5 research outputs found

    Understanding the Working Time of Developers in IT Companies in China and the United States

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    We identified three temporal patterns shown in commit activities among Chinese and American companies and found that Chinese businesses are more likely to follow long work hours than American ones. We also conducted a survey on the trends of, reasons for, and results of overtime work. Our study could provide references for developers to choose workplaces and for companies to make regulations.Civil Engineering and GeosciencesInformation and Communication Technolog

    DeepPick: A Deep Learning Approach to Unveil Outstanding Users Ranking with Public Attainable Features

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    Outstanding users (OUs) denote the influential, 'core' or 'bridge' users in online social networks. How to accurately detect and rank them is an important problem for third-party online service providers and researchers. Conventional efforts, ranging from early graph-based algorithms to recent machine learning-based approaches, typically rely on an entire social network's information. However, for privacy-conscious users or newly-registered users, such information is not easily accessible. To address this issue, we present DeepPick, a novel framework that considers both the generalization and specialization in the detection task of OUs. For generalization, we introduce deep neural networks to capture dynamic features of the users. For specialization, we leverage the traditional descriptive features to make use of public information about users. Extensive experiments based on real-world datasets demonstrate that our approach achieves a high efficacy of detection performance against the state-of-the-art.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Information and Communication Technolog

    Probing Cation Displacements in Antiferroelectrics: A Joint NMR and TEM Approach

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    High-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) enjoys great advantages for atomic-resolution visualization of the atomic structure, while failing to disclose structural information along the atomic columns. On the other hand, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is highly sensitive to the three-dimensional, local structure around atoms in the bulk sample but typically cannot provide an intuitive visualization of the structure. Thus, the combination of atomic-resolution (S)TEM and solid-state NMR spectroscopy has the potential to establish an in-depth, multidimensional structural understanding. Here, we explore this novel strategy to probe the structure of antiferroelectric perovskite oxides PbZrO3 and (Pb,La)(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3. We combine complementary information regarding the in-plane displacement vector mapping from STEM with the analysis of local PbO12 environments from 207Pb NMR spectroscopy to provide unprecedented insight into Pb displacements. For PbZrO3, an ordered 4-fold in-plane displacement modulation is clearly revealed via STEM imaging; meanwhile, the out-of-plane information is provided by two discrete 207Pb NMR signals attributed to two crystallographic Pb sites in the 2D-PASS NMR spectrum. In the chemically modified (Pb,La)(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3 system, disorder of the structure manifests in not only an inhomogeneous displacement modulation but also a broad distribution of 207Pb chemical shifts, related to significant disorder of displacement magnitudes and a favoring of larger displacements. We show that the displacement distribution depends on whether both in-plane and out-of-plane displacements or only out-of-plane displacements are considered. Our findings demonstrate the advantages in the structural analysis using combined TEM and NMR approaches, hence laying the foundation work for controlling and optimizing functional properties.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.RST/Storage of Electrochemical Energ

    Design of lead-free antiferroelectric (1 − X)NaNbO<sub>3</sub>−xSrSnO<sub>3</sub> compositions guided by first-principles calculations

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    Antiferroelectric materials exhibit a unique electric-field-induced phase transition, which enables their use in energy storage, electrocaloric cooling, and nonvolatile memory applications. However, in many prototype antiferroelectrics this transition is irreversible, which prevents their implementation. In this work, we demonstrate a general approach to promote the reversibility of this phase transition by targeted modification of the material's local structure. A new NaNbO3-based composition, namely (1− x)NaNbO3−xSrSnO3, was designed with a combination of first-principles calculations and experimental characterization. Our theoretical study predicts stabilization of the antiferroelectric state over the ferroelectric state with an energy difference of 1.4 meV/f.u. when 6.25 mol % of SrSnO3 is incorporated into NaNbO3. A series of samples was prepared using solid-state reactions, and the structural changes upon SrSnO3 incorporation were investigated using X-ray diffraction and 23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results revealed an increase in the unit cell volume and a more disordered, yet less distorted local Na environment, which were related to the stabilization of the antiferroelectric order. The SrSnO3-modified compositions exhibited well-defined double polarization loops and an eight times higher energy storage density as compared to unmodified NaNbO3. Our results indicate that this first-principles calculations based approach is of great potential for the design of new antiferroelectric compositions.Accepted Author ManuscriptRST/Storage of Electrochemical Energ

    Tailoring high-energy storage NaNbO<sub>3</sub>-based materials from antiferroelectric to relaxor states

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    Reversible field-induced phase transitions define antiferroelectric perovskite oxides and lay the foundation for high-energy storage density materials, required for future green technologies. However, promising new antiferroelectrics are hampered by transition´s irreversibility and low electrical resistivity. Here, we demonstrate an approach to overcome these problems by adjusting the local structure and defect chemistry, delivering NaNbO3-based antiferroelectrics with well-defined double polarization loops. The attending reversible phase transition and structural changes at different length scales are probed by in situ high-energy X-ray diffraction, total scattering, transmission electron microcopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We show that the energy-storage density of the antiferroelectric compositions can be increased by an order of magnitude, while increasing the chemical disorder transforms the material to a relaxor state with a high energy efficiency of 90%. The results provide guidelines for efficient design of (anti-)ferroelectrics and open the way for the development of new material systems for a sustainable future.RST/Storage of Electrochemical Energ