33 research outputs found


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    The stromata of Cordyceps sp. were found on the Langbian Mountain – Da Lat, Vietnam at the height of 1.650 meter above sea level, on the larva of Lepidoptera. Stromata were lemon-yellow, clavate to elongated clavate, arising from a white pseudosclerotium. The fertile head was on the top part of stromata, darker coloured in comparison to the stipe. Perithecium was narrowly ovoid, superficial and forming dark yellow punctate on the surface of stromata. Ascus cylindrical with semi- spherical cap. Ascospores were cylindric, truncated and separately after discharge from the ascus.Pure culture was isolated on Potato Glucose Agar (PGA) medium: white colony in young and yellow in old. The isolated mycelium was not homogenous in thickness and in growth rate at the peripheral area. Conidiophores were phialide, tapering to both apexes. Conidia had elliptical shape and form into chains after maturation.DNA was isolated, then purified from pure mycelium and used to amplifying the nrLSU (nuclear ribosomal large subunit) sequence. The amplified products were used for sequencing, proof-reading by some professional solfwares before combining with other nrLSU sequences. Then this database was used to search for the suitable evolution model as well as to construct the phylogenetic trees.The results of phylogenetic analysis completely supported the morphological classification: DL0038A and  DL0038B were Cordyceps takaomontana

    Some Limitations of ASEAN Organization in 55 Years of Operation

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    Association of Southeast Asian Nations (English : Association of South East Asian Nations, abbreviated as ASEAN) is a political , economic , cultural and social organization of countries in the Southeast region. Ah . ASEAN has a land area of 4.46 million km², accounting for 3% of the total land area of the Earth , and has a population of about 600 million people, accounting for 8.8% of the world's population . The waters of ASEAN are three times as large as land. Over 55 years of establishment and development, this is considered the most successful regional organization on earth. However, when it comes to ASEAN, people often talk about achievements, in the framework of this article, we would like to give some opinions on its limitations, as a basis for recommendations for leaders of the organization in this study. Keywords:ASEAN, limit, learn about, 55 years DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-24-06 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Classification of Cordyceps and related fungi – a review

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    Cordyceps and related fungi (Hypocreales, Ascomycota) have a long history of interaction with human. This fungal group is well-known for its application in agriculture and medicine. Great interest has been given for this group, especially in their classification and systematics. In this current review, current classification system of Cordyceps fungi is presented under the view of morphology and molecular phylogenetics

    Purification and thrombolytic effects in vivo of recombination Nattokinase on carrageenan-induced tail thrombosis in a rat model

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    Nattokinase is a serine protease with fibrinolytic activity and has been proven clinical efficacy and safety for human use by the oral route. In this study, conducted purified recombinant nattokinase from Bacillus subtillis DB104 strain and thrombolytic effects of nattokinase have been observed in vivo. The result of the enzyme purification by membrane filtration method for enzyme recovery efficiency is 82.45%. Then the enzyme was purified to Q-Sepharose ion exchange chromatography with a purification factor of 1.82 and at a yield of 66.91%. Enzyme activity was 5,457 FU/mg protein. With the carrageenan-induced tail thrombosis in a rat model, results were significantly reduced by 67.3 to 83.6% at oral doses and injected nattokinase compared with the control group at 48 h. At 72 hours the rate increased to 82-89% in the oral dose and up to 91% in the injected dose nattokinase and comparable to 90% for heparin-positive hepatitis

    A comparison between Hydrochloric acid and Trifluoroacetic acid in hydrolysis method of exopolysaccharide from Ophiocordyceps sinensis in Monosaccharide composition analysis by GC-FID

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    The monosaccharide composition is one of the crucial factors affecting the bioactivity of exopolysaccharide (EPS) in Cordyceps species. Therefore, many scientists have studied, analyzed monosaccharide composition and structure of EPS from Cordyceps species, especially Ophiocordyceps sinensis (O. sinensis). This study aimed to compare hydrochloric acid (HCl) with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in the EPS hydrolysis process in monosaccharide composition analysis by Gas Chromatography with Flame-Ionization Detection (GC-FID). The hydrolysis is a crucial step in forming the acetyl derivative, which helps the GC-FID technique to have good results in monosaccharide composition analysis. The results showed that hydrolysis with HCl gave a higher hydrolysis efficiency and was more suitable than hydrolysis by TFA in pretreatment to EPS for GC-FID. Hydrolysis results were analyzed through thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), then Acetyl derivatives were produced and finally analyzed by GC-FID to determine the monosaccharide composition of EPS. For EPS hydrolyzed by HCl, the analytical results presented that this sample had 6 kinds of monosaccharides, including rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, glucose, and galactose; the most monosaccharide was glucose. The EPS hydrolyzed by TFA only detected three kinds of monosaccharides, including mannose, arabinose, and galactose, mainly mannose. The study has set a foundation for further analysis of monosaccharide composition and structure of EPS from O. sinensis

    Discorvery of Entomopathogenic fungi Cordyceps takaomontana at Langbian Mountain, Lam Dong, Vietnam

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    The stromata of Cordyceps takaomontana Y. Kobayashi (1941) were found on the Langbian Mountain, Da Lat, Vietnam at the height of 1.650 meter above sea level, on the larva of Lepidoptera. Stromata were lemon-yellow, clavate to enlongated clavate, arising from a white pseudosclerotium. The fertile head was on the top part of stromata, darker colored in comparison to the stipe. Perithecium was narrowly ovoid, superficial and forming dark yellow punctate on the surface of stromata. Ascus was cylindrical with semi-spherical cap. Ascospores were cylindrical, truncated and separately after discharge from the ascus. Pure culture was isolated on Potato Glucose Agar (PGA) medium: white colony in young and yellow in old. The isolated mycelium was not homogenous in thickness and in growth rate at the peripheral area. Conidiophores were phialide, tapering to both apexes. Conidia had elliptical shape and formed into chains after maturation. DNA was isolated, then purified from pure mycelium and used to amplifying the nrLSU (nuclear ribosomal large subunit) and rpb1 (RNA polymerase II largest subunit) genes. The amplified products were used for sequencing, proof-reading by some professional softwares before combining with other nrLSU and rpb1 sequences. Then this database was used to search for the suitable evolution model as well as to construct the phylogenetic trees. The results of phylogenetic analysis completely supported the morphological classification: DL0038A and DL0038B were Cordyceps takaomontana Y. Kobayashi (1941)

    Research collaboration between global North and global South assessed in terms of published output: a case study of Australia and Vietnam

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    Background: Vietnam and Australia have a long-standing history of collaboration in various fields, notably education, science, and technology. However, the results of this partnership remain indeterminate.Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the current state of research coop-eration between Australia and Vietnam with reference to the following aspects: (1) increase in the number of research publications over time; (2) proportion of open access (OA) publications in total publications; (3) collaboration involving countries other than Australia and Vietnam; (4) funding sources; (5) top institutions; (6) subject areas; and (7) research topics.Methods: Scopus data set was analysed to identify those papers with two or more authors, with at least one author from Australia and at least one from Vietnam.Results: Most (nearly 84%) of research papers arising out of such collaborative research were published between 2014 and 2022 (7020 of the total of 8460 documents), and almost half (49.6%) of those are OA. Besides Australia and Vietnam, the authors of those papers were from other countries as well nor were the agencies that funded the research reported in those papers limited to Australia or Vietnam. Among the countries involved in terms of co-authorship or funding, the United States was the most influential. The institutional collaborations formed three distinct clusters, each with a varying number of members and a different university at the core (Australian in two clusters and Vietnamese in the third). Medicine was the most frequent field of collaborative research, and the most frequent topics were Vietnam, coronavirus disease 2019, and climate change.Conclusions: The findings offer useful insights to policymakers as well as to senior management of academic institutes in Vietnam and Australia. The study also extends our understanding of collaborative research between the Global North and the Global South

    Iodine-promoted amide formation via oxidative cleavage of indoles : novel quinazoline-4(3H)-one and tryptanthrin syntheses

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    A highly efficient method for the direct construction of amide bonds via a selective cleavage of C-H and C=C bonds in indole structures using an iodine-promoted approach was developed. Mechanistic studies indicated the formation of superoxide radicals obtained from molecular oxygen activation as a key intermediate step, which provided a precursor for subsequent oxidative ring-opening and intermolecular cyclization. A broad range of quinazolin-4(3H)-ones and tryptanthrins were synthesized in moderate to good yields under mild and environmentally benign conditions

    Exopolysaccharide extraction from Ophiocordyceps sinensis culture broth supplemented with olive oil

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    Culture broth of Ophiocordyceps sinensis with 5% olive oil (v/v) stimulated production of mycelial biomass and biosynthesis of exopolysaccharide (EPS). Thus, the purpose of this current study is to isolate EPS from the olive oil-containing liquid broth. Initially, the culture broth was concentrated by using a rotary evaporator at 50oC. After removing olive oil by liquid-liquid extraction with three solvents ((hexane, peotroleum ether and diethyl ether), the suspensions were precipitated with ethanol 960 at 3 ratios of 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 (v/v) and left 24 hours at 4oC. Following this, EPS crudes were obtained by centrifugation at 8000 rpm for 10 min. Finally, the ABTS radical scavenging activity of these EPS crudes was measured and compared. As a result, petroleum ether was selected to remove olive oil in the culture broth. The extraction yield of EPS with 4 volumes of ethanol (v/v) was the highest reached at 17,1 g/L. Interestingly, the results have also illustrated that the oil-removed EPS had higher ABTS radical scavenging capacity than olive oil-non-removed EPS, 55.67% and 33.88% respectively. Conclusion, this study contributed a novel protocol to extract EPS from O. sinensis fermentation broth

    Flexible Magnetic Metasurface with Defect Cavity for Wireless Power Transfer System

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    In this paper, we present a flexible magnetic metamaterial structure for enhancing the efficiency of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems operating at 13.56 MHz. The metasurface between transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) coils of the WPT system is constructed of a 3 × 5 metamaterial unit cell array with a total size of 150 × 300 mm2. Most metamaterial structures integrated into WPT systems are in planar configurations with a rigid substrate, which limits practical applications. The proposed metasurface is fabricated on an FR-4 substrate with a thin thickness of 0.2 mm; therefore, it can be bent with radii greater than 80 mm. A defect cavity is formed in the non-homogeneous metasurface by controlling the resonant frequency of the unit cell with an external capacitor. Simulation and measurement results show that the efficiency of the WPT system is significantly enhanced with metasurfaces. The performance of the WPT system can also be optimized with suitable bend profiles of metasurfaces. This proposed flexible metasurface could be widely applied to WPT systems, especially asymmetric, bendable, or wearable WPT systems