201 research outputs found

    Gratitude in relationships: A study on gratitude, attachment, and relationship satisfaction

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    This study utilized Pearson correlations to assess for relationships between dispositional gratitude, attachment type, and relationship satisfaction. The survey was completed by 599 participants (77.57% female; 21.64% male; 0.63% other; 0.16% decline to state). Three separate instruments were used to assess for dispositional gratitude, attachment type (anxious/avoidant), and relationship satisfaction, respectively. First, it was hypothesized that anxious attachment would be negatively correlated with dispositional gratitude. Second, it was hypothesized that avoidant attachment types would be negatively correlated with dispositional gratitude. Third, it was hypothesized that anxious attachment would be negatively correlated with relationship satisfaction. Fourth, it was hypothesized that avoidant attachment would be negatively correlated with relationship satisfaction. Finally, it was hypothesized that dispositional gratitude and relationship satisfaction would be positively correlated. The null hypotheses was rejected for all hypotheses and each correlation was significant. Implications for the relationship between these three constructs are discussed in relation to romantic relationships and the counseling relationship

    Allergic hemiglossitis as a unique case of food allergy: a case report

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Primary Cardiac Tumor Identified as the Cause of Seizure

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    A 65-year-old woman presented to the emergency department after a seizure. An unexplained bradycardia and heart murmur were detected and an emergency bedside echocardiography was performed. This revealed a mass in the left atrium. The provisional diagnosis of left atrial tumor was later confirmed by formal echocardiography and ultimately by histology. The first presentation of primary cardiac tumors can be misleading and sometimes presents with neurological manifestations. An early echocardiography can be diagnostic and could lead to early surgical intervention with better prognosis

    Aikido ĂŒben: MotivationsgefĂŒge - Selbstregulierung im Erwachsenenleben und Erwerb entsprechender Kompetenzen

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    Abstract deutsch key words: Aikido – wettkampffrei – Schmerz – Motivation – psychomotorische Defizite – psychomotorische Reorganisation – Amae (Nachsichtigkeitsbeziehung) und FĂŒrsorglichkeit – Fragebogen und Interviews – Selbstregulation (Physiologie, Motorik, seelische Gestimmtheit) – soziale Regulation – Erwerb (selbst)regulatorischer Kompetenz In der japanischen Kampfkunst Aikido werden die meist runden, dynamischen Bewegungen mit WĂŒrfen oder Haltetechniken beendet. Es werden keine WettkĂ€mpfe ausgetragen. Die komplexen Techniken sind schwer zu lernen; die Verdrehungen der Gelenke und das sog. „Laufen“ auf den Knien sind schmerzhaft. Die Motivation der Aikidoka wurde untersucht. Es wurde angenommen, dass die Besonderheiten der Aikidobewegung (u.a. die haptonomische Feinabstimmung im paarweisen Training) eine Reorganisation defizitĂ€rer Psychomotorik ermöglichen. Dies wird unterstĂŒtzt durch Elemente des japanischen Beziehungsangebotes wie die ruhige, höfliche und respektvolle Haltung der Lehrenden. Ein selbst erstellter Fragebogen wurde in einer Feldstudie an Aikidoka als Untersuchungsgruppe ausgegeben sowie zum Vergleich an Karateka und Standard-TĂ€nzer. Aufbauend auf den quantitativen Ergebnissen wurden Interviews mit durch eine Cluster-Prozedur ermittelten prototypischen Aikidoka aller SchĂŒlerstufen durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse: Aikido ermöglicht vielfĂ€ltige kurzfristig wirksame sowie erst nach lĂ€ngerem feststellbare positive Effekte. In kritischen Situationen half FĂŒrsorglichkeit von Lehrern und Fortgeschrittenen. Selbstmotivierende Strategien bildeten sich ab. Als zu Grunde liegendes Anliegen erwies sich der Wunsch, mit Hilfe des Aikido eine umfassende Regulation physiologischer, emotionaler, mentaler und sozialer Parameter zu realisieren und entsprechende Kompetenzen zu erwerben. Aikido scheint hierfĂŒr vergleichsweise das breiteste Spektrum an facilitatorischen Bedingungen zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. Abstract englisch key words: aikido – no competition – pain – motivation – psychomotor deficit – psychomotor reorganisation – amae (sweet dependency) and caring – questionnaire and interviews – self-regulation (physiology, motor system, moods) – social regulation – gain of (self)regulative competence In aikido, a Japanese martial art, round and dynamic movements are ended with projections or immobilizations. There is no competition. The complicated techniques are hard to learn; the torsions of the joints are painful. The study investigates into the motivation of aikidoists. It was assumed that unique elements of aikido (e.g. haptonomic attunement processes in training in twos) help to reorganize psychomotor deficits. Elements of Japanese relationships as the quiet, polite and respectful teaching attitude are supportive. A self-constructed questionnaire was handed out to aikidoists as well as karate students and standard-dancers (field study). Statistical findings lead to a cluster-procedure which yielded prototypes of aikidoists in different stages of learning. Individuals fitting these types were asked to be interviewed. Results: Aikido renders multiple immediate or long term positive effects. Teachers’ and advanced students’ caring was helpful in critical situations. Self-motivating strategies were displayed. The ultimate goal to be achieved by aikido seems to be a comprehensive regulation of physiological, emotional, mental and social functions and to acquire the necessary regulatory competences. In comparison, aikido seems to offer the widest range of facilitatory conditions

    Aikido ĂŒben: MotivationsgefĂŒge - Selbstregulierung im Erwachsenenleben und Erwerb entsprechender Kompetenzen

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    Abstract deutsch key words: Aikido – wettkampffrei – Schmerz – Motivation – psychomotorische Defizite – psychomotorische Reorganisation – Amae (Nachsichtigkeitsbeziehung) und FĂŒrsorglichkeit – Fragebogen und Interviews – Selbstregulation (Physiologie, Motorik, seelische Gestimmtheit) – soziale Regulation – Erwerb (selbst)regulatorischer Kompetenz In der japanischen Kampfkunst Aikido werden die meist runden, dynamischen Bewegungen mit WĂŒrfen oder Haltetechniken beendet. Es werden keine WettkĂ€mpfe ausgetragen. Die komplexen Techniken sind schwer zu lernen; die Verdrehungen der Gelenke und das sog. „Laufen“ auf den Knien sind schmerzhaft. Die Motivation der Aikidoka wurde untersucht. Es wurde angenommen, dass die Besonderheiten der Aikidobewegung (u.a. die haptonomische Feinabstimmung im paarweisen Training) eine Reorganisation defizitĂ€rer Psychomotorik ermöglichen. Dies wird unterstĂŒtzt durch Elemente des japanischen Beziehungsangebotes wie die ruhige, höfliche und respektvolle Haltung der Lehrenden. Ein selbst erstellter Fragebogen wurde in einer Feldstudie an Aikidoka als Untersuchungsgruppe ausgegeben sowie zum Vergleich an Karateka und Standard-TĂ€nzer. Aufbauend auf den quantitativen Ergebnissen wurden Interviews mit durch eine Cluster-Prozedur ermittelten prototypischen Aikidoka aller SchĂŒlerstufen durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse: Aikido ermöglicht vielfĂ€ltige kurzfristig wirksame sowie erst nach lĂ€ngerem feststellbare positive Effekte. In kritischen Situationen half FĂŒrsorglichkeit von Lehrern und Fortgeschrittenen. Selbstmotivierende Strategien bildeten sich ab. Als zu Grunde liegendes Anliegen erwies sich der Wunsch, mit Hilfe des Aikido eine umfassende Regulation physiologischer, emotionaler, mentaler und sozialer Parameter zu realisieren und entsprechende Kompetenzen zu erwerben. Aikido scheint hierfĂŒr vergleichsweise das breiteste Spektrum an facilitatorischen Bedingungen zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. Abstract englisch key words: aikido – no competition – pain – motivation – psychomotor deficit – psychomotor reorganisation – amae (sweet dependency) and caring – questionnaire and interviews – self-regulation (physiology, motor system, moods) – social regulation – gain of (self)regulative competence In aikido, a Japanese martial art, round and dynamic movements are ended with projections or immobilizations. There is no competition. The complicated techniques are hard to learn; the torsions of the joints are painful. The study investigates into the motivation of aikidoists. It was assumed that unique elements of aikido (e.g. haptonomic attunement processes in training in twos) help to reorganize psychomotor deficits. Elements of Japanese relationships as the quiet, polite and respectful teaching attitude are supportive. A self-constructed questionnaire was handed out to aikidoists as well as karate students and standard-dancers (field study). Statistical findings lead to a cluster-procedure which yielded prototypes of aikidoists in different stages of learning. Individuals fitting these types were asked to be interviewed. Results: Aikido renders multiple immediate or long term positive effects. Teachers’ and advanced students’ caring was helpful in critical situations. Self-motivating strategies were displayed. The ultimate goal to be achieved by aikido seems to be a comprehensive regulation of physiological, emotional, mental and social functions and to acquire the necessary regulatory competences. In comparison, aikido seems to offer the widest range of facilitatory conditions

    Efficacy of epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT) in a new model of peanut-induced eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and allergic enterpathy (AE)

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    Background Eosinophilia is often linked to allergic gastrointestinal disorders linked to food allergy. EPIT using ViaskinÂź device has been described as a therapeutic method in food allergy. We developed a model of mice sensitized to peanut, exhibiting EoE and AE after exclusive feeding with peanut protein extracts (PPE). This study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of EPIT. Methods After oral sensitization with PPE and cholera toxin, 30 BALB/c mice were treated weekly during 8 weeks by PPE skin applications (EPIT), 20 mice were not treated (Sham) and 10 mice constituted the control group (C). Mice were then exclusively fed with PPE. Specific IgE, IgG1 and IgG2a were monitored during immunotherapy. Esophageal and jejunal samples were taken for histological analyses. Results sIgE increased after oral sensitization, respectively 0.207 ±0.03 and 0.214±0.04 ÎŒg/ml, in EPIT and Sham, with undetectable values in C. Following EPIT, sIgE decreased and sIgG2a increased, respectively 0.139±0.01 vs 0.166±0.01 ÎŒg/ml (EPIT vs Sham, p<0.05) and 14.96 ±0.60 vs 4.73±1.75 ÎŒg/ml (p<0.05). Esophageal eosinophilic infiltration (measured in 6 high power fields) was higher in Sham, 136±32, than in EPIT, 50±12 (p<0.05) and C, 7±3 cells/mm2 (p<0.01). Esophagus mucosa thickness was increased in Sham compared to EPIT and C (p<0.001). Sham group exhibited higher mRNA levels of cytokines than EPIT: eotaxin (p<0.05), IL-5 (p<0.05), IL-13 (p<0.05). The mRNA levels of these cytokines in EPIT were similar to C. The expression of Foxp3 mRNA increased significantky after EPIT compared with Sham and C (p<0.05). The jejunal villus/crypt ratio was lower in Sham than in EPIT and C, respectively 1.6 ±0.1 vs 2.3±0.2 (p<0.01) and 2.4±0.1 (p<0.001). Eosinophilic infiltration in jejunum was increased in Sham compared to EPIT (p<0.01) and C (p<0.001). Conclusion EPIT is effective in preventing EoE and AE induced by oral challenge in mice sensitized to peanut

    Epicutaneous Immunotherapy (EPIT) Blocks the Allergic Esophago-Gastro-Enteropathy Induced by Sustained Oral Exposure to Peanuts in Sensitized Mice

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    Background: Food allergy may affect the gastrointestinal tract and eosinophilia is often associated with allergic gastrointestinal disorders. Allergy to peanuts is a life-threatening condition and effective and safe treatments still need to be developed. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of sustained oral exposure to peanuts on the esophageal and jejunal mucosa in sensitized mice. We also evaluated the effects of desensitization with epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT) on these processes. Methods: Mice were sensitized by gavages with whole peanut protein extract (PPE) given with cholera toxin. Sensitized mice were subsequently exposed to peanuts via a specific regimen and were then analysed for eosinophilia in the esophagus and gut. We also assessed mRNA expression in the esophagus, antibody levels, and peripheral T-cell response. The effects of EPIT were tested when intercalated with sensitization and sustained oral peanut exposure. Results: Sustained oral exposure to peanuts in sensitized mice led to severe esophageal eosinophilia and intestinal villus sub-atrophia, i.e. significantly increased influx of eosinophils into the esophageal mucosa (136 eosinophils/mm2) and reduced villus/crypt ratios (1.660.15). In the sera, specific IgE levels significantly increased as did secretion of Th2 cytokines by peanut-reactivated splenocytes. EPIT of sensitized mice significantly reduced Th2 immunological response (IgE response and splenocyte secretion of Th2 cytokines) as well as esophageal eosinophilia (50 eosinophils/mm2, p,0.05), mRNA expression of Th2 cytokines in tissue - eotaxin (p,0.05), IL-5 (p,0.05), and IL-13 (p,0.05) -, GATA-3 (p,0.05), and intestinal villus sub-atrophia (2.360.15). EPIT also increased specific IgG2a (p,0.05) and mRNA expression of Foxp3 (p,0.05) in the esophageal mucosa. Conclusions: Gastro-intestinal lesions induced by sustained oral exposure in sensitized mice are efficaciously treated by allergen specific EPIT

    Antigen Uptake by Langerhans Cells Is Required for the Induction of Regulatory T Cells and the Acquisition of Tolerance During Epicutaneous Immunotherapy in OVA-Sensitized Mice

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    The skin is a major immunologic organ that may induce protection, sensitization or tolerance. Epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT) has been proposed as an attractive strategy to actively treat food allergy and has been shown to induce tolerance in sensitized mice through the induction of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs), especially CD62L+ Tregs. Among immune cells in the skin, dendritic cells are key players in antigen-specific immune activation or regulation. The role of different populations of skin DCs in tolerance induction remains to be elucidated. Using OVA-sensitized BALB/c mice, we demonstrated that the application of a patch containing OVA-A647 to the skin resulted in allergen uptake by Langerhans cells (LCs) and CD11b+ dermal cDC2 and subsequent migration into skin draining lymph nodes. These 2 populations induced Foxp3 expression in CD4+ cells in vitro. Only LCs induced LAP+ cells and CD62L+ Tregs. Using Langerin-eGFP-DTR mice, we analyzed the role of LCs in the mechanisms of tolerance induction by EPIT in vivo. Following complete depletion of LCs, a dramatic decrease in the number of OVA+ DCs and OVA+ CD11b+ dermal cDC2 was observed in skin draining lymph nodes 48 h after epicutaneous application. Likewise, 2 weeks of EPIT in non-depleted mice induced Foxp3+ Tregs, especially CD62L+, and LAP+ Tregs in skin draining lymph nodes and spleen, whereas no induction of Tregs was observed in LC-depleted mice. Following 8 weeks of treatment, EPIT-treated mice showed significant protection against anaphylaxis accompanied by a significant increase of Foxp3+ Tregs, especially CD62L+ Tregs, which was not seen in the absence of LCs. In summary, although both LCs and CD11b+ dermal cDC2s could induce regulatory T cells, the absence of LCs during EPIT impaired treatment efficacy, indicating their crucial role in skin-induced tolerance

    Rotigotine Effects on Early Morning Motor Function and Sleep in Parkinson's Disease: A Double-Blind, Randomized, pLacebo-Controlled Study (RECOVER)

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    In a multinational, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (NCT00474058), 287 subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) and unsatisfactory early-morning motor symptom control were randomized 2:1 to receive rotigotine (2–16 mg/24 hr [n = 190]) or placebo (n = 97). Treatment was titrated to optimal dose over 1–8 weeks with subsequent dose maintenance for 4 weeks. Early-morning motor function and nocturnal sleep disturbance were assessed as coprimary efficacy endpoints using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Part III (Motor Examination) measured in the early morning prior to any medication intake and the modified Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale (PDSS-2) (mean change from baseline to end of maintenance [EOM], last observation carried forward). At EOM, mean UPDRS Part III score had decreased by −7.0 points with rotigotine (from a baseline of 29.6 [standard deviation (SD) 12.3] and by −3.9 points with placebo (baseline 32.0 [13.3]). Mean PDSS-2 total score had decreased by −5.9 points with rotigotine (from a baseline of 19.3 [SD 9.3]) and by −1.9 points with placebo (baseline 20.5 [10.4]). This represented a significantly greater improvement with rotigotine compared with placebo on both the UPDRS Part III (treatment difference: −3.55 [95% confidence interval (CI) −5.37, −1.73]; P = 0.0002) and PDSS-2 (treatment difference: −4.26 [95% CI −6.08, −2.45]; P < 0.0001). The most frequently reported adverse events were nausea (placebo, 9%; rotigotine, 21%), application site reactions (placebo, 4%; rotigotine, 15%), and dizziness (placebo, 6%; rotigotine 10%). Twenty-four-hour transdermal delivery of rotigotine to PD patients with early-morning motor dysfunction resulted in significant benefits in control of both motor function and nocturnal sleep disturbances. © 2010 Movement Disorder Societ

    Peritoneal macrophage heterogeneity is associated with different peritoneal dialysis outcomes

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    Peritonitis remains the major obstacle for the maintenance of long-term peritoneal dialysis and dysregulated host peritoneal immune responses may compromise local anti-infectious defense, leading to treatment failure. Whilst, tissue mononuclear phagocytes, comprising macrophages and dendritic cells, are central to a host response to pathogens and the development of adaptive immune responses, they are poorly characterized in the human peritoneum. Combining flow cytometry with global transcriptome analysis, the phenotypic features and lineage identity of the major CD14+ macrophage and CD1c+ dendritic cell subsets in dialysis effluent were defined. Their functional specialization was reflected in cytokine generation, phagocytosis, and antigen processing/presentation. By analyzing acute bacterial peritonitis, stable (infection-free) and new-starter patients receiving peritoneal dialysis, we identified a skewed distribution of macrophage to dendritic cell subsets (increasing ratio) that associated with adverse peritonitis outcomes, history of multiple peritonitis episodes, and early catheter failure, respectively. Intriguingly, we also noted significant alterations of macrophage heterogeneity, indicative of different maturation and activation states that were associated with different peritoneal dialysis outcomes. Thus, our studies delineate peritoneal dendritic cells from macrophages within dialysate, and define cellular characteristics associated with peritoneal dialysis treatment failure. These are the first steps to unravelling the detrimental adaptive immune responses occurring as a consequence of peritonitis
