23 research outputs found

    Wideband Tympanometry

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    The wideband tympanometry (WBT) assesses the middle ear function with a transient wideband stimulus in order to capture the middle ear behavior at a wide range of frequencies. Data in the literature suggest that the WBT has more sensibility to detect middle ear disorders than the traditional tympanometry. In this context, pathologies, which might be more easily identified/monitored by WBT, include otosclerosis, flaccid eardrums, ossicular chain discontinuity with semicircular canal dehiscence, and negative middle ear pressure with middle ear effusion. The chapter presents information on classical tympanometry, the multifrequency tympanometry equivalent coded as WBT, clarification of terms used in WBT measurements, and a short overview of clinical applications in infants and adults

    Newborn Hearing Screening And Early Diagnostic In The Nicu.

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    The aim was to describe the outcome of neonatal hearing screening (NHS) and audiological diagnosis in neonates in the NICU. The sample was divided into Group I: neonates who underwent NHS in one step and Group II: neonates who underwent a test and retest NHS. NHS procedure was automated auditory brainstem response. NHS was performed in 82.1% of surviving neonates. For GI, referral rate was 18.6% and false-positive was 62.2% (normal hearing in the diagnostic stage). In GII, with retest, referral rate dropped to 4.1% and false-positive to 12.5%. Sensorineural hearing loss was found in 13.2% of infants and conductive in 26.4% of cases. There was one case of auditory neuropathy spectrum (1.9%). Dropout rate in whole process was 21.7% for GI and 24.03% for GII. We concluded that it was not possible to perform universal NHS in the studied sample or, in many cases, to apply it within the first month of life. Retest reduced failure and false-positive rate and did not increase evasion, indicating that it is a recommendable step in NHS programs in the NICU. The incidence of hearing loss was 2.9%, considering sensorineural hearing loss (0.91%), conductive (1.83%) and auditory neuropathy spectrum (0.19%).201484530

    Towards the fast scrambling conjecture

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    Many proposed quantum mechanical models of black holes include highly nonlocal interactions. The time required for thermalization to occur in such models should reflect the relaxation times associated with classical black holes in general relativity. Moreover, the time required for a particularly strong form of thermalization to occur, sometimes known as scrambling, determines the time scale on which black holes should start to release information. It has been conjectured that black holes scramble in a time logarithmic in their entropy, and that no system in nature can scramble faster. In this article, we address the conjecture from two directions. First, we exhibit two examples of systems that do indeed scramble in logarithmic time: Brownian quantum circuits and the antiferromagnetic Ising model on a sparse random graph. Unfortunately, both fail to be truly ideal fast scramblers for reasons we discuss. Second, we use Lieb-Robinson techniques to prove a logarithmic lower bound on the scrambling time of systems with finite norm terms in their Hamiltonian. The bound holds in spite of any nonlocal structure in the Hamiltonian, which might permit every degree of freedom to interact directly with every other one.Comment: 34 pages. v2: typo correcte

    Achados audiológicos e comportamentais em crianças submetidas à miringoplastia bilateral - um estudo comparativo

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    RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os resultados pré-cirúrgico da avaliação audiológica de crianças submetidas à intervenção cirúrgica para inserção de tubos de ventilação bilateral; analisar o tempo de permanência do tubo de ventilação e avaliar o processamento auditivo, após a intervenção cirúrgica. Métodos: 79 escolares, entre oito e 12 anos, foram divididos em dois grupos: 1 - 40 escolares sem antecedentes de otite média e 2 - 39 estudantes com histórico de otite média submetidos à cirurgia para inserção de tubos de ventilação bilateral. Todas as crianças foram submetidas à avaliação audiológica e avaliação do processamento auditivo. Resultados: na avaliação auditiva pré-cirúrgica todos os pacientes apresentaram resultados do tipo condutivo. O tempo médio de permanência do tubo de ventilação foi de 11,8 meses. A orelha esquerda apresentou desempenho estatisticamente inferior nos testes dicótico de dígitos e padrão de frequência. Os escolares do grupo 2 apresentaram desempenho estatisticamente inferior quando comparados ao grupo 1 nos testes Dicótico de Dígitos e Detecção de Intervalos no Ruído. Conclusão: as crianças com histórico de otite média nos primeiros anos de vida apresentaram respostas do tipo condutivo na avaliação pré-cirúrgica e respostas inferiores nos testes dicóticos de dígitos e Detecção de Intervalos no Ruido

    Audiological and behavior findings in children underwent a bilateral myringoplasty -a comparative study Achados audiológicos e comportamentais em crianças submetidas à miringoplastia bilateral -um estudo comparativo 882 |

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: to analyze pre-surgical hearing evaluation in children who suffering from secretory otitis media in their first five years of age. Also to verify the length of time tubes have remained in the eardrum and analyze the test results of auditory processing after myringotomy surgery. Methods: 79 students between eight and 12 years old were divided into two groups: 1 -40 students without otitis media history and 2 -39 students suffering from secretory otitis media in their first five years of age and who have undergone a myringotomy surgery. The individuals underwent complete audiological evaluation and assessment of Auditory Processing. Results: all patients showed conductive hearing loss in the pre-operative audiologic tests. The mean time of ventilation tubes was 11,8 months. The left ear showed significant lower performance in the dichotic digits and pitch pattern sequence tests. The students from group 2 showed lower performance whether compared to group 1 in the dichotic digits test and gaps-in-noise. Conclusion: children with a history of otitis media in the early years of life showed the conductive hearing loss responses in the pre-surgical evaluation and lower responses in dichotic test of digits and gaps-in-noise