3,139 research outputs found

    The evolutionary ecology of interactive synchronism: The illusion of the optimal phenotype

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    In this article, we discuss some ecological-evolutionary strategies that allow synchronization of organisms, resources, and conditions. Survival and reproduction require synchronization of life cycles of organisms with favourable environmental and ecological features and conditions. This interactive synchronization can occur directly, through pairwise or diffuse co-evolution, or indirectly, for example, as a result of actions of ecosystem engineers and facilitator species. Observations of specific interactions, especially those which have coevolved, may give the false impression that evolution results in optimal genotypes or phenotypes. However, some phenotypes may arise under evolutionary constraints, such as simultaneous evolution of multiple traits, lack of a chain of fit transitional forms leading to an optimal phenotype, or by limits inherent in the process of selection, set by the number of selective deaths and by interference between linked variants. Although there are no optimal phenotypes, optimization models applied to particular species may be useful for a better understanding of the nature of adaptations. The evolution of adaptive strategies results in variable life histories. These strategies can minimize adverse impacts on the fitness of extreme or severe environmental conditions on survival and reproduction, and may include reproductive strategies such as semelparity and iteroparity, or morphological, physiological, or behavioural traits such as diapause, seasonal polyphenism, migration, or bet-hedging. However, natural selection cannot indefinitely maintain intra-population variation, and lack of variation can ultimately extinguish populations

    The empirics of the Solow growth model: Long-term evidence

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    In this paper we reassess the standard Solow growth model, using a dynamic panel data approach. A new methodology is chosen to deal with this problem. First, unit root tests for individual country time series were run. Second, panel data unit root and cointegration tests were performed. Finally, the panel cointegration dynamics is estimated by (DOLS) method. The resulting evidence supports roughly one-third capital share in income, a.Economic growth, panel data, unit root, cointegration and convergence

    A review of techniques for spatial modeling in geographical, conservation and landscape genetics

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    Most evolutionary processes occur in a spatial context and several spatial analysis techniques have been employed in an exploratory context. However, the existence of autocorrelation can also perturb significance tests when data is analyzed using standard correlation and regression techniques on modeling genetic data as a function of explanatory variables. In this case, more complex models incorporating the effects of autocorrelation must be used. Here we review those models and compared their relative performances in a simple simulation, in which spatial patterns in allele frequencies were generated by a balance between random variation within populations and spatially-structured gene flow. Notwithstanding the somewhat idiosyncratic behavior of the techniques evaluated, it is clear that spatial autocorrelation affects Type I errors and that standard linear regression does not provide minimum variance estimators. Due to its flexibility, we stress that principal coordinate of neighbor matrices (PCNM) and related eigenvector mapping techniques seem to be the best approaches to spatial regression. In general, we hope that our review of commonly used spatial regression techniques in biology and ecology may aid population geneticists towards providing better explanations for population structures dealing with more complex regression problems throughout geographic space

    Transformações capitalistas na avicultura brasileira: do campesinato à pequena burguesia rural

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    Este trabalho tem por finalidade ampliar o debate sobre a questão camponesa no Brasil a partir da análise do complexo agroindustrial avícola. Baseou-se, metodologicamente, em discussões teóricas a partir de análise bibliográfica. Discute-se a produção familiar de base camponesa e as transformações nesse modelo produtivo a partir das leituras clássicas (Chayanov, Kautsky e Lênin) sobre o campesinato e o avanço do capitalismo no campo, bem como a sua correlação com as transformações, produtivas e sociais, ocorridas no espaço rural brasileiro a partir do processo de modernização da agricultura. Transformações que, por sua vez, podem estar conduzindo a uma redefinição no perfil do avicultor integrado e conduzindo a uma gradual expulsão da produção familiar camponesa da avicultura

    Hierarchical effects on body size evolution and the macroecology of South American rainforest mammals

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    The relationship between geographic range size and body size analyzed at the continental scale for many species has been described recently by an envelope region defined in bivariate space and limited by ecological and physical constraints. These constraints can be explained by stochastic extinction related to minimum population density and energetic theories for an optimal body size. However, since data are obtained for different species in a large taxonomic group, it is possible that these variables may be strongly affected by phylogenetic autocorrelation. In this paper, we analyzed data on geographic range size and body size for 87 species of Neotropical rainforest mammals from South America, searching for phylogenetic effects changing the shape of constraint space. We used a nested ANOVA design to evaluate and remove large scale hierarchical (phylogenetic) trends in the two variables. Body size was more affected by phylogenetic effects than geographic range size. After removing these effects, we noted that the two macroecological variables analyzed support the shape of constraint space previously observed in North American species. The most important aspect of our analyses is that a model for optimal body size related to life-history variations provides an useful theoretical framework to understand how processes of species dynamics can lead to the observed macroecological patterns

    Modeling body size evolution in Felidae under alternative phylogenetic hypotheses

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    The use of phylogenetic comparative methods in ecological research has advanced during the last twenty years, mainly due to accurate phylogenetic reconstructions based on molecular data and computational and statistical advances. We used phylogenetic correlograms and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) to model body size evolution in 35 worldwide Felidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) species using two alternative phylogenies and published body size data. The purpose was not to contrast the phylogenetic hypotheses but to evaluate how analyses of body size evolution patterns can be affected by the phylogeny used for comparative analyses (CA). Both phylogenies produced a strong phylogenetic pattern, with closely related species having similar body sizes and the similarity decreasing with increasing distances in time. The PVR explained 65% to 67% of body size variation and all Moran's I values for the PVR residuals were non-significant, indicating that both these models explained phylogenetic structures in trait variation. Even though our results did not suggest that any phylogeny can be used for CA with the same power, or that “good” phylogenies are unnecessary for the correct interpretation of the evolutionary dynamics of ecological, biogeographical, physiological or behavioral patterns, it does suggest that developments in CA can, and indeed should, proceed without waiting for perfect and fully resolved phylogenies


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    Recife is an amphibious city whose urban development does not value its rivers. In the past, the city’s main watercourse, the river Capibaribe, was understood to play a key role in structuring urban spaces and providing connectivity. Since then, this understanding has dwindled, and the resulting situation is a cause of great concern. Recife City has turned its back on the banks of its rivers and neglected both their capacity to smooth and shape urban space, and their potential to create a coherent image of the city. Recife is one of those cities in the world that are most vulnerable to climate change, ranking 16th in the list of world hotspots. In order to confront these challenges and rethink the role of the river that runs in the heart of Recife, researchers, architects, engineers, and sociologists from Research and Innovation for Cities — Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (INCITI-UFPE) were invited by the Recife City Hall to draw up plans for a park stretching along the river’s banks. Capibaribe Park Project attempts to answer one key question: How can we use the river to transform the city? The park project is based on a structural approach to landscape and is guided by the precepts of sustainability and regeneration of public spaces, in line with the emerging paradigm that combines a cross-disciplinary and cross-sector approach with water-sensitive design and social participation. The present article presents an overview of the main characteristics and development of this project, its theoretical and methodological underpinnings, its contribution to society, and the results achieved so far. It shows how, in addition to the planned park, the project also envisages the installation of a much more extensive system of parks, as a first stage towards the creation of park-city by the 500th anniversary of the foundation of Recife, in 2037.Cidade anfíbia, o Recife não valoriza seus rios em seu ordenamento territorial. Principal curso d’água da cidade, o Capibaribe chegou a receber atenção correspondente ao seu papel de articulador e estruturador dos espaços urbanos no passado. Desde então, esse interesse reflui, resultando em um quadro preocupante: o Recife deu as costas ao rio, desprezando tanto sua função de organização e amenização dos espaços urbanos, quanto seu potencial de dar coesão à imagem da cidade. Frente ao processo de mudanças climáticas, a cidade é uma das mais vulneráveis, ocupando o 16º lugar na lista de pontos de acesso mundiais. Para enfrentar essas problemáticas e revalorizar o papel no rio que atravessa o coração da cidade, pesquisadores, arquitetos, engenheiros e sociólogos do Pesquisa e Inovação para as Cidades - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (INCITI‑UFPE) foram convidados pela Prefeitura da Cidade do Recife para projetar um parque linear às suas margens. O objetivo do Projeto Parque Capibaribe era responder à uma questão chave: como transformar a cidade a partir do rio? Fundado em uma abordagem estrutural da paisagem e guiado por preceitos como a sustentabilidade e a requalificação de espaços públicos, o projeto alinha-se com um paradigma em formação, associando aspectos como a integração setorial e disciplinar, a sensibilidade para com as águas e a participação social para efetivação do parque. Este artigo resume o desenvolvimento desse projeto, seus referenciais teórico‑metodológicos e resultados, sua natureza e contribuições. Revela-se que, além do projeto de um parque, consolidou-se a perspectiva de estruturação de um sistema de parques, primeiro passo rumo à concepção de uma cidade parque no ano de 2037, ano em que o Recife festeja seus 500 anos

    Insulamento ou isolamento? A articulação do Ministério das Relações Exteriores no âmbito do Governo Federal (2000 – 2011)

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    The current article evaluates the results of “bureaucratic insulation” as a course of action adopted by the Foreign Relations Ministry (MRE) within the brazilian federal administration. The total share of the federal budget received by the MRE between the years of 2000 and 2011 is taken as the measure of success achieved by the “bureaucreatic insulation” strategy.O presente artigo avalia as conseqüências do insulamento burocrático enquanto estratégia de atuação do Ministério das Relações Exteriores (MRE) no âmbito da Administração Federal. Para tanto, toma a participação do MRE no Orçamento Geral da União entre os anos de 2000 e 2011 como medida de sucesso, em comparação com instâncias estatais selecionadas