152 research outputs found

    Augmented Nature-Based Solutions: A Possible Taxonomy of Technologies “in” and “for” Urban Greening Strategies

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    The conceptualization and application of nature-based solutions (NBS) in the practice of planning and projects on urban and architectural scales have reached a level of maturity in the last 10 years, thanks to a strong push from European policies and funding for European projects and evidence from scientific literature. However, a systemic insight into the role of technology in supporting the spread of NBS has not yet been developed. The role of technology is understood here as fundamental to the very core concept of NBS, i.e., engineering solutions that integrate technological aspects to effectively increase nature’s potential. The authors,therefore, propose an investigation into the various opportunities offered by technology integrated “into ” greenery and used “ for” promoting greenery, based on the experience of two European Horizon 2020 projects, CLEVER Cities and VARCITIES, and from theapplication cases presented during the dedicated track at the SSPCR 2022 conference

    Measurement and verification of zero energy settlements: Lessons learned from four pilot cases in Europe

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    Measurement and verification (M&V) has become necessary for ensuring intended design performance. Currently, M&V procedures and calculation methods exist for the assessment of Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) for existing buildings, with a focus on reliable baseline model creation and savings estimation, as well as for reducing the computation time, uncertainties, and M&V costs. There is limited application of rigorous M&V procedures in the design, delivery and operation of low/zero energy dwellings and settlements. In the present paper, M&V for four pilot net-zero energy settlements has been designed and implemented. The M&V has been planned, incorporating guidance from existing protocols, linked to the project development phases, and populated with lessons learned through implementation. The resulting framework demonstrates that M&V is not strictly linked to the operational phase of a project but is rather an integral part of the project management and development. Under this scope, M&V is an integrated, iterative process that is accompanied by quality control in every step. Quality control is a significant component of the M&V, and the proposed quality control procedures can support the preparation and implementation of automated M&V. The proposed framework can be useful to project managers for integrating M&V into the project management and development process and explicitly aligning it with the rest of the design and construction procedures

    Knowledge Graphs’ Ontologies and Applications for Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Review

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    The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has been utilizing Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for a long time to support energy efficiency improvements in the different phases of a building’s life cycle. In this context, there has been a need for a proper means of exchanging and managing of different kinds of data (e.g., geospatial data, sensor data, 2D/3D models data, material data, schedules, regulatory, financial data) by different kinds of stakeholders and end users, i.e., planners, architects, engineers, property owners and managers. DSSs are used to support various processes inherent in the various building life cycle phases including planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, retrofitting and demolishing. Such tools are in some cases based on established technologies such Building Information Models, Big Data analysis and other more advanced approaches, including Internet of Things applications and semantic web technologies. In this framework, semantic web technologies form the basis of a new technological paradigm, known as the knowledge graphs (KG), which is a powerful technique concerning the structured semantic representation of the elements of a building and their relationships, offering significant benefits for data exploitation in creating new knowledge. In this paper, a review of the main ontologies and applications that support the development of DSSs and decision making in the different phases of a building’s life cycle is conducted. Our aim is to present a thorough analysis of the state of the art and advancements in the field, to explore key constituents and methodologies, to highlight critical aspects and characteristics, to elaborate on critical thinking and considerations, and to evaluate potential impact of KG applications towards the decision-making processes associated with the energy transition in the built environment

    Knowledge Graphs’ Ontologies and Applications for Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Review

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    The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has been utilizing Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for a long time to support energy efficiency improvements in the different phases of a building’s life cycle. In this context, there has been a need for a proper means of exchanging and managing of different kinds of data (e.g., geospatial data, sensor data, 2D/3D models data, material data, schedules, regulatory, financial data) by different kinds of stakeholders and end users, i.e., planners, architects, engineers, property owners and managers. DSSs are used to support various processes inherent in the various building life cycle phases including planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, retrofitting and demolishing. Such tools are in some cases based on established technologies such Building Information Models, Big Data analysis and other more advanced approaches, including Internet of Things applications and semantic web technologies. In this framework, semantic web technologies form the basis of a new technological paradigm, known as the knowledge graphs (KG), which is a powerful technique concerning the structured semantic representation of the elements of a building and their relationships, offering significant benefits for data exploitation in creating new knowledge. In this paper, a review of the main ontologies and applications that support the development of DSSs and decision making in the different phases of a building’s life cycle is conducted. Our aim is to present a thorough analysis of the state of the art and advancements in the field, to explore key constituents and methodologies, to highlight critical aspects and characteristics, to elaborate on critical thinking and considerations, and to evaluate potential impact of KG applications towards the decision-making processes associated with the energy transition in the built environment

    Urban Heat Island in Mediterranean Coastal Cities: The Case of Bari (Italy)

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    In being aware that some factors (i.e. increasing pollution levels, Urban Heat Island (UHI), extreme climate events) threaten the quality of life in cities, this paper intends to study the Atmospheric UHI phenomenon in Bari, a Mediterranean coastal city in Southern Italy. An experimental investigation at the micro-scale was conducted to study and quantify the UHI effect by considering several spots in the city to understand how the urban and physical characteristics of these areas modify air temperatures and lead to different UHI configurations. Air temperature data provided by fixed weather stations were first compared to assess the UHI distribution and its daily, monthly, seasonal and annual intensity in five years (from 2014 to 2018) to draw local climate information, and then compared with the relevant national standard. The study has shown that urban characteristics are crucial to the way the UHI phenomenon manifests itself. UHI reaches its maximum intensity in summer and during night-time. The areas with higher density (station 2—Local Climate Zone (LCZ) 2) record high values of UHI intensity both during daytime (4.0 °C) and night-time (4.2 °C). Areas with lower density (station 3—LCZ 5) show high values of UHI during daytime (up to 4.8 °C) and lower values of UHI intensity during night-time (up to 2.8 °C). It has also been confirmed that sea breezes—particularly noticeable in the coastal area—can mitigate temperatures and change the configuration of the UHI. Finally, by analysing the frequency distribution of current and future weather scenarios, up to additional 4 °C of increase of urban air temperature is expected, further increasing the current treats to urban liveability

    Study of Night Ventilation Efficiency in Urban Environment: Technical and Legal Aspects

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    Night Ventilation is a critical technique of passive cooling, as it combines a significant decrease of cooling demand and improvement of thermal comfort and indoor air quality. The aim of the present paper is to study the technical and legal aspects of night ventilation in urban climatic conditions. The technical part examines the efficiency of night ventilation techniques for urban residential buildings. Moreover, the influence of urban heat island on the night ventilation effectiveness is studied. Urban heat provokes the degradation of urban air quality and causes changes in the urban area microclimate which reduce the night ventilation effectiveness as a passive cooling technique. Moreover, this paper studies the legal framework of energy efficiency in buildings and pinpoints the institutional deficiencies of the existing regulation regarding energy efficiency and passive cooling technique

    On the Thermal Environmental Quality of Typical Urban Settlement Configurations

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    Urban overheating and energy imbalances are severe environmental concerns. The role of urban sprawl patterns in the formation of Heat Island has recently absorbed the researchers’ interest. The research focuses on metropolitan areas with a range of urban typologies. However, there still is a knowledge gap in how UHI responds to different urban typologies. The interaction between urban configurations and heat island characteristics is explored in Sydney. A combination of terrestrial surveys and modelling techniques was implemented, and results were extracted based on simulation results. The Urban Taskforce Australia suggested the applied categorization methods that follow Stewart and Oke’s Local Climate Zones (LCZs) scheme. We assessed eleven urban designs on ambient air temperature, wind characteristics, heat intensity, and outdoor thermal comfort over three summer days. We correlated results to density and the built-up ratio in all configurations and found that the maximum configurational impact on the heat island reached 2.33 °C. Configurations with a built-up ratio between 0.37 to 0.5 present a sharp downward trend in the average wind speed value and indicate a minimum with a built-up ratio of 0.63. Wind maps present an increase in layouts with built-up ratios of 0.23 to 0.37, whereas they decreased with built-up ratios of higher than 0.43. The average temperature decrease in high-rise compact configurations was 1.12 °C per hour. This record is substantially higher than its open counterparts. The study showed the importance of urban configuration on thermal environmental quality. In addition, implementing appropriate urban design parameters is vital to mitigate heat islands and improve environmental thermal comfort in urban areas