28 research outputs found

    Correlation between epitaxial strain and magnetic properties in La0.7Sr0.3CoO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 bilayers

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    Magnetic properties arising at interfaces of perovskite oxides such as La 0.7 Sr 0.3 CoO 3 (LSCO) and La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 (LSMO) depend sensitively on the fine details of their structural properties. In this work, we use high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy to examine the structural and electronic phenomena at the interfaces in two LSCO/LSMO bilayers with reversed growth order. Two different strain mechanisms are at work in these films: compressive or tensile epitaxial strain, and distortion of the octahedral tilt pattern to maintain a network of corner-sharing octahedra. While the epitaxial strain is constant regardless of the growth order, the modification of the octahedral tilt pattern depends on whether the film is grown directly on the substrate or as the second sublayer. As a consequence, exchange spring behavior is observed only when the LSCO sublayer is grown first. The different mechanisms of strain accommodation within the oxygen octahedra network in each material proved to be of critical importance in determining the interfacial structure and thus magnetic and electronic properties of the bilayers

    Magnetism and transport in transparent high-mobility BaSnO3 films doped with La, Pr, Nd, and Gd

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    We have explored the effect of magnetic rare-earth dopants substitutionally incorporated on the Ba sites of BaSnO3 in terms of electronic transport, magnetism, and optical properties. We show that for Ba0.92R0.08SnO3 thin films (where R=La,Pr,Nd,Gd), there is a linear increase of mobility with carrier concentration across all doping schemes. La-doped films have the highest mobilities, followed by Pr- and Nd-doped films. Gd-doped samples have the largest ionic size mismatch with the Ba site and correspondingly the lowest carrier concentrations and electron mobilities. However, crystallinity does not appear to be a strong predictor of transport phenomena; our results suggest that point defects more than grain boundaries are key ingredients in tuning the conduction of BaSnO3 films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Pronounced, nonhysteretic x-ray magnetic dichroism signals are observed for Pr-, Nd-, and Gd-doped samples, indicating paramagnetism. Finally, we probe the optical constants for each of the BaSnO3 doping schemes and note that there is little change in the transmittance across all samples. Together these results shed light on conduction mechanisms in BaSnO3 doped with rare-earth cations

    Characterization of the Local Structure and Composition of Low Dimensional Heterostructures and Thin Films

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    The observation of graphene’s extraordinary electrical properties has stirred great interest in two dimensional (2D) materials. The rapid pace of discovery for low dimensional materials with exciting properties continue with graphene allotropes, multiple polymorphs of borophene, germanene, and many others. The future of 2D materials goes beyond synthesis and characterization of free standing materials and on to the construction of heterostructures or sophisticated multilayer devices. Knowledge about the resulting local structure and composition of such systems will be key to understanding and optimizing their performance characteristics. 2D materials do not have a repeating crystal structure which can be easily characterized using bulk methods and therefore a localized high resolution method is needed. Electron microscopy is well suited for characterizing 2D materials as a repeating coherent structure is not necessary to produce a measureable signal as may be the case for diffraction methods. A unique opportunity for fine local scale measurements in low dimensional systems exists with a specific class of materials known as ferecrystals, the rotationally disordered relative of misfit layer compounds. Ferecrystals provide an excellent test system to observe effects at heterostructure interfaces as the whole film is composed of interdigitated two dimensional layers. Therefore bulk methods can be used to corroborate local scale measurements. From the qualitative interpretation of high resolution scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) images to the quantitative application of STEM energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), this thesis uses numerous methods electron microscopy. The culmination of this work is seen at the end of the thesis where atomically resolved STEM-EDX hyperspectral maps could be used to measure element specific atomic distances and the atomically resolved fractional occupancies of a low dimensional alloy. These local scale measurements are corroborated by additional experimental data. The input of multiple techniques leads to improved certainty in local scale measurements and the applicability of these methods to non-ferecrystal low dimensional systems

    Synthesis of (BiSe) 1+δ

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