gene expression during the development from seed to leaves of three cultivated cardoon genotypes

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    Cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var. altilis) has long been used as a food and medicine remedy and nowadays is considered a functional food. Its leaf bioactive compounds are mostly represented by chlorogenic acids and coumaroyl derivatives, known for their nutritional value and bioactivity. Having antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties, these molecules are used for medicinal purposes. Apart from the phenolic compounds in green tissues, cultivated cardoon is also used for the seed oil, having a composition suitable for the human diet, but also valuable as feedstock for the production of biofuel and biodegradable bioplastics. Given the wide spectrum of valuable cardoon molecules and their numerous industrial applications, a detailed characterization of different organs and tissues for their metabolic profiles as well as an extensive transcriptional analysis of associated key biosynthetic genes were performed to provide a deeper insight into metabolites biosynthesis and accumulation sites. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenylpropanoids profile through UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS analysis, of fatty acids content through GC-MS analysis, along with quantitative transcriptional analyses by qRT-PCR of hydroxycinnamoyl-quinate transferase (HQT), stearic acid desaturase (SAD), and fatty acid desaturase (FAD) genes in seeds, hypocotyls, cotyledons and leaves of the cardoon genotypes “Spagnolo”, “Bianco Avorio”, and “Gigante”. Both oil yield and total phenols accumulation in all the tissues and organs indicated higher production in “Bianco Avorio” and “Spagnolo” than in “Gigante”. Antioxidant activity evaluation by DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays mirrored total phenols content. Overall, this study provides a detailed analysis of tissue composition of cardoon, enabling to elucidate value-added product accumulation and distribution during plant development and hence contributing to better address and optimize the sustainable use of this natural resource. Besides, our metabolic and transcriptional screening could be useful to guide the selection of superior genotypes

    Association between oral cleft and transcobalamin 2 polymorphism in a sample study from Nassiriya, Iraq

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    Orofacial clefts are common congenital defects whose prevalence differs between geographical regions and ethnic groups. The inheritance is complex, involving the contribution of both genetic and environmental factors. The involvement of genes belonging to the folate pathway is still matter of debate, with strong evidences of association and conflicting results. After demonstrating the contribution, for a sample from the Italian population, of common mutations mapping on three genes of the folate pathway, our group tried to unravel their contribution in independent sample studies with different ethnicity. In the present investigation a set of 34 triads with oral cleft from Nassiriya, Iraq, has been genotyped for rs1801133 of MTHFR, rs1801198 of TCN2, and rs4920037 of CBS polymorphisms. Association analysis evidenced a decreased risk of cleft for children carrying the 667G allele at TCN2 gene (P = 0.02). This evidence further supported the relationship between polymorphisms of folate related genes and oral clefts, and outlined the relevance of studying populations having different ethnicity

    Comparing Two Approaches for Thyroidectomy: A Health Technology Assessment through DMAIC Cycle

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    Total thyroidectomy is very common in endocrine surgery and the haemostasis can be obtained in different ways across surgery; recently, some devices have been developed to support this surgical phase. In this paper, a health technology assessment is conducted through the define, measure, analyse, improve, and control cycle of the Six Sigma methodology to compare traditional total thyroidectomy with the surgical operation performed through a new device in an overall population of 104 patients. Length of hospital stay, drain output, and time for surgery were considered the critical to qualities in order to compare the surgical approaches which can be considered equal regarding the organizational, ethical, and security impact. Statistical tests (Kolmogorov–Smirnov, t test, ANOVA, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests) and visual management diagrams were employed to compare the approaches, but no statistically significant difference was found between them. Considering these results, this study shows that the introduction of the device to perform total thyroidectomy does not guarantee appreciable clinical advantages. A cost analysis to quantify the economic impact of the device into the practice could be a future development. Healthy policy leaders and clinicians who are requested to make decisions regarding the supply of biomedical technologies could benefit from this research

    The MAP kinase MpkA controls cell wall integrity, oxidative stress response, gliotoxin production and iron adaptation in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    The saprophytic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is the most important air-borne fungal pathogen. The cell wall of A. fumigatus has been studied intensively as a potential target for development of effective antifungal agents. A major role in maintaining cell wall integrity is played by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) MpkA. To gain a comprehensive insight into this central signal transduction pathway, we performed a transcriptome analysis of the ΔmpkA mutant under standard and cell wall stress conditions. Besides genes involved in cell wall remodelling, protection against ROS and secondary metabolism such as gliotoxin, pyomelanin and pseurotin A, also genes involved in siderophore biosynthesis were regulated by MpkA. Consistently, northern and western blot analyses indicated that iron starvation triggers phosphorylation and thus activation of MpkA. Furthermore, localization studies indicated that MpkA accumulates in the nucleus under iron depletion. Hence, we report the first connection between a MAPK pathway and siderophore biosynthesis. The measurement of amino acid pools and of the pools of polyamines indicated that arginine was continuously converted into ornithine to fuel the siderophore pool in the ΔmpkA mutant strain. Based on our data, we propose that MpkA fine-tunes the balance between stress response and energy consuming cellular processes