384 research outputs found

    Profile of epileptic patients at a tertiary care centre

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    Background: The present study was done in a tertiary care centre of North India to know the profile of epilepsy.Methods: Total of 210 patients were selected during the period August, 2017 to July 2018 who attended outpatient clinic of the Department of Neurology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Detailed clinical history was taken, general physical examination, and routine blood examination were carried out.Results: Of all the cases, sex ratio (male:female) was 2.39:1. A high proportion of cases (43.3%) were from lower-middle socio-economic group. 76.7% patients had generalized seizures. For 38.6% patients, frequency of seizures was more than 8 in the past 6 months. 71.9% of the patients were using only one anti-epileptic drug.Conclusions: Patients with seizures comprise a significant burden in inpatient department of developing countries

    A study of psychiatric co-morbidity among alcohol dependents

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    Background: The alcohol use disorders are frequently associated with other co-morbid psychiatric disorders. The aim of this study was to describe the demographic variables, drinking history and psychiatric co-morbidity in alcohol dependent subjects.Methods: In this study, 40 consecutive patients were enrolled. After a minimum 1 month of sobriety, patients who fulfilled ICD-10 criteria of alcohol dependence were interviewed for data collection using Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), MINI-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) (Version-6.0) and a specially designed sociodemographic and clinical interview proforma. Subjects with substance use except tobacco were excluded from study. Main group comparison used chi-square test for categorical variables and the t-test for continuous variables.Results: Most of the patients studied were >40 years of age. Majority were employed (92%), lived in nuclear families (78%) and came from rural background (77.5%). Forty five percent of the patients initiated alcohol drinking between 16-25 years and reported peer pressure (50%) as most significant factor responsible for initiation of drinking alcohol. Mean age of developing alcohol dependence was 25.12 years (SD=4.28). Mean AUDIT score for subjects was 27.7 (SD=4.73). Lifetime psychiatric co-morbid disorders were detected in 45%. Psychiatric disorders most frequently associated with alcohol dependence were major depressive disorder (10%), bipolar affective disorder (7.5%), dysthymia (5%), anxiety disorders (7.5%) and antisocial personality disorder (5%).Conclusion: The study indicates that psychiatric disorders are prevalent in alcohol dependents and mood disorders are the most prevalent ones. It was also observed that co-morbid psychiatric disorders are associated with more severe alcohol problems

    B V Sreekantan (1925-2019): Bhabha protégé and institution builder

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    He was widely credited with establishing field stations of TIFR which subsequently became independent research centre

    Undergraduate nursing students’ attitude towards mental illness: a cross sectional study

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    Background: People suffering from mental illness commonly face stigma, bias, and discrimination by general public. Health care professionals are not immune to social biases and share the public's attitude meted out to people with mental illness. Nursing students are future health manpower. There are only few studies conducted on medical students’ attitude towards people with mental illnesses in India. We have planned this study to examine the undergraduate nursing students’ attitude towards people suffering from mental illnesses.Methods: It was a cross-sectional study. A total of 220 undergraduate nursing students were selected randomly with their consent to complete the Attitude Scale for Mental Illness (ASMI).Results: The nursing students were found to have a significant positive attitude towards mental illness in five of the six attitudes factors: Restrictiveness (8.42), benevolence (28.6) and stigmatization (7.3), separatism (15.6) and stereotype (9.4) However, these students had negative attitude in pessimistic predictions (12.5) domain as they rated this domain slightly on the higher side.Conclusions: Academic education in this field must be conceptualized and planned in order to favor the change of the attitudes that includes greater utilization of those teaching strategies that challenge beliefs and assumptions and promote a commitment to provide holistic care to people with mental illness

    Phytochemical evaluation, antioxidant assay, antibacterial activity and determination of cell viability (J774 andTHP1 alpha cell lines) of P. sylvestris leaf crude and methanol purified fractions

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    Phoenix sylvestris (Arecaceae family) known as Indian Date Palm has been identified as a component of traditional medicine against various ailments. The present study was focused on phytochemical screening of crude hexane, dichloromethane and methanol leaf extracts. The crude extracts showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenols in the plant leaves. In the study methanol extract was found most potent, so this extract was further fractionated by column chromatography and 9 methanol purified fractions (MPFs) were isolated. Most potential MPF8 (20:80 chloroform: methanol ratio fraction) significantly enhanced free radicals and antibacterial activity. The best MIC (Minimum inhibitory concentration) of MPF8 was investigated against M. luteus and E.coli at 1 mg/ml concentration. However, against other bacteria the MIC ranged from 1 mg/ml to 3 mg/ml. The GC-MS analysis showed the presence of many biologically active compounds such as alcohols, flavonoids, aromatic compounds, aldehydes, terpenoids fatty acid methyl esters, and phenolics. Pentadecanoic acid occupied maximum (52 %) area in GC-MS profiling. MPF8 was assayed for in-vitro cytotoxicity by MTT assay which confirms its less cytotoxicity at lower concentration and also significant ROS determination against J774 and THP1 cell lines after 2 and 4 hours
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