23 research outputs found

    Addiction Counseling Practice Competencies and Curriculum in CACREP-Accredited Programs

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    Addiction counseling is a growing field with emerging practice competencies and standards that have implications for counselor education programs. This study examined addiction counseling practice competencies and curriculum elements in CACREP-accredited programs to determine curriculum and program needs. A survey of 62 CACREP programs found that programs are including addiction counseling content into the curriculum, employing faculty who have experience in addiction counseling, and addressing the skill practice competency by adding increased credit hours in addiction counseling and teaching from a didactic and constructivist pedagogy. Recommendations are made to align addiction counseling training curriculum, including adding an addiction counseling specialization track that incorporates practice experiences

    Title IX and the Cleary Act: What Counselor Educators Must Know

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    Because of the far-reaching legal, monetary, academic, and public relations ramifications of the sex abuse scandal at Pennsylvania State University, campus administrators are reviewing and more strictly enforcing the mandatory reporting requirements of Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments and the Clery Act related to sexual harassment and sexual violence. This creates challenges in didactic and clinical coursework for counselor educators who must balance adhering to university reporting guidelines with the ethical responsibilities to provide informed consent and maintain confidentially of information disclosed by students and their clients during training. Issues involved for counselor educators and student counselors-in-training, the process of securing appropriate exceptions to mandatory reporting, and a sample exception policy are presented

    The Use of Social Media in Counselor Education

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    Examined in this article are ways the use of social media can enhance a counselor education program’s activities in the areas of recruitment, curriculum, pedagogy, extracurricular student contact, and alumni connections. Also discussed are privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, boundary, copyright, liability, and free speech issues related to the administrative and instructional use of social media in a counselor education program. A social media policy is proposed to help counselor educators use this potent tool ethically and effectively

    A Qualitative Analysis of Counseling Students\u27 Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs about Addition Counseling and Treatment

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    An estimated 21.7 million people need treatment for their substance use problem. As barriers to treatment are removed with health care reform, this number will continue to grow. Simultaneous to this need for treatment, a workforce crisis is occurring in the addiction counseling field due to high turnover rates, an aging workforce, worker shortages, and lingering stigma about substance abuse. Given this climate, counselor education programs are challenged to develop programs that adequately train future counselors to address the unique needs of clients who are struggling with addiction and to better understand how students construct their knowledge regarding addictions and addiction counseling. The purpose of this study was to explore and qualitatively examine the development of counseling students’ thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs about addiction and treatment that may help educators understand how to better design addiction counseling curriculum to address attitude and self-awareness competencies. Themes identified in the study are explored as well as the implications for counselor educators

    A Comparison of the Use of the Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder Scales in the MCMI-III and Personality Assessment Inventory with a Criminal Justice Population

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    The present study compared outcome measurements on the Antisocial and Borderline scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) with those on the Milion Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) when both were used with a criminal justice population. Significant positive correlations were found between the Antisocial scales on the PAI and MCMI-III, as well as between the Borderline scales of both assessments, indicating that in an evaluation process it would be sufficient to use only one assessment. It is suggested that the MCMI-III is the better option to save costs and time while preserving the clinical accuracy of the testing protocol for use with a criminal justice population to make appropriate treatment recommendations

    Mental Health Stigma - Impact and Interventions

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    Research shows that negative stereotyping leads to social stigmatization of those with mental illness resulting in self-stigmatization, lower self-esteem, diminished self-efficacy, and limited access to social support and mental health services for those with mental illness. Few studies have been conducted to identify who is most predisposed to be supportive of those with mental illness and who may be willing to advocate for greater access to services. The purpose of this study is to clarify who is most open to support and advocate for those with mental illness. Responses from a sample of 48 volunteer college students to a researcher-developed survey of attitudes towards mental illness were analyzed to determine which demographic factors were related to more accepting attitudes of those with mental illness. Results yielded significant main effects for gender F (1, 47) = 5.49, p \u3c .05, and for those who have a relative with a mental illness, F (1, 47) = 17.82, p \u3c .01. Results suggest that females and relatives of those with mental illness are more accepting and could be targeted to help reduce mental health stigma by advocating for, and serving as allies to, those with mental illnesses

    Toward Realistic Altruism: A Community-Based Field Experience

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    This is a study of the perceptions of preservice teachers engaged in a human services field experience and the college instructors responsible for teaching the Human Development course attached to the field experience. Student data came from semistructured focus group interviews and student journals maintained throughout the experience, faculty data from onc-onone semi-structured interviews. Using the constant comparative method, data for students and faculty were grouped as follows: a) what students do during their placements, b) benefits and challenges of the experience, c) connections built between their experiences in the field and in the classroom. Analysis indicated that while the experience is generally perceived as valuable, there are gaps between what students actually do and faculty perceptions. Also, certain types of placements are much more powerful than others in yielding desired results of empathy, awareness of diversity and teaching skills. Recommendations for increasing the benefits and minimizing knowledge gaps are discussed

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Studentų atsparumo lygmens ir alkoholio vartojimo ypatumų sąsajos

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    Outcome research regarding the level of college student alcohol use (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, 2002; Engs, Hanson, 1999; Hersh, Hussong, 2006; Knight et al., 2002) suggests that these studies may mask a more complex relationship between different levels of alcohol use and the psychosocial characteristics of the user. However, there have been few studies that have explored the relationship between level of use and particular psychosocial traits (White, Jamieson-Drake, Swartzwelder, 2002). Purpose. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship in a college student population between the psychological trait of resilience and the following five different levels of alcohol use: binge drinking, heavy drinking, moderate drinking, light drinking, and abstinence from drinking. Material and methods. Responses by a sample of 88 male and female volunteer college students on the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (Connor, Davidson, 2003) and a researcher-developed survey of alcohol use were compared to determine the relationship between resilience level and alcohol consumption level. Results. A significant negative correlation was found between resilience level and alcohol consumption level. Female mean resiliency scores (M = 73.56) were significantly lower than male mean resiliency scores (M = 77.84). One-half of students were abstainers and one-fourth rated themselves to be heavy or binge drinkers. Results would suggest that students who drink struggle to moderate their alcohol consumption and that college personnel can use resilience factors as a framework to design both preventative and intervention services, with special focus on building resilience factors in the female population.Tyrimuose, kuriuose analizuojamos studentų alkoholio vartojimo pasekmės (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, 2002; Engs, Hanson, 1999; Hersh, Hussong, 2006; Knight et al., 2002), dažnai teigiama, kad alkoholio vartojimas gali maskuoti gerokai sudėtingesnę skirtingo alkoholio vartojimo lygmens ir psichologiniųsocialinių jį vartojančio asmens charakteristikų sąveiką. Tačiau tyrimų, kuriuose būtų nagrinėjamos alkoholio vartojimo sąsajos su konkrečiomis psichosocialinėmis charakteristikomis, yra nedaug (White, Jamieson-Drake, Swartzwelder, 2002). Šio tyrimo tikslas yra įvertinti studentų psichologinio atsparumo bruožo sąsajas su penkiais skirtingais alkoholio vartojimo lygiais: visišku alkoholio nevartojimu, labai retu vartojimu (apie 1 kartą į mėnesį), vidutiniu vartojimu (ne daugiau nei du standartiniai alkoholio vienetai per dieną vyrui ir ne daugiau kaip vienas moteriai), intensyviu vartojimu (didesnis nei vidutinis alkoholio vartojimas per visą savaitę) ir alkoholio vartojimu užgėrimais. Metodika. Siekiant atskleisti alkoholio vartojimo ir psichologinio atsparumo sąsajas, tyrime analizuojami 88 savanorių studentų, vyrų ir moterų, atsakymai pagal Connor-Davisono atsparumo skalėje pateiktus klausimus (Connor, Davidson, 2003) ir tyrimo autorių sukurtą klausimyną, skirtą įvertinti alkoholio vartojimo ypatumus. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė reikšmingas neigiamas atsparumo lygmens ir alkoholio vartojimo intensyvumo sąsajas. Moterų vidutinis atsparumo įvertis (M = 73,56) buvo statistiškai reikšmingai mažesnis nei vyrų (M = 77,84). Maždaug pusė tirtų studentų save priskyrė abstinentams, apie ketvirtadalis save apibūdino kaip vartojančius alkoholį labai intensyviai ar geriančius užgėrimais. Išvados. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad gana didelei daliai alkoholį vartojančių studentų reikia padėti normalizuoti vartojimo intensyvumą. Aukštosios mokyklos personalas gali panaudoti atsparumo faktorių kaip gaires kuriant tiek alkoholio vartojimo prevencijos, tiek intervencijos paslaugas. Ypatingas dėmesys turėtų būti skiriamas moterų atsparumo stiprinimui

    Kaimo vietovėse gyvenančių asmenų, kuriems diagnozuotas asocialaus arba ribinio tipo asmenybės sutrikimas, probleminis narkotinių medžiagų vartojimas

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    Background. Studies regarding the correlation between Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) diagnoses and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) have focused on substances used (Chapman, Cellucci, 2007; Skodol, Oldham, Gallaher, 1999; Trull, Waudby, Sher, 2004; Sher, Trull, 2002), or behaviors that predict a SUD. Few studies have addressed the rates of cannabis and amphetamine abuse (Skodol, et al. 1999; Regier, et al. 1990), involved inpatient psychiatric populations (Trull, et al. 2004; Rounsaville, et al., 1998), or focused on rural populations. Purpose. This study compares ASPD and BPD diagnoses and abuse rates, including amphetamine and cannabis use, in a rural setting. Methods and Results. Archival data on diagnosis and abuse rates were compared for patients in an R an inpatient psychiatric facility in a rural community in the United States diagnosed with BPD or ASPD. Use rates were significantly higher for the ASPD group than the BPD group for all substances, with over half with ASPD (54.76 %) abusing cannabis compared with about 20 % (19.77 %) of those with BPD. Almost one third (30.95 %) with ASPD abused amphetamines compared to 13.56 % of those with BPD. The incidence of alcohol use in the ASPD group was three times higher than in previous studies on non-rural populations. Conclusions. Practitioners in rural settings should assess for both cannabis and amphetamine use as they often accompany alcohol use. A psycho-educational focus on preventing future SUDs for ASPD individuals who are not currently co-morbidly diagnosed may be indicated.Problema. Dauguma tyrimų, kuriuose nagrinėjamos asocialaus tipo asmenybės sutrikimo (ATAS), ribinio tipo asmenybės sutrikimo (RTAS) ir probleminio narkotinių medžiagų vartojimo sąsajos, didžiausią dėmesį kreipia į tai, kokios medžiagos vartojamos (Chapman, Cellucci, 2007; Skodol, Oldham, Gallaher, 1999; Trull, Waudby, Sher, 2004; Sher, Trull, 2002), arba siekia atskleisti elgesį, kuris numato narkotinių medžiagų vartojimą. Tačiau tik keliuose tyrimuose plačiau buvo nagrinėjamas piktnaudžiavimas kanapėmis ir amfetaminu (Skodol et al. 1999; Regier, et al. 1990), įtraukiami psichiatrijos stacionaruose besigydantys asmenys (Trull, et al. 2004; Rounsaville, et al., 1998), ar susitelkiama į kaimo vietovę. Tyrimo tikslas. Atskleisti asocialaus ir ribinio tipo asmenų, gyvenančių kaimo vietovėse, asmenybės sutrikimų sąsajas su probleminiu narkotinių medžiagų vartojimu, įskaitant ir kanapių produktus bei amfetaminą. Metodika. Tyrime analizuojami vieno JAV kaimo bendruomenės psichiatrinių paslaugų stacionaro archyviniai duomenys apie asmenybės sutrikimų diagnozes ir probleminio narkotinių medžiagų vartojimą. Rezultatai. Asmenų, kuriems buvo diagnozuotas ATAS, grupėje probleminio narkotinių medžiagų vartojimo paplitimas buvo reikšmingai didesnis, nei RTAS asmenų grupėje. ATAS asmenų grupėje piktnaudžiauta kanapėmis dvigubai daugiau (54,76 %), palyginti su RTAS grupe (19,77 %). Maždaug trečdalis ATAS grupės asmenų piktnaudžiavo amfetaminu (30,95 %), RTAS grupėje tokių asmenų buvo 13,56 %. Probleminio alkoholio vartojimo rodikliai ATAS asmenų grupėje buvo tris kartus didesni, nei nurodoma ankstesniuose tyrimuose, atliktuose ne kaimo vietovėse. Išvados. Psichikos sveikatos specialistai, dirbantys kaimo vietovėse, turėtų vertinti ir kanapių bei amfetamino vartojimą, kadangi dažnai šiomis medžiagomis piktnaudžiaujama vartojant alkoholį. Tyrimo rezultatai skatina daryti prielaidą: asmenims, kuriems diagnozuotas ATAS, bet nediagnozuotas probleminis alkoholio vartojimas, būtų naudinga psichoedukacija, galinti padėti išvengti komorbidiškumo