10 research outputs found

    Microscopic origin of reflection-asymmetric nuclear shapes

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    The presence of nuclear ground states with stable reflection-asymmetric shapes is supported by rich experimental evidence. Theoretical surveys of odd-multipolarity deformations predict the existence of pear-shaped isotopes in several fairly localized regions of the nuclear landscape in the vicinity of near-lying single-particle shells with Delta_ell=Delta_j=3. We analyze the role of isoscalar, isovector, neutron-proton, neutron-neutron, and proton-proton multipole interaction energies in inducing the onset of reflection-asymmetric ground-state deformations. The calculations are performed in the framework of axial reflection-asymmetric Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory using two Skyrme energy density functionals and density-dependent pairing force. We show that reflection-asymmetric ground-state shapes of atomic nuclei are driven by the odd-multipolarity neutron-proton (or isoscalar) part of the nuclear interaction energy. This result is consistent with the particle-vibration picture, in which the main driver of octupole instability is the isoscalar octupole-octupole interaction giving rise to large E3 polarizability. The necessary condition for the appearance of localized regions of pear-shaped nuclei in the nuclear landscape is the presence of parity doublets involving Delta_ell=Delta_j=3 proton or neutron single-particle shells. This condition alone is, however, not sufficient to determine whether pear shapes actually appear, and -- if so -- what the corresponding reflection-asymmetric deformation energies are. The predicted small reflection-asymmetric deformation energies result from dramatic cancellations between even- and odd-multipolarity components of the nuclear binding energy

    Nuclear DFT electromagnetic moments in heavy deformed open-shell odd nuclei

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    Within the nuclear DFT approach, we determined the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments for paired nuclear states corresponding to the proton (neutron) quasiparticles blocked in the p11/2-(n13/2+) intruder configurations. We performed calculations for all deformed open-shell odd nuclei with 63<=Z<=82 and 82<=N<=126. Time-reversal symmetry was broken in the intrinsic reference frame and self-consistent shape and spin core polarizations were established. We determined spectroscopic moments of angular-momentum-projected wave functions and compared them with available experimental data. We obtained good agreement with data without using effective g-factors or effective charges in the dipole or quadrupole operators, respectively. We also showed that the intrinsic magnetic dipole moments, or those obtained for conserved intrinsic time-reversal symmetry, do not represent viable approximations of the spectroscopic ones

    Precision measurement of the magnetic octupole moment in 45Sc as a test for state-of-the-art atomic-and nuclear-structure theory

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    We report on measurements of the hyperfine A, Band C-constants of the 3d4s22D5/2and 3d4s22D3/2 atomic states in 45Sc. High-precision atomic calculations of the hyperfine fields of these states and second-order corrections are performed, and are used to extract C5/2=−0.06(6)kHz and C3/2=+0.04(3)kHz from the data. These results are one order of magnitude more precise than the available literature. From the combined analysis of both atomic states, we infer the nuclear magnetic octupole moment Omega =−0.07(53)μNb, including experimental and atomic structure-related uncertainties. With a single valence proton outside of a magic calcium core, scandium is ideally suited to test a variety of nuclear models, and to investigate in-depth the many intriguing nuclear structure phenomena observed within the neighbouring isotopes of calcium. We perform nuclear shell-model calculations of Omega, and furthermore explore the use of Density Functional Theory for evaluating Omega. From this, mutually consistent theoretical values of Omega are obtained, which are in agreement with the experimental value. This confirms atomic structure calculations possess the accuracy and precision required for magnetic octupole moment measurements, and shows that modern nuclear theory is capable of providing meaningful insight into this largely unexplored observable

    In-beam spectroscopic study of 244Cf

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    The ground-state rotational band of the neutron-deficient californium (Z = 98) isotope 244Cf was identified for the first time and measured up to a tentative spin and parity of I = 20+. The observation of the rotational band indicates that the nucleus is deformed. The kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia were deduced from the measured gamma-ray transition energies. The behavior of the dynamic moment of inertia revealed an up-bend due to a possible alignment of coupled nucleons in high-j orbitals starting at a rotational frequency of about hw = 0.20 MeV. The results were compared with the systematic behavior of the even-even N = 146 isotones as well as with available theoretical calculations that have been performed for nuclei in the region

    Shape staggering of midshell mercury isotopes from in-source laser spectroscopy compared with density-functional-theory and Monte Carlo shell-model calculations

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    Neutron-deficient 177−185Hg isotopes were studied using in-source laser resonance-ionization spectroscopy at the CERN-ISOLDE radioactive ion-beam facility in an experiment combining different detection methods tailored to the studied isotopes. These include either α-decay tagging or multireflection time-of-flight gating for isotope identification. The endpoint of the odd-even nuclear shape staggering in mercury was observed directly by measuring for the first time the isotope shifts and hyperfine structures of 177−180Hg. Changes in the mean-square charge radii for all mentioned isotopes, magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole moments of the odd-A isotopes and arguments in favor of I=7/2 spin assignment for 177,179Hg were deduced. Experimental results are compared with density functional theory (DFT) and Monte Carlo shell model (MCSM) calculations. DFT calculations using Skyrme parametrizations predict a jump in the charge radius around the neutron N=104 midshell, with an odd-even staggering pattern related to the coexistence of nearly degenerate oblate and prolate minima. This near-degeneracy is highly sensitive to many aspects of the effective interaction, a fact that renders perfect agreement with experiments out of reach for current functionals. Despite this inherent difficulty, the SLy5s1 and a modified UNEDF1SO parametrization predict a qualitatively correct staggering that is off by two neutron numbers. MCSM calculations of states with the experimental spins and parities show good agreement for both electromagnetic moments and the observed charge radii. A clear mechanism for the origin of shape staggering within this context is identified: a substantial change in occupancy of the proton πh9/2 and neutron νi13/2 orbitals

    Shape staggering of mid-shell mercury isotopes from in-source laser spectroscopy compared with Density Functional Theory and Monte Carlo Shell Model calculations

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    Neutron-deficient 177−185Hg isotopes were studied using in-source laser resonance-ionization spectroscopy at the CERN-ISOLDE radioactive ion-beam facility in an experiment combining different detection methods tailored to the studied isotopes. These include either α-decay tagging or multireflection time-of-flight gating for isotope identification. The endpoint of the odd-even nuclear shape staggering in mercury was observed directly by measuring for the first time the isotope shifts and hyperfine structures of 177−180Hg. Changes in the mean-square charge radii for all mentioned isotopes, magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole moments of the odd-A isotopes and arguments in favor of I=7/2 spin assignment for 177,179Hg were deduced. Experimental results are compared with density functional theory (DFT) and Monte Carlo shell model (MCSM) calculations. DFT calculations using Skyrme parametrizations predict a jump in the charge radius around the neutron N=104 midshell, with an odd-even staggering pattern related to the coexistence of nearly degenerate oblate and prolate minima. This near-degeneracy is highly sensitive to many aspects of the effective interaction, a fact that renders perfect agreement with experiments out of reach for current functionals. Despite this inherent difficulty, the SLy5s1 and a modified UNEDF1SO parametrization predict a qualitatively correct staggering that is off by two neutron numbers. MCSM calculations of states with the experimental spins and parities show good agreement for both electromagnetic moments and the observed charge radii. A clear mechanism for the origin of shape staggering within this context is identified: a substantial change in occupancy of the proton πh9/2 and neutron νi13/2 orbitals