24 research outputs found

    Variabilité des propriétés physico-chimiques et dénombrement de la flore fermentaire du tchapalo, une bière traditionnelle de sorgho en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Une étude portant sur la variabilité des propriétés physico-chimiques etmicrobiologiques, l’évolution de ces propriétés au cours de la fermentation alcoolique a été réalisée sur des échantillons de moût sucré (produit intermédiaire) et de tchapalo (bière de sorgho) prélevés dans une zone de production massive à Abobo, commune située au Nord-Est d’Abidjan. Il ressort de cette étude que la qualité des moûts et tchapalo produits était constante. Le pH (3,4), les teneurs en sucres (3,6 g/100 g), en protéines (2,9 mg/mL) et en vitamine C (1,5 mg/100 mL) des moûts sucrés étaientstatistiquement les mêmes chez toutes les brasseuses et ne variaient pas d’une production à l’autre. Le tchapalo obtenu après fermentation contenait en moyenne 5,2 % d’éthanol. Le méthanol et le propanol n’ont pas été détectés. Les levures avec 1.9×108 ufc/mL constituaient la microflore dominante du tchapalo. Les bactéries lactiques isolées appartenaient aux genres Lactobacillus et Leuconostoc.Mots-clés : Tchapalo, bière traditionnelle, propriétés physico-chimiques, fermentation

    Influence de la Consommation Alimentaire sur les Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/Sida à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) Avant et Pendant la Prise des Antirétroviraux

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    The success of HAART has increased the life expectancy of people living with HIV. In order to determine the influence of food consumption on PLWHIV / AIDS, a cohort study was conducted at the Abidjan Military Hospital (HMA) From January 2006 to December 2009, starchy foods, cereals and protein and mineral sources were mostly consumed by patients from different ethnic groups living with HIV before and during ARVs according to their dietary habits. Starchy foods such as plantain, cassava and yam were the most commonly consumed by the Akan ethnic group with respective rates of 88.1%, 83.8% and 79.9% before and 88.7%, 83.7% and 80.3% while taking ARVs. In contrast, sweet potato was the most consumed by non-Ivorians before and during ARVs. Food fortification has also been supplemented by cereals such as rice, maize and millet consumed mainly by the Mandé ethnic group during the taking of the said molecular combinations. In terms of protein sources and mineral salts, fish, meat and eggs were the most consumed by the Akan ethnic group while taking these ARVs. These foods rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins have been reinforced and healthy, varied and balanced consumption has been recommended to them in order to allow their body to better support the various side effects of these molecules and curbing opportunistic diseases. Taking antiretrovirals does not change the diet of people living with HIV / AIDS studied at the Abidjan Military Hospital.Le succès de la multithérapie antirétrovirale a augmenté l’espérance de vie des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH). En vue de déterminer l’influence de la consommation alimentaire sur les PVVIH/sida, une étude de cohorte a été menée à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Abidjan (HMA). De janvier 2006 à décembre 2009, des féculents, céréales, sources protéiques et sels minéraux ont été majoritairement consommés par des patients de différents groupes ethniques avant et pendant la prise des ARV selon leur habitude alimentaire. Les féculents: banane plantain, manioc et igname ont été les plus consommées par le groupe ethnique Akan avec des taux respectifs (88,1 ; 83,8 et 79,9 %) avant et (88,7 ; 83,7 et 80,3 %) pendant la prise des ARV. En revanche, la patate douce a été la plus consommée par les non ivoiriens avant et pendant la prise ARV. Par ailleurs, Le renforcement de l’alimentation a été aussi complété par les céréales telles que : riz, maïs et mil consommés majoritairement par le groupe ethnique Mandé. Au niveau des sources protéiques et sels minéraux : poisson, viande et œuf ont été les plus consommés par le groupe ethnique Akan. Ces aliments ont été renforcés et des consommations, saines, variés et équilibrés ont été conseillées à ceux-ci en vue de permettre à leur organisme de supporter au mieux les effets secondaires et freiner les maladies opportunistes. La prise des antirétroviraux ne changent pratiquement pas le régime alimentaire des PVVIH/sida étudié à l’HMA

    Epigenetics in atherosclerosis and inflammation

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    Introduction Epigenetics explained Epigenetic alterations are reversible Atherosclerosis Epigenetics and association with atherosclerosis Epigenetic regulation of cell activity T cells Monocytes Endothelial cells Smooth muscle cells Chemokines, their receptors and other genes involved in inflammation eNOS iNOS CCL11 (eotaxin) CCR5 Epigenetics in (vascular) inflammation KDM6B Oestrogen receptor COX2 Transcriptional regulation of MHC molecules - the role of CIITA Non-histone targets MicroRNAs Conclusions Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease with a severe burden on western society. Recent insights into the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis underscore the importance of chronic inflammation in both the initiation and progression of vascular remodelling. Expression of immunoregulatory molecules by vascular wall components within the atherosclerotic lesions is accordingly thought to contribute to the ongoing inflammatory process. Besides gene regulatory proteins (transcription factors), epigenetic mechanisms also play an essential and fundamental role in the transcriptional control of gene expression. These epigenetic mechanisms change the accessibility of chromatin by DNA methylation and histone modifications. Epigenetic modulators are thus critically involved in the regulation of vascular, immune and tissue-specific gene expression within the atherosclerotic lesion. Importantly, epigenetic processes are reversible and may provide an excellent therapeutic target. The concept of epigenetic regulation is gradually being recognized as an important factor in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Recent research provides an essential link between inflammation and reprogramming of the epigenome. In this review we therefore discuss the basis of epigenetic regulation - and the contribution thereof in the regulation of inflammatory processes in general and during atherosclerosis in particular. Moreover we highlight potential therapeutic interventions based on epigenetic mechanisms.Stemcel biology/Regenerative medicine (incl. bloodtransfusion

    Charge parasitaire des eaux usées du collecteur « Gouro » traversant les communes d’Abobo, Adjamé et Cocody (District d’Abidjan)

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    Domestic sewage is an usual vehicle for human pathogens including parasitic helminth eggs. Our aim is the parasitological characterisation of the wastewater of the « gouro » collector of Abidjan city in Côte d'Ivoire. The Bailenger's method for detection and quantification helminths eggs was used to process samples four sampling sites of the collector during five months. We observed ten taxa that are member of the nematod, cestod and trematod classes. A taxonomic variability was observed from a sampling site to another. During The local rainy season an increase of the parasitic load was noted.Les eaux usées domestiques véhiculent habituellement de nombreux pathogènes humains dont les œufs d'helminthes parasites. Notre étude a consisté en la caractérisation parasitaire des eaux résiduaires du collecteur « gouro » du district d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire.  La méthode Bailenger de détection et de quantification des œufs d’helminthes parasites est utilisée sur les échantillons prélevés dans quatre stations du collecteur durant cinq mois. Dix taxons appartenant aux classes des nématodes, cestodes et trématodes ont été observés. Une variabilité taxinomique est constatée entres les quatre stations. La saison pluvieuse locale est la période où la charge parasitaire est la plus élevée

    Ethanol effect on yeast strains isolated from tchapalo, a traditional sorghum beer from Cote d'Ivoire

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    The general trend in sorghum beer production is now the use of starter culture to alleviate the problems of variations in organoleptic quality and microbiological stability. In this study, we aimed to select strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida tropicalis to use as starter culture based on their ability to face ethanol toxicity. All the strains exhibited a relatively high resistance up to 5% ethanol. At 7.5% ethanol, S. cerevisiae F12-7 and C. tropicalis C0-7 were the most resistant strains with viability rate of 80-97% after 24 h of incubation. These two strains showed also the highest unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratios. Values increased from 68.86% to 80.30% and from 72.97 to 85.96% respectively for S. cerevisiae F12-7 and C. tropicalis C0-7 cultivated under 0% and 7.5% ethanol. The cellular neutral lipid composition differed markedly according to the yeast strains. With proportion of 36.73% for S. cerevisiae F12-7 and 78.75% for C. tropicalis C0-7, ergosterol was the most abundant neutral lipid founded in the strains membranes. In addition, phosphatidylethanolamine contents decreased with the increase of ethanol concentration in the culture medium on contrary to phosphatidylcholine contents. These two strains were so suggested as starter cultures for sorghum beer production

    Production of Attieke by the Technique of Drying of Cassava Ferment

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    The long-term availability of cassava ferment and the production of attieke of healthy and consistent quality are becoming serious problems in Côte d’Ivoire. The overall objective of this work was to assess the effect of several drying techniques on the performance of the traditional cassava ferment with a view to establishing a stabilized ferment for the production of attieke in Côte d’Ivoire. To do this, three drying techniques were used, namely, oven drying, sun drying, and freeze-drying. The end of the drying process is marked by the stabilization of the humidity rate of the ferment. The results obtained during the drying process indicate that the sun-dried ferment contains more GAM (1.2 ± 0.2) × 108 CFU/g than the other dried ferments. The freeze-dried ferment has the highest load of lactic acid bacteria (3 ± 0.2) × 105 CFU/g, while Bacillus was observed in large numbers in the ferment dried at 45°C (7.1 ± 0.6) × 105 CFU/g. The 37°C dried and freeze-dried cassava ferments recorded high yeast loads of (7.6 ± 0.5) × 104 CFU/g and (7 ± 0.4) × 104 CFU/g, respectively. Moulds ((5 ± 0.2) 1 × 102 CFU/g) were only detected in the 37°C dried culture. Moreover, during the fermentation of the cassava dough with the different ferments obtained after drying, a significant acidification occurs in the dough inoculated with the freeze-dried ferment (2.9 ± 0.07%). However, the attieke produced with the freeze-dried ferment and the ferment dried at 37°C was the most appreciated by the panelists. Thus, freeze-drying and oven drying at 37°C are simple alternatives to the use of traditional ferments that can ensure their stability and the conservation of the cassava ferment over a long period of time