1,058 research outputs found

    Binge or control? : assessment of the validity, treatment and underlying mechanisms of Binge Eating Disorder

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    This thesis focuses on patients with Binge Eating Disorder. The thesis consists of three parts. In the first part the validity of the diagnosis of BED will be discussed. The results of two literature reviews and an empirical cross-sectional study suggested that BED is a distinct eating disorder and should be added to a next version of the DSM. In the second part results of a randomized controlled trial were described. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy was compared to a waiting list control group. As expected, objective binge eating frequency, eating disordered psychopathology, and comorbid psychopathology decreased significantly in the CBT group whereas no reduction was found in the control (WLC) group. Mediator analyses indicated that abstinence from binge eating at post treatment was fully mediated by changes in weight concerns and marginally by changes in concerns about shape and eating, depressive symptoms, and more general psychopathological symptoms. In the third and last part the results of two experimental studies were presented. The purpose of the studies was to investigate the causal relationship between negative mood and binge eating. Both experimental studies found evidence for the fact that in individuals with BED depressive symptoms and caloric intake are positively related.Centrum Eetstoonrnissen UrsullaFSW - Self-regulation models for health behavior and Psychopathology - Ou

    Trichodorideaaltjes en bodemschimmels lijken veroorzakers onbekend wortelrot

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    Onderzoek van PPO en BAB naar de mogelijke oorzaken en maatregelen om problemen met onbekend wortelrot in leli

    Naar een oplossing voor onbekend wortelrot in lelie : praktijkproef

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    In lelies komt er al jaren een vorm van wortelrot voor waarvan de veroorzaker onbekend is. Net als bij een aantasting door wortellesie-aaltjes leidt een aantasting door het onbekende wortelrot tot opbrengstderving en kwaliteitsverlies. De symptomen van onbekend wortelrot ontstaan op de bolwortels en zien eruit als insnoeringen en ingezonken bruine plekjes. Soms lijkt het alsof er hapjes uit de wortels zijn genomen. De wortels rotten op dergelijke plaatsen geheel door waarna bruine wortelpunten ontstaan en de wortels zich sterk gaan vertakken. In dit project werd onderzocht of grondstructuur (verdichting) en het gebruik van GFT al dan niet in combinatie met grondgebonden pathogene schimmels een rol spelen in het optreden van onbekend wortelrot in lelie. Ook werd onderzocht of het vochtig of juist droog houden van de grond na planten van invloed is op de mate van onbekend wortelrot. Ten slotte werd de werking van de middelen Amistar en Monam tegen onbekend wortelrot onderzocht. In dit onderzoek werd 15 l/ha Amistar gebruikt i.p.v. de 6 l/ha die is toegestaan, terwijl voor Monam de gebruikelijke concentratie van 500 l/ha werd toegepast. Het onderzoek werd uitgevoerd op een praktijkperceel waar in 2007 lelies werden geteeld waarin volop onbekend wortelrot was waargenomen. Onder praktijkomstandigheden werd onderzocht of combinaties van genoemde factoren mogelijk een rol spelen bij het ontstaan van onbekend wortelrot

    Multiple Labeling in Electron Microscopy: Its Application in Cardiovascular Research

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    The heart is a muscular pump kept together by a network of extracellular matrix components. An increase in collagens, as in chronic congestive heart failure (CHF), is thought to have a negative effect on cardiac compliance and, thus, on the clinical condition. Conventional electron microscopy allows for the study of cellular and extracellular components and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can put these structures in three-dimensional perspective. However, in order to study extracellular matrix components in relation to cells, immunoelectron microscopy is superior. We have used this technique in our studies on heart failure. Heart specimens were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.1% glutaraldehyde in sodium cacodylate buffer, dehydrated by the method of progressive lowering of temperature and embedded in LR Gold plastic. Immunolabeling could be achieved with different sized gold-conjugated secondary antibodies or protein-A gold conjugates. Depending on the objective, ultra small gold (USG) conjugates or a regular probe size can be used. Labeling efficiency could be increased by bridging antibodies. The double and triple staining procedures were based on single staining methods using one-and two-face labeling. The choice of antibodies and gold conjugates depended on the objectives. Immunoelectron microscopy, using multiple labeling, allowed a detailed study of the organization of the extracellular matrix and its relationship with cardiac myocytes. This may prove to be a useful tool for the study of chronic heart failure

    Wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyetherimide (LC-PEI) resins

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    The benefits of liquid crystal polymers and polyetherimides are combined in an all-aromatic thermoplastic liquid crystalline polyetherimide. Because of the unique molecular structure, all-aromatic thermotropic liquid crystal polymers exhibit outstanding processing properties, excellent barrier properties, low solubilities and low coefficients of thermal expansion in the processing direction. These characteristics are combined with the strength, thermal, and radiation stability of polyetherimides

    Plasma-Assisted ALD for the Conformal Deposition of SiO 2

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