451 research outputs found

    Twistfield Perturbations of Vertex Operators in the Z_2-Orbifold Model

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    We apply Kadanoff's theory of marginal deformations of conformal field theories to twistfield deformations of Z_2 orbifold models in K3 moduli space. These deformations lead away from the Z_2 orbifold sub-moduli-space and hence help to explore conformal field theories which have not yet been understood. In particular, we calculate the deformation of the conformal dimensions of vertex operators for p^2<1 in second order perturbation theory.Comment: Latex2e, 19 pages, 1 figur

    Generalized twisted modules associated to general automorphisms of a vertex operator algebra

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    We introduce a notion of strongly C^{\times}-graded, or equivalently, C/Z-graded generalized g-twisted V-module associated to an automorphism g, not necessarily of finite order, of a vertex operator algebra. We also introduce a notion of strongly C-graded generalized g-twisted V-module if V admits an additional C-grading compatible with g. Let V=\coprod_{n\in \Z}V_{(n)} be a vertex operator algebra such that V_{(0)}=\C\one and V_{(n)}=0 for n<0 and let u be an element of V of weight 1 such that L(1)u=0. Then the exponential of 2\pi \sqrt{-1} Res_{x} Y(u, x) is an automorphism g_{u} of V. In this case, a strongly C-graded generalized g_{u}-twisted V-module is constructed from a strongly C-graded generalized V-module with a compatible action of g_{u} by modifying the vertex operator map for the generalized V-module using the exponential of the negative-power part of the vertex operator Y(u, x). In particular, we give examples of such generalized twisted modules associated to the exponentials of some screening operators on certain vertex operator algebras related to the triplet W-algebras. An important feature is that we have to work with generalized (twisted) V-modules which are doubly graded by the group C/Z or C and by generalized eigenspaces (not just eigenspaces) for L(0), and the twisted vertex operators in general involve the logarithm of the formal variable.Comment: Final version to appear in Comm. Math. Phys. 38 pages. References on triplet W-algebras added, misprints corrected, and expositions revise

    Groups with finiteness conditions on some subgroup systems: a contemporary stage

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    This paper gives a brief historical survey of results in which certain systems of subgroups of a group satisfy various finiteness conditions

    On various rank conditions in infinite groups

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    In the current survey the authors consider some ofthe main theorems concerning groups satisfying certain rank con-ditions. They present these theorems starting with recently estab-lished results. This order of exposition is different, indeed oppositeto chronological, but it allows them to present the main develop-ment of the theory. They illustrate the connections betweenthedifferent ranks emphasizing, in particular, the connectionbetweenthe special rank and the Hirsch–Zaitsev rank

    On the existence of complements in a group to some abelian normal subgroups

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    A complement to a proper normal subgroup H of a group G is a subgroup K such that G=HK and H∩K=⟨1⟩. Equivalently it is said that G splits over H. In this paper we develop a theory that we call hierarchy of centralizers to obtain sufficient conditions for a group to split over a certain abelian subgroup. We apply these results to obtain an entire group-theoretical wide extension of an important result due to D. J. S. Robinson formerly shown by cohomological methods

    Groups satisfying certain rank conditions

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    This is a survey of a number of recent results concerned with groups whose subgroups satisfy certain rank conditions

    On some topics in the theory of infinite dimensional linear groups

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    In this paper we present a synopsis of some recent results concerned with infinite dimensional liner groups, including generalizations of irreducibility, the central dimension of a linear group, groups with finite dimensional orbits and the maximal and minimal conditions on subgroups of infinite central dimension

    Product CFTs, gravitational cloning, massive gravitons and the space of gravitational duals

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    The question of graviton cloning in the context of the bulk/boundary correspondence is considered. It is shown that multi-graviton theories can be obtained from products of large-N CFTs. No more than one interacting massless graviton is possible. There can be however, many interacting massive gravitons. This is achieved by coupling CFTs via multi-trace marginal or relevant perturbations. The geometrical structure of the gravitational duals of such theories is that of product manifolds with their boundaries identified. The calculational formalism is described and the interpretation of such theories is discussed.Comment: Latex, 25 pages. (v2) Minor corrections and references adde

    Topological-Antitopological Fusion and the Large N CP^N Model

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    We discuss the large NN limit of the supersymmetric CPNCP^N models as an illustration of Cecotti and Vafa's tttt^* formalism. In this limit the `tttt^* equation' becomes the long wavelength limit of the 2D2D Toda lattice, an equation first studied in the context of self-dual gravity. We show how simple finite temperature and large NN techniques determine the relevant solution, and verify analytically that it solves the tttt^* equation, using Legendre transform techniques from self-dual gravity.Comment: 24 pages (LaTeX), OUTP-93-24P and RU-93-5