40 research outputs found

    Optimization of conditions for organic acid extraction from edible plant material as applied to radish sprouts

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    In recent years, there has been growing interest in the influence of sprouts on health. Fruit and vegetables are the main sources of organic acids for humans; however, little is yet known about organic acids in sprouts. In this study, the selection of the optimal parameters for extraction of organic acids from fresh, edible sprouts is reported. Two extraction techniques: microwave-assisted (MAE) and ultrasound- assisted were compared. The experimental conditions were optimized in terms of ext raction time, temperature, and composition of extraction solution. To determine the influence of time and temperature of extraction or sample cooling, solvents used for extraction, on the analytical signal in isotachophoretic separation, the methods of experimental planning fractional factorial design: 3^{k-1} were used (three factor, three-level design). The optimal conditions for extraction of organic acids from radish sprouts were MAE, 90 °C; 18 min; and 0.01 M NaOH as a solvent

    Determination of selenium as a biomarker of thyroid cancer by HG-AFS method

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    A simple and versatile procedure has been developed for the determination of selenium in biological samples for clinical purposes. The procedure consists of microwave sample digestion and the determination of selenium using atomic fluorescence spectrometry with a hydride generation system (HG-AFS). The method allows the determination of selenium in a range of 0.5–100.0 μg L–1 with a detection limit not higher than 0.2 μg L–1 and with good repeatability not exceeding 1%. It was applied for determination of selenium in women’s plasma samples (n = 90) with a suspicion of a thyroid cancer and the control group of women (n = 87). Most of the obtained results were in the range 30.0–60.0 μg L–1 and either did not match the physiological level of selenium in human plasma or indicate moderate selenium deficiency. In the further examinations the thyroid tissues taken from 30 patients were analyzed. In most of the cases the selenium concentration was found to be lower (0.14–1.67 μg g–1 wet weight) than its physiological level in a healthy tissue. On this basis the hypothesis has been drawn that selenium can be considered as an additional marker of the thyroid cancer disease

    Influence of brassica sprouts on short chain fatty acids concentration in stools of rats with thyroid dysfunction

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of kohlrabi and broccoli sprouts added to the diet on the concentrations of short-chain fatty acids in feces samples of rats with thyroid dysfunction. Two models of hypothyroidism were used. The first one was based on the diet with iodine deficiency and the second by sulfadimethoxine addition to the animal drinking water. In most cases, the concentrations of acetic acid, propanoic acid and butanoic acid in stool samples obtained from rats with thyroid dysfunction were insignificantly lower than found in the control group. Moreover, almost in all cases the diet enriched with brassica sprouts insignificantly increased the concentration of fatty acids in investigated material. A significant positive correlation between concentrations of butanoic and acetic acids was found in different groups of rats. In conclusion, the addition of broccoli or kohlrabi sprouts in ratís diet may slightly alleviate the decline of concentrations of some fatty acids in the stool of animals with thyroid dysfunction. Long term effects of this phenomenon should be evaluated in future studies

    Developed and validated capillary isotachophoresis method for the rapid determining organic acids in childrens saliva

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    One of the current challenges facing researchers is the search for alternative biological material, as opposed to routinely and invasively collected (such as blood), as the analysis of the former would provide information about the state of human health, allowing for the diagnosis of diseases in their early stages. With the search for disease biomarkers in alternative materials, the development of newer analytical solutions has been observed. This study aims to develop a reliable analytical method using the capillary isotachophoresis technique for the determination of organic acids in children’s saliva, the presence/elevation of which can be used in the future for diagnostic purposes. Organic acids such as formic, lactic, acetic, propionic, and butyric acid, were determined in the saliva of healthy children without carious lesions. The limit of quantification determined in the validation process was found to vary from 0.05 to 1.56 mg/L, the recoveries at the two levels were determined to vary between 90% and 110% for level I, while for level II the corresponding values of 75% and 106% were found; the presentation, expressed as relative standard deviation values (RSD), did not exceed 5%. The parameters determined while validating the results method indicated that the obtained are reliable. The Red–Green–Blue (RGB) additive color model was used for the evaluation of the method. This comparative analysis allowed us to define the color of the method, which expresses whether it meets the given assumptions and requirements. According to the RGB model, the isotachophoresis method developed requires less reagent input, shorter sample preparation times, and results with lower energy consumption. Thus, the subject procedure may provide an alternative, routine tool for determining organic acids in human saliva, to be applied in the diagnosing of diseases of various etiological origins

    Determination of essential minerals and trace elements in edible sprouts from different botanical families—application of chemometric analysis

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    Background: elemental deficiency may result in the malfunctioning of human organisms. Sprouts, with their attractive looks and well-established popularity, may be considered as alternative sources of elements in the diet. Moreover, the uptake of micro- and macronutrients from sprouts is better when compared to other vegetable sources. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the level of the selected essential minerals and trace elements in 25 sprouts from different botanical families, to preselect the richest species of high importance for human diets. Methods: the Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mg, Ca determinations were performed using atomic absorption spectrometry with flame atomization and iodine by the colorimetric method. Results: beetroot sprouts had the highest levels of Zn, Fe, and Mg, while onion sprouts were the richest in Mn and Ca, among all of the tested sprouts. Sprouts of the Brassicaceae family were generally richer in Ca, Mg, and Zn than sprouts from the Fabaceae family. Results allow preselection of the most perspective sprouts as possible dietary sources of essential minerals and trace elements. For rucola, leeks, onions, and beetroot sprouts, the data on minerals and trace element compositions were performed for the first time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of the clustering technique to multiple nutritional factors related to inflammation and disease progression in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Diet and nutritional status affect intestinal inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this study was to use a cluster analysis to assess structural similarity between different groups of parameters including short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels in stool as well as hematological and inflammatory parameters (such as serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines). We also assessed similarity between IBD patients in terms of various biochemical features of disease activity and nutritional status. A total of 48 participants were enrolled, including 36 patients with IBD and 12 controls. We identified four main meaningful clusters of parameters. The first cluster included all SCFAs with strong mutual correlations. The second cluster contained red blood cell parameters and albumin levels. The third cluster included proinflammatory parameters such as tumor necrosis factor-α, CRP, platelets, and phosphoric, succinic, and lactic acids. The final cluster revealed an association between zonulin and interleukins IL-10, IL-17, and IL-22. Moreover, we observed an inverse correlation between IL-6 and body mass index. Our findings suggest a link between nutritional status, diet, and inflammatory parameters in patients with IBD, which contribute to a better adjustment of the nutritional treatment