6 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Few information is available on coping and mitigating COVID-19 in long-term care services for older people (ILPIs) in Latin America (LA). Objectives: To describe how ILPI managers in LA planned and adapted their coping routines to the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether they were able to comply with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). Methodology: Cross-sectional study, based on the application of an online survey aimed at LTCF managers in LA. A 46-question questionnaire (adopting WHO principles) was sent to participants. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the data. Results: 23 managers answered the survey (excluding Brazilian respondents), totaling 874 older person (5 -270); a questionnaire was excluded due to lack of answers. Fourteen ILPIs (63.60%) were private for profit. The rate of adherence to WHO recommendations was over 70% for most issues. A little more than half of the institutions developed a strategic coping plan, or identified strategies to deal with deaths from suspected cases. Difficulty in acquiring personal protective equipment was reported by 59.10% of the investigated LTCIs. The testing capacity for SARS-Cov-2 has been reduced (36.36% had no test). Conclusions: The rate of adherence to the recommendations proposed by WHO for coping with COVID-19 was over 70% for most investigated LTCIs. Strategic coping plans were developed in just over half of the institutions. The availability of PPE and the testing capacity for SARS-Cov-2 proved to be quite unsatisfactory.Introdução: Pouco se sabe sobre o enfrentamento e mitigação à COVID-19 em serviços de longa permanência para idosos (ILPIs) na América Latina (AL). Objetivos: Descrever como os gestores de ILPIs na AL planejaram e adequaram suas rotinas de enfrentamento à pandemia de COVID-19, e se foram capazes de cumprir com as recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde(OMS). Metodologia: Estudo transversal, baseado na aplicação de uma pesquisa online dirigida aos gestores de ILPIs na AL. Um questionário de 46 questões (adotando os princípios da OMS) foi enviado aos participantes. Estatística descritiva foi usada para resumir os dados. Resultados: 23 gestores responderam a pesquisa (excluídos os respondentes brasileiros), totalizando 874 idosos (5 –270); um questionário foi excluído por falta de respostas. Quatorze ILPIs (63,60%) eram privadas com fins lucrativos. A taxa de adesão às recomendações da OMS foi superior a 70% para a maioria das questões. Pouco mais da metade das instituições elaborou um plano estratégico de enfrentamento, ou identificou estratégias para lidar com óbitos de casos suspeitos. Dificuldade para a aquisição de equipamentos de proteção individual foram relatados por 59,10% das ILPIs investigadas. A capacidade de testagem para o SARS-Cov-2 foi reduzida (36,36% não dispunham de nenhum teste). Conclusões: A taxa de adesão às recomendações propostas pela OMS para o enfrentamento da COVID-19 foi superior a 70% para a maioria das ILPIs investigadas. Planos estratégicos de enfrentamento foram elaborados em pouco mais da metade das instituições. A disponibilidade de EPIs e a capacidade de testagem para o SARS-Cov-2 mostrou-se bastante insatisfatória

    IMPACT-Global Hip Fracture Audit: Nosocomial infection, risk prediction and prognostication, minimum reporting standards and global collaborative audit. Lessons from an international multicentre study of 7,090 patients conducted in 14 nations during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Hip fractures among older adults: Epidemiological characteristics, differences by anatomic location and in-hospital mortality as elements to improve the quality of life

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    El propósito central de este conjunto de investigaciones ha sido aportar evidencia en el conocimiento de tres áreas de la Ortogeriatría, con relación a las fracturas de cadera (FC): La situación local en mi país, Chile; las diferencias entre dos tipos de FC (intra y extracapsulares), y la mortalidad intrahospitalaria. La implementación de un Programa de Ortogeriatría en el principal Hospital de la ciudad de Viña del Mar nos permitió generar la primera base chilena de datos en Ortogeriatría. Y sobre estos datos realizamos todas las investigaciones que se presentan en esta Tesis.Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en: Gerontología Socia

    Teoría de la dismovilidad, movimiento, tiempo y envejecimiento : En búsqueda de las bases de una unidad teoría del envejecimiento

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    Premios: Ayudas a la Investidación Ignacio Larramendi, 200

    Hip fracture. Experience in 647 chilean patients aged 60 years or more Características epidemiológicas y clínicas de las fracturas de cadera en adultos mayores en un hospital público chileno

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    © 2015, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved. Background: Hip fractures (HFx) are an important geriatric syndrome, with a high incidence in developing countries. Aim: To describe characteristics of a group of Chilean patients with HFx. Patients and Methods: In a cross-sectional study we included patients aged 60 years or more with a HF admitted to an orthopedic service along three years. Age, incidence, location, seasonality, hospital stay, time between HFx and surgery, mortality, prior treatment for osteoporosis, anatomical location, etiology and type of surgery were evaluated. Results: We reviewed 647 patients with a median age of 81 years (76% women). The calculated incidence of hip fracture for people aged ≥ 65 years was 177/100,000. Sixty six percent of fractures were extracapsular. Mean hospital stay was 17 days and the mean lapse between the fracture and surgery was 19 days. Eighty four percent of patients had osteoporosis and only 5% were receiving treatment. Eight

    COVID-19: challenges in long-term care facilities for older adults in Hispanic American countries

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    INTRODUCTION: Little is known about management and mitigation of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities (LTCF) for older adults in Latin America. OBJECTIVE: To describe how the management of LTCF in Hispanic American countries plan and adapt their routines for coping with COVID-19 and whether they have been able to fulfill recommendations published by the World Health Organization (WHO). METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted by online survey of managers of LTCF located in Hispanic American i countries. A 46-item questionnaire (adopting the WHO principles) was sent to participants. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data. RESULTS: Twenty-three care home managers replied, responsible for a total of 874 older people (range: 5 - 270). One questionnaire was excluded because of missing responses. Fourteen LTCF (63.60%) were private, for-profit facilities. The rate of compliance with WHO recommendations exceeded 70% for the majority of items. Just over half of the institutions had developed dû a strategic management plan, or had identified strategies for dealing with deaths of suspected cases. Difficulty acquiring personal protective equipment (PPE) was reported by 59.10% of the LTCF surveyed. The homes’ capacity for SARS-Cov-2 testing was limited (36.36% of the institutions did not have any tests). CONCLUSIONS: The rate of compliance with recommendations published by the WHO for dealing with COVID-19 was greater than 70% at the majority of the LTCF surveyed. More than half of the institutions had strategic management plans. Availability of PPE and SARS-Cov-2 testing capacity were very unsatisfactory.</p