506 research outputs found

    Eróziódinamika vizsgálata különböző talajkémiai paraméterek által a gerézdpusztai mintalejtőkön

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    Napjainkban a túlnépesedés és az élelmezési problémák a klímaváltozáson kívül a legfontosabb globálisan megoldandó feladattá nőtték ki magukat. A rohamos tempóban változó klíma, a folyamatosan növekvő élelmiszerigény arra ösztönzi a gazdálkodókat, hogy akár a „jó gazda” gondosságát mellőzve, minden áron növeljék terméshozamukat. A helytelen gazdálkodás és talajművelés is nagymértékben hozzájárul a folyamatos talajpusztuláshoz, mint pl. a talajerózióhoz. A probléma fontosságát felismerve eróziós vizsgálataimat a gerézdpusztai mintaterületen több éve kezdtem. Az utolsó (2014-es) mintavételezésem célja az erózió dinamikájának vizsgálata különböző talajkémiai paraméterek által. A vizsgált terület mintegy 330 m hosszú, átlagosan 16 %-os lejtéssel rendelkező intenzív szántóföld. Közvetlenül a terület mellett kontrollterületet is kijelöltem, mely egy extenzív gyepterület. A terepi mintavételezést és laboratóriumi vizsgálatokat követően az eredmények alapján is egyértelműen kijelenthető, hogy egy lejtőn belül is különböző eróziós zónák találhatóak, melyek megfelelően sűrű mintavételezéssel az eredményekből láthatóak. A lúgos pH és a nagy kalcium karbonát tartalom egyértelműen hajlamosabbá teszi a talajt az erózió-érzékenységre. A növényborítottság fontosságát statisztikailag is igazolták az eredmények, hiszen a területhasználati különbséget a T-próba is igazolta. Az ilyen vizsgálatokkal az erózió dinamikája megfigyelhető, mely segítséget nyújthat a gazdáknak ahhoz, hogy az erózió sújtotta részeken még inkább talajvédő művelést alkalmazzanak

    A kommunikációs csatornák és a szakmai hitelesség bizalmi alapú kapcsolata: Kit tart hitelesnek a Z generáció? = The trust-based relationship between communication channels and professional credibility: Who does Generation Z consider credible?

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    A tanulmány célja vizsgálni a különböző kommunikációs csatornák bizalmi alapú fogyasztói megítélését, valamint bemutatni ennek kapcsolatát a különböző szakmabeliek hitelességével. A kutatás során vizsgálom a marketingkommunikációs csatornák hitelességét befolyásoló tényezőket, több faktoron keresztül, majd igyekszem ezt kontextusba helyezni és rávetíteni az üzenetet közlő különböző szakmabeliek személyi hitelességére. A fogyasztó tájékozódási szokásai önmagában is befolyásolják, magának az üzenetnek a hitelességét is. A téma irodalmának bemutatását primer kvantitatív kérdőíves kutatással egészítettem ki, mely során vizsgáltam a demográfián túl a tájékozódási szokásokat és preferenciákat, a különböző szakmák megítélését valamint ezek kölcsönhatását. A minta elemzése során korrelációt találtam a csatorna és a szakmák megítélése között, valamint klaszteranalízis segítségével, a tájékozódási szokások (bizalmi alapú megítélése) alapján sikerült négy elkülönülő csoportot azonosítani, amelyek eltérő csatorna és szakma megítéléssel rendelkeznek. The purpose of the study is to examine the trust-based consumer perception of different communication channels, as well as to present its relationship with the credibility of different professionals. During the research, I examine the factors affecting the credibility of marketing communication channels, through several factors, and then I try to put this into context and project it onto the personal credibility of the various professionals communicating the message. The consumer's information gathering habits in themselves influence the credibility of the message itself. I supplemented the presentation of the literature on the topic with primary quantitative questionnaire research, during which I examined, in addition to demographics, information gathering habits and preferences, the perception of different professions and their interaction. During the analysis of the sample, I found a correlation between the perception of the channel and the professions, and with the help of cluster analysis, based on the orientation habits (trust-based perception), it was possible to identify four distinct groups with different perceptions of the channel and profession

    Multi-D Kneser-Ney Smoothing Preserving the Original Marginal Distributions

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    Smoothing is an essential tool in many NLP tasks, therefore numerous techniques have been developed for this purpose in the past. One of the most widely used smoothing methods are the Kneser-Ney smoothing (KNS) and its variants, including the Modified Kneser-Ney smoothing (MKNS), which are widely considered to be among the best smoothing methods available. Although when creating the original KNS the intention of the authors was to develop such a smoothing method that preserves the marginal distributions of the original model, this property was not maintained when developing the MKNS. In this article I would like to overcome this and propose such a refined version of the MKNS that preserves these marginal distributions while keeping the advantages of both previous versions. Beside its advantageous properties, this novel smoothing method is shown to achieve about the same results as the MKNS in a standard language modelling task

    Gasoline like fuel from plastic waste pyrolysis and hydrotreatment

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    Recycling of plastic waste is desirable to lower environmental pollution and fulfil the requirements of circular economy. Energetic utilization is another possibility, however, municipal solid waste containing plastics is usually combusted to generate heat and electricity. An attractive way of dealing with plastic waste is pyrolysis, which has the potential of producing liquid hydrocarbons suitable as a transportation fuel. The pyrolysis results of three plastics produced in the largest amount globally, namely polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene as well as their mixtures are presented. The experiments were performed in a laboratory scale batch reactor. The pyrolysis oils were further processed by distillation to provide gasoline and diesel like (distillation cuts at 210 and 350 °C) hydrocarbons. The gasoline fractions were analysed by GC-MS and the composition was compared with the EU gasoline standard. It was found that the oils from PE, PP and PS contain compounds present in standard gasoline. Mixing PS with PE and PP before the pyrolysis, or the oils afterward produces much closer results to standard requirements as PS pyrolysis generates mostly aromatic content. As standard maximizes the olefin content of gasoline to 18 Vol%, hydrogenation was also performed using Pd based catalyst. The hydrogenation process significantly reduced the number of double bonds resulting in low olefin content. Results show that the pyrolysis of plastic waste mixtures containing PE, PP and PS is a viable method to produce pyrolysis oil suitable for gasoline-like fuel extraction and further hydrogenation of the product can provide gasoline fuels with low olefin content

    Plastic waste treatment by pyrolysis

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    Gasoline like fuel from plastic waste pyrolysis and hydrotreatment

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    Recycling of plastic waste is desirable to lower environmental pollution and fulfil the requirements of circular economy. Energetic utilization is another possibility, however, municipal solid waste containing plastics is usually combusted to generate heat and electricity. An attractive way of dealing with plastic waste is pyrolysis, which has the potential of producing liquid hydrocarbons suitable as a transportation fuel. The pyrolysis results of three plastics produced in the largest amount globally, namely polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene as well as their mixtures are presented. The experiments were performed in a laboratory scale batch reactor. The pyrolysis oils were further processed by distillation to provide gasoline and diesel like (distillation cuts at 210 and 350 °C) hydrocarbons. The gasoline fractions were analysed by GC-MS and the composition was compared with the EU gasoline standard. It was found that the oils from PE, PP and PS contain compounds present in standard gasoline. Mixing PS with PE and PP before the pyrolysis, or the oils afterward produces much closer results to standard requirements as PS pyrolysis generates mostly aromatic content. As standard maximizes the olefin content of gasoline to 18 Vol%, hydrogenation was also performed using Pd based catalyst. The hydrogenation process significantly reduced the number of double bonds resulting in low olefin content. Results show that the pyrolysis of plastic waste mixtures containing PE, PP and PS is a viable method to produce pyrolysis oil suitable for gasoline-like fuel extraction and further hydrogenation of the product can provide gasoline fuels with low olefin content

    Enrichment of rare Earth elements from contaminated biomass prior to extraction

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    Under the context of reserve depletion, recovering rare earth elements (REEs) from secondary resources is essential which assists to strengthen the circular economy. Contaminated biomass growing from brownfield lands is a potential material for REE recovery. However, prior to the extraction stage, polluted plants need to be lessened to a manageable volume. In this study, contaminated biomass gathered from an abandoned mining area was combusted in a pilot-scale boiler, while solid residuals from different positions in the burning system were collected and analyzed. Higher REE concentration in the ash samples compared to that in the woody biomass indicates the efficiency of the combustion process from the metal enrichment point of view. The significant metal concentration in the solid remains is an advantage for the following step of extraction to reclaim REEs. It was concluded that the concentration of REEs in bottom ash is greater than in the other solid residuals. That indicates that the volatility of rare earth minerals is limited during biomass incineration