562 research outputs found

    Limits on Supersymmetric Dark Matter From EGRET Observations of the Galactic Center Region

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    In most supersymmetic models, neutralino dark matter particles are predicted to accumulate in the Galactic center and annihilate generating, among other products, gamma rays. The EGRET experiment has made observations in this region, and is sensitive to gamma rays from 30 MeV to \sim30 GeV. We have used an improved point source analysis including an energy dependent point spread function and an unbinned maximum likelihood technique, which has allowed us to significantly lower the limits on gamma ray flux from the Galactic center. We find that the present EGRET data can limit many supersymmetric models if the density of the Galactic dark matter halo is cuspy or spiked toward the Galactic center. We also discuss the ability of GLAST to test these models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A Search for Ultra-High Energy Counterparts to Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    A small air shower array operating over many years has been used to search for ultra-high energy (UHE) gamma radiation (50\geq 50 TeV) associated with gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO). Upper limits for a one minute interval after each burst are presented for seven GRBs located with zenith angles θ<20\theta < 20^{\circ}. A 4.3σ4.3\sigma excess over background was observed between 10 and 20 minutes following the onset of a GRB on 11 May 1991. The confidence level that this is due to a real effect and not a background fluctuation is 99.8\%. If this effect is real then cosmological models are excluded for this burst because of absorption of UHE gamma rays by the intergalactic radiation fields.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX with one postscript figure. This version does not use kluwer.sty and will allow automatic postscript generatio

    Gamma-Ray Bursts: Progress, Problems & Prospects

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    The cosmological gamma-ray burst (GRB) phenomenon is reviewed. The broad observational facts and empirical phenomenological relations of the GRB prompt emission and afterglow are outlined. A well-tested, successful fireball shock model is introduced in a pedagogical manner. Several important uncertainties in the current understanding of the phenomenon are reviewed, and prospects of how future experiments and extensive observational and theoretical efforts may address these problems are discussed.Comment: 86 pages, 17 figures, 566 references, an invited review for International Journal of Modern Physics A, in pres

    Section on Prospects for Dark Matter Detection of the White Paper on the Status and Future of Ground-Based TeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy

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    This is a report on the findings of the dark matter science working group for the white paper on the status and future of TeV gamma-ray astronomy. The white paper was commissioned by the American Physical Society, and the full white paper can be found on astro-ph (arXiv:0810.0444). This detailed section discusses the prospects for dark matter detection with future gamma-ray experiments, and the complementarity of gamma-ray measurements with other indirect, direct or accelerator-based searches. We conclude that any comprehensive search for dark matter should include gamma-ray observations, both to identify the dark matter particle (through the charac- teristics of the gamma-ray spectrum) and to measure the distribution of dark matter in galactic halos.Comment: Report from the Dark Matter Science Working group of the APS commissioned White paper on ground-based TeV gamma ray astronomy (19 pages, 9 figures

    TeV Gamma-Ray Sources from a Survey of the Galactic Plane with Milagro

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    A survey of Galactic gamma-ray sources at a median energy of ~20 TeV has been performed using the Milagro Gamma Ray Observatory. Eight candidate sources of TeV emission are detected with pre-trials significance >4.5σ>4.5\sigma in the region of Galactic longitude l[30,220]l\in[30^\circ,220^\circ] and latitude b[10,10]b\in[-10^\circ,10^\circ]. Four of these sources, including the Crab nebula and the recently published MGRO J2019+37, are observed with significances >4σ>4\sigma after accounting for the trials involved in searching the 3800 square degree region. All four of these sources are also coincident with EGRET sources. Two of the lower significance sources are coincident with EGRET sources and one of these sources is Geminga. The other two candidates are in the Cygnus region of the Galaxy. Several of the sources appear to be spatially extended. The fluxes of the sources at 20 TeV range from ~25% of the Crab flux to nearly as bright as the Crab.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Criticality and Superfluidity in liquid He-4 under Nonequilibrium Conditions

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    We review a striking array of recent experiments, and their theoretical interpretations, on the superfluid transition in 4^4He in the presence of a heat flux, QQ. We define and evaluate a new set of critical point exponents. The statics and dynamics of the superfluid-normal interface are discussed, with special attention to the role of gravity. If QQ is in the same direction as gravity, a self-organized state can arise, in which the entire sample has a uniform reduced temperature, on either the normal or superfluid side of the transition. Finally, we review recent theory and experiment regarding the heat capacity at constant QQ. The excitement that surrounds this field arises from the fact that advanced thermometry and the future availability of a microgravity experimental platform aboard the International Space Station will soon open to experimental exploration decades of reduced temperature that were previously inaccessible.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, plus harvard.sty style file for references Accepted for publication in Colloquia section of Reviews of Modern Physic