15 research outputs found

    Primena ribarskih tehnologija u održivom razvoju klaničnih sistema

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    Primenom ribarskih tehnologija i sistema za prečišćavanje se na bezbedan, proveren i renomiran način uklanja otpad iz klanične industrije vodeći računa o zaštiti životne sredine. Sa otpadom dobijenim iz klanične industrije se postupa na način koji aktivno doprinosi ekonomskim, socijalnim i ekološkim cilјevima održivog razvoja. Sam spoj klanične industrije i ribarskih tehnika predstvalјa novinu kako u svetu tako i kod nas (Ćirković, 2014). Upravlјanje otpadom je jedan od najsloženijih problema u sistemu upravlјanja zaštitom životne sredine. Uzimajući u obzir prirodu sirovina i nastalih proizvoda, otpadne vode koje su nastale u toku proizvodnje i prerade prehrambenih proizvoda imaju po prirodi biorazgradivi karakter. Imajući u vidu da je štednja vode korisna, a prečišćavanje otpadnih voda zakonska obaveza trebalo bi imati na umu da će vode biti sve manje, da će voda biti sve skuplјa i da se mora štedeti jer se dva puta plaća - prvi put kada se dovodi u pogon i drugi put kada se kao zagađena mora prečistiti. Činjenica da smo evropska i podunavska zemlјa obavezuje nas da se u pogledu zaštite životne sredine ponašamo u istoj meri u kojoj su se obavezale i ostale evropske zemlјe. Zahtevi EU podrazumevaju maksimalno smanjenje zagađenja svih vrsta koje se postiže izborom tehnologija koje proizvode manja zagađenja, kao i efikasnijim korišćenjem sistema za tretman produkovanih zagađenja. Prečišćavanje industrijskih otpadnih voda je trenutno apsolutno neophodno. Izlazna otpadna voda iz industrijskih pogona može imati veliki uticaj na kvalitet podzemnih voda i vodenih tokova. Iz tog razloga povećava se broj institucija i industrijskih kompanija koje odgovorno vode računa o ovom problemu. Sve klanične industrije su obavezne da na bezbedan način izvrše prečišćavanje klanične vode pre puštanja u prirodne recipijente ili kanalizaciju uz obavezno plaćanje nadoknade za ispuštene otpadne vode koja je regulisana zakonom. Primena ove ideje je neophodna jer je ugrožavanje životne sredine jednosmerni problem današnjice, a i problem našeg ulaska u Evropsku zajednicu. Pored toga, nije zanemarlјiv ni ekonomski benefit. Naše rešenje uklanja problem otpadnih voda iz klanične industrije, a izgradnjom ribnjaka u sklopu klanice se omogućava proizvodnja ribe u prečišćenoj vodi poreklom iz klanične industrije uz dodatak vode iz bunara. Sam spoj klanične industrije i ribarskih tehnika predstvalјa novinu kako u svetu tako i kod nas. Tokom naših ogleda ukazali smo na: održivost klanične industrije korišćenjem ribarskih tehnologija i ekološko rešenje problema otpadnih voda, ribu kao bioindikatora zagađenja životne sredine i kontrole uspešnosti prečišćavanja otpadnih voda klanične industrije; prevođenje dela organskih materija putem prirodne hrane u meso ribe; uravnoteženje i zadovolјavajući kvalitet vode na završetku procesa prečišćavanja, s obzirom da kvalitetna voda danas predstavlјa nedostajući resurs; konstantan uvid u zdravstveno stanje riba; proizvodnju ribe kao kvalitetne namirnice sa aspekta mikrobiologije i nutritivne vrednosti riblјeg mesa; korišćenje vode u zalivnom sistemu ribnjaka kao zaokruženog procesa od otpadne vode do vode zadovolјavajućeg kvaliteta za ratarske kulture; sistemi za energetsku održivost: drvenasti ostatak bilјnih kultura se loži u energani klanice sa kostima koje su neiskorišćene u mesarskoj industriji čime se postiže veća energetska efikasnost

    A meta-analysis to determine factors associated with the severity of enteritis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed soybean meal-based diets

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    A meta-analytic approach was used to determine factors associated with the severity of enteritis in distal intestine of Atlantic salmon fed soybean meal (SBM)-based diets. Dataset from 26 fish studies were extracted and standardized for use in the meta-analysis. After standardization, the data were analyzed with ordinal logistic regression model by comparing the SBM treatment(s) in each study with the neutral-reference treatment. The log-odds ratio of the proportional odds model and its standard error were extracted and analyzed using the random effects model to estimate the effect size of dietary SBM on enteritis using four semi-quantitative histological variables: reduction in mucosal fold height; disappearance of supranuclear vacuolization; inflammatory cell infiltration of lamina propria, and of submucosa. Both univariate and multivariate meta-regression were used to identify study factors with significant association to the severity of enteritis in Atlantic salmon. The results showed that fish production phase, feed type, SBM inclusion level, year of study and water temperature are significantly associated with the severity of enteritis in Atlantic salmon. Further meta-analysis of sub datasets according to production phase, revealed that fish reared in seawater were more prone to develop enteritis compared with fish reared in freshwater. The absence of positive relationship between SBM inclusion level and the severity of enteritis was probably due to difference in source, batch, processing, and level of anti-nutritional factors in the SBM used in the different studies combined in the meta-analysis. Subgroup analysis based on year of study revealed that the severity of enteritis in fish fed SBM-based diets has decreased over the years. Additional results revealed that fish fed SBM-based diet at low water temperature showed increased severity of enteritis, compared with fish raised in high water temperature. Linear and quadratic regressions conducted to explore possible impact of enteritis on fish performance, showed that the specific growth rate and thermal growth coefficient of fish decreased with increased severity of enteritis. However, this relationship depends on the fish production phase and the histological variables used for the regression analysis. The current study concluded that the severity of enteritis in Atlantic salmon fed SBM-based diets are significantly associated with fish production phase, feed type, SBM inclusion level, year of study and water temperature, but not the exposure time. Also, the study showed that increased severity of enteritis reduced specific growth rate and thermal growth coefficient of fish fed SBM-based diets.A meta-analysis to determine factors associated with the severity of enteritis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed soybean meal-based dietspublishedVersio

    Evaluation of pig welfare in lairage and process hygiene in a single abattoir

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    Food safety is indirectly affected by the welfare of food animals, due to close links between animal welfare, animal health and food borne diseases. Stress factors and poor welfare can lead to increased susceptibility to disease among animals and may intensify the fecal shedding of food borne pathogens, e.g. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, and human pathogenic STEC in the pre-slaughter phase: on-farm, in transport and in lairage. This study evaluated two aspects: a) assessment of pig welfare in abattoir lairage founded on animal-based categories, and b) the relationship between pig welfare and microbial process hygiene at slaughter. The results revealed that the animal-based category ‘manure on the body’ assessed in abattoir lairage corresponded with microbial process hygiene at slaughter

    Osetljivost patogena šampinjona Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola, Mycogone perniciosa i Cladob otry um sp. na neka etarska ulja

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    Antifungal activity of 18 essential oils was evaluated against Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola, Mycogone perniciosa and Cladobotryum sp., the causal agents of button mushroom diseases. Essential oils including: turpentine, basil, lemon, mint, fenchel, rose geranium, anise, cinnamon, scots pine, clove, thyme, juniper, lavender, orange, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot orange and tea tree, were screened for their effectiveness against the pathogens in vitro. In order to investigate fungicidal activity, isolates were exposed to the volatile phase of the oils for seven days. Of the 18 essential oils analyzed, cinnamon, clove, thyme, and tea tree showed the highest antifungal activity against all investigated mycopathogens, with Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) being 0.02 μl/ml of air. Turpentine essential oil expressed the lowest antifungal effect to all isolates tested.U radu je ispitivano delovanje 18 etarskih ulja na Verticillium fungicola var. fungicola, Mycogone perniciosa i Cladobotryum sp., prouzrokovače bolesti šampinjona. Ispitano je antifungalno dejstvo etarskih ulja: terpentina, bosiljka, limuna, pitome nane, mora.a, geraniola, anisa, cimeta, bora, karanfili.a, timijana, kleke, lavande, pomorand.e, eukaliptusa, ruzmarina, bergamota i čajnog drveta na porast izolata in vitro. Fungicidni efekat gasovite faze etarskih ulja na izolate je određen nakon ekspozicije od sedam dana. Među 18 proučenih etarskih ulja, cimet, karanfili., timijan i čajno drvo su najtoksičniji za sve izolate mikopatogenih gljiva sa minimalnom fungicidnom koncentracijom od 0.02 μl/ml vazduha. Najslabije inhibitorno dejstvo ispoljila su ulja terpentina na sve testirane izolate

    Comparison of Circulating Markers and Mucosal Immune Parameters from Skin and Distal Intestine of Atlantic Salmon in Two Models of Acute Stress

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    Ensuring salmon health and welfare is crucial to maximize production in recirculation aquaculture systems. Healthy and robust mucosal surfaces of the skin and intestine are essential to achieve this goal because they are the first immunological defenses and are constantly exposed to multistressor conditions, such as infectious diseases, suboptimal nutrition, and environmental and handling stress. In this work, Atlantic salmon, split from a single cohort, were subjected to acute hypoxia stress or 15-min crowding stress and observed over a 24-h recovery period. Samples were collected from fish at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h post-stress to analyze plasma-circulating markers of endocrine function (cortisol), oxidative stress (glutathione peroxidase) and immune function (interleukin 10 (IL-10), annexin A1). In addition, mucosal barrier function parameters were measured in the skin mucus (Muc-like protein and lysozyme) and distal intestine (simple folds, goblet cell size and goblet cell area). The results showed that both acute stress models induced increases of circulating cortisol in plasma (1 h post-stress), which then returned to baseline values (initial control) at 24 h post-stress. Moreover, the hypoxia stress was mostly related to increased oxidative stress and IL-10 production, whereas the crowding stress was associated with a higher production of Muc-like protein and lysozyme in the skin mucus. Interestingly, in the distal intestine, smaller goblet cells were detected immediately and one hour after post-hypoxia stress, which could be related to rapid release of the cellular content to protect this organ. Finally, the correlation of different markers in the hypoxic stress model showed that the circulating levels of cortisol and IL-10 were directly proportional, while the availability of Muc-like proteins was inversely proportional to the size of the goblet cells. On the other hand, in the crowding stress model, a proportional relationship was established between plasma cortisol levels and skin mucus lysozyme. Our results suggest key differences in energy partitioning between the two acute stress models and support the need for further investigation into the interplay of multistressor conditions and strategies to modulate immunological aspects of mucosal surfaces

    Yeast as a protein source during smoltification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), enhances performance and modulates health

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    Yeast produced from lignocellulosic biomass has the potential to serve as a high-quality protein source with health benefits, especially during critical stages of the Atlantic salmon life cycle, such as during seawater transfer (SWT). In this study, we evaluated the effect of adding 25% Candida utilis yeast to salmon feed on growth performance and overall health by using morphometry, immunohistochemistry, cytokine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and gene expression analysis during and after SWT. There were four dietary treatments: 1) control diet in freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW) (Control); 2) control diet in FW and a yeast-based diet in SW (Control/Yeast); 3) yeast-based diet in FW and SW (Yeast); 4) yeast-based diet in FW and a control diet in SW (Yeast/Control). Our results showed that fish fed the yeast diet throughout the FW and SW period achieved higher feed intake and higher growth rate than fish fed the control diet. Morphometric and immunochemical analyses of the distal intestine (DI) revealed decreased length and number of CD3 labeled cells in the simple folds of fish fed control diet, while no changes were observed in fish fed the yeast diet. Furthermore, yeast significantly decreased the secretion of IFNγ, TNFα, IL-1β, IL-8, and modulated the gene expression of aquaporin 8 (aqp8ab), superoxide dismutase (sod1) and major histocompatibility complex 1 (mhc1) in DI, suggesting reduced inflammatory processes in yeast fed fish. These findings indicate that Candida utilis yeast is a promising alternative protein source with functional properties in diets for smolting Atlantic salmon before and after SWT.publishedVersio

    Dietary soyasaponin supplementation to pea protein concentrate reveals nutrigenomic interactions underlying enteropathy in Atlantic salmon (<it>Salmo salar</it>)

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    Abstract Background Use of plant ingredients in aquaculture feeds is impeded by high contents of antinutritional factors such as saponins, which may cause various pharmacological and biological effects. In this study, transcriptome changes were analyzed using a 21 k oligonucleotide microarray and qPCR in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon fed diets based on five plant protein sources combined with soybean saponins. Results Diets with corn gluten, sunflower, rapeseed or horsebean produced minor effects while the combination of saponins with pea protein concentrate caused enteritis and major transcriptome changes. Acute inflammation was characterised by up-regulation of cytokines, NFkB and TNFalpha related genes and regulators of T-cell function, while the IFN-axis was suppressed. Induction of lectins, complement, metalloproteinases and the respiratory burst complex parallelled a down-regulation of genes for free radical scavengers and iron binding proteins. Marked down-regulation of xenobiotic metabolism was also observed, possibly increasing vulnerability of the intestinal tissue. A hallmark of metabolic changes was dramatic down-regulation of lipid, bile and steroid metabolism. Impairment of digestion was further suggested by expression changes of nutrient transporters and regulators of water balance (e.g. aquaporin, guanylin). On the other hand, microarray profiling revealed activation of multiple mucosal defence processes. Annexin-1, with important anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective properties, was markedly up-regulated. Furthermore, augmented synthesis of polyamines needed for cellular proliferation (up-regulation of arginase and ornithine decarboxylase) and increased mucus production (down-regulation of glycan turnover and goblet cell hyperplasia) could participate in mucosal healing and restoration of normal tissue function. Conclusion The current study promoted understanding of salmon intestinal pathology and establishment of a model for feed induced enteritis. Multiple gene expression profiling further characterised the inflammation and described the intestinal pathology at the molecular level. Ethical approval The present experiment was approved by the Norwegian Animal Research Authority and conducted according to prevailing animal welfare regulations: FOR-1996-01-15-23 (Norway), European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 18.III.1986) and COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 24 November 1986 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (86/609/EEC).</p