19 research outputs found

    Fibre gratings in novel optical fibres for applications in sensing

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    This thesis presents the fabrication of fibre gratings in novel optical fibres for sensing applications. Long period gratings have been inscribed into photonic crystal fibre using the electric-arc technique. The resulting sensing characteristics were found to depend on the air-hole geometry of the particular fibre. This provides the potential of designing a fibre to have enhanced sensitivity to a particular measure and whilst removing unwanted cross sensitivities. Fibre Bragg gratings have been fabricated in a variety of polymer optical fibres, including microstructured polymer optical fibre, using a continuous wave helium cadmium laser. The thermal response of the gratings have been characterised and found to have enhanced sensitivity compared to fibre Bragg gratings in silica optical fibre. The increased sensitivity has been harnessed to achieve a grating based device in single mode step index polymer optical fibre by fabricating an electrically tunable fibre Bragg grating. This was accomplished by coating the grating region in a thin layer of copper, which upon application of a direct current, causes a temperature induced Bragg wavelength shift

    Temperature-insensitive long period grating sensors in photonic crystal fibre

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    A long period grating has been fabricated in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibre using a spatially-periodic electric arc discharge. The sensing characteristics of the grating have been studied and it was found to possess an insensitivity to temperature, a bend sensitivity of 3.7 nm · m and a strain sensitivity of -2.0 pm/µe

    Measured sensitivity of arc-induced long-period grating sensors in photonic crystal fibre

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    Reported are experimental results from investigations of the sensing properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) recorded in two different geometries of photonic crystal fibre (PCF): a large-mode area PCF and an endlessly single mode PCF. The LPGs have been characterised for their sensitivity to temperature, bending, surrounding index and strain. The LPGs in both fibres have been found to have negligible temperature sensitivity whilst exhibiting useful strain sensitivities. Strong directional bend sensitivity is shown by one PCF whilst the other shows good non-directional bend sensitivity. The fibres exhibit differing sensitivities to surrounding refractive index

    Gratings in novel fibre geometry for applications in shape sensing

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    A long period grating (LPG) fabricated in progressive three-layered (PTL) fibre is described. The grating with a period of 391μm, had dual attenuation bands associated with a particular cladding mode. The dual attenuation bands have been experimentally characterised for their spectral sensitivity to bending, which resulted in the highest sensitivity to bending seen for this particular fibre and temperature. The spectral characteristics of the fibre have been modelled giving good agreement to the experimental data as well as showing that the attenuation bands are both associated with the second order HE/EH2,n cladding mode

    Nondestructive index profiling of long period gratings in photonic crystal fibres

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    A numerical model of a long period grating in photonic crystal fibre fabricated by an electric arc is proposed that allows for the spectral characterisation of the grating. In the combination with the suggested model of the photonic crystal and the experimentally recorded grating growth it is used to find the index change induced by the electric arc

    Sensitivity of LPGs in PCFs fabricated by an electric arc to temperature, strain, and external refractive index

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    Sensing properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) fabricated in photonic crystal fibers by an electric arc are explained and quantified by semianalytical and numerical models. In particular, the grating's insensitivity to temperature and simultaneous sensitivity to strain and refractive index are simulated. The modeling procedure is generalized so that it can be applied to a wide range of LPGs in various fibers

    Multiple period resonances in long period gratings in photonic crystal fibres

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    In order to characterise long period gratings fabricated in endlessly single mode photonic crystal fibres with bulk cladding we perform eigenanalysis of guided modes supported by these fibres. Resonant coupling occurs only when the beating length equals the multiple grating periods. Experimentally obtained grating spectra and sensitivity are fully explained using modified phase matching condition

    Numerical modeling of sensors based on long period gratings in photonic crystal fibres

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    A numerical model of the sensitivity of long period gratings fabricated by electric-arc in photonic crystal fibres to strain, temperature and refractive index is proposed and evaluated by comparison to the experimental results. It is shown to be superior to the commonly used semi-analytical method. The generalized modelling procedure is thoroughly explained in order to facilitate its application to a wide range of long period gratings in different types of fibres

    The spectral sensitivity of long period gratings fabricated in elliptical core D-shaped optical fibre

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    Long period gratings (LPGs) were written into a D-shaped optical fibre that has an elliptical core with a W-shaped refractive index profile and the first detailed investigation of such LPGs is presented. The LPGs’ attenuation bands were found to be sensitive to the polarisation of the interrogating light with a spectral separation of about 15 nm between the two orthogonal polarisation states. A finite element method was successfully used to model many of the behavioural features of the LPGs. In addition, two spectrally overlapping attenuation bands corresponding to orthogonal polarisation states were observed; modelling successfully reproduced this spectral feature. The spectral sensitivity of both orthogonal states was experimentally measured with respect to temperature and bending. These LPG devices produced blue and red wavelength shifts depending upon the orientation of the bend with measured maximum sensitivities of -3.56 and +6.51 nm m, suggesting that this type of fibre LPG may be useful as a shape/bend orientation sensor with reduced errors associated with polarisation dependence. The use of neighbouring bands to discriminate between temperature and bending was also demonstrated, leading to an overall curvature error of ±0.14 m-1 and an overall temperature error of ±0.3 °C with a maximum polarisation dependence error of ±8 × 10-2 m-1 for curvature and ±5 × 10-2 °C for temperature