17 research outputs found

    Article Taxonomy and distribution of the Pygmy Eagle Aquila (Hieraaetus) weiskei (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae)

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    Abstract We re-evaluated the taxonomic status of the New Guinean subspecies weiskei of the Little Eagle Aquila morphnoides and confirmed that it differs considerably from the Australian A. morphnoides in multiple morphological and plumage characters. Genetic differentiation in published mitochondrial cyt-b and ND2 sequences between the nominate subspecies and weiskei is equivalent to that found between other accipitrid taxa at the species level, as are pairwise divergences between each Little Eagle taxon and their sister species, the Booted Eagle A. pennata. The available morphological and genetic evidence thus strongly and unambiguously supports the specific distinctness of A. weiskei. We propose the English name Pygmy Eagle, as this is the world's smallest known eagle. We show that the distribution of A. weiskei includes the western part of New Guinea (Vogelkop) and the Moluccas (Halmahera, Ternate and Seram), based on our new observations

    Undersøkelser av genetisk innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i villaksbestanden i Altaelva

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    Aronsen, T., Karlsson, S., Ugedal, O., Diserud, O.H., Ulvan, E.M., Saksgård, L. & Næsje, T. 2017. Undersøkelser av genetisk innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i villaksbestanden i Altaelva. NINA Rapport 1385 32 s. Til tross for tiltak for å bedre forholdene for villaks i øvre deler av lakseførende strekning av Altaelva (Sautso) etter kraftutbyggingen i 1987, har Sautso fortsatt redusert smoltproduksjon og fangster av voksen laks. I tillegg har det i enkelte år i Sautso vært høye andeler oppdrettslaks om høsten rett før villaksens gyteperiode. Andelen rømt oppdrettslaks i fangstene om høsten har i Sautso variert fra 0 % i 2015 til 36 % i 2013, mens tilsvarende andeler i resten av Altaelva har variert fra 2 % i 2015 til 17 % i 2011. En teori er at genetisk innkrysning av oppdrettslaks (genetisk påvirkning som følge av at rømt oppdrettslaks gyter i naturen) sammen med effekter av kraftutbyggingen kan bidra til den reduserte villaksproduksjonen i Sautso, ved at avkom av krysninger mellom oppdrettslaks og villaks har lavere overlevelse enn ren villaks. Utfra at det i enkelte år er observert høyere andeler rømt oppdrettslaks i Sautso sammenliknet resten av Altaelva, forventes det større grad av innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i Sautso enn lengre ned i elva. For å undersøke dette har vi undersøkt genetisk innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i 1+ laksunger fra Sautso og nedre deler av Altaelva (Jøra/Vina/Raipas) fra gyteårene 2010, 2011, 2013 og 2014. Videre har vi undersøkt om grad av innkrysning endrer seg med alderen til laksungene for avkom fra gyteårene 2011, 2013 og 2014. Vi undersøkte innkrysning blant 0+, 1+ og 2+ laksunger som var avkom fra 2011 og 2013 og 0+ og 1+ laksunger fra 2014. Til sist har vi undersøkt om det er høyere grad av innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i Sautso enn i nedre deler av Altaelva blant voksen villaks som returnerer til Altaelva for å gyte. Dette ble undersøkt for voksen villaks fanget under høstfisket i 2014. Vi fant at 1+ laksungene i Sautso hadde signifikant innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i to av de fire årene, 4,5 % innkrysning i 2011 og 6,9 % i 2013. Det var derimot ingen signifikant innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks hos 1+ laksunger i noen av årsklassene i nedre deler av Altaelva. Dette tyder på at laksunger i Sautso i større grad enn laksunger i nedre deler av Alta er påvirket av genetisk innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks. I laksungene fra gyteårene 2011 og 2013 fant vi avtagende genetisk innkrysning fra 0+ til 1+ og fra 1+ til 2+. I avkom fra 2011 var det 5,0 % innkrysning i 0+ laksunger, 4,5 % i 1+ og 1,8 % i 2+. I 2013 fant vi 9,6 % innkrysning i 0+ laksunger, 6,9 % i 1+ og 6,0 % i 2+. I disse to årsklassene var den genetiske innkrysningen signifikant i både 0+ og 1+ laksunger og i 2013 var det fremdeles signifikant innkrysning i 2+ laksunger. For gyteåret 2014 var det ikke signifikant innkrysning i 0+ laksungene (0,5 %) eller 1+ (1,6 %), og det var heller ingen nedgang fra 0+ til 1+. Selv om det ikke var statistisk signifikante endringer mellom aldersklassene for 2011 og 2013 indikerer resultatene våre at avkom med oppdrettslaksgener har høyere dødelighet enn rene villaksunger. For å undersøke i hvilken grad voksenfisken som kommer tilbake til Altaelva for å gyte er påvirket av genetisk innkrysning, og hvorvidt voksen laks også viser en større grad av inn-krysning i Sautso sammenliknet med laks fanget i de nedre delene, undersøkte vi innkrysningen i voksen villaks fanget under høstfisket i Altaelva i 2014. I motsetning til ungfisken, som hadde signifikant innkrysning av rømt oppdrettslaks i to av fire år i Sautso, men ikke i nedre deler av Altaelva, fant vi signifikant genetisk innkrysning både i Sautso (2,3 %) og i nedre deler av Altaelva (4,6 %) blant voksen villaks

    Changes in swimming depths of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts relative to light intensity

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    Eight hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts, implanted with acoustic depth sensing transmitters and manually tracked for 5-12 h in the Hardangerfjord (Norway), spent most of their time (49-99%) at 1-3 m depth during the day, whereas four of seven fish tracked were found close (<0.5 m) to the surface at night, with a strong negative cross-correlation between general swimming depth and surface light intensity. Hence, the actual swimming depth of post-smolts during their early marine migration may depend on the light conditions, although the individual variation in vertical movement pattern was large. No cross-correlations were found between light intensity and swimming depth during daytime periods with rapid changes in light intensity, indicating that other factors than light intensity were important in initiating the irregular dives that were recorded down to 6.5 m depth

    Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts past a low head hydropower station equippped with Archimedes screw and Francis turbines

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    Downstream migration of 112 radio-tagged Atlantic salmon smolts was studied in the Diemel, Germany, to examine 1) mortality and migration speeds during riverine migration and at a hydropower station, 2) choice of migration routes at the power station, and 3) survival and transit speed through Archimedes screw and Francis turbines. Mortality was not elevated in the impounded stretch above the dam compared to a free-flowing control stretch (1.9 and 2.5% loss per km, respectively). Migration speeds did not differ among the control stretch, impounded stretch and in passing the power station, but there was large individual variation. Smolts reaching the power station (n = 101) could choose between six possible passage routes. Most smolts passed through the Archimedes screw (43%), or via a route where Francis turbines were installed (33%). Three percent migrated over the dam, 14% used a fishway at the Archimedes screw and 8% used a fishway at the Francis turbines. The smolts used the fishways (instead of the Archimedes and Francis turbines) more often than expected from the proportion of water discharge, especially larger smolts at lower discharge. Smolts passed the power station mainly in the evening and early night. Migration speed past the power station was faster for smolts passing via the Archimedes screw and associated fishway than for those using other routes. Smolts were not markedly delayed in their downstream migration by using the Archimedes screw. Immediate mortality of smolts passing through the Archimedes screw and Francis turbines was probably below 10% and 13%, respectively. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Modelling the recruitment of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) throughout its European range

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    European eel (Anguilla anguilla) recruitment has been declining at least since the early 1980s at the scale of its distribution area. Since the population is panmictic, its stock assessment should be carried out on a range-wide basis. However, assessing the overall stock during the continental phase remains difficult given its widespread distribution among heterogeneous and separate river catchments. Hence, it is currently considered by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) more feasible to use glass eel recruitment data to assess the status of the overall population. In this study, we used Glass Eel Recruitment Estimation Model (GEREM) to estimate annual recruitment (i) at the river catchment level, a scale for which data are available, (ii) at an intermediate scale (6 European regions), and (iii) at a larger scale (Europe). This study provides an estimate of the glass eel recruitment trend through a single index, which gathers all recruitment time-series available at the European scale. Results confirmed an overall recruitment decline to dramatically low levels in 2009 (3.5% of the 1960-1979 recruitment average) and highlighted a more pronounced decline in the North Sea area compared to elsewhere in Europe

    Domesticated escapees on the run: the second-generation monitoring programme reports the numbers and proportions of farmed Atlantic salmon in >200 Norwegian rivers annually

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    Norway is the world’s largest producer of farmed Atlantic salmon and is home to ∼400 rivers containing wild salmon populations. Farmed escapees, a reoccurring challenge of all cage-based marine aquaculture, pose a threat to the genetic integrity, productivity, and evolutionary trajectories of wild populations. Escapees have been monitored in Norwegian rivers since 1989, and, a second-generation programme was established in 2014. The new programme includes data from summer angling, autumn angling, broodstock sampling, and snorkelling surveys in >200 rivers, and >25 000 scale samples are analysed annually. In 2014–2017, escapees were observed in two-thirds of rivers surveyed each year, and between 15 and 30 of the rivers had >10% recorded escapees annually. In the period 1989–2017, a reduction in the proportion of escapees in rivers was observed, despite a >6-fold increase in aquaculture production. This reflected improved escape prevention, and possibly changes in production methods that influence post-escape behaviour. On average, populations estimated to experience the greatest genetic introgression from farmed salmon up to 2014 also had the largest proportions of escapees in 2014–2017. Thus, populations already most affected are those at greatest risk of further impacts. These data feed into the annual risk-assessment of Norwegian aquaculture and form the basis for directing mitigation efforts