63 research outputs found

    Estudio ultraestructural de la ovogĂ©nesis en Marphysa sanguinea (Annelida: Polychaeta: Eunicida) en la Laguna de TĂșnez

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    Ultrastructural features of oogenesis of the iteroparous and long lived eunicid polychaete Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1815) from the Lagoon of Tunis were studied using both light and transmission electron microscopy methods. The ovaries consist of coelomic germ-cell clusters surrounded by a thin envelope of follicle cells derived from the peritoneum. They are attached to the genital blood vessels. Oogenesis is asynchronous; therefore, germ cells in premeiotic and previtellogenic phases are observed in one cluster. The oogenesis is of the extraovarian type. In each cluster the more differentiated oocytes detach and float free in the coelomic cavity where they undergo vitellogenesis as solitary cells. Inside the ovary, follicle cells are connected to young oocytes by intercellular bridges and data suggest that in the early stages of vitellogenesis, ribosomes, multivesicular bodies and dense bodies are transferred from the follicle cells to the oocytes through the intercellular bridges. Different morphological evidence supports the heterosynthetic (presence of endocytotic vesicles, abundant microvilli adorning the surface of the egg) and autosynthetic (proteosynthetic organelles well developed, formation of blebs by the external membrane of the nuclear envelope) origin of yolk in M. sanguinea. The cytoplasmic material of the mature oocytes is asymmetrically distributed; large lipid droplets (1.5 ÎŒm in size) and large yolk spheres (6 ÎŒm in size) occupy the vegetal pole of the oocyte while small yolk spheres (2-3 ÎŒm in size) and numerous membranous organelles (mitochondria, cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum) occupy the animal hemisphere. Spherical to elongated cortical granules up to 1.8 ÎŒm in size are located in the cortex of the mature oocytes. Finally, fibrogranular aggregates (“nuage”) similar to that within the nucleus are observed in the cortical ooplasm located in the animal pole of mature oocytes. These aggregates probably come from the nucleus and represent maternal cytoplasmic determinants of embryonic cell fate. Oocytes that have completed vitellogenesis measure 250–300 ÎŒm in diameter.Se estudiaron las caracterĂ­sticas ultraestructurales de la ovogĂ©nesis del poliqueto de la familia Eunicidae, Marphysa sanguĂ­nea (Montagu, 1815), caracterizado por ser iterĂłparo y presentar una largo periodo de vida vital. Los ejemplares proceden de la Laguna de TĂșnez y se estudiaron tanto mediante microscopĂ­a Ăłptica como mediante microscopĂ­a electrĂłnica de transmisiĂłn. Esta especie presenta ovarios consistentes en agrupaciones de cĂ©lulas germinales celĂłmicas rodeadas por una envoltura delgada de cĂ©lulas foliculares derivado del peritoneo y unidos a los vasos sanguĂ­neos genitales. La ovogĂ©nesis es asincrĂłnica, por lo que se observan cĂ©lulas germinales en fases premeiĂłticas y previtelogĂ©nicas en cada clĂșster, y es de tipo extraovĂĄrico. En cada clĂșster, los ovocitos mĂĄs diferenciados se desprenden y flotan libres en la cavidad abdominal donde experimentan la vitelogĂ©nesis como celdas aisladas. En el interior del ovario, los ovocitos jĂłvenes estĂĄn conectados con cĂ©lulas foliculares mediante puentes intercelulares, los cuales segĂșn los datos obtenidos, permiten la transferencia de ribosomas, cuerpos multivesiculares y cuerpos densos desde las cĂ©lulas foliculares a los ovocitos en las primeras etapas de vitelogĂ©nesis. Diferentes pruebas morfolĂłgicas apoyan el origen heterosintĂ©tico (presencia de vesĂ­culas endocitĂ­ticas, abundantes microvellosidades adornando la superficie del huevo) y autosintĂ©tico (orgĂĄnulos proteosintĂ©ticos bien desarrollados, la formaciĂłn de vesĂ­culas a partir de la membrana externa de la envoltura nuclear) del vitelo en M. sanguinea. El material citoplasmĂĄtico de los ovocitos maduros se distribuye asimĂ©tricamente; grandes gotas de lĂ­pidos (1,5 ÎŒm) y grandes esferas de vitelo (6 ÎŒm) ocupan el polo vegetal del ovocito, mientras que esferas pequeñas de vitelo (2-3 ÎŒm) y numerosos orgĂĄnulos membranosos (mitocondrias, cisternas del retĂ­culo endoplĂĄsmatico) ocupan el hemisferio animal. Los ovocitos maduros presentan grĂĄnulos corticales (entre esfĂ©ricos y alargados y de hasta 1,8 ÎŒm) en el cĂłrtex, mientras que en el ooplasma cortical del polo animal se presentan agregados fibrogranulares (“nuage”) similares a los del nĂșcleo. Estos agregados probablemente provienen del nĂșcleo y representan determinantes citoplasmĂĄticos maternos del destino de las cĂ©lulas embrionarias. Una vez completada la vitelogĂ©nesis, los ovocitos miden entre 250-300 ÎŒm de diĂĄmetro

    Work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and OCB-civic virtue among nurses: a multilevel analysis of emotional supervisor support

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    Introduction: This study investigates the moderating role of supervisor emotional support at the group level on the relationship between emotional exhaustion and work engagement with organizational citizenship behavior-civic virtue (OCB-civic virtue) at the individual level among nurses. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 558 nurses nested in 36 working units from two hospitals in Algiers. A multilevel analysis using Hierarchical Linear Modeling was performed. Results: Results show that the positive effect of work engagement on OCB-civic virtue was moderated by supervisor emotional support at group level. The nurses emotional exhaustion and OCB-civic virtue negative relationship at the individual level is buffered by supervisor emotional support at group level. Discussion: In consequence, supervisor emotional support experienced by the team has an influence on the emotional exhaustion and work engagement OCB-civic virtue relationship

    Subcellular localization of microcystin in the liver and the gonads of medaka fish acutely exposed to microcystin-LR

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    International audienceAmong the diverse toxic components produced by cyanobacteria, microcystins (MCs) are one of the most toxic and notorious cyanotoxin groups. Besides their potent hepatotoxicity, MCs have been revealed to induce potential reproductive toxicity in various animal studies. However, little is still known regarding the distribution of MCs in the reproductive organ, which could directly affect reproductive cells. In order to respond to this question, an acute study was conducted in adult medaka fish (model animal) gavaged with 10 ÎŒg.g −1 body weight of pure MC-LR. The histological and immunohistochemical examinations reveal an intense distribution of MC-LR within hepatocytes along with a severe liver lesion in the toxin-treated female and male fish. Besides being accumulated in the hepatocytes, MC-LR was also found in the connective tissue of the ovary and the testis, as well as in oocytes and degenerative spermatocyte-like structures but not spermatocytes. Both liver and gonad play important roles in the reproductive process of oviparous vertebrates. This observation constitutes the first observation of the presence of MC-LR in reproductive cells (female, oocytes) of a vertebrate model with in vivo study. Our results, which provide intracellular localization of MC-LR in the gonad, advance our understanding of the potential reproductive toxicity of MC-LR in fish

    International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences

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    Background There is growing interest in the relationships between supervisor/co-worker support and nurses’ perceived quality of care and organizational citizenship behaviours. However, few studies have investigated the effects of emotional support of supervisors and colleagues on the performance of nurses over time and the psychological mechanisms that underlie the above-mentioned relationships. Objective The aim of our study was to better understand the process promoting nurses’ perceived quality of care and organizational citizenship centred on helping others. To better understand these processes, we focused on the perceived emotional support originating from the supervisor and that from the co-workers and analysed to which extent they were, over time, related to quality of care and organizational citizenship through work engagement. Method A two-wave design was used to collect the data. Survey data was gathered from 188 nurses from two hospitals in Algeria. Mediation analyses were carried out using structural equation modelling. Results The results revealed that nurses’ work engagement mediates the relationships between quality of care, organizational citizenship behaviour and supervisor and co-workers emotional support. Conclusion Results underlined the importance of putting in place schedules to improve supervisor emotional support, co-worker emotional support and work engagement in order to improve quality of care

    Highly dynamic cellular-level response of symbiotic coral to a sudden increase in environmental nitrogen

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    Metabolic interactions with endosymbiotic photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium spp. are fundamental to reefbuilding corals (Scleractinia) thriving in nutrient-poor tropical seas. Yet, detailed understanding at the single-cell level of nutrient assimilation, translocation, and utilization within this fundamental symbiosis is lacking. Using pulse-chase 15N labeling and quantitative ion microprobe isotopic imaging (NanoSIMS; nanoscale secondary-ion mass spectrometry), we visualized these dynamic processes in tissues of the symbiotic coral Pocillopora damicornis at the subcellular level. Assimilation of ammonium, nitrate, and aspartic acid resulted in rapid incorporation of nitrogen into uric acid crystals (after ~45 min), forming temporary N storage sites within the dinoflagellate endosymbionts. Subsequent intracellular remobilization of this metabolite was accompanied by translocation of nitrogenous compounds to the coral host, starting at ~6 h. Within the coral tissue, nitrogen is utilized in specific cellular compartments in all four epithelia, including mucus chambers, Golgi bodies, and vesicles in calicoblastic cells. Our study shows how nitrogen-limited symbiotic corals take advantage of sudden changes in nitrogen availability; this opens new perspectives for functional studies of nutrient storage and remobilization in microbial symbioses in changing reef environments. IMPORTANCE The methodology applied, combining transmission electron microscopy with nanoscale secondary-ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) imaging of coral tissue labeled with stable isotope tracers, allows quantification and submicrometric localization of metabolic fluxes in an intact symbiosis. This study opens the way for investigations of physiological adaptations of symbiotic systems to nutrient availability and for increasing knowledge of global nitrogen and carbon biogeochemical cycling. © 2013 Kopp et al

    Global Metabolomic Characterizations of Microcystis spp. Highlights Clonal Diversity in Natural Bloom-Forming Populations and Expands Metabolite Structural Diversity

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    Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes capable of synthesizing a large variety of secondary metabolites that exhibit significant bioactivity or toxicity. Microcystis constitutes one of the most common cyanobacterial genera, forming the intensive blooms that nowadays arise in freshwater ecosystems worldwide. Species in this genus can produce numerous cyanotoxins (i.e., toxic cyanobacterial metabolites), which can be harmful to human health and aquatic organisms. To better understand variations in cyanotoxin production between clones of Microcystis species, we investigated the diversity of 24 strains isolated from the same blooms or from different populations in various geographical areas. Strains were compared by genotyping with 16S-ITS fragment sequencing and metabolite chemotyping using LC ESI-qTOF mass spectrometry. While genotyping can help to discriminate among different species, the global metabolome analysis revealed clearly discriminating molecular profiles among strains. These profiles could be clustered primarily according to their global metabolite content, then according to their genotype, and finally according to their sampling location. A global molecular network of all metabolites produced by Microcystis species highlights the production of a wide set of chemically diverse metabolites, including a few microcystins, many aeruginosins, microginins, cyanopeptolins, and anabaenopeptins, together with a large set of unknown molecules. These components, which constitute the molecular biodiversity of Microcystis species, still need to be investigated in terms of their structure and potential bioactivites (e.g., toxicity)

    A Kinetic Study of Accumulation and Elimination of Microcystin-LR in Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens) Tissue and Implications for Human Fish Consumption

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    Fish consumption is a potential route of human exposure to the hepatotoxic microcystins, especially in lakes and reservoirs that routinely experience significant toxic Microcystis blooms. Understanding the rates of uptake and elimination for microcystins as well as the transfer efficiency into tissues of consumers are important for determining the potential for microcystins to be transferred up the food web and for predicting potential human health impacts. The main objective of this work was to conduct laboratory experiments to investigate the kinetics of toxin accumulation in fish tissue. An oral route of exposure was employed in this study, in which juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were given a single oral dose of 5 or 20 ÎŒg of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) via food and accumulation in the muscle, liver, and tank water were measured over 24 h. Peak concentrations of the water soluble fraction of microcystin were generally observed 8–10 h after dosing in the liver and after 12–16 h in the muscle, with a rapid decline in both tissues by 24 h. Up to 99% of the total recoverable (i.e., unbound) microcystin was measured in the tank water by 16 h after exposure. The relatively rapid uptake and elimination of the unbound fraction of microcystin in the liver and muscle of juvenile yellow perch within 24 h of exposure indicates that fish consumption may not be a major route of human exposure to microcystin, particularly in the Great Lakes

    Job demands and well-being among nurses : the role of emotional resources

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    Dans l’environnement hospitalier, les infirmiers jouent un rĂŽle pivot dans la prestation de soin, cette population est particuliĂšrement exposĂ©e Ă  des niveaux Ă©levĂ©s de demande Ă©motionnelle ce qui peut entraĂźner Ă  terme une insatisfaction, un Ă©puisement professionnel (Dal Santo, Pohl & Battistelli, 2013), un sentiment d’impuissance et d’incapacitĂ© Ă  accomplir un travail au niveau attendu (Davezies, 2007). Le soutien organisationnel perçu (SOP) a Ă©tĂ© supposĂ© et dĂ©montrĂ© avoir la capacitĂ© d’attĂ©nuer les effets nĂ©fastes des tensions Ă©motionnelles (Pohl, Battistelli & Librecht, 2013; Battistelli, Pohl & Dal Santo, 2012; George, Reed, Ballard; Halbesleben, 2006). Rhoades et Eisenberger (2002) ont ajoutĂ© que le soutien du supĂ©rieur hiĂ©rarchique (SSP) est dĂ©fini par la perception qu’a le salariĂ© de la maniĂšre dont son supĂ©rieur valorise sa contribution, et qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme la variable qui contribue le plus significativement Ă  la perception du soutien organisationnel. Rhoades et al (2001) ont observĂ©s un effet positif du SSP sur l’engagement organisationnel affectif ; (Wayne et al., 1997 ; Moorman et al., 1998) ont dĂ©montrĂ©s un effet direct du SSP sur le bien-ĂȘtre, la qualitĂ© de vie au travail et sur les comportements de citoyennetĂ© organisationnelle. Enfin, le dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent de la recherche confirme les effets tangibles du soutien du supĂ©rieur hiĂ©rarchique sur l’engagement affectif, l’intention de quitter et l’épuisement professionnel en tĂ©moignent Simons & Jankowski; 2008). Notre rĂ©flexion thĂ©orique s’articule en trois points. (1) Etudier les tensions psychologiques (conflit travail/famille-famille/travail) et les caractĂ©ristiques du travail (Demande psychologique, Contraintes physiques ComplexitĂ© du travail
) constitue une clĂ© d’entrĂ©e qui nĂ©cessite (2) une rĂ©flexion sur le soutien Ă©motionnel au travail ainsi que les stratĂ©gies de rĂ©gulation Ă©motionnel comme variables modĂ©ratrices, pour (3) Ă©tudier les effets de ces variables modĂ©ratrices dans les modĂšles de recherche intĂ©grant l’épuisement professionnel, l’engagement organisationnel, satisfaction au travail, la dissonance Ă©motionnelle et le comportement de citoyennetĂ© organisationnelle . Mots clĂ©: Tensions au travail (conflit travail/famille-famille/travail) – CaractĂ©ristiques du travail (Demande psychologique, Contraintes physique, ComplexitĂ© du travail) Burnout – Engagement organisationnel– Dissonance Ă©motionnelle – comportement de citoyennetĂ©_ Soutien Ă©motionnel au travail –StratĂ©gies de rĂ©gulation Ă©motionnelle.The increasing demands of work and their impact on the quality of life of employees are timely. In this perspective, the reflection on the managerial practices deserves to be thorough. This research project has three objectives: to conceptualize, measure and predict the influence of emotional support at work (ESW) on organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. Our reflection is based on three points. (1) Study the psychological tensions ( conflicts Work / family -life / work) and job characteristics (psychological demand, physical constraints, Complexity of work ... ) is a key input that requires (2) a reflection on the emotional support at work and emotional regulation strategies as moderating variables for ( 3) study the effects of moderating variables in integrating research models incorporating burnout, organizational commitment , emotional dissonance, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. The hospital raises an exemplary manner the dynamics and challenges of local management. We will consider three cases: The University Hospital of Bab El Oued (Algeria), University Hospital of Brugmann, (Belgium) and The University Hospital of Bordeaux (France). To provide some answers, we mobilize two methods: qualitative and quantitative (more about a double measure of perceived SET and a measure of emotional regulation strategies) with a comparison of the target institutions. Key words : Emotional support at work_ psychological tensions (conflict work / life and family / work) - Work Characteristics (psychological demand, physical constraints, Labor Complexity ) Burnout – organizational commitment - emotional dissonance - organizational citizenship behaviour _ Strategies work emotional regulation

    Les exigences du travail et le bien-ĂȘtre dans la profession infirmiĂšre : le rĂŽle des ressources Ă©motionnelles

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    The increasing demands of work and their impact on the quality of life of employees are timely. In this perspective, the reflection on the managerial practices deserves to be thorough. This research project has three objectives: to conceptualize, measure and predict the influence of emotional support at work (ESW) on organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. Our reflection is based on three points. (1) Study the psychological tensions ( conflicts Work / family -life / work) and job characteristics (psychological demand, physical constraints, Complexity of work ... ) is a key input that requires (2) a reflection on the emotional support at work and emotional regulation strategies as moderating variables for ( 3) study the effects of moderating variables in integrating research models incorporating burnout, organizational commitment , emotional dissonance, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. The hospital raises an exemplary manner the dynamics and challenges of local management. We will consider three cases: The University Hospital of Bab El Oued (Algeria), University Hospital of Brugmann, (Belgium) and The University Hospital of Bordeaux (France). To provide some answers, we mobilize two methods: qualitative and quantitative (more about a double measure of perceived SET and a measure of emotional regulation strategies) with a comparison of the target institutions. Key words : Emotional support at work_ psychological tensions (conflict work / life and family / work) - Work Characteristics (psychological demand, physical constraints, Labor Complexity ) Burnout – organizational commitment - emotional dissonance - organizational citizenship behaviour _ Strategies work emotional regulation .Dans l’environnement hospitalier, les infirmiers jouent un rĂŽle pivot dans la prestation de soin, cette population est particuliĂšrement exposĂ©e Ă  des niveaux Ă©levĂ©s de demande Ă©motionnelle ce qui peut entraĂźner Ă  terme une insatisfaction, un Ă©puisement professionnel (Dal Santo, Pohl & Battistelli, 2013), un sentiment d’impuissance et d’incapacitĂ© Ă  accomplir un travail au niveau attendu (Davezies, 2007). Le soutien organisationnel perçu (SOP) a Ă©tĂ© supposĂ© et dĂ©montrĂ© avoir la capacitĂ© d’attĂ©nuer les effets nĂ©fastes des tensions Ă©motionnelles (Pohl, Battistelli & Librecht, 2013; Battistelli, Pohl & Dal Santo, 2012; George, Reed, Ballard; Halbesleben, 2006). Rhoades et Eisenberger (2002) ont ajoutĂ© que le soutien du supĂ©rieur hiĂ©rarchique (SSP) est dĂ©fini par la perception qu’a le salariĂ© de la maniĂšre dont son supĂ©rieur valorise sa contribution, et qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme la variable qui contribue le plus significativement Ă  la perception du soutien organisationnel. Rhoades et al (2001) ont observĂ©s un effet positif du SSP sur l’engagement organisationnel affectif ; (Wayne et al., 1997 ; Moorman et al., 1998) ont dĂ©montrĂ©s un effet direct du SSP sur le bien-ĂȘtre, la qualitĂ© de vie au travail et sur les comportements de citoyennetĂ© organisationnelle. Enfin, le dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent de la recherche confirme les effets tangibles du soutien du supĂ©rieur hiĂ©rarchique sur l’engagement affectif, l’intention de quitter et l’épuisement professionnel en tĂ©moignent Simons & Jankowski; 2008). Notre rĂ©flexion thĂ©orique s’articule en trois points. (1) Etudier les tensions psychologiques (conflit travail/famille-famille/travail) et les caractĂ©ristiques du travail (Demande psychologique, Contraintes physiques ComplexitĂ© du travail
) constitue une clĂ© d’entrĂ©e qui nĂ©cessite (2) une rĂ©flexion sur le soutien Ă©motionnel au travail ainsi que les stratĂ©gies de rĂ©gulation Ă©motionnel comme variables modĂ©ratrices, pour (3) Ă©tudier les effets de ces variables modĂ©ratrices dans les modĂšles de recherche intĂ©grant l’épuisement professionnel, l’engagement organisationnel, satisfaction au travail, la dissonance Ă©motionnelle et le comportement de citoyennetĂ© organisationnelle . Mots clĂ©: Tensions au travail (conflit travail/famille-famille/travail) – CaractĂ©ristiques du travail (Demande psychologique, Contraintes physique, ComplexitĂ© du travail) Burnout – Engagement organisationnel– Dissonance Ă©motionnelle – comportement de citoyennetĂ©_ Soutien Ă©motionnel au travail –StratĂ©gies de rĂ©gulation Ă©motionnelle
