33 research outputs found
Barriers towards intermodality for pursuing to-work commuters modal shift to bus rapid transit
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne
The demand for rural public transportation is dominated by people who cannot access private vehicles. In terms of the number of operating routes and the performance of their services, currently rural public transport services tend to decline. The mobility of rural communities to reach social facilities can be hampered if there is no public transportation service, which in turn will reduce the quality of human resources in rural areas. This study focuses on the movement characteristics of rural public transport passengers in Kuningan Regency. Several rural transportation routes were taken as samples, namely route 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, route 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, and route 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. This study shows that the characteristics of the movement of rural public transport passengers are an integral part in an effort to maintain rural public transport services. These characteristics of passenger movement can be used to improve the performance of public transportation, become input for public transport operators, and become material for local governments to make policies
Keywords: rural public transportation; public transport routes; public transport services; public transport performance.
Permintaan angkutan umum perdesaan didominasi oleh masyarakat yang tidak dapat mengakses kendaraan pribadi. Dari sisi jumlah trayek yang beroperasi dan kinerja layanannya, saat ini layanan angkutan umum perdesaan cenderung semakin menurun. Mobilitas masyarakat perdesaan untuk menjangkau fasilitas sosial dapat terhambat jika tidak ada layanan angkutan umum, yang pada akhirnya akan menurunkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di kawasan perdesaan. Studi ini berfokus pada karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan di Kabupaten Kuningan. Beberapa trayek angkutan perdesaan diambil sebagai sampel, yaitu trayek 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, trayek 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, dan trayek 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam upaya mempertahankan layanan angkutan umum perdesaan. Karakteristik pergerakan penumpang ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja angkutan umum, menjadi masukan bagi operator angkutan umum, serta menjadi bahan pemerintah daerah untuk membuat kebijakan.
Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum perdesaan; trayek angkutan umum; layanan angkutan umum; kinerja angkutan umum
Berkembangnya aktivitas di suatu kawasan pendidikan akan menimbulkan pergerakan yang semakin banyak juga di kawasan pendidikan tersebut. Kendaraan yang datang ke suatu area pendidikan pasti akan berhenti baik lama atau untuk beberapa waktu karena penggunanya akan melakukan kegiatan di dalam gedung, sehingga suatu pusat kegiatan pendidikan butuh lahan parkir yang memadai. Kampus ITB yang merupakan kawasan pendidikan di tengah Kota Bandung memiliki fasilitas parkir yang masik belum cukup menampung kebutuhan parkir yang ada saat ini, sehingga muncul on-street parking di jalan-jalan sekitar kampus. Pengelolaan parkir dilakukan dengan metode-metode berdasarkan preseden dan studi literatur yang disesuaikan juga dengan hasil analisis ketersediaan dan kebutuhan parkir di kampus ITB saat ini
Kebutuhan Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Angkutan Umum Perdesaan Studi Kasus Trayek 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat
Trend of public transport service in rural area is decreasing in terms of the number of operational route and the performance. However, there are people who cannot access private vehicles and depend on rural transport services including the elderly, people with disabilities, women, and students. The existence of this rural transportation indirectly improves the quality of life of the community by providing easier access to better economic, health and educational facilities than in the areas where they live. Responding to these conditions, the aim of this study is to analyze rural transit service needs to accommodate passengers trip. Case study of this research is rural public transport on route 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan in Kuningan Regency. This study used quantitative method with descrptive and comparative analysis. The result show that public transport needs improvement in such performance parameter like route, schedule, load factor, waiting time, baggage space, vehicle operating cost, and institutional. Improving the quality and innovation of rural public transport services can be realized if there is intervention from the government and other related parties in the management and operational costs of rural public transport vehicles
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) merupakan konsep pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang kerap diadopsi di Indonesia untuk mendukung penggunaan transit, terutama di perkotaan besar yang sudah memiliki rencana pengembangan kereta api perkotaan, seperti Kota Bandung. Konsep ini mengedepankan integrasi guna lahan dan sistem angkutan massal sehingga bentuk guna lahan di sekitar simpul transit atau stasiun menjadi penting. Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan guna lahan memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan fungsi transit. Mayoritas kawasan TOD dan sistem transit di Indonesia masih dalam tahap perencanaan, sehingga kinerja nyata TOD dalam mendukung penggunaan transit belum dapat dipastikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi dampak kinerja bentuk penggunaan dan pengembangan lahan pada area potensi TOD terhadap jumlah pengguna transportasi publik. Model ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi pengukuran keefektifan rencana TOD dalam konteks pembangkitan pengguna transportasi publik baru. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasilnya, beberapa hal perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pengembangan model, yaitu pemilihan variabel, penentuan sampel dan pemilihan metode analisis
Pengaruh Penerapan Kebijakan Low Emission Zone terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Perjalanan Komuter di Kawasan Kotatua Jakarta
Along with the increasing population growth of DKI Jakarta, the need for transportation services is also increasing. This has resulted in a growth in the number of motorized vehicles, the high number of private vehicles in DKI Jakarta causes many transportation problems as well as will increase the number of air pollutants that can pollute the air and have a negative impact on the environment and air quality, one of the government policies that began to be implemented to reduce the use of private vehicles while reducing air pollution is the implementation of the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) policy in Kotatua Jakarta, with this policy with this policy, it is expected that people will reduce the use of private vehicles and shifting to public transportation.
This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of the LEZ policy on changes in travel behavior and identify factors that influence mode selection preferences using the binary logit regression method, after the implementation of the LEZ policy there are a change in commuter travel behavior in including the percentage of respondents from West Jakarta increased by 7%, the dominant shift in modes used by respondents from private vehicles to Public transportation as 21.42%, it was also seen that the use of private vehicles such as motorcycles and private cars decreased from 62.14% to 42.85%, there was a decrease in travel costs and an increase in travel time while factors that influenced the choice of mode preferences included education level, income, travel patterns and travel costs.
Keyword : binary logit, Low Emission Zone, mode preferenceSejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk DKI Jakarta yang semakin meningkat maka semakin meningkat pula kebutuhan akan layanan transportasi. Hal ini mengakibatkan terdapat pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor, tingginya jumlah kendaraan pribadi di DKI Jakarta menyebabkan banyaknya permasalahan transportasi sekaligus akan meningkatkan jumlah zat pencemar udara yang dapat mencemari udara dan berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan kualitas udara, salah satu kebijakan pemerintah yang mulai diterapkan untuk mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi sekaligus mengurangi polusi udara adalah penerapan kebijakan Low Emission Zone (LEZ).di Kawasan Kotatua Jakarta, dengan adanya kebijakan ini diharapkan masyarakat akan mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi untuk melakukan perjalanan dan berpindah menggunakan transportasi umum.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan kebijakan LEZ terhadap perubahan perilaku perjalanan dan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi pemilihan moda menggunakan metode regresi logit biner, setelah pemberlakuan kebijakan LEZ terdapat perubahan perilaku perjalanan komuter di kawasan Kotatua antara lain persentase responden yang berasal dari Jakarta Barat meningkat sebesar 7%, terdapat perpindahan moda dominan yang digunakan responden dari kendaraan pribadi ke transportasi umum sebanyak 21,42% terlihat pula bahwa pemakaian kendaraan pribadi seperti sepeda motor dan mobil pribadi menurun dari 62,14% menjadi 42,85%, terdapat penurunan biaya perjalanan dan peningkatan waktu perjalanan sedangkan faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi pemilihan moda antara lain tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, pola perjalanan dan biaya perjalanan
Navigating Conservation Access: Unraveling Ignorant Tourist Behavior and Typologies in Komodo National Park
The impact of access policies on the influx of ignorant behavior in conservation areas is still understudied. This research aims to detect this ignorant tourist behavior in the conservation areas by analyzing perceived accessibility and examining the tourist typologies. The study was conducted in Komodo National Park, one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia, which has experienced high accessibility development. The research method employed tourism policy and factor-cluster analysis to examine the tourist typology. Accessibility constructs and hedonic tourist motivation were used as the variables in the analysis. The total respondents were 534, and the data were analyzed using a non-hierarchical K-means cluster analysis. The result showed that three aspects were considered in managing the accessibility in the conservation areas. The aspects included destination, individual, and conservation accessibilities in the national park. Further, four tourist typologies were found in this research. Two new typologies, hedonistic adventure tourists and high-risk hedonistic tourists, indicated ignorant behavior. Two others, such as real ecotourists and nature-relaxing tourists, presented general nature-based tourist characteristics in the existing literature. The managerial implications of this research are providing practical insights for planners and destination managers to improve conservation awareness for remarkably ignorant tourists.
Transisi Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia: Dinamika Kendaraan Listrik dengan Pendekatan Self-organization di Kota Jakarta
Transisi energi terbarukan merupakan salah satu perubahan yang memberikan dampak positif terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu aktivitas yang banyak menyumbang emisi CO2 adalah aktivitas transportasi. Indonesia menjadi salah satu dari lima negara bersama Cina, Jepang, Korea, dan India menjadi penyumbang CO2 terbanyak kepada global terutama dalam transportasi. Hadirnya transisi kendaraan listrik menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi polusi serta energi terbarukan. Self-organization merupakan pendekatan perencanaan transformatif untuk melihat kompleksitas transisi. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif, analisis kebijakan, dan analisis feedback loop, artikel ini ingin menunjukkan bagaimana proses transisi kendaraan listrik ini di DKI Jakarta, sebagai wilayah perkotaan terbesar dan terpadat di Indonesia. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan perubahan kendaraan listrik, dukungan pemerintah, serta feedback positif dan negatif dari masyarakat. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan strategi self-organization transformasi kendaraan listrik dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak dalam proses perubahan sistem transportasi di Indonesia.
Kata-kata Kunci: Kendaraan listrik; self-organization system, energi terbarukan , DKI Jakarta
The transition to renewable energy is one of the changes that have a positive impact on the environment. One activity that contributes a lot to CO2 emissions is transportation activities. Indonesia is one of the five countries along with China, Japan, Korea, and India to be the largest contributor of CO2 to the world, especially in transportation. The presence of the transition to electric vehicles is one solution to reduce pollution and renewable energy. Self-organization is a transformative planning approach to see the complexity of the transition. By using descriptive analysis methods, policy analysis, and feedback loop analysis, this article wants to show how the transition process for electric vehicles is in DKI Jakarta, as the largest and most densely populated urban area in Indonesia. The results show that there is an increase in changes to electric vehicles, government support, as well as positive and negative feedback from the community. This study recommends a self-organization strategy for transforming electric vehicles by involving various parties in the process of changing the transportation system in Indonesia.
Keywords: Electric vehicle, self-organization system, renewable energy, DKI Jakarta
How can the stigma of public transport as the ‘poor man’s vehicle’ be overcome to enhance sustainability and climate change mitigation?
Natural Resources Forum, a United Nations Sustainable Development Journal is running a special series over the
2009-2011 period on themes to be considered by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development in its 18th
and 19th sessions: chemicals, mining, sustainable consumption and production, transport and waste management. In this
issue, experts address the question:
“How can the stigma of public transport as the ‘poor man’s vehicle’ be overcome to enhance sustainability and
climate change mitigation?
Prioritas Pelayanan Publik Pemerintah Kota di Indonesia
This article presents one step of chain in formulation of Index of Public Service conducted by the city's government. The Index is used to compare the local government performance in delivering public service of their community. It consist of quantitative indicators which can show the public service given by local government. This article focuses on effort to obtain the weight of each indicator conducted by experts who are assumed they have the authority on urban service. Method of Analytical Hierarchy Process is applied to structure the expert's judgment and then the result is further processed by the Expert Choice software