760 research outputs found

    Study of guidance techniques for aerial application of agricultural compounds

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    Candidate systems were identified for evaluation of suitability in meeting specified accuracy requirements for a swath guidance system in an agriculture aircraft. Further examination reduced the list of potential candidates to a single category, i.e., transponder type systems, for detailed evaluation. Within this category three systems were found which met the basic accuracy requirements of the work statement. The Flying Flagman, the Electronic Flagging and the Raydist Director System. In addition to evaluating the systems against the specified requirements, each system was compared with the other two systems on a relative basis. The conclusions supported by the analyses show the Flying Flagman system to be the most suitable system currently available to meet the requirements

    The effects of fungicides on rate and duration of grain filling in winter wheat in relation to maintenance of flag leaf green area

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    Three field experiments were conducted on sandy-loam soils comparing the effects of triazole, strobilurin and oxazolidinedione fungicides applied at flag leaf emergence and again at ear emergence to wheat between 1998 and 2000. Cultivars Hereward and Consort were included in all 3 years, Cockpit in 1999 and 2000 and Charger in 1999. Foliar disease, green area of the flag leaf, grain weight and moisture content were assessed weekly during grain filling and senescence. Grain yield, 1000 grain weight (TGW) and specific weights were measured at harvest maturity. Septoria tritici was the dominant disease in all cultivars except Cockpit, where Puccinia striiformis caused most damage. Consort was more affected than Hereward by S. tritici in all years. Effects of fungicides on disease control were usually reflected in green flag leaf area duration (GFLAD), with large gains in Consort and Cockpit. In 2000, however, fungicides increased GFLAD of Hereward and Consort by similar amounts. Apical grains had smaller water content than medially placed grains. Maximum water content was positively influenced by fungicides where significant disease was controlled before maximum grain weight had been attained. Grain weight in Hereward was less affected than other cultivars by fungicides in both positions. Grain filling rates varied between cultivar and ear position by inconsistent and small amounts, but large and significant gains from fungicide treatment were made in grain filling periods. These varied from 0?16 days per day GFLAD in Hereward to 0?69 days per day GFLAD in Consort in apical grains in 2000. Gains in GFLAD were associated with increased yield, TGW and specific weight, but these relationships varied with cultivar. Increases in GFLAD by fungicide in Hereward in 2000 occurred much later relative to grain filling and thus after the time of maximum grain water content, resulting in smaller gains in filling duration, yield, TGW and specific weight than that seen in Consort. There was no evidence of differing relationships between GFLAD and yield for the different fungicide groups used in these experiments.authorsversionPeer reviewe

    The influence of foliar diseases, and their control by fungicides, on the protein concentration in wheat grain:a review

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    Experiments investigating effects of foliar disease control on wheat grain protein concentration (GPC) are reviewed. Fungicidal control of rusts (Puccinia spp.) and powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis) increased or had no significant effect on GPC in almost all cases, whilst control of the Septoria spp. often resulted in reduced GPC, but with exceptions. Reasons for these differences are discussed with reference to host pathogen interactions. Irrespective of infection strategy (biotrophic or necrotrophic), controlling severe infection increased nitrogen yield and the proportion of above-ground crop nitrogen that was partitioned to the grain. Similar effects are recorded for above-ground biomass and dry matter harvest index. The relationships between fungicide effects on green flag leaf area duration (GFLAD) and GPC were examined and shown to be unaffected by mode of action of the fungicide. Interactions between fungicide use and cultivar, nitrogen and growing season are related to the amount and type of pathogen present, and environment. An economic analysis demonstrated that fungicide effects on GPC should not affect the choice of fungicide or application programme, but that applications of foliar urea at the start of grain filling can deliver a cost-effective method of eliminating GPC reductions that may occasionally result from fungicide use.authorsversionPeer reviewe

    The Design and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Some 1-Aryl-3- isopropylamino-1-propanone Hydrochlorides towards Human Huh-7 Hepatoma Cells

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.A series of 1-aryl-3-isopropylamino-1-propanone hydrochlorides 1 and a related heterocyclic analog 2 as candidate antineoplastic agents were prepared and the rationale for designing these compounds is presented. A specific objective in this study is the discovery of novel compounds possessing growth-inhibiting properties of hepatoma cells. The compounds in series 1 and 2 were prepared and their structures established unequivocally. X-ray crystallography of two representative compounds 1d and 1g were achieved. Over half of the compounds are more potent than 5-fluorouracil which is an established drug used in treating liver cancers. QSAR evaluations and molecular modeling studies were undertaken with a view to detecting some physicochemical parameters which govern cytotoxic potencies. A number of guidelines for amplification of the project have been formulated. A number of Mannich bases displayed greater potency than the reference drug 5-fluorouracil against human Huh-7 hepatoma cells. In particular, 1i emerged as a lead compound possessing 2.8 fold higher activity than that of the reference drug. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C21H25NO3, contains two crystallographically independent mol­ecules (A and B). In both mol­ecules, the piperidine ring adopts a chair conformation, with the methoxy­phenyl rings attached equatorially. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings in mol­ecule A is 73.79 (8)°; the corresponding value in mol­ecule B is 77.71 (8)°. The mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. In addition, C—H⋯π inter­actions are also found in the crystal structure

    Excitonic effects on the two-color coherent control of interband transitions in bulk semiconductors

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    Quantum interference between one- and two-photon absorption pathways allows coherent control of interband transitions in unbiased bulk semiconductors; carrier population, carrier spin polarization, photocurrent injection, and spin current injection may all be controlled. We extend the theory of these processes to include the electron-hole interaction. Our focus is on photon energies that excite carriers above the band edge, but close enough to it so that transition amplitudes based on low order expansions in k\mathbf{k} are applicable; both allowed-allowed and allowed-forbidden two-photon transition amplitudes are included. Analytic solutions are obtained using the effective mass theory of Wannier excitons; degenerate bands are accounted for, but envelope-hole coupling is neglected. We find a Coulomb enhancement of two-color coherent control process, and relate it to the Coulomb enhancements of one- and two-photon absorption. In addition, we find a frequency dependent phase shift in the dependence of photocurrent and spin current on the optical phases. The phase shift decreases monotonically from π/2\pi /2 at the band edge to 0 over an energy range governed by the exciton binding energy. It is the difference between the partial wave phase shifts of the electron-hole envelope function reached by one- and two-photon pathways.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Evaluation of α,β-unsaturated ketones as antileishmanial agents

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    In this study, we assessed the antileishmanial activity of 126 α,β-unsaturated ketones. The compounds NC901, NC884, and NC2459 showed high leishmanicidal activity for both the extracellular (50% effective concentration [EC(50)], 456 nM, 1,122 nM, and 20 nM, respectively) and intracellular (EC(50), 1,870 nM, 937 nM, and 625 nM, respectively) forms of Leishmania major propagated in macrophages, with little or no toxicity to mammalian cells. Bioluminescent imaging of parasite replication showed that all three compounds reduced the parasite burden in the murine model, with no apparent toxicity

    Automatic evaluation stimuli - the most frequently used words to describe physical activity and the pleasantness of physical activity

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    Physical activity is partially regulated by non-conscious processes including automatic evaluations - the spontaneous affective reactions we have to physical activity that lead us to approach or avoid physical activity opportunities. A sound understanding of which words best represent the concepts of physical activity and pleasantness (as associated with physical activity) is needed to improve the measurement of automatic evaluations and related constructs (e.g., automatic self-schemas, attentional biases). The first aim of this study was to establish population-level evidence of the most common word stimuli for physical activity and pleasantness. Given that response latency measures have been applied to assess automatic evaluations of physical activity and exercise, the second aim was to determine whether people use the same behavior and pleasant descriptors for physical activity and exercise. Australian adults (N = 1,318; 54.3% women; 48.9% aged 55 years or older) were randomly assigned to one of two groups, through a computer-generated 1:1 ratio allocation, to be asked to list either five behaviors and pleasant descriptors of physical activity (n = 686) or of exercise (n = 632). The words were independently coded twice as to whether they were novel words or the same as another (i.e., same stem or same meaning). Intercoder reliability varied between moderate and strong (agreement = 50.1 to 97.8%; κ = 0.48 to 0.82). A list of the 20 most common behavior and pleasantness words were established based on how many people reported them, weighted by the ranking (1-5) people gave them. The words people described as physical activity were mostly the same as those people used to describe exercise. The most common behavior words were 'walking,' 'running,' 'swimming,' 'bike riding,' and 'gardening'; and the most common pleasant descriptor words were 'relaxing,' 'happiness,' 'enjoyment,' 'exhilarating,' 'exhausting,' and 'good.' These sets of stimuli can be utilized as resources for response latency measurement tasks of automatic evaluations and for tools to enhance automatic evaluations of physical activity in evaluative conditioning tasks.Amanda L. Rebar, Stephanie Schoeppe, Stephanie J. Alley, Camille E. Short, James A. Dimmock, Ben Jackson, David E. Conroy, Ryan E. Rhodes and Corneel Vandelanott

    Cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global magnetospheric simulation

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    In this paper we present the first identification of foreshock cavitons and the formation of spontaneous hot flow anomalies (SHFAs) with the Vlasiator global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov simulation code. In agreement with previous studies we show that cavitons evolve into SHFAs. In the presented run, this occurs very near the bow shock. We report on SHFAs surviving the shock crossing into the down-stream region and show that the interaction of SHFAs with the bow shock can lead to the formation of a magnetosheath cavity, previously identified in observations and simulations. We report on the first identification of long-term local weakening and erosion of the bow shock, associated with a region of increased foreshock SHFA and caviton formation, and repeated shock crossings by them. We show that SHFAs are linked to an increase in suprathermal particle pitch-angle spreads. The realistic length scales in our simulation allow us to present a statistical study of global caviton and SHFA size distributions, and their comparable size distributions support the theory that SHFAs are formed from cavitons. Virtual spacecraft observations are shown to be in good agreement with observational studies.Peer reviewe


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    In the title mol­ecule, C19H19Cl2NO, the piperidine ring adopts a chair conformation and the dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 77.23 (7)°. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, and a weak C—H⋯π inter­action is also observed