50 research outputs found

    Slug control in strawberries

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    Puževi golaći iz rodova Deroceras, Arion, Milax, Limax i dr. važni su štetnici jagoda. Ishranom na plodovima utječu na kvalitetu i prinose jagoda. Kemijskim suzbijanjem često se ne postiže željenu učinkovitost te je tu mjeru potrebno kombinirati s alternativnim mjerama suzbijanja. Radi sve većeg interesa tržišta za ekološki proizvedenim proizvodima, veća su i očekivanja od nepesticidnih mjera suzbijanja. U radu su prikazane mjere suzbijanja s naglaskom na biološko suzbijanje predatorskim vrstama, uporabu repelentnih biljaka, primjenu hranidbenih trapova te druge nepesticidne načine suzbijanja puževa golaća.Slugs from the genera Deroceras, Arion, Milax, Limax, etc. are significant pests of strawberries. Feeding on the fruits affecting their quality and reduce the yield of strawberries. Limacides often do not achieve the desired effectiveness in controlling these pests and this measure should be combined with alternative measures. In order of increasing market interest in organically produced products, the greater are the expectations of non chemical control measures. The paper gives an overview of the control measures with an emphasis on biological control by use of predatory species, use of repellent plants, use of slug traps and other non chemical control measures

    Nematodes harmful to strawberries

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    Od četrdesetak vrsta biljnoparazitskih nematoda štetnih na jagodi, najčešće vrste nematoda koje u nas čine štete jesu Aphelenchoides fragariae i Meloidogyne hapla. Vrsta A. fragariae parazitacijom uzrokuje uvijenost i naboranost listova, zastoj u razvoju biljke, slabije razvijanje plodova i sniženje prinosa jagode do 60 %. Uz poštivanje plodoreda i sadnju zdravoga sadnog materijala, važnu ulogu u sprječavanju širenja toga štetnika ima potapanje presadnica 20 min u vodu zagrijanu na 43,3 ºC. Vrsta M. hapla štetna je u proizvodnji jagode na otvorenom, ali i u zaštićenom prostoru. Zaraza se uočava temeljem pojave kvržica na korijenu te formiranja mnogo korjenčića. Biljke jagode kržljaju, lišće postaje klorotično i crveni, a posljedica je i smanjeni prinos. Za jače zaraze biljke se mogu potpuno osušiti. Budući da ta vrsta ima oko 550 biljaka domaćina, vrlo je zahtjevan odabir biljaka u plodoredu. Smanjenje populacije tih nematoda postiže se isušivanjem tla, suzbijanjem korova, sadnjom biljaka neprijatelja nematoda (Tagetes spp., Asparagus spp.) te sadnjom otpornih i tolerantnih biljaka. Najbolji rezultati postižu se termičkom sterilizacijom tla, solarizacijom i kemijskom sterilizacijom prije sadnje.Between forty species of plant parasitic nematodes harmful to strawberries, the most common species of nematodes are Aphelenchoides fragariae and Meloidogyne hapla. Nematode species A. fragariae cause twisting and puckering of leaves, delayed development of the plants, reddened and stunted petioles, flowers talks with aborted or partly aborted flowers and lowering yields strawberries to 60 %. In addition to crop rotation and planting of healthy plants, a significant role in preventing the spread of this pest has a sinking seedlings in water heated to 43.3 ° C for 20 min. Species M. hapla is harmful in strawberry production outdoors and in greenhouses. The infection is recognized based on the appearance of root nodules and the formation of many fine roots. Plants of strawberries become dwarf, leaves become chlorotic and red, what it is followed by reduced yield. The most infected plants can be completely dry. As this species has about 550 host plants, the selection of plants in the rotation is demanding. Reducing populations of these nematodes is achieved by draining of the soil, weed control, planting enemy plants (Tagetes spp., Asparagus spp.) and the planting of resistant and tolerant plants. The best results are achieved by thermal sterilization of the soil, solarization and chemical sterilization before planting

    Nematodes harmful to strawberries

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    Od četrdesetak vrsta biljnoparazitskih nematoda štetnih na jagodi, najčešće vrste nematoda koje u nas čine štete jesu Aphelenchoides fragariae i Meloidogyne hapla. Vrsta A. fragariae parazitacijom uzrokuje uvijenost i naboranost listova, zastoj u razvoju biljke, slabije razvijanje plodova i sniženje prinosa jagode do 60 %. Uz poštivanje plodoreda i sadnju zdravoga sadnog materijala, važnu ulogu u sprječavanju širenja toga štetnika ima potapanje presadnica 20 min u vodu zagrijanu na 43,3 ºC. Vrsta M. hapla štetna je u proizvodnji jagode na otvorenom, ali i u zaštićenom prostoru. Zaraza se uočava temeljem pojave kvržica na korijenu te formiranja mnogo korjenčića. Biljke jagode kržljaju, lišće postaje klorotično i crveni, a posljedica je i smanjeni prinos. Za jače zaraze biljke se mogu potpuno osušiti. Budući da ta vrsta ima oko 550 biljaka domaćina, vrlo je zahtjevan odabir biljaka u plodoredu. Smanjenje populacije tih nematoda postiže se isušivanjem tla, suzbijanjem korova, sadnjom biljaka neprijatelja nematoda (Tagetes spp., Asparagus spp.) te sadnjom otpornih i tolerantnih biljaka. Najbolji rezultati postižu se termičkom sterilizacijom tla, solarizacijom i kemijskom sterilizacijom prije sadnje.Between forty species of plant parasitic nematodes harmful to strawberries, the most common species of nematodes are Aphelenchoides fragariae and Meloidogyne hapla. Nematode species A. fragariae cause twisting and puckering of leaves, delayed development of the plants, reddened and stunted petioles, flowers talks with aborted or partly aborted flowers and lowering yields strawberries to 60 %. In addition to crop rotation and planting of healthy plants, a significant role in preventing the spread of this pest has a sinking seedlings in water heated to 43.3 ° C for 20 min. Species M. hapla is harmful in strawberry production outdoors and in greenhouses. The infection is recognized based on the appearance of root nodules and the formation of many fine roots. Plants of strawberries become dwarf, leaves become chlorotic and red, what it is followed by reduced yield. The most infected plants can be completely dry. As this species has about 550 host plants, the selection of plants in the rotation is demanding. Reducing populations of these nematodes is achieved by draining of the soil, weed control, planting enemy plants (Tagetes spp., Asparagus spp.) and the planting of resistant and tolerant plants. The best results are achieved by thermal sterilization of the soil, solarization and chemical sterilization before planting

    Control of root knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1887 on tomatoes

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    Nematode korjenovih kvržica roda Meloidogyne važni su štetnici rajčice, drugoga plodovitoga povrća te više od 3000 drugih biljnih vrsta. Zbog svoje polifagnosti i visokoga potencijala razmnožavanja, ti štetnici uzrokuju znatno smanjenje prinosa povrća u zaštićenim prostorima, ali i na otvorenom. Otežan je odabir biljaka u plodoredu, zbog polifagnosti štetnika, stoga je prijeko potrebno provoditi integriranu zaštitu. Ona uključuje i ostale raspoložive agrotehničke mjere, fizikalne mjere kao što su solarizacija i termička sterilizacija, primjenu bioloških pripravaka na osnovi gljivica, bakterija i entomopatogenih nematoda, a i kemijsko suzbijanje.Root knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne are significant pests of tomatoes, other vegetables, and more than 3000 of other plant species. Because of its polyphagous character and high potential of reproduction, these pests cause significant reduction in the yield of vegetables in greenhouses or in the field. Selection of plants in crop rotation, because of polyphagous character of these pests, is difficult and it is therefore necessary to implement an integrated crop protection from these pests, which includes other available agro-technical measures, physical measures such as solarization and thermal sterilization, application of biological preparations based on fungi, bacteria and entomopathogenic nematodes and chemical control


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    Vrste roda Meloidogyne česti su štetnici na tikvenjačama, poglavito u zaštićenim prostorima. To su polifagni štetnici, pa je izbor biljaka u plodoredu vrlo sužen. Suzbijanje nematoda korjenovih kvržica zahtijeva integriranje svih dostupnih zaštitnih mjera: agrotehničkih, fizikalnih, bioloških i kemijskih, a njihov odabir treba biti utemeljen na detekciji prisutnosti i visine populacije nematoda u pravo vrijeme. Osim profitabilnošću, treba se voditi odabirom onih zaštitnih mjera koje su najmanje rizične za čovjeka, neciljane organizme i okoliš. Tako postoji sve veći interes za uzgoj biljaka s nematocidnim učinkom (Crotalaria sp., Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula), koje negativno utječu na populaciju nematoda, te za primjenom bioloških pripravaka na osnovi entomopatogenih nematoda, gljiva i bakterija. Primjena poboljšivača tla biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla, osim primarnog cilja, ima značajnu ulogu i u stvaranju nepovoljnih uvjeta za razvoj biljnoparazitskih nematoda. Provođenje prikladne njege nasada, pažljiv odabir kultura i sorata u plodoredu i provođenje spomenutih mjera suzbijanja omogudit de uspješnu zaštitu tikvenjača, ali i ostalih kultura, od nematoda korjenovih kvržica.Meloidogyne species are commonly known as pests in Cucurbits, especially in protected areas. These are polyphagous pests and the choice of plants in the crop rotation is very narrow. The suppression of root - knot nematodes requires the integration of all available protection measures: agrotechnical, physical, biological and chemical, and their selection should be based on timely detection of presence and height of the nematode population. Except for profitability, one should be guided by choosing the ones that are the least risk to humans, non-target organisms and the environment. Thus, there is an increasing interest in the cultivation of nematicidal plants (Crotalaria sp., Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula) which negatively affect the nematode population and the use of biological preparations based on entomopathogenic nematodes, fungi and bacteria. The use of soil amendments of plant and animal origin, in addition to their primary objective, also plays a significant role in creating unfavorable conditions for the development of plant parasitic nematodes. Appropriate plant care, careful selection of crops and resistant varieties and the implementation of mentioned measures will enable the successful protection of Cucurbits, as well as other cultures from root – knot nematodes


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    Vrste roda Meloidogyne česti su štetnici na tikvenjačama, poglavito u zaštićenim prostorima. To su polifagni štetnici, pa je izbor biljaka u plodoredu vrlo sužen. Suzbijanje nematoda korjenovih kvržica zahtijeva integriranje svih dostupnih zaštitnih mjera: agrotehničkih, fizikalnih, bioloških i kemijskih, a njihov odabir treba biti utemeljen na detekciji prisutnosti i visine populacije nematoda u pravo vrijeme. Osim profitabilnošću, treba se voditi odabirom onih zaštitnih mjera koje su najmanje rizične za čovjeka, neciljane organizme i okoliš. Tako postoji sve veći interes za uzgoj biljaka s nematocidnim učinkom (Crotalaria sp., Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula), koje negativno utječu na populaciju nematoda, te za primjenom bioloških pripravaka na osnovi entomopatogenih nematoda, gljiva i bakterija. Primjena poboljšivača tla biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla, osim primarnog cilja, ima značajnu ulogu i u stvaranju nepovoljnih uvjeta za razvoj biljnoparazitskih nematoda. Provođenje prikladne njege nasada, pažljiv odabir kultura i sorata u plodoredu i provođenje spomenutih mjera suzbijanja omogudit de uspješnu zaštitu tikvenjača, ali i ostalih kultura, od nematoda korjenovih kvržica.Meloidogyne species are commonly known as pests in Cucurbits, especially in protected areas. These are polyphagous pests and the choice of plants in the crop rotation is very narrow. The suppression of root - knot nematodes requires the integration of all available protection measures: agrotechnical, physical, biological and chemical, and their selection should be based on timely detection of presence and height of the nematode population. Except for profitability, one should be guided by choosing the ones that are the least risk to humans, non-target organisms and the environment. Thus, there is an increasing interest in the cultivation of nematicidal plants (Crotalaria sp., Tagetes erecta, Tagetes patula) which negatively affect the nematode population and the use of biological preparations based on entomopathogenic nematodes, fungi and bacteria. The use of soil amendments of plant and animal origin, in addition to their primary objective, also plays a significant role in creating unfavorable conditions for the development of plant parasitic nematodes. Appropriate plant care, careful selection of crops and resistant varieties and the implementation of mentioned measures will enable the successful protection of Cucurbits, as well as other cultures from root – knot nematodes

    Rape Stem Weevil (Ceutorhynchus napi Gyll. 1837) and Cabbage Stem Weevil (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsh. 1802) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) – Important Oilseed Rape Pests

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    Stem mining weevils, rape stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus napi Gyll. 1837) and cabbage stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsh. 1802) have become more important oliseed rape pests. Rape stem weevil is present in middle and west European countries and cabbage stem weevil is present in almost all European countries. The most important morphological difference between adults is colour of their legs. Biological and ecological characteristics of these two pests are similar, stem mining weevils are observed as pest complex. Differences in biology cause different approach in pest control. Both species have single generation annually. Larvae feed inside the petioles and stems of oilseed rape. Phyrethroids are used for adult control of stem mining weevils

    Nematode Control by the Use of Antagonistic Plants

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    Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) cause significant economic damage to a wide range of crops. Although soil treatment with synthetic nematicides has given some protection and increased yields, many of them are being banned from the world market, because like other pesticides used in conventional agriculture, they might cause adverse damage to the agricultural ecosystem. Also, trends toward organic farming and sustainable agriculture continue to rise. Thus, the uses of alternative nematode management practices, which are safe and economically acceptable, are increasingly used. Among them, the use of antagonistic plants is a very attractive alternative. Some of antagonistic plants give the benefit of a green manure. Also, some nematocidal substances have been isolated from them and have drawn the attention of the pesticide industry. The use and the effect of the most investigated antagonistic plants like marigold (Tagetes spp.), neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.), species from the genus Brassica, Crotolaria, Mucuna, etc. are presented in this review. It is necessary to continue the discovery of the new effective nematode antagonists and to develop techniques for their more efficient utilization. Furthermore, it is important to explore other benefits of antagonistic plants that would stimulate their cultivation by the farmers